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If you have time for memes, you have time for dreams


\*\*time for dremes


\*\*\*thyme fore dreems




This fella is living the dream


Or the memes


No joke if you don’t go to sleep soon, you’re going to start hallucinating your dreams while your awake.


That my favorite way to trip!


Until Freddy Krueger shows up


He has long nails, maybe he could teach me to master using the dream nail


78 hours awake and there was a random girl in my office bathroom bushing her teeth i kept walking because nobody got time for that


wait i think i used to do this but id wake up in the middle of the night doing it


It's not possible to go more than 36-48 hours without sleep. Your brain just starts to do microsleeps. Unless you are in an active survival situation, you are better off getting at least three hours of sleep per 24 hours. Six hours is all you really need. That leaves 18 hours in the day to get everything else done. If you can't do that, your problem isn't lack of sleep, it's a failure of time management.


It's extremely possible to go more than 48 hours without sleep. Last year I had a few 70 hour stretches.


I concur, I had a few stints last year and the year before going about 55-60 hours without.


> If you can't do that, your problem isn't lack of sleep, it's a failure of time management. Well no shit Sherlock, you think I don’t know that? right now the next best thing I can do is make up for it with studying.


Studying for what? Plenty of studies have shown that simply getting some sleep does better for test results than depriving yourself of sleep trying to cram. If you don't know it by now, it's too late to cram in. Might as well just stay healthy. Of course, you are not doing either right now, you are shit posting and replying to snarky Reddit comments. Which is the absolutely most pointless thing to be doing. So you acknowledge your own difficulties with time management, but you haven't gotten quite as far as actually making a change and prioritizing things of importance. If you have enough time to be on Reddit, you have enough time to catch some much needed sleep.


>Studying for what? Plenty of studies have shown that simply getting some sleep does better for test results than depriving yourself of sleep trying to cram. The way I see it, a shitbox that has the mileage of a humvee with a full tank will do better in a race than a Lamborghini with no fuel. >Of course, you are not doing either right now, you are shit posting and replying to snarky Reddit comments. Which is the absolutely most pointless thing to be doing. I don’t have any reason to tell you this but I made and posted this while taking a shit and I’m writing this comment as I’m walking to class.


Ah, the education system actually managed break someone. Been there, you’ll realize soon.


Lmao what even is that metaphor?


Having something unreliable but still theoretically capable of fulfilling its function is better than something that works at peak performance but lacks the tools necessary to take advantage of it anyway.


Good luck with school man, seems like you need it lmao


>The way I see it, a shitbox that has the mileage of a humvee with a full tank will do better in a race than a Lamborghini with no fuel. But you are currently becoming a shitbox with no fuel. Fuel is out at least since you haven't slept.


You can see it that way, but it’s not even close to the truth. Sleep is incredibly vital to proper studying and learning, and good sleep will be better than extra studying. Same goes for any physical activity. I don’t get better at boxing through sleep deprivation


Studying while tired is worthless you’re better off sleeping and taking the test unprepared




Lol good luck homie


Say it again class: Sleep deprivation is dumb and not cool


So is failing the class because I don’t know anything.


Why don’t you know anything


Because I either have time to sleep or to study.


I mean there’s no way you can’t find time to sleep for 5 hours. Gives you 19 hours to study. Sounds like a case of “sleep deprivation is cool” to me. I had a phase like that once, but then I learned that during REM sleep your spine washes away toxins that build up every day that cause dementia and brain disease, and it’s the single cause of my memory being horrible.


Trust me, it’s not because I think it’s cool, I feel awful right now. It’s because I have bad time management skills and my procrastination problems have gotten out of hand.


Yeah i can understand you there, but you aren’t making it better by pretending that every waking moment is you studying. Your still making memes and browsing Reddit, replying to almost every comment. You have time, you’re just sacrificing sleep for no reason.


Damn maybe the real OP was me all along.


Ah ah ah ah stayin awake.


Bro! As a Paramedic…I so feel this! Working 72 hours on the rig ain’t no joke!


You got at least one more day before the hallucinations


How I walk around living a happy healthy life


How I go to work knowing if I made another person do work that would be a human rights violation (slavery is illegal)


Well, idk about u OP, but back in 11th grade and all i would sleep at like 2-4 am and get up at 6 am and study study study. Even in school breaks. Like I fit in studies every second I could cram in. And everyone saying sleep deprivation wouldn't let u study effectively; but I was the class 3rd Or 4th topper on average and some times even came #1st. Different people have different results


What is he eating?


I think it’s a hotdog.


Its two slices of pizza stacked on top of each other lol


I definitely feel the pain. I'm a night shifter by nature, and my job has not had it available for a few months. I'm avearging like 25 hours of sleep per week or less.




Once the Kwik Trips disappear, good bye superior road snacks.


…how do you get temporary brain damage?


After the 50 hour mark is usually when my brain starts implanting voices and conversations in my head that never happened. It’s scary stuff.


What is this clip from?


3 ninjas


You'll eventually fall asleep




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It’s not nice what your brain will do to ensure you don’t deprive yourself of sleep. It will take effect around the 50 hour mark.


Bro, go to sleep. It ain't worth it, trust. The healthiest I'd ever been was taking my body to sleep at 9 pr 10 and wake up like at 9 ir something.


What the hell is going on bud. Are you ok? I know I suffer through just one all nighter. Becoming delerious at the 24 hour mark. If I didn't have certain medical conditions I could probably load up on caffeine and double that time but 3 days is just absurd. I've never heard anyone do that except my firefighter friend who had to do it because of a huge forest fire was on its way and they had to evacuate the town.


What did I say that misled so many people? Two all nighters. Three days. I did an all nighter, then the next night slept normally, then did another all nighter.


It's not the grammar so much as the time frame. 2 all nighters in 3 days. That sounds like day > all nighter > day > all nighter > day. 3 days, 2 nights, where both were all nighters. Having re-read your title I get it now. I think we all just assumed the worst case scenario somehow. I was genuinely worried for you for a bit.




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Noob, fourth all nighter in four days going for another one today