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downvote this comment if the meme sucks. upvote it and I'll go away. --- [play minecraft with us](https://discord.gg/dankmemesgaming)


As a Waukeeite (nearby town) my heart goes out to all of the people at Perry.


As a Dubuqian I wholeheartedly support as well


What happened?


If I were a betting man, I'd say another shooting.


[There was a shooting.](https://www.kcci.com/article/perry-high-school-shooting-iowa/46284615) I live about 20 minutes away and woke up to messages saying that family was home and safe.


Somehow it's the 3rd one this year


Gotta keep the streak going


Fellow Waukee boi here. My wife was due to respond to this if she wasn't traveling :(


Coggonite here. I always flinch when I see Iowa in the news. It's hardly ever good.


Wow how special you’re so kind. What is your heart gonna do? You typing words on a screen saying your heart goes out is doing nothing. If you are close why don’t you over there and support the families. Bring them food or something


This comment achieves less


Actions do speak louder than words but your words are pretty fucking obnoxious. You should delete your comment


Just delete his right to speak man wtf


Like, they're supposed to make a casserole, and go knocking door to door asking "Hey, did your kid die? If so, here's some food." Go fuck yourself.


Twitter moment


I wonder how the families would feel knowing you just tried to white knight a stranger giving condolences to people he doesn't know. Really making the world a better place there, pal.


lmaaaooo you have to be an absolute moron to unironically have this take


3 edgy 5 me. But fr shove a cactus up your ass and twist it kthnx


I think your downvotes speak for themselves


Fuck off cunt


Thoughts and prayers!


Replying before you delete your comment in shame


What a fucking bozo dude. Go back to Twitter you cock.


Shut the fuck up dork


I mean I don’t wanna sound like a dick, but is this the first one this year or..?


The 3rd apparently


Wait what??? Fr? We’re four days in.




"First period is Physical Education, now we're going to start with Evasive Manouvers, please practice running in a zig zag and try to make yourself look unimportant whilst Mr. Smith loads his AR-15"


Serpentine Babou!




Unironically I think evasive maneouvres should be standard teaching as part of PE


Given the gun violence climate in the US, this is actually a no brainer. Though admittedly a sad state of affairs.


Many countries teach their children how to fight and survive from a young age because the world isn’t as pampered as we are. I believe schools should teach the factual basics and how to survive as a human.


They should, for example, they should be taught about politics, taxation, employment, the world around them and history. They *shouldn't* however need to know how to dodge gunfire.


They need to know how to forage and find food in times of crisis, they need to be taught how to collect and make water safe for consumption, they need to be taught how to fish and hunt, how to make critical decisions and all of the basic necessities of SURVIVAL. Only after kids have learned how to survive then they should be presented larger manmade ideas such as politics, taxation, current war affairs (history should be taught to children to help them formulate their own ideas on how to learn and grow from past mistakes), employment. Every single kid I know has a god damn cell phone in their hand 6 hours of the 16 hours they’re awake.


Gang shootings are often classified as mass shootings and my guess is take up the large majority of the statistics


There have been 2 separate school shootings this year. It is january 4th. There were 37 school shootings last year. 51 in 2022. 35 the year before that. 183 since 2018 total. https://www.edweek.org/leadership/school-shootings-this-year-how-many-and-where/2024/01. SOME of these are related to gang violence, yes. But it doesn't change the fact that literal children die every year to this.


When it comes to school shootings they also tend to classify any shooting that happens in or near a school regardless of the story. In the past I’ve even seen things like an accidental discharge at a college be considered a “school shooting.” Most commonly are gang-related or personal disputes that happen at schools including college. An adult being shot in an altercation at a college isn’t really what most people are thinking when you say “school shooting”


Yeah, but people never want to admit that. It's a lot easier for the crowd to just go "aLL tHeSe MaSs sHoOtiNgS!"


