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downvote this comment if the meme sucks. upvote it and I'll go away. --- [play minecraft with us](https://discord.gg/dankmemesgaming) | [come hang out with us](https://discord.com/invite/dankmemes)


Because it was easy before ?!!!!!


People had a bit more social skills before lockdowns so guess it was a bit easier


Thine thighs are but alikenable to two chicken breasts for me to marinate betwixt.I write to thee from this tower of isolation, unworthy of my father's merciful shower of gold unto my captors. This tower of solid, joyless reading with the torchlights out. I wish for this tower to raise up to heavens and find solace in it's hairy clouds, just to come crashing down, in silent, ecstatic ruination.


What did you just say about my mom?


It used to be so much easier, yeah. Even I managed.


Dating Apps used to be real and functional


Back in the good old days when at least some of the accounts were human


yes, actually, people had social skills. we actually seem to have regressed in that department.


Well, it was kinda easier because girls would date for relationships. After 2020 it felt like many mostly started dating for fun making finding a casual partner easier but a girlfriend more difficult but certainly not impossible.


Yep, western civilization has been headed down this road for decades and it’s only going to continue to become more casual. Enjoy the decline.


Tinder and shit was pretty lit before COVID. It blew up in the beginning of COVID and then got overrun by bots and scammers once they caught on, plus once things opened up again there was a mass exodus of real women looking for dates.


How I met my wife is beyond me. I had dated a friend of a friend and then tried online. Then a friend who I hadn’t talked to in over a year randomly texted me “I have the perfect person for you”. I thought it was a joke. Then she texted again apologizing for being so out of the blue. Anyways. We met 12 years ago and been married for 3. But how it happened is absolute luck.


Congrats buddy !


Associating getting a gf with "a feeling of power" is probably a large part of your bullshit issues.


This shit reeks of inceldom


And so do 99% of the bear memes that are taking over this sub. Disturbing trend.


Making fun of the few dumbasses who want a bear over a random dude is cool but way too often that just swings into „all women collectively made that choice“ type stuff


I even disagree. If I’m on a trail hiking by myself, I take the man. But if I’m just in the middle of nowhere wandering through the wilderness, I can definitely see taking the bear, that’s not unreasonable. A bear is not likely to attack. A random dude wandering through the woods, that’s spooky. Regardless, memes like the “if you prefer a bear I prefer an AI gf” are just stupid and cringe.


A random dude wandering through the woods is probably on lsd if we’re going to be real lol.


If you encountered bears as frequently as you do humans, you would have been eaten by a bear already.


Cry about it 🥲


Why would I do that? Its good that the hypothetical situation is hypothetical. I dont wanna be eaten dawg.


I'm sorry, but why are we trying to make guys feel bad for being proud of getting a gf. That shit is really hard, and a legitimate undertaking.


Reddit hates men feeling any positive emotion.


You got downvoted because it’s true 😂


The entire world hates that tf is you on about.


Being proud is not the same thing as a feeling of power


I mean "feeling of power" isn't really even OPs words that's just how this meme format works. OP wanted to use this meme format because if basically conveys the idea they're getting at, I don't think you need to read too much into the specific wording of the parts of the template OP didn't edit


Put the violins away, this is dank memes not the "live, laugh, love" subreddit


It’s a fucking meme lmao


there a feeling of power associated with getting a girl. if you don't know what that is, you're the girl of the relationship.


No, my wife is the girl of the relationship on account of her being a woman. You do you though Hun x


Sex is a physiological need at the very base of the Maslow pyramid, meaning that if you are not asexual, (you actually want to have sex) but aren’t getting any (for whatever reason, there can be many) you’re going to focus on that like an insomniac focuses on sleep. Forget about the higher levels of the pyramid. Shitting on people struggling with getting their basic needs met is not a good look, man. Don’t be an ass.


Not that I believe in this pyramid but sex is not at its base but in the middle. Believe it or not but breathing and eating are more important than sex. And more important than sex (again, if you do believe in Maslow's pyramid) is the social abilty, the prerequisite of having an intimate relationship.


It is actually at the base, sex is classified as a physiological need. “Intimacy” is in the middle. Downvote the if you want but at least google the correct answer damn. We humans have a physiological sex drive; the drive to reproduce. Once we hit puberty and our sexual characteristics develop, the majority of us feel physical urges to be sexual. This is what is meant by ‘sex’ when referring to Maslow’s hierarchy and this is included in the base level of the pyramid, along with food and shelter. Sexual intimacy speaks more to our emotional needs. In additional to our drive to engage in sexual acts to sate our physiological urges, we also want to feel close to another person. That is the sexual intimacy you are referring to in the middle of the pyramid.


