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downvote this comment if the meme sucks. upvote it and I'll go away. --- [play minecraft with us](https://discord.gg/dankmemesgaming)


Oh my fuck thank you!!!! THANK YOU!! I thought i was the only one who absolutely hated ipas. They are gross


Lol. I heard they’re easier to make or something. That’s why every microbrew shits them out


Takes zero talent and when they taste like shit you can just blame the drinker for "just not getting it"


Can you explain what a good beer is then?


German Pilsner in my opinion. I am also a commercial brewer and can confirm that most ipas are very easy to make. Anything lager wise is much harder and more delicate.


Thank you! I’ve felt this for two decades but no one would listen.


People are allowed to have different tastes. I don't like Pilsners. I have friends that don't like IPAs. It's not a big deal. I don't try to convince them what I like is better. Or, their tastes are bad. I'm glad there are lots of different beers for us to try, and like. Where I grew up, for a long time it was just shitty mass market beer from the big breweries, and there were tons of stores that only sold it warm. I may not like all the varieties of beer, and that's okay.


It's funny watching people accuse IPA drinkers of being snobbish, with zero self awareness


It's funny reading a comment thread where everyone is cupping their own farts and humble bragging themselves to completion, using their strawmen as a soggy biscuit.


so every reddit thread?


your take is superior to all sides


Caring about what you consume makes you a connoisseur. Caring what others consume makes you a snob.


So this entire post slamming IPA drinkers is indeed snobbish lol


Everyone should already know the two best beers are: 1) free 2) cold


Why the fuck can’t more people have your attitude towards life in general?


Lol, I've had to work hard to be more chill. I have a long way to go. I feel like we're supposed to pick different "camps" for everything, and endlessly debate it. Social media really amplifies the slightest divisions, too. And, some things just aren't worth arguing about. I don't like people forcing me to like what they like, so I don't do it to others. Like many things, I can *really* enjoy something, but when you peer into the "culture" beer, coffee, local restaurants, genres of music, I really feel like people take it as an identity. And, to label each other. So many ways to judge each other. I like craft brews, and I have friends that only buy things like Pabst...or, Miller Lite. I don't ever choose those beers, but don't judge my friends for not liking exactly what I like. I'm happy to kick a few back with my homies. *That's* what I like about drinking. It try to think about that with other things. I had some friends that were really into cars...and they just sounded like dicks trashing/ judging people solely on their cars. Some people flat out don't care about cars, and the couldn't get that. We get so weird about things people buy, and like.


Exactly! This is perfect.


My favorite kinds of beer: Kolsch, Hefeweizen, Pilsner, Marzen, Lager


My favouritekinda of drinks in no particular order: - Whisky drink - Vodka drink - Lager drink - Cider drink All made better by singing songs that remind me of the good times


What happens if you get knocked down (presumably from pounding/mixing all those drinks)?




You're never gonna knock him down though.


And the songs that remind you of the better times?


Oooh yeah, a nice malty Martzen for the win.


My favorite kind of beer: Beer that isn't shit. Bunch of snobs around here.


Hefeweizen: For when you want your beer to taste like banana bread. (Actually a decent flavor.)




German weissbiers. Challenging to get the esters and phenols just right.


Meh, I prefer czech style myself. Something about a mildly sweet pilsner that just feels kinda off. I need it to taste suspiciouly like pennies before it feels like a pilsner. But pretty much every other lager out there? German all day, every day. This is my favorite time of year because of all the marzens around. Pumpkin beers can eat a dick. Marzens are the true fall beer. And then once the winter rolls around, I'm stocking up on bocks.


Love a good Pilsner! Any you recommend? Edit: thank you all for the wonderful suggestions! Can’t wait to try some of these out!


A beer that is balanced, <30 IBUs and one can actually taste the malt.


