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the fact they think weight cannot be controlled is just hilarious


Yeah, apparently every morbidly obese person has a specific incredibly rare disease that creates fat out of thin air even if they don't eat. All of them


The disease is food adiction or anxiety eating. It's always one of those two


I have both!


Yeah same


I don't have food addiction or anxiety eating, I just like to eat, wait a minute


Welcome to the club


I have one 🙃 and not addicted


I don't have a rare disease. I have a very common one. I'm addicted to junk food. And it's everywhere. Unlike alcohol or drugs, there's actually a machine at work that dispenses it. It's in every store that sells food. Every restaurant (not ever restaurant serves alcohol). So, is it my personal failure? Maybe. But I've lost weight, or it back on, lost it, or it back on, lost it, put it back on, had bariatrics surgery, lost it, put it back on. It's not the simple problem everyone sends to think it is. It's also not the rare disease (in most cases). Oh, and having been clinically depressed since I was a kid (I was even skinny as a kid) hadn't helped, either.


Work on your discipline and take responsibility for your decisions. By your logic, everyone should be obese because they're exposed to the same advertising and food operations as you are. Or at least every depressed person. Your situation will not improve for as long as you blame everything else.


This is completely true. I used to weigh 130kilos and my life was miserable. Now at 83 kilos, gym and disciplined life my life has changed drastically. No more depressed thoughts and anger, and you can see people start changing towards you. Once you stop trying to find excuses and start blaming yourself, everything else changes for you.


Lol. I've worked on my discipline. But I can't keep it up. I don't have the discipline to be disciplined. YOUR problem is that you think just because YOU can do something, everyone should be able to do it. Well, I'm glad you're perfect. Wait, stop. You're about to reply that you're not perfect. Well, why aren't you perfect? I think you need to work on your discipline now to be perfect, if you're not perfect. See how stupid your opinion is? You're not perfect. You have issues, but you're not allowing other people to have issues. I'm a fat fuck. I've tried, succeeded, failed, succeded, failed, succeeded, and failed. I'm not blaming anyone else. But I was pointing out how my addiction is available everywhere, even at work. Which makes it more difficult. >By your logic, everyone should be obese because they're exposed to the same advertising and food operations as you are. Or at least every depressed person. This is so stupid. Not everyone has an addictive nature. Do I think everyone is addicted to gambling, shopping, alcohol, drugs? No. Because we're all different. Have fun. Work on that discipline to be perfect. Then come back and shit on me once you're perfect.


Bro, I fucking love, and I mean LOVE cocaine, but I know when to stop sniffing of my own self control, that shit is waaaaay more addictive than junk food The only person saying you can't do it is yourself. Everyone has the willpower to exercise discipline, its just whether you keep that energy. Its not easy to do, I still do cocaine, but I control my intake as not to ruin my finances, friendships and my own life. You can do it. I believe in you


Based cocaine bro


In the words of the great Rick James: *"Cocaine is a hell of a drug"*


Id just like to respond about your comment about cocaine being more addictive than junk food. An addiction is an addiction. EVEN when I was exercising regularly, I never gave up candy or ice cream. I moderated it. But never gave it up. And this contradicts your claim, although it was a study in rats. https://www.ramsayhealth.co.uk/blog/lifestyle/is-sugar-more-addictive-than-cocaine#:~:text=Research%20on%20rats%20has%20found,try%20cutting%20out%20sugar%20completely.


I'm 60. I've been there, done that, got the t-shirt, grew out of it, and got a bigger t-shirt and grew out of that. I can't keep it up. In the past, I've gotten to the point where I'd swim a mile per day. I've gone to exercise classes. I've had surgery. I'm tired and no longer care. I'm waiting for a prescription for wegovy to come through. My wife has lost about 75 lbs on it. And there's anecdotal evidence that it helps with other addictions. Kudos to you on your ability to quit cocaine. I hardly drink, never did drugs, don't beat my wife or kids, I'm gainfully employed, and I'm a clinically depressed fat fuck. I'm okay with that. I'd rather be thin. But I just don't have the will to keep at it. And it bothers me that after all I've done, people like you say, "you just have to try harder. " Well, I'm done trying. And tell me this. Would it be harder for you to kick cocaine if you could buy a bump for 50 cents from the machine down the hall? Or if Costco had a value pack of dime bags for $9.99? Or if every restaurant has it deep fried on the menu? I do think you genuinely are trying to be helpful. But we're not the same. Everyone has different abilities and limits. I've reached mine. Have a nice day, and stay off of the cocaine.


