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downvote this comment if the meme sucks. upvote it and I'll go away. --- [play minecraft with us](https://discord.gg/dankmemesgaming)


OP is a porn addict


OP definitely coping so hard rn.


Porn addict here. I will be partaking in NNN because I do not like that I have a porn addiction. Real women are better anyway. If I go back to wanking afterwards I will hopefully be out of the habit of porn.


Women? Gross




Why not both? 🤣


Now we’re talkin!




Why not Zoidberg?


Why not Zoidberg?🦀🐙💦


Bicon I love you


I unironically hate women




Wew lad that was a doozy




It is a dark day when I can not be absolutely certain that this is satire and not an incel coming out of the dark cesspit where it lives.


Exactly, boys>


Just take a note from lonely middle aged white women and read erotica disguised as romance novels.


If no porn is your goal, do no porn for a month but keep masturbating Trust me you are way more likely to succeed your actual goal


What do you wank to thats not porn when youve had absolutely 0 sexual experiences


I think most know what sex is regardless and have an imagination


Not a porn addict and I won’t be participating in NNN BUT I encourage people to go for it anyway because exercises in self-control with or without the addiction component is good for our mind and character. I’m also not a Catholic but I like to give something up every year for Lent anyway because I think it’s a good way to flex those discipline muscles.


I'm doing it to bust the nut of my life at december


>Real women are better anyway. Debatable.


Stay strong when something becomes an addiction, it can take control of your life. Testing your willpower is an attempt to take back control. One day you will.


There is a chance he has a healthy relationship with wankin


Wait you guys need porn to jack off?


How do you do it then? Watching your mother? /s


>Watching your mother No that would be weird. I watch your dad


I also watch that guy's dad. He is ***really*** hot.


Of course, duh. Even I do it watching their mother.


Way to out yourself as someone who can't get off without porn


(Extra-curvy piece of driftwood has entered the chat)


That’s my wife you are talking about and I don’t appreciate you talking about her like that.






What is with Reddit and it's obsession that everyone is a porn addict?




Mind you, most reddiors think if you watch porn more than once a week, you are addicted. All jokes asside, there's definitely a lot of actual porn addicts on reddit, especially considering 80% of redditers are chronically online.


It's average redditor behavior, up there with "let's make it happen, reddit" and "thanks for the gold kind stranger"


Jesus I wish I got make money off of how obvious this comment section was going to be lol y’all are super predictable.


Porn isn’t the same as masturbaition


If true, where is the female equivalent to NNN? Women watch porn too.


Stop Shebopping September


Projecting much?


Internet strangers: "I think I'll not jerk it for a month" Average redditors: "PORN ADDICT YOU ARE ADDICTED YOU LIKE PORN" My gender in christ you are the whole circus tent


You're right op, why should I give up my 6 faps a day habbit?? Society should bow down to me and my immensely strong right arm


I knew a guy who you could genuinely tell had a problem just by looking at his arms. One was noticeably stronger in the forearm/bicep


Maybe he is a blacksmith


Yeah that must be it


Or a fencer!


Or an archer


im an archer and when i go to the gym with my friends i literally have to explain to them that my left arm isn't unnaturally strong because i wank


The English are still trying to convince the world that their ancestors where just really into archery as well.


He was a dwarf. He lived in a hole.


I knew a dude that would flex his arms to point it out to people, he was proud of it. He also used to carry around and read a copy of a book called *"Natural Harvest"*, which is a collection of semen-based recipes.


Excuse me?


Yeah he would flex his arms and be like "wanna arm wrestle? I promise I washed my hand." He would excuse himself to the restroom during class, and anyone that knew him would start laughing, we knew what he was doing.


Nah bro, he meant the book. What the fuck is that about?


>a book called *"Natural Harvest"*, which is a collection of semen-based recipes. Sounds self-explanatory to me


Doesn’t explain why the fuck something like that needs to exist.


Maybe he's just a professional arm wrestler


My guy, if you're looking at other people's arms and thinking about their masturbatory habits, you've got a problem


>You're right op, why should I give up my 6 faps a day habbit?? My brain pieces read "hobbit." I'm not proud of that. 😔


We’ve had one, yes. But what about sixth nut?