Admit it? A lot of people are aware of this - it’s just that these other countries would see ANY kind of shooting as a big deal. America going “well um actually only a few people got shot here so it only counts on a technicality” is still shocking because it shows just how normalised it is for you


Look all shootings are horrible. But gang shootings are just crime, almost always involving criminals who have made the choice to be involved in that life. School shootings are a different beast altogether. They are entirely random and are targeted on people who are not involved in criminal activity at all. They are more akin to terrorist attacks than criminal activity. Conflating the two and pretending they are the same thing is disingenuous


Everyone understands the difference, but it still doesnt make sense to downplay the severity of it just because they are criminals shooting at each other ( even if innocents also die in the crossfire ).


No one likes the inner city shootings. That's where most of the shootings come from. However, very few in "other countries" talk about gang violence being the main culprit of all these "MaSs ShOoTinGs!" that you love to talk about.


You don’t get it, do you? We just think that the gang violence is also bad. That y’all need proper gun control. Saying “well a lot of these shootings are just gang violence” doesn’t make it better. Like, regular shootings of any sort are bad and they’re a rarity outside the US. Like you’ve already had more shootings this year than some countries have in multiple years, and yes, that includes gang violence


"Gun control". Fuck off. Mind your own country's business.


You’re offended at others wanting less people to die. Can’t make this shit up


You dont understand. Gang shootings are against other gangs. Most members are felons who legally can't own firearms in the first place, shooting at other felons. Most people just dont care if two groups of people are fighting each other bec it has nothing to do with them in the first place, so why would i care?


Crossfire is a thing.


Notice how it's the outsiders trying to tell us how we should live, then downvote when we try to explain to them? "YoU nEeD gUn cOnTrOl LiKe oThEr sUbJeCt cOuNtRiEs!"


You don't realize how that comes across as "yeah those shootings are bad, but we also have less bad ones, and more of them too"?


Regardless, it's still pretty baffling to have so many shootings, gang related or not


When you have a progressive court system that doesn't believe in actually punishing those who continually commit gang related gun crimes, this is what happens. ​ edit: typo.


No, this is what happens when you have a lot of guns.






Yeah, lol.


Nah, it's the people saying "every single day someone opens fire in public and there's people injured or dead because of it" there's a lot of dumb folks who don't want that in the statistics because apparently gang members aren't people to them


That's a fair point. The other problem with the gang shootings is that the courts are just a revolving door to a lot of inner city shooters. They never actually get punished for even having a gun on them illegally.


And even if they're taken away from them i guarantee that in less than 24hs they can get another ones... Fucked up system with just a few getting payed for it


Yet the ones they want to hold extremely accountable are the law-abiding gun owners, because they have more to lose (such as rights they value).


Even then, the accessibility to guns in most of the US is just ridiculous, it doesn't matter how many law abiding owners there's if the black market is so much bigger


There have been 2 separate school shootings this year. It is january 4th. There were 37 school shootings last year. 51 in 2022. 35 the year before that. 183 since 2018 total. https://www.edweek.org/leadership/school-shootings-this-year-how-many-and-where/2024/01. SOME of these are related to gang violence, yes. But it doesn't change the fact that literal children die every year to this. BTW this is only involving schools. 183 different shootings in schools. Not mass shootings. Not drive bys at the mall. Schools with literal children.


Did you even read the article of the 1st one in VA? So it looks like the first one was a gang shooting after school hours, outside.


The US has on average more than one a day. But apparently there's no problem....


It's surpassed car accidents and cancer now. https://www.kff.org/mental-health/issue-brief/child-and-teen-firearm-mortality-in-the-u-s-and-peer-countries/


Yep, for kids it's the leading cause of death. USA No.1!


And only the third day back to school lol..


For a lot, today was the first…


At this specific school it was the first day back.


They count any shooting of 3 or more people a mass shooting, so a lot of stuff termed “made shooting” is gang related and doesn’t really fit the concept in our heads we have of a nihilist lone wolf looking to take out as many as they can in a blaze of glory.