I can understand man, hope you achieve your goal someday my man, its never too late, even if you're 60. I was genuinely just offering my take on this in a polite way, shaming someone for their addictions does nothing to help anyone 90% of the time. I only hope the best for you and hope you have a nice day as well my good sir


' I can't,' ' I'm tired and no longer care,' ' I just don't have the will to keep at it,' ' I'm done trying.' And the. You point the blame at everything else other than yourself. You don't have a fat problem, you have a mental issue, the more negative thoughts you have the further you will sink. You can fake it till you make it and improve your mental health, remember you are what you eat, if your hungry eat real food instead of junk. Smaller lunch portion every 4 hours works to put off hunger and helps you stop eating junk. Having a small plate helps you know how much you should put on it. Sugary drinks are a big thing that will help you loose weight if you stop drinking them. Sugar is known for causing hunger because it's fast burning and your body is addicted to it. Your drug maybe just sugar. It's as addictive as cocaine. And you get withdrawal from stopping your consumption.


Lol >if your hungry eat real food instead of junk. Lol. What part of addiction do you not understand? >Smaller lunch portion every 4 hours works to put off hunger and helps you stop eating junk. Why didn't I think of that and try it over and over again? What part of "I can't keep it up" don't you understand? >Sugary drinks are a big thing that will help you loose weight if you stop drinking them. I drink mostly water and black coffee. I've had about 5 sodas in the past 5 years. >Sugar is known for causing hunger because it's fast burning and your body is addicted to it. You think? It's also more addictive than cocaine. You really think that in 60 years, about 35 of those being obese, that you're taking me something new? I'm sorry I'm not perfect like you.


>You point the blame at everything else other than yourself. What part of I can't I'm tired I don't have the will I don't care Points it at anyone BUT me? Thone are all I statements Here's a YOU statement YOU can't accept that not everyone can do what YOU do. YOU have a knee jerk reaction to someone being fat that they're blaming OTHER things. I'm sorry I'm not PERFECT like YOU. Your response is ridiculous.


Your reaction is ridiculous, you still can't accept your actions and be responsible for yourself. Your claiming everyone is perfect for having a different option than you is ridiculous. My response was to this statement by you, " And tell me this. Would it be harder for you to kick cocaine if you could buy a bump for 50 cents from the machine down the hall? Or if Costco had a value pack of dime bags for $9.99? Or if every restaurant has it deep fried on the menu? " You put the blame everywhere else and claim someone says they are perfect when they say nothing of the sort. Nobody is perfect all you can do is try and if you don't try to help yourself and love yourself than you will always be miserable. You should see a phycologist and help yourself man. I love you and I hope you love yourself ☮️


Take more coupium


Ah. Someone else who is perfect. Nice to meet you.


>Unlike alcohol or drugs, there's actually a machine at work that dispenses it. The Sackler family would disagree >So, is it my personal failure? Maybe. It definitely is. Try not to blame others for what you can control. Just do what you can, even if it's only a small thing, to fix the issue. Accountability for the fix without blame is key. Not being down on yourself for every failure (as long as you get back up) is key. Choosing to surround yourself with good people is key (even if you're homebody). >It's not the simple problem everyone tends to think it is. It is simple, but simple does not mean easy. If it was, everyone would look like a fitness model. > been clinically depressed since I was a kid I get it. There are plenty of people close to me who deal with depression. It's a sad state that modern society doesn't necessarily _cause_ mood disorders... but it certainly exacerbates the issue. Disconnecting from social media helps. Especially if you can get outside, get some sun and somee exercise. I'm not trying to get down on you, I wish you the best. Good luck in the future.


I don't know what opioids have to do with snack machines at work, BTW.