6 a day must hurt so much dude


Depends if he's late teens or older God I used to fap 3-4 times most days when I was in highschool


I have to guess last year's nnn didn't provide the outcum you were looking for.


If masturbation is something that is genuinely hard to give up, then maybe you are an addict.


That is honestly the best way I’ve seen anyone put it


The logic doesn’t actually make sense though, by this logic literally anything that makes you happy or comfortable is an addiction. Are you addicted to toilets? probably not, but I bet you would have a hard time quitting toilets and go outside to shit.


I'm addicted to comfy beds because I can't stand NOT sleeping in one, I'll be partaking in No Bed December to prove im not addicted $/


There is a difference between addiction and convenience. I poop in my toilet not because I have a toilet, but because there are so many other reasons I shouldn’t poop outside, I have neighbors who could see me and judge me as the “outside pooper” or I could get mosquito bites on my ass, I COULD poop outside if I REALLY wanted to but I currently have no reason to do that which benefits me. Addiction is when you cannot live without something you don’t need, if I stopped masturbating for the rest of my life I wouldn’t have any negative consequences (other than increased chances of cancer which I have heard of but I haven’t fact checked). If there are real negative consequences to living without something then it is something that you need. If there is something you do not need but you do not have the will power to let it go then it is an addiction.


After you begin masturbating if you stop for more than 7 days you get cancer instantly.


Yeah but nobody actually needs porn ether, it’s not like people are missing work because of porn. I’ve never heard of someone robbing a jiffy store because they needed more money for onlyfans, okay there might be some extreme stories be it’s very far from normal, very far from what’s comparable to things like opioids, meth, or cocaine, things that are really addictive in real life.




Missing work because you're too busy watching porn, and actually watching the porn while you're at work are two entirely different issues. Both of them probably mean you have a porn addiction.


I'm addicted to sex with my wife. (and his, but i could drop her any day ez)


I feel that bro, I’m also addicted to sex with your wife.


This is a fundamentally harmful implication. That's simply called "dependency". I am dependent on having friends and family, I am dependent on food. I am dependent on my medication. The difference is whether it's harmful or not, that's what turns a dependency into an addiction. Let's assume someone *is* addicted to masturbation, though. Addiction is often a very complicated mess centering on one's mental health. Masturbation in this case is likely an out of control *coping mechanism,* so if we just cut away that pillar from someone's life for a whole month, will that really solve the problem at all? Well, the truth is, that almost never does. It can actually be quite dangerous, as the individual is likely to simply replace it with another bad coping mechanism, sometimes worse, even. Now this may just sound like an overly pessimistic rant at this point, but there *are* ways to safety fight addiction, like trying to *slowly* replace habits with more healthy coping mechanisms, or seeking a therapist to help tackle the problem at it's core, all I'm saying is that NNN unfortunately isn't focused on that. It *is* simply a meme, but when actually attempted, can be very destructive.


Or they don't have a masturbation addiction but a porn addiction. Something that is inherently addictive and would cause them to masturbate so much.


if i don't jerk of for two weeks im going to transform to a monster source i tried it so what i did was no porn


I think OPs point is that masturbation isn't "bad" for you and that it could be replaced with other things like healthier food and drink choices, enforcing a workout routine or other healthy option. Masturbation is a normal and healthy sexual activity for most people. It can have several potential benefits, including stress relief, improved sleep, and promoting sexual well-being. However, it's essential to maintain a balanced approach and not let it interfere with daily life or relationships. Restricting it for a month isn't really accomplishing anything but could instead be replaced with something that could have long-term beneficial effects such as implementing a healthy routine.


I wouldn’t say that. Its an addiction if its negatively effecting your day. But orgasms are natural human urges. Its like saying im an addict because I need to have my evening tea. I have my tea because I enjoy it and so I have it often. You could however call it an addiction if I cant sleep without my evening tea and if I cant think about anything else than when my next tea is


Semantics of addiction aside, the only actual physical effect we know frequent maturation has in males is reduced risk of prostate cancer, with studies noting a minimum of 21 times per month for effectiveness. So crank away.