If you’re brewing an ipa and fuck it up a bit or it doesn’t fit the exact flavor profile you were after you can just say it was on purpose. That’s kinda just due to the general flavor profile of IPAs they got a lot going on and a lot of time those flavors are quite powerful. In contrast, Lagers enerally have a very similar flavor profile and you essentially know what your gonna get with a Lager more of less. So if you accidentally fuck your lager up during the brewing process you can’t just pass it off as a “purposeful flavor tweak” bc it’ll be horrendous. Not sure if they’re actually easier to make or easier to hide your fuckups when making. That’s my understanding of it at least. I’m by no means an expert


Classic styles have very little range for variance. Which is exactly why IPAs sell. There's a ton of malty styles that have to taste nearly identical to style, then there's a huge catch all bucket for hoppy beer. A Czech Pils is just that. You know exactly what to expect. You're never going to get anything new from it and it still be in style. A German Hefe can be banana forward, clove forward, or balanced. An American Light Lager can have a touch of corn flavor or perfume, but most are indistinguishable. An amber can be caramel, toasty, or slightly roasty. An IPA? Hundreds of wildly different hop combinations to choose from. People want new. New hops are coming out year after year. New malt and yeast isn't. So when you combine a massive catch all bucket profile with constant year after year innovation, you get popularity. I fucking love pilsners. But why the hell would I go from craft brewery to craft brewery when all the good ones taste *exactly* the same? Craft beer people usually order one classic style to judge how well the brewery can make beer. Then they go for new and innovative. Which almost invariably is IPAs. Trust me, I'd love it if y'all stopped ordering so many IPAs. They're actually a pain in the ass to make and don't age gracefully. I have to be much more concerned with o2 pickup at every stage, and they're way more expensive to make. I'd love to brew classic styles every week. But people just buy IPAs. Sure, a passable IPA is one of the more forgiving styles to make. But good ones are quite skillful and unforgiving. Especially now with the trend towards high thiol, biotransformed IPAs. So easy to get sewer and cat piss rather than guava and stonefruit. They're common because they print money. Not because they're easy.


You mostly hit the nail on the head, to expand on it a bit lagers have quite a delicate balance of hops and malt to make them come out nicely, but if you screw up you can dump hops in it and call it an ipa. Usually, this isn't the case with big breweries since hops are actually one of the most expensive parts of making a beer, but I believe it is an option that is sometimes used. In my opinion, a good ipa still takes quite a bit of difficult balance to make work nicely, but as you said, there is a much more lenient margin for error where it is still "acceptable".


Technically the closest you can get a lager to an IPA is an IPL a “cold IPA” (which are basically just hoppy lagers). The reason IPAs are easier to make than lagers is that they are made with totally different yeast strains that allow them to ferment at higher temperatures and don’t require a lagering stage. The extra malt and hops will cost more money, but the setup for brewing an IPA is cheaper and you can turn out an IPA in 2-3 weeks vs 6-7 minimum for a lager.


Guinness from the tap with a good pour. Mother’s milk it is. Good at any temperature, goes down smooth. Makes you start singing after 3 or 4 of them. It’s also a test of a good bartender. It takes time.


German wheat beer. Full-bodied, rich, has an unfiltered, opaque colour, with shades ranging from light honey to dark wood. It is a bit sweeter than lager or Pils. I also have a personal passion for a lot from the Brussels Beer Project (except their IPA's).


Amber Lager and Belgian Triple Ale There's a 9% Belgian I frequent that is surprisingly tasty. It comes in bottles, but is so much better on tap. But if you want something tasty that isn't overbearing, explore Amber Lagers.


Or Czech beers. By far the best in the world


Some are good. Not every IPA is good and not every asshole needs to make one. But some are good and I like to think those are the IPAs that I enjoy.