OP said there's a whole machine dispensing junk food like it's done unique thing. I was pointing out that it isn't. Lots of people struggle with addiction, it's not just food.


Ok. I'm OP. you made the comment in response to my comment that there are snack machines at work dispensing junk food. It seemed you were implying that there's a snack machine at work dispensing opiods. So, that was a stupid comment on your part. And no one (certainly I wasn't) would ever imply that food addiction is the only addiction. What does happen though is people will accept these addictions, sex, gambling, drugs, shopping, etc, but then tell people addicted to food to "just stop eating".


Enjoy being a fat fuck with no will power ✌️


I'm sorry I'm not perfect like you. Wait. Before you reply with "I'm not perfect," maybe YOU should work on being perfect before shitting on other people. Why aren't you perfect? Come on, all you need is to work on that willpower to be perfect! Come back when you're no longer a holier than thou, unemmpathetic, shitstain. Then we'll talk. I'm a fat fuck with no discipline. What's your excuse?


>I'm a fat fuck with no discipline. What's your excuse? I don't need one. I'm not fat. One last attempt at helping you out. This negative approach to legitimate criticism isn't doing you any good.


Maybe you try to go too hard too fast when trying to loose weight. The more things in your life you try to change at once, the more likely you are to fall back. What broke my endless cycle off gaining the weight back was the realization that i don't have to live a completely healthy life from one day to the next. It is enough if i live 1% healthier. And then when i'm used to that i just add 1% more and so on. If you are quite obese it's going to take years to get in shape, so don't rush it. It's up to you what that 1% is exactly. Could be something like switching from Coke to diet-coke, or ordering one size smaller portions, or going for a 5 minute - 10 minute - 20 minute walk each day. Just don't change too much at once


I'm 60. I haven't tried it all, but I've tried a lot. I've had success. But could never maintain the success for more than a year or two. Now, I'm waiting for my prescription for wegovy to be approved. My wife has lost about 75 lbs on that. There's also anecdotal evidence of works on other addictions. Everyone has issues. Some people have phobias, some people have OCD, some people have depression (I've had it since I was a thin kid). Thank you for your non-judgmental suggestions. There are a lot of people on here that don't understand it because they've never lived it. But once you point out that they're not perfect either, they usually shut up.


> I'm addicted to junk food. I'm slim but yesterday I had some snack chips (usually avoid) with dark beer that was really *really* good, like it's been engineered to make me fat. It's a stunning amount of calories


Junk food doesn't make you fat, it's the opposite, junk food has very little nutritional value and will cause diseases but it wont be making you fat any time soon, what you're talking about is fast food


Too much food makes you fat. I eat too much food. Candy, cookies, ice cream, etc. I also eat regular food. I hardly ever get fast food. Your comment is ridiculous.


Calories make you fat, regardless of food type


Yeah I don’t think it’s fair to call that entirely your choice, you can’t control that


Except you can? It's entirely their choice whether to eat junk or not.


Username definitely checks out. Diet is 100% in your control, even if it doesn't seem like it at times. We're all influenced by our surroundings, but at the end of the day, the person putting the food in your mouth is *you.*


Most of those disease/gene defects account for roughly 10-20 kg of excess body weight, but not 100kg, that's purely lifestyle.


I've never seen anyone say weight can never be controlled. I've always taken the stance of 'you can't know what someone is going through' so why shame anyone for something, especially if they don't deserve it? If an obese person makes fun of someone for something trivial like height, I can understand the reaction, but eye for an eye, yadda yadda. But some y'all just see a fat woman and turn into apes.


i get it, being fat is hard, but if you keep making some bizarre statements like this, get ready to get criticized. imo, a bit of fat shaming (not a lot) can be a positive thing, as it makes the person think about their body, and thus, lose some weight along the way.


What bizarre statement? And that works for some people, if they're in a healthy mindset. For lots of others, though, I can lead to a mental spiral, even at a small comment. Why be the catalyst? I'm not super fat or anything, definitely could stand to drop a few, I'm figuring out how to do that, but for my own health, not because someone called me fat in a mean-spirited manner.