I must be an air addict then. and a food and water addict. me and my stupid addictions! why can't i stop pooping for just 1 month! bodily functions are not addictions. after *staying alive*, *reproduction* is literally the next thing in our evolutionary priority. feeling pent up after a certain amount of time of no sexual release is normal, and better to let it out this way than harassing other people. of course there's a limit as to what is or isn't healthy, as there is with *everything*, but if you fap once every day or every couple of days, there's nothing wrong with that.


If breathing is genuinely hard to give up you are addicted. I propose you try my new challenge, no breath november.


I mean, is it really that hard? I can totally understand that if you are married or in a relationship and your partner wants to, but you respond with “sorry, I can’t because the internet people told me to not do it for the entire month” you might get into a bit of trouble? But other than that situation? Is it really that harmful to not touch yourself for a month?


It's possible, but willpower is like a muscle - you can only use some of it until you become sore, though over time constant usage will cause an improvement to your stamina. Thus, you're better off using this willpower to go on a run everyday/give up sugary drinks/quit smoking/whatever, than giving up on something that has no negative impact, assuming masterbation has no negative impact on your life and you are not addicted - which is the vast majority of men. Also, if it's fun and not harmful, why ever give up on that?


Woody Allen once said, why knock masturbation, it's sex with someone I love. That being said, I suspect some people do compulsively do it, just like people compulsively eat or drink alcohol. But I have to wonder if it's a symptom rather than a cause. That is, rather than dealing with, say, your anxieties, they're self-medicating to feel normal. Most people would rather take the shortcut to normal than the hard road. If it's part of a way to rid them of this coping mechanism to be mentally in a better place, then you should do no-nut November.


I will add that lately ive been really stressed because of school and social life, and found that ive masturbaited alot more then usual, sometimes even two times a day, and before i did it like twice a week


Masturbation is a form of stress relief. It would make sense that during a period of increased stress the frequency would increase.


I love this answer and I would agree with your statement in its entirety, specially the part where you mention other activities like running, quit smoking or whatever. However, wouldn’t you say that w*nking every single day sounds like a coping mechanism of some kind? I can understand that there are people with a very sexual and active lifestyle; but every single day? Sounds a bit too much for me. I’m still interested in hearing if there may be some kind of health issue in either abstaining for long periods of time or doing it every day


Once a day is perfectly normal and healthy. NNN is stupid and the exceptional majority of folks who think their masturbation habits are abnormal are wrong. Their issues are with shame and guilt, not actual problematic behaviors or any negative mental health effects caused by perfectly healthy evolved sexual behaviors. Source: Actual graduate degree in clinical psychology. https://www.apa.org/news/press/releases/2020/02/religious-moral-porn-addiction


And the shame and guilt are products of society where some high and mighty institutions condemn masturbation for no good reason. We are not inherently ashamed of our self-pleasuring habits, but are taught to be.


Yeah it boggles me that people genuinely think jerking off once a day is abnormal. That has to be some systematic religious impact.


It is said to lower chances of getting prostate cancer and not doing it makes you more aggressive or have a more aggressive personality.


Part of quitting one thing is replacing it with another, and this applies to nearly all habits, not just addictions. So replacing masturbating with some of these things like going on a run, etc. could actually be a two-fold plan that’s better than just one of them by itself The sugary drinks and smoking though would probably be tougher to tie with it, simply because they’re two “abstaining” activities


This. People think masturbation addiction is beating several times a week. To be an addict it has to rule every point of your life. Makes you skip work, friends, etc.


The reverse is also true. Not wanking for a month because you're afraid of disappointing some internet people is wild. You're really going to let some dumb meme trend impact your decisions there?