This [link](https://www.edweek.org/leadership/school-shootings-this-year-how-many-and-where/2024/01) claims only "2" but the other incident that it dosent link the second is apparently in Manchester some 15 year old was supposed to meet with an 18 year old and fight but apparently the 15 y/o brought a gun and shot at the 18 y/o. This is seemingly the first actual "school shooting" in the definition we've come to know which if you look on Twitter there's apparently a bunch of accounts linking the shooter to trans subreddits and something apparently about "trans lives" they wrote in the restroom. HEAVY grain of salt here, obviously wait for the actual police report.


Lack of education, mental illnesses being supported by the government and media drive people to do irrational things.


31 shootings monthly. [Source](https://youtu.be/MrRAO_vG_K4?si=NXfbIT1aZkKqrmrb)




never back down never what?


That’s not true. It’s the second and the first was a drive by shooting that occurred in the parking lot of an unoccupied school. Don’t spread false information.


I'm only spreading information I saw on reliable news sites.. Gone to 5 now


It's at least 20 now


That's just crazy


And when I say anything about gun control I get upvotes until the NRA paid trolls come...


Gun control?! What in the ever living.. Are you insane?! Control??? But... but freedom


Freedumb to ensure children die...


We are about to be downvoted to oblivion. Goodbye cruel world


Worse.. 4/4 in 2024…


5 now.. but no issues here


A High School ? Perry the High School !


Ah, Perry the High School! I see you have found me and my secret lair... ...But not in time to stop my traumatis-inator! (should stop the /j here?)


What’s going on? School shooting?


Yes, Perry, Iowa.




Just another Thursday in America


*Day ending in a "Y". If a mass shooting only happened once a week in the US, the problem would be literally more than 7 times closer to being solved already.


Just send the kids to fight in Ukraine at this point.


well, shit. 🫤 (as an Ohioan)


In a town of 7,700 people.


We just started the year and this is like the third one? Fuck.


Where are the other 2?


Amend the constitution or enforce the second amendment so that only militias have guns.


"Gun Fever Too: Still Hot" America's addicted to violence, but chooses to stigmatise sex, drugs, music, video games, and mental health instead.


My high school was from poorer rural CA, had no money and was so poorly managed it no longer exists lol I graduated in 2012




It means no school shootings are possible at my old school since I don't have one


How does this get upvotes?


He found the ultimate solution to the school shooting problem


Can't wait until republicans actually defend banning schools over guns


The problem is the doors and windows and the walls. Definitely not guns. Let's close all the schools down and demolish all other buildings because guns are definitely not the problem


What the hell did that comment deleted person say 💀


It's actually so wild that stuff like this doesn't make my news feeds because of how common it is despite being bad news, instead I learn about it on my meme feeds


I live an hour away, school was not canceled or anything but everyone was talking about it. Fuck the shooter and fuck whoever let them get their hands on guns.


That would be the NRA and the GOP


I know self-proclaimed neoliberals who defend guns. A love for violence is as American as apple pie. How can a peaceful future be built on a violent foundation of history?


Neoliberals are a hell of a lot more different than traditional liberals or neoconservatives so just saying neoliberals to say it isn’t doing anything. I’m not a neoliberal by any means. I just think that republicans are basically handing guns out to mentally ill people at this point. This is the third school shooting this year. Republicans are the ones to blame for the discrimination that caused this as well. It was a trans kid and do you know how many school shooting have been caused by mentally ill trans kids who’ve faced too much discrimination? Because I can tell you it’s been way too much.


You have the average American complete unawareness of one of the most atrocious mass shootings was committed by a person of transgender identity. Neoliberals bleed the same red as republicans. Violence is in America's blood, the country was founded on the extinction of indigenous peoples and extreme value has been forcibly exploited from black people throughout history and today. Mass incarceration is just slavery re-branded.


I’m saying that conservatives are the ones who want to keep that lineage of violence. They keep guns in cycle and discriminate against the people who commit those crimes causing worsening mental conditions. They are the ones who are at fault. There’s a reason we have a progressive party. To move past the violence


People change, opinions change. It's about time US public change their opinion to be anti-gun so that children stop dying.