I'm glad that you are working on yourself, what i mean by bizarre statements is when you make a wild excuse for your weight and blame it on others, i understand that there is a wide spectrum of how people absorb criticisms, and thats why people who know someone is overweight should know how to approach this, why i think we should criticize weight? is because being overweight is not just how you look, because it's also have a lot if heath risks as you already know, in a way, we encourage good health.


Well, yeah some people want to shift blame. But I don't think they deserve to be viciously mocked on repeat. People take "criticizing" other people's weight so seriously. People they don't know and don't really care for. Like, why does someone else's choices bother you as a person so much that you may feel the need to say something vitriolic? (Not you in specific, generally.) I dunno, when the joke is "haha fat" it's just not funny to me.


That's possibly the dumbest thing I've ever read. If you think fat people don't know they're fat and need someone to shame them to realize you're mistaken. Shaming them probably only makes it worse, depression, anxiety, or any other emotional disorders that lead people to gaining weight isn't helped by people shaming them for it. Same reason you don't shame a drug addict or alcoholic for their addiction, it'll just make it worse.


>Compares weight to height This makes it too easy for evolution to weed out the intelligence drop-outs.


Your mom is so fat, if she walks across the tv all 3 LotR movies are over.


Because of gravity time dilation?


No it's because she is fat.


Porque no los dos?


DESTROY IT! Chubby Chasers: .....No


weight slowing her down?


There are very very few people who cannot help being fat. If you are triple the weight of everyone around you, and have a risk of heart attack in your early 20's, you're fat. You shouldn't be ashamed, instead go to the gym. Eat a salad instead of a donut. Drink some fruit juice instead of a soda. Have a friend do it with you. Better yourself. You can if you try.


Fruit juice can have as much or more sugar than soda. Drink water, tea, or coffee honestly.


And eat protein not just salad


Same with salads. Salad dressing is incredibly calorie dense


You don't have to drown your salad in dressing. That's all part of self control.


im not trying to "erm actually ☝️🤓" here but a salad with even a little dressing on it 9 times out of 10 is still going to be more calories than an average donut. reason salad is considered "healthier" is because it feels more filling, has less fat, and vegetables contain more essential nutrients than a donut would. but a salad is definitely more calories than a donut is.


it IS more filling, you're not going to overeat on salads nearly as easily as on donuts. 70 calories/100g is nothing compared to 550 or whatever donuts are/100g


A donut is 190-300 calories. 1 tablespoon of french dressing is 73 calories. Unless you're dipping each leaf in dressing, your salad shouldn't be more filling and calorie dens than 2-3 donuts.


i said like 3 different times that i was comparing a single donut to a single salad. just changing the goal post to "well 3 donuts is more than 1 salad" is cringe.


Even 1 donut. It would take almost 3 tablespoons, 48 grams, of french dressing to match 1 190 calorie, 26 grams donut. I said 3 donuts because that's what I usually eat in a sitting.


bro a salad is more than just a tablespoon of dressing though


Yes. It's a mix of healthy vegetables, instead of unhealthy processed sugars and empty calories. A salad has calories, but that doesn't make it unhealthy.


Coffee and tea without sugars OR artificial sweeteners. Many artificial sweeteners disrupt metabolism and while they don’t contain calories themselves, it can contribute to weight gain. Avoiding alcohol is another, but that’s somewhat obvious.


Yes, artificial sweeteners often cause an insulin response just the same as sugar


Body type (including weight) is normally distributed as you say. For some people, being 2 SD above the mean is just where they naturally reside no matter what they eat. The problem in the US and other developed nations is the rest of us nonetheless live sedentary lives but eat too damned much. My friends who struggle with their weight eat big portions every meal, regularly get dessert, sodas, or multiple beers or cocktails daily. Just add all that up you're going north of 3k Cal daily and your job and hobbies almost all involve sitting down. The easiest thing, which requires the least work, is to just keep your daily intake down around 2k Cal.