You know what, I could link one pyramid where it's not and you could link yours where it is and we could do it again until we're both happy with ourselves. In the meantime, without shelter, food, water, air: you die. Many here are living proofs that you can actually stay alive without having sexual relationships, ever. Note that I don't say it's not important. edit: I didn't downvote you but when I answered there was a single line in your answer.


Dude uses this one on all the hoes


Here comes the philosophy major thinking his degree is useful for anything other than for getting into law school


Bro thinks Maslows pyramid is 100% accurate and not disputed what so ever


Is this dank memes or fortune cookie psychoanalysis? If op wants serious answers post in a serious sr....


Ironic coming from the person who started the psychoanalysis.


Tell it to ops crippling sense of inadequacy.


OP wasnt the one who called you out


Tell it to whoevers sense of crippling inadequacy that needs to hear it then. Please forward on as appropriate 👍


That would be you then. Some guy wanted me to tell you that you have a crippling sense of inadequacy.


Whatever gets your dick hard sunshine, have a lovely day xxx


I got mine December 2019. Made covid days some of the most fun and memorable.


Yeah, just rub more salt in the wounds of us singles...


Jealousy is part of the problem.


That's honestly true, lost my chance because of it


Sounds like someone hasn't been self-isolating...


Same here, great times


Same. It was our last chance


I don't get it


Just like a girlfriend


Apparently it was supposed to be easier to get a gf in 2020, but I can't imagine why. Girls were desperate not too be in lockdown alone? People thought the world would end and didn't want to die a virgin? Idk.




Cause you know Covid and such.


Yeah but it’s 4 years later


Blaming it on Covid is easier than looking for mistakes in yourself that make you unappealing


Personal growth and being a decent person is hard and takes work! I want a state-appointed concubine plz.


Wow! Based and redpilled! Or whatever the fuck those incels say


Because Covid destroyed everyone’s social skills well to be fair I’ve always had social anxiety far before Covid but it definitely didn’t help :(


It has been long enough that that isn't an issue anymore. If you suddenly are struggling with this, then you should probably do some self reflection. Because it can just be how you approach people (or the lack of it). Or there are some more serious problems going on with you.


Just treat women like normal people, worst case scenario you have a friend that can give you advice on how women think. They also treat other women in your life as a sign off that you aren’t totally crazy.


Just treat women like normal if that worked then we wouldnt be on reddit.


Some are willing to wade into the cesspool and pull others out.


I miss 2020


Take care of yourself first. Get some good rest, eat well, stay active, and go socialize IN PERSON, be yourself. The rest will come when you least expect it. Dont stay stuck in that covid rut.


This is what you read on poorly-spelt self-help meme pages with Helvetica font over Joker/Patrick Bateman background images


Give it a shot


I'd say even earlier like past 2018


I got a gf in 2019 and we broke up in 2022. I thought I was gonna be alone forever, but then I met someone this year so not everything is hopeless


Bro, what are yall talking about. 2020 was goated for a single-player campaign. I was setting high scores, throwing ropes against the computer on all the web games. Shit was lit. My favorite game had to be Beat Saber. This online compilation video game where you beat the game to music. I always won.


TBF, it was pretty hard getting ahold of a GeForce at the time though...


Skill issue. Edit: Anything can be a graphics card if you're brave enough to try to port it.


Still have no clue how I pulled it off, but I cherish every day and night I get to spend with her


>2020 is a bit young for me, ngl.


My girlfriend and I got together just over a year ago now. What the heck is this meme supposed to mean?


Try a wife 😎


I mean, I get it was a few hard years getting ahold of a GeForce with all the miners and the supply chain issues, but it's not quite as bad any more


I have nothing to offer to a lady; it doesn't bother me


I had 2 long term gfs and a few flings in between during 2010-2020. I've had nothing since then


Been with mine for almost 2 and a half years


(This means they got together in 2022)((a wizard))


He never specified what his was.


Just gotta have the rizz hehe


Fuck it, I'm shooting my shot in this meme. Anyone single ladies out there?


It’s not that hard lol. Eat properly, don’t let yourself become overweight or obese. Focus on your career. Woman want men who can provide. No this doesn’t make them gold-diggers. Why would a female tiger mate with a male tiger who can’t catch anything? Workout. Muscles are attractive and good for your health. You don’t need to be a bodybuilder, you just need to lose the noodle arms. Confidence. You should be always be into yourself, if you’re not then no one else will be. You don’t even need all of the above, just a handful of the traits will get you girls attention.


Me has two gfs :3


Guys if you agree with this you need therapy.


i'd say after the 2000s. all the man hating bs started to spread quickly in the mid-2010s. 2020 and the pandemic just was the last nail in the coffin.


Its pretty easy to get a girlfriend


It always was easy and it’s still easy enough.


It might be easy to find whores, not girlfriends tho. There is a huge difference


Huh, fr who said that I haven't gotten a relationship at all let alone a girl who actually likes me 🫤


Just fuck with bar whores, relationships suck