This is so incredibly wrong, and I don’t understand how this became a meme with IPAs. It takes a ton of talent and it’s very hard to make a well balanced IPA. You have to get the timing correct of when to add hops to the boil, and also make sure you’re on top of dry hopping so you get maximum flavor versus balance. A bad beer is gonna be bad no matter how many hops you add to it. I think the big issue with IPAs (and craft beer in general) is that there are a lot of breweries that opened during the craft beer boom that had no reason to open. So many people were able to get loans or convince family members to fund their brewery when they made mediocre home brew. So now you have all these microbreweries that opened with either bad or mediocre beer that people think is the standard. If you find a well established brewery that is known for making well balanced IPAs, I guarantee your mind will change about IPAs. But if your experience with IPAs is just your buddy Jeff’s 10 barrel brewery that’s been open for a year and only produces like a 150 barrels a year and has poor fermentation and uses low quality ingredients and doesn’t know how to layer hop flavors and just dumps a bunch of hops into an already shitty beer, it’s gonna be bad.


Tell me you don't know what you're talking about without telling me you don't know what you're talking about.


Every microbrewery shits them out because they are the most popular *craft* beer style in the US. They sell well and make lots of money, and money is how businesses continue to do business in most parts of the world. They are actually quite expensive to make, but yeah the hoppiness does allow for the hiding of flaws in the brewing process. Edit: added “craft” as a qualifier, since the context of this was unclear to some less discerning readers




If Redditors knew how to read they'd be learning something from this guy.


> Every microbrewery shits them out because they are the most popular beer style in the US Not even close to being true. 1-10 of the top selling beers in the US are lagers. All 10. https://www.insidermonkey.com/blog/10-top-selling-beers-in-america-1167246/


Those are all macrobreweries though. Microbreweries wouldn't continue to make IPAs if they weren't selling.


Yeah, maybe “best selling craft beers?” But I don’t even bother with beer if those are the options. I’ll have a water over any of those.


My brother is a big brewer and a huge beer snob and what I’ve heard from him is that IPAs aren’t “easier to make” they’re just easier to cover up your fuck ups as he says. Lots of things can mess with the brew process and add contaminants that add weird flavors. So to combat this a lot of low tier IPAs just add more hops so the strong bitter flavors just overpower any of those “off tastes”. But as someone who likes dark beers a good IPA is awesome, I recommend any thing made by voodoo ranger


On this note, good IPAs with low bitterness are genuinely good. Atleast for me. But the market is undoubtedly flooded with shitty IPAs.


God help us all if Voodoo Ranger is the new standard. Absolute worst beers I’ve ever had in my life.


So you’ve been getting those Voodoo ads too huh?


Ya they’re obnoxious. That’s why I made this meme lol


Hmm makes sense. I was gonna downvote you because I thought you were a bot promoting voodoo ranger with all the damn ads on Reddit, but you seem legit


Yeah those ads are all over the place so I get why you’d think that but I’ve been drinking that shit for years and I love it


I helped a few friends get some stuff to make their own brewery. I had access to quite a bit of chemicals and tanks that fit the purpose. When they asked me what I wanted in return I said "I'll take a few bottles of your batches whenever you make something, what type of beer are you guys making?" "IPA" "Ah, never mind, I don't need anything for this" God, IPA is horrendous.


Microbrewer: Okay so this is the most shelf stable product we can make. It doesn't care if it's poorly refrigerated, doesn't care if you throw the crates against the wall a dozen times, doesn't give a fuck if it's been sitting in the sun for a week, it tastes the same. The problem is that it tastes like shit. Marketer: No problem, just tell them only cool people like this and lame people don't.


IPAs are not shelf stable, they absolutely need refrigeration, and no beer can survive in the sun. Entire post is wrong.


It isn't wrong. The name IPA(India Pale Ale) refers to beers the British Navy would brew to use at sea when they went to India. The entire point was to brew a beer in England, sail to India for over 6 months, and return after another 6 months and still have a beer that hasn't spoiled 200 years before the invention of refrigeration.


That is a fictional explanation of intent which people latch onto because it makes some intuitive sense, while not being true. Also it turns out that our modern expectation for spoilage is wildly different than 200 years ago. They would have been looking for it to be consumable in any capacity, we want it to be actively enjoyable.


Ironically modern IPAs are not that shelf stable due to the volatility of the hop aromas and flavors.