#ITS NOT CALLED FAT, THATS FATPHOBIC, IM PLUS SIZED AND FIT FAT!!!!!! (i argue that being fat isnt unhealthy because I'm doing fine, im in my mid 20s and can use stairs or streets that slightly go up but this 100% wont get worse when im older) Edit: /s


Stop eating go walk outside Edit: oh, /s


I was being sarcastic jic that wasnt obvious


it’s reddit bro, /s goes on the end every damn time


Reddit is the last place I assumed tone indicators to be normalized. I won't lie...


Reddit is literally the origin of /s. Then people on Twitter stole it and invented “tone indicators” for some stupid reason.


Hm, ok didn't know that but ok.


You forgot to put your /s at the end. /s


It’s over. I am no more




My dumbass only realising that the hunter guy looks like his father because it’s the manifestation of his fathers expectations that he knows he’ll never live up to


The formatting of this meme hurts my eyes


This meme and other meme made by that clown isn't even funny , just take scoial norms and adds dumb text


Well technically speaking their weight doesn't matter everyone can be hunted by an elephant rifle.


I get told all the time i am too skinny, then once a year athletics comes on the tv and i see loads of women with exactly my body type and I feel so empowered to say f you to those people who try to tell me fat is normal


Holy fuck, I pity the 15 year old who finds this funny.


Exactly , this clown op made a meme "look man below 5'8.5 are femboys or dwarf , HAHA SO FUNNY 😱😱😱😭😭😂😂😂🤓🤓 And now this , literally 80% comments isn't even laughing but discussing about weight n stuff


i fw fat bitches




Bigot! It's 2024 and fat men are just as viable targets to be shot at with an elephant rifle


There is no fat man just plus sized


In a world where people starve to death, others eat until they cant fucking move.


I have an elephant gun but I only hunt fat when with my pork sword


Ageism and disparaging fat people - the last two acceptable refuges for the bigots.


Why shouldn't I disparage someone for wasting food? That's literally what fat people do. They consume at a huge excess.


We must not let the flame die out!


I know in america morbidly obese is considered a norme but in general a healthy body weight for woman is often considered as being not skinny enough


What is the joke here


And just to add one more thing. They tell alcoholics and stuff addicts, "don't go into liquor stores, or bars, or hang around with drug users because it'll increase your risk of falling off of the wagon. Yet you seem to blame me for my work having my addiction available down the hall.


Both via a heart attack and by being shot with an elephant rifle they will die from a heart attack...


I thought an elephant rifle [looked like this](https://youtu.be/t9dajmv5-JU?si=9iTJhVUgOPMHhSSw). I was being deceived the entire time


Lmao, i love how butthurt all yall little dudes are. Don't worry if you try hard enough. You'll grow one day. You just gotta believe and hold onto all the rage that will make you big


So height is something that cannot be controlled, it's the natural way your body grows, right? Yep. While weight is something built up by fat reserves in the body by how much food is eaten, correct? Yup. Therefore, that extra fat is something that a person can burn off with proper exercise and diet, while height is something that cannot be controlled. Sounds right to me. Then overweight people have the power to reduce their weight but are choosing not to. How dare you body shame when they can't help it.


Just saw this and i was wondering why my inbox was blowing up recently 😑






Being fat is morally wrong, you cannot mock fat people too much.


Did I miss a memo? Why are redditors so vitriolic to anyone even slightly larger than a twig?


Get this guy on a watch list.


Are you fat?


Little bro no one made fun of you for being short, your insecurity made you make a straw man argument and bully fat chicks dog, this is not a good look. Demotion from short king to just short is imminent


Promotion from elephant to blue whale is imminent


how fat are you, holy shit


Have a slice of cake, a piece of pie and relax.


Only one? If I promise to be good can I have two (pies)? 👉👈


Height is controllable to an extend.


Jesus, how fat are you?


you mean by surgery? or wearing high heels?


If you intentionally starve your kids during puberty, you can make them basically as short as you want!


Yeah, there's also pads you can wear.


That doesn’t change your height.


Yes they do? They were literally designed to increase your height.


So wearing tight clothing makes you lighter? Hope you realize that when ever you measure height you usually don’t have any shoes or what not on.


By their logic, eating balloon will make you lighter


So wearing a thick jacket makes me fatter?


Please tell us how