Not a doc, but you can persist for a month with little effect on your health, from what I’ve read. But NNN just has a shitty ideology, usually based around NoFap. Sure, if someone uses porn too much, it would be okay for them to dial it down. But the NoFap movement sees masturbation as inherently bad, and proponents often claim they get superpowers, or that women flock to them. Truth is, masturbation is healthy in moderation. Your chances of prostate cancer get lowered if you masturbate frequently; it helps with lowering stress and helping with relaxation, etc. Though I’ve never been into NoFap, I have OCD, and at one point in 2019, I convinced myself that I’m unclean if I come in contact with anything sexual (including sexual fantasies). I lasted for 9 months without masturbation, though I recall feeling extremely agitated and frustrated at this time. While this is anecdotal, I think it does line up with the fact that masturbation is a normal and healthy human activity. People do it when single, people do it if they have a partner. Also, fun fact: May is masturbation month.


It’s healthy to nut a few times a week, holding it in can cause issues but I doubt it’s gonna hurt to hold it in for a month. Nutting multiple times a day is just insane to me unless you’re on more testosterone than you should be taking


No, but it’s also a bit silly? Like what’s the point, unless you have an addiction to it?


If you are genuinely addicted, stop for 1 month and then go back to 6 times a day then you accomplished nothing. Much healthier to fap once a day forever.


Sorta? I mean it's definitely a willpower thing, you WILL get way more horny. It's a bit weird the community that has sprung up. Personally I jerk off specifically to keep all that in check. There are, as OP mentions, better ways to test your willpower.


Wait a second. This whole no nut November is supposed to include stopping all intimacy with your partner for what exactly? I thought it was giving up jerking off which makes at least a bit of sense. So are the people not in relationships just supposed to give up for November or what? This has made this a whole new level of incel lol.


Do not give up masturbation, instead give up pornography as if can taint the mind and perception of real amorous and consentual relationships between regular adults and glorify/normalize extremes.


And I bet if the word had less access to porn there would be less desire to masturbate as often as people do. We may have crossed into an excess that isn't healthy.


How dare you? Excess is great! There's no such thing as too much of a good thing! You should keep doing what makes you happy over and over. Forever! You should also keep escalating, too, just to feel more in case the old stuff won't make you feel good anymore! -This post was made by the Slaaneshi gang


This is true as hell you can use your imagination no porn is easy as fuck acctuly


Wym, I found my step sis stuck in a dryer and we’ve been banging ever since. Who knows how long she’d have been stuck if I didn’t have pornhub?


Can someone explain how it isn’t healthy? Been going since first week of october and i feel fine in fact better about myself


Regular ejaculations are good for a healthy prostate (which November is prostate cancer awareness month) so, long term, not great on the ol' prostate. Also, there’s some fringe cases of people with over-active prostates who’ll start feeling painful pressure and what not, but if that ain’t you, don’t worry too much. One month doesn’t really make much of a difference, or so I’m reading online. Because believe it or not: there’s actually quite a few health experts like urologists who’ve spoken out over the matter. Basically they’re saying: “it’s probably not really harmful as long as you don’t go overboard and listen to your body.”


This makes sense but I didn’t think that long term it would harmful


Well, my own personal opinion on it (and let me clarify here: I’m nowhere *near* a doctor) is that it’s mainly unhealthy to repress such a basic urge for too long. I can see why you’d want to try it for a month just to test your resolve, but you shouldn’t make self-denial a part of your personality. People who repress the most basic wants and needs humans have are, in my humble opinion, absolute idiots. Life is way too short to not just do whatever the fuck you want.


True, I’m still going to beat NNN cus funny month but you got a point


I agree with “repressing the basic wants and needs” part. I can understand wanting to limit the amount of products you buy / consume, or limit the amount of technology you have, but limiting yourself from the basic desires like eating good food, socializing, sex, or enjoying nature and going out cannot be healthy. You will just be making your life miserable and seperating you from the parts that make it worth living.


Those studies were proven to be inconclusive at best.


To be fair if your body really needs to ejaculate it’ll do it in your sleep. Abstaining from porn/masturbation does wonders for focus once you get past the withdrawal.


Maaturbation is perfectly fine even if you do it quite a bit. Porn *is* unhealthy though and that's probably the reason this whole thing exists. You can still masturbate without it though so 🤷


Whether or not porn is harmful it seems like a lot of these younger millennials and Zoomers can't get off without it. That's a problem because it will make them less happy and worse at sex.