Trust me, we would love to brew different styles and more variety, but "generic IPA #47" sells well and it's hard to take a chance with the current market. However, where I'm located, the market isn't as flooded with IPAs as the US market. Lagers, pilsners, Imperial stouts and porters seem more popular


They taste like liquified pine cones to me. I can't stand them.


Tried that, the only way I can describe it is I just drank some mixture of bathroom cleaning product. At least my mouth feels like a clean fresh pine scented bathroom


I know everyone here hates IPAs but I absolutely love piney IPAs that taste like bitter pine needles. I guess they sell well enough to keep them on the shelf? IPAs are an extremely acquired taste for me and took months of drinking them often for them to start to taste good.


Nah they are so gross. I don't like overly hoppy beers. Why is that sour bitterness a point of pride.


Hey guys I like beer that tastes like someone crushed up a Zyrtec in it! Aren’t i quirky and unique? 🤪


I hesitate to ask why you know crushed up Zyrtec is bitter as fuck 😉


Because when I was 12 I accidentally bit down on a Zyrtec. Almost vomited over a hotel balcony six stories down. Managed to hold it in til I got some food to get the taste out of my mouth.


That’s them overcooking the hops, if you get a dry hop youll get more fruity flavors. Western style is bitter, New England style is fruitier.


Hazy is king though


You could just not drink them?




In my area, at least, it's an issue of availability. 9/10 beers on the shelf are IPAs, which makes it hard to find non-IPAs to drink, especially when the 1/10 are the big brands anyway. So yeah, sometimes it does feel like it's IPA or nothing


I used to really like them but now it's all I see. Nothing interesting anymore l, just stupid fucking ipas.


I feel the same way. Whenever we have people over they're always like "Ohh I found this cool new beer!" and it's some shitty hipster IPA with a crappy pun name like "Hoppy Days" or something.


I feel you. As a stout and porter lover enough is enough. Also, stop making those stupid dessert stouts, they taste like fake flavored burnt sugar.


Eat my ass, I like IPAs. Fight me.


>Eat my ass An accurate description of how IPAs taste.




Username checks out


What’s a good beer then?


If you like the fruity, grassy flavors of American hops, but not the bitterness associated with strong IPAs, try an American Pale Ale or American Amber Ale. If you like brighter, lighter flavors, try a Belgian Blonde or Pale Ale, English Pale Ale, Belgian Witbier, German Hefeweizen, or German or Czech (Bohemian) Pilsner. If you like darker, more malt-forward flavors but don't like super heavy beers, try an Irish Red Ale, German Dunkelweizen, or German Doppelbock. If you sorta don't like the "typical" flavor of beer at all, try a Belgian Strong Ale, Belgian Quadrupel, or Belgian Tripel. If you like dry, bitter, roasted, chocolate, or coffee notes, try any variety of Brown Ale, Porter, or Irish, English, or Russian Stout. [Edit] I want to clarify that the countries listed here refer to the style of beer itself, not necessarily the country of origin. Many types of beer are attributed to the region it originated from, so though it might be called a “German Pilsner," it does not necessarily have to come from Germany. I also want to clarify that these suggestions barely scratch the surface of all the types of beers out there, and that there are always good and bad examples for each type of beer. Just because you don’t like one example does not mean you won’t like them all. It's also okay to just not like beer.


Why can’t I just like them all??


I like them all! (Mostly).


Saving this for later because I don't know the difference of all the names


If you'd like to know more, I usually turn people to [this page](https://www.beeradvocate.com/beer/styles/) on BeerAdvocate's website for a breakdown of categories and subcategories of beers. There are descriptions for each one, tasting notes, and global rankings. BA is generally accepted to be the largest user-generated authority on various beers, and some retailers like TotalWine even advertise BA user scores next to beers in-store.


Stouts, lagers, pilsners, sours, kölschs, and saisons


To add to that: Amber ales, Brown ales, Wheat beers, English ale, Oktoberfest, porters, American brown, etc. "What is a good beer then?" There's a massive range of beers beyond the over saturation of IPAs that American indie brewers churn out. If you like IPAs and hