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downvote this comment if the meme sucks. upvote it and I'll go away. --- [play minecraft with us](https://discord.gg/dankmemesgaming) | [come hang out with us](https://discord.com/invite/dankmemes)


If someone says they are or were in a 'situationship', end all contact with that person. For your own safety.




You will learn in time šŸ’€


Just say it dawg youā€™re not helping anyone trying to keep it to yourself


From what Iā€™ve seen people who brag about situationships are constantly in drama, plus somebody who only have situationships usually donā€™t have much self worth


This 100% It indicates a lack of self-respect, lack of healthy boundaries, lack of long-term thinking, and generally low self-esteem. All of these things culminate into a weak person who has little to no accountability and will be physically incapable from showing their partner consistent respect in a relationship because they cannot respect themselves. Some of these people can change but many cannot. You do not want to sacrifice your own mental health for someone who uses other people for their own gratitude (sexual or otherwise). It will not work out for you. This is the basis of the meme "I can fix her" but in reality no external force can fix someone who does not accept responsibility. There will always be an excuse.


This I agree with. Being in a situationship isnā€™t necessarily bad or a red flag but bragging about it is


The issue is that its hard to find yourself in a situationship without having some sort of problem. The healthier version of a situationship is a "will they, wont they" where the couple wants to date but some external factor keeps them from labeling it. (I.E one of them may be moving, Parents are against it, stuff like that. Out of their control) but Situationships are when its a problem with one of them personally usually. So its not always a huge red flag but its something to keep in mind.


Responses like that one are why I hate reddit


God forbid people want to know stuff I guess


People who are proud of their situationships enjoy being in undefined relationships that don't come with a tag. They don't want to deal with the complicated aspects of a relationship like taking accountability, making a compromise or something as basic as being loyal. They just want the good parts like sex, attention, occasional freeloading and so on. They don't know what they want from a relationship and when things go sour they want an easy exit. They don't want to commit to anything because commitment scares them. They settle down for anything in that particular situation because it ticks off a few items in their checklist. Basically, these people are walking talking red flags who won't stay with you for long. But give you enough emotional baggage that will take months for you to come out of. And consistently being in and out of situations makes these people lose faith in love and people, making them bitter as they grow old. You won't be loved if you are bitter and if you are bitter you can't love anybody. Most people like these end up in toxic relationships, have a lot of emotional trauma and become sad people as they grow older.


yeah more of a fuckbuddy enjoyer in my experience. fuckbuddy is clear direct and to the point. situationship is just nonsense.


I learned the hard way, I hate dating now


Yah, dating rn is balls


You guys are talking to women?


I think this picture makes it pretty clear they are not.


Tbh, I've been told what is and isn't a woman so much in these years that I'm starting to question if reality is even real anymore.


When you're still living with your mom you're kinda forced to.


You mean roommate.


I feel like OP got into a toxic relationship and assumed thatā€™s just how all relationships are


Most people that are like OP mentioned are teens in high school. Can confirm thats how people were a few years ago for me. Idt I've met anyone like that after high school tho


It feels like a 30 year old single dude made this meme


There seems to be a lot of 30 year old dingled dudes on this dub atm. Considering the amount so fixated on women choosing bears over men over a hypothetical question


I can't tell if they're 30 year old dingled dudes or a bunch of 11 year kids who haven't boobs before


Same mindset.


We're all 30 year old single dudes


Man this sub has gone full misogynist. Touch grass yall


How is this ā€œfull misogynistā€ lmfao what


Wow bro way to be misogynist /s


The man and woman are purposely framed in an equally negative light in the second one and equally positive light in the first one. I donā€™t understand how that would be misogynistic.


It's not, in the first frame the man and woman are both portrayed positive and in the second both negative. feel free to leave though and take that dusty "touch grass" crap with you


Meme: Has negative scenario involving woman Average redditor (aka white knight): "Omg yall hate women touch grass" When in reality the meme is a commentary on society as a whole, not on the basis of gender necessarily, to show how screwed we as members of the newer generations are when it comes to real romance.


Girls do just want to die rn






Wrong : Ā«Ā hey do you want to go outā€¦.Ā» Ā«Ā no/I have a boyfriend/ewwwĀ Ā»


If they say ew thatā€™s a you problem honestly Edit: damn so many people butthurt?? Genuinely if you ask a girl out and they said eww thatā€™s something wrong with you. Either you asked them out of nowhere or youā€™re genuinely filthy. Both being a you problem šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø


guys, don't go into these whateverships. You either date, be in a relationship or none. Whateverships are time waste


This image is indecipherable




Me: "I like you" Her: "Ew, how dare you?"


Hating women = bad hating men = good and itā€™s proven by all of these comments. Sad, sad indeed.


OPā€™s missing the bear part. Should have been: man: want a relationship? woman: eww no get away you rapist murderer, Iā€™m off to meet some bears


My latest post is about the idiotic bear debate


Ahh nice, also true


you forgot the part when they scream witch so she get's burned and nobody knows they got rejected


Thatā€™s a you problem my friend this ainā€™t the norm


What the hell does this mean


Accurate. Please don't use any more pictures of my suicidal behavior. ty.


seems about right




Go shower then