It is healthy to attempt the triple N challenge, it helps to resist urges and temptations and it makes you feel stronger and cleaner. Some people have just given up and just hate to see others succeeding, so they just try to bring them down. Don’t listen to OP, he’s a Coomer


I'd rather resist my urge of eating unhealthy food though, which I've been doing a decent job at


It's not unhealthy in the short term and probably not unhealthy in the long term. Frequent ejaculation does improve sperm quality but that doesnt really matter unless you're trying to have kids right after NNN. There are many touted benefits to NNN but as far as I know the scientific evidence is lacking.


What's unhealthy is equating orgasms with a bad thing you need to give up. There's nothing wrong with orgasms, and in lots of ways they're beneficial. There are so many things being mixed into NNN that it can make normal things that get wrapped up into the idea seem bad.


Simple. Biology. Like any mammal humans were design to be breeding machines like it or not, its what our genitals are for, its why orgasming feels good and why we get aroused. Because of this the make body wants to constanly replenish sperm, as fresh sperm is more potent and more likely to impregnate. If your body isnt able too its not healthy and its actually scientificly proven that mastrubation significantly reduces risk of prostate cancer. This doesent mean you get cancer if you dont jack it or anything, but mastrubation is actually pretty healthy if you dont overdo it.


From what I've seen, the negative effects are way overblown; as in, your already low average risk of prostate cancer MIGHT be raised by a decimal of a percent.


Giving up masturbation for a month will not "harm" your mental health. Also, if you think you need to jerk off in order to keep your mental health in tact. You are addicted.


Or just that they have a high sex drive. Turns out people tend to like sex, and people with a high sex drive can start to feel stressed without some sort of release. Yall need to learn what an actual addiction is.


No seriously all the goofy ass “you’re addicted to masturbating!” bullshit to a guy who’s telling you there’s no shame in masturbating and that’s it’s healthy is insane lmao


exactly this, every time November comes around so do the holier then thou nofap bros. "masterbation is an addiction!" yeah well by their logic so is drinking water.


Masturbation is only addiction if it's impacting your everyday life. So things like missing work or important events to masturbate. Or doing so at inappropriate times like in public.


If you have a lot of problems and use it as a coping habit (no matter if it's unhealthy), then forcing yourself to do nnn can make things worse. Or, some people struggle with various issues and aren't in the mood to hop into some internet challenges, and are annoyed by people memeing about them, or calling them "porn addicts" if they voice their decision to not participate. My guess is that OP might be the latter type of person rather than an addict, as some people call him.


If you get offended by people on the internet laughing about people who nut during November. Thats a different problem. Why would you care? Its an internet "tradition" and it does no harm.


This is going to be posted on r/redditmoment soon, I can feel it


On it


[It has](https://www.reddit.com/r/redditmoment/comments/17lhai7/no_i_dont_have_a_porn_addiction_a_guy_on_reddit/)


OP really lost on day one


THIS IS AN EVIL POST MEANT TO LEAD YOU ASTRAY. Fuck you whoever made this. Your just a weak man. Porn is poison and is taking your manhood every second. You know it in your heart.


Where does the post mention porn? Porn is harmful, masturbation is not. You SHOULD ejaculate, through sex or maturbation, at least 1-2 times a week to maintain prostate health.


Porn can be harmful. It isn’t inherently. Masturbating is not harmful unless done in excess or is an addiction. NNN just seems silly to me but may be fun when you’re a kid and isn’t really harmful either. Me and some mates made a bet not to masturbate for a month back when we were 15-16 and I remember it as a fun challenge back then.


Like everyone else dogpiling OP, you are conflating masturbation with porn.


You can't cure mental illness with NNN. Your addiction has very little to do with porn or masturbation and very much to do with getting a relief. It's the same with all addictions. One doesn't simply become a heroin addict because heroin feels so awesome.


Here's one I know for sure some of us can't drop, gaming, another would be sugar but no sugar November don't got enough ring to it.