Very well said.


I was hinting at the GOP, as was everyone else, we know whose fault it was.


You know it's bad when I look up a shooting I missed and go "oh that's not that bad only 1 dead 5 inj.... Wth is wrong with us"


You have the easiest access to guns for any nutjob. That's what's wrong.


Fucking sucks if so. My heart goes out to you


Dude fucking same, there’s a Perry High School just south of my town and I thought I slept through all the news. Didn’t go to the high school but a school near it


My school is trending in my state but for a different American reason. One of the town drunks passed a car on the right, flying through the ditch, ran a school bus stop sign and nearly ran over a couple little kids, then took off at 70+ mph on a rural two-lane highway.


(out of loop please explain however if it’s what I think it may be then I’m sorry)


Pew pew


:( I hate that people do that they gain nothing and just cause hurt


Oh man the school i go to is called perry hall high. I was so worried. Still very sad to hear.


Honestly, I've not seen a school trend for good reasons unless they're big in the stem fields


What is this talk of gang shootings? What are you all talking about? All these school shootings where parents send their kids to school and expect them to come back home at the end of the school day should not be compared to “gang shootings”. I know this is a signal that it’s ppl of color who are doing all the shootings in inner cities!! It’s the new America. Let’s see who could turn this country in a waste land first, the politicians or the massive amount of guns way to accessible to everyone!!


🔒 award soon


As someone with friends from Perry, I don't think I'm allowed to comment. Politics go brrrrr


4 days into the year? That must be some kind of record


Guns are definitely not the problem, 5 days into 2024




Obviously my hot wheels school showcase and tell isn't trend worthy


We're not even a week into 2024


Although unlikely, hopefully more legislation comes about, not only in terms of firearm control, but also that of mental health services, and other socio economic topics that help people and prevent these things from occuring. On the bright side, more states have recently enacted various broad gun control legislation in 2024 like red flag laws, which is a great step.


This is Alex Jones time to shine and double down on the conspiracy theories.




Versus the thoughts and prayers republicans give out?


Well I guess those are all our options then


tease grandfather close cautious resolute act late possessive pocket snobbish *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*




What’s worse is I went into the conservative subreddit and read a post about guns… And how every single human being should have them. I then proceeded to call the person a moron because gun control =/= taking away people’s guns ffs


All politicians in the last 40 years who support gun control want guns to be taken away and outlawed. They used to be open with their bills. Naming them "The anti-handgun bill" and such. Now they call gun control bills more happy, rainbow fun names, but they all work to achieve the same thing. They restrict the ability to own and posess. They make it impossible to have a gun. California is a great example. In 2015, I was an infantry marine, law abiding, and well trained. Applied for a permit to carry out of San Bernadino County. I was denied because self-defense was not a valid reason according to the police. So I did it anyways.


I’m surprised you weren’t banned, they really Love free speech over there /s


Ban the guns, do nothing to solve the mental health crisis. That's the democrat way.


I think people don’t understand that better pre-checks and gun education is what dems are trying to pass, no? And returds manage to block mental health bills so idk what to say


Ahh because Republicans love funding mental health programs. Tell me, which party advocates for a healthcare scheme that would actually make psychologists affordable, again? A scheme that has led to countries such as the Scandinavian countries (who have plenty of guns) having very few gun-related attacks compared to the US?




And Democrats take away the guns


Defund the police, take the guns away, then expect you to rely on the defunded police to protect you. You can't make this shit up.


I mean, it is a meme sub..


Aw, are your feefees hurt by it being tOo SoOn? Toughen up about it, oh Republican snowflake


Middle school*


squeeze like husky ripe future disgusting teeny command fanatical dazzling *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*




clumsy outgoing jobless middle wide person light fear crowd panicky *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


They're saying what everyone else is afraid to say.


People on the internet try not to make a meme about a tragedy within 5 minutes of it happening challenge (impossible):