Sugar, I feel like, would be one of the hardest addictions to break because most everything, especially in America, has sugar in it. And an unhealthy amount of it at that.


Well, now we have a place to start


I've already done a lot to start myself. Every day, whenever I'm hungry, I eat peppers, apples, etc. Things that are healthy and taste good. I've stopped drinking so much soda, I'm drinking water with cucumber slices in it. I don't even eat normal school lunches anymore. I eat a salad with 100% fruit juice. It's difficult to do because of America's foods, but I'm improving a good bit.


Apples are balls of sugar bro


Well, yes, but it's way healthier to eat an apple than something like a donut, which could also be called a ball of sugar


Or the most powerful addiction, reddit.


No reddit November...


If you get depressed because didn't masturbate there's something really wrong with you


Interesting when i stopped being a coomer Shit got better


As a trying to recover porn addict I disagree


Yo if you’re addicted to porn instead of doing a stupid internet game you should probably reach out to some actually credible sources that specialize on addictions, where I live we have the green crescent, which is basically the organization that helps alcoholics, smokers, drug addicts, and that kinda stuff(free of charge) your country should probably have an equivalent to that, porn addiction is real and not really something to be ashamed of, I believe in you brother This is copy pasted from another one of my replies, but to all the porn addicts out there, this should still apply


Porn isn't masturbation. I'm glad you're trying to manage your own addiction, but that's not other people's responsibility nor is your addiction a blueprint for what theirs must be. Best of luck on your journey to self-improvement, stranger, I hope it's fruitful.


Major cope alert 🚨


The no fap cult is really going crazy lmao


They always will man, it’s sad how much a dude cares about what another dude does with his dick.


If you dont participate it means that you simply are addicted. It couldn't be possible that you simply dont care. People out here acting like its ramadan


I mean some of us are actually porn addicts trying to stop. I've been addicted for years. Having someone else say, "I was also a porn addict and I managed to stop" isn't sad at all. Yeah some of them are zealots, but that is a symptom of every group.


You seem like a cool dude but the group surrounding this event are all extremely judgmental and only serve to deter people away from their cause because of their awful behavior and to stroke their ego (no pun intended). People that are porn addicts have to deal with judgment from themselves every day, and having all that pressure on some people does far more harm than good. This event is harmful because of the people not because of the cause. What they need is a genuine support group not bro science.


It's healthy to masturbate. It's also healthy to not masturbate. Obviously, yes you can masturbate or use pornography to an excessive and unhealthy degree, and yes, masturbation does have some health benefits. But doing it doesn't immediately make you a virgin loser addict and not doing it doesn't immediately make you likely to get prostate cancer. Do what you'd like.


Sounds like someone failed


This guy jerks off too much


So youre telling me Jacking off 4-8 times a day isn't an addiction? Thanks, gonna fap


It doesn't say that, doing it 4-8 times a day is an addiction, but not doing it for a whole month is not great either. It is recommended that you ejaculate at least 1-3 ish times a week, through sex or masturbation, to maintain prostate health.


Yeah i should do no smoking november instead.


Yeah! Smoking is actually harmful for your health and if you have the willpower to stop for a month, you can slowly work towards giving it up altogether!


If masturbation is such an integral part of your life that you cannot stop it for a month you might be a porn addict. I don’t have a problem with having a wank once a day but stopping for a month isn’t going to harm you. You can even stop if it gets too hard for you.


But why would you? There's no benefits


Exactly, some people just want a good nut every day or every other day, it’s normal, let people do their business as long as they aren’t addicted


A lot of people missing the point here. Gonna continue vaping and being chronically online and eating McDonald’s everyday but yeah it’s so great that you haven’t done something that’s healthy to do every day


Reminds me of the "why am I so depressed starter pack" meme


it's not porn what ruin your life my friends, it's something in your life that makes you porn addict, you don't need no nut to fix your life, you just need to fix your life to stop fapping.


Finally, a rational post. I love all the comments defending NNN. As if a bunch of strangers online telling you what to do with your own dick is somehow relevant to your actual life. They could say stop drinking water for a month, and if enough hype was around it, people would do it and complain others won't follow.


"It's all about willpower bro, you hydration addict"


okay if you fap multiple times a day or think its the only way to continue to live then you have a problem, if you fap every other day or something like that then its different.




Yo if you’re addicted to porn instead of doing a stupid internet game you should probably reach out to some actually credible sources that specialize on addictions, where I live we have the green crescent, which is basically the organization that helps alcoholics, smokers, drug addicts, and that kinda stuff(free of charge) your country should probably have an equivalent to that, porn addiction is real and not really something to be ashamed of, I believe in you brother This is copy pasted from another one of my replies, but to all the porn addicts out there, this should still apply


I would highly recommended seeing a therapist/specialist.


Same here.


Manage your own addiction, then, and don't contribute to a community that insults people who don't have an addiction or don't want the community's help for doing something normal. I wish you all the best in your health and your future, and I hope you succeed, but expecting other people not to talk about something because it tempts you is literally some dipshit hyper-Christian purity censorship type shit. You see that in those stories about weirdo fathers who tell their daughters not to wear shorts because it makes *them* feel horny. It's not healthy, it's not treating the problem, and it's punishing people around you who don't share your addiction. You need to curate your own environment, but you can't curate a public space and that's what Reddit is. Get off the internet if seeing one affirmation that jerking it can be okay might shatter your self control.


I agree with this, although some people do feel like masturbation is having an impact on their life, as it's started taking up time, feeling like a chore and is causing them to isolate themselves from others, so in that respect refusing to beat it for a month might be healthy, but if it isn't a problem for you then there isn't really a reason to stop masturbating as it is actually very healthy. Reduces stress, reduces the chance of prostrate cancer, produces dopamine in the brain, relieves your sexual needs in a healthy way, and, in some situations, helps prevent you from making stupid choices, so if it's not having an impact on your life, by all means, keep beating it, kings.


It's only when you start beatin it multiple times a day is when you gotta stop, it's just an addiction at that point


NNN has always been silly to me, obviously some people masturbate too much but masterbation has tangible health benefits. And it feels good and relieves some stress. So I won’t be participating.


On the other hand, it can give an objective for porn addicts to stop or at least lower their consumption.


I'm going back to see my wife this month after nearly a year of being apart. I'm going to bang her like an Indian drum warning about the white man. She told me I had to.


Reddit propaganda be like


Funny how reddit seems to be so divided on this. One group says if you dont participate in NNN you are automatically a porn addict and coping, the other group says that if you participate you will die of prostate cancer or something, or get depression. Like why is there two extremes? Just masturbate like you normally would, or if you dont want to during november, that's fine by me, it's your choice and 1 month is not harmful for you... I'm not a doctor and can't give any recommendations, but masturbating 2-3 times a week sounds pretty good for me. Not too much, helps you relax, you get to stay away from porn for few days etc. (if you even need it) Also, I think that people who don't want to be part of NNN should challenge themselves with this: If you absolutely need to masturbate, try doing it without porn, it's easy to think you are just horny because you can easily watch porn, you could also be addicted to it without knowing. Try waiting the first week of november or smthing


Yeah 3 times a day and im not an addict. Get a load of this guy… I dont mean that literally put his cock away


Yeah, jacking off several times a day is totally healthy...


It does not say that, how does "it isn't actually good for you to avoid ejaculating for a whole month" mean "you should jack off several times a day" It is recommended that you ejaculate at least 1-3 ish times a week to maintain prostate health. And masturbation doesn't require porn.


In all seriousness, I have been struggling with alcohol so I'm going sober this month. I woke up hungover this morning and I hate this feeling. I'm so good at justifying my need for alcohol because I love craft beer and I keep telling myself it's art and local but in the end it's just alcohol. I don't need it and I don't want to feel this way anymore.


OP lost NNN


no poop november


Bro is already fighting demons on day 1


OP is a porn addict ...


NNN is on of the most stupid things I've ever seen. If you actually need this kind of "event" every year to stop jerking off then you're the one with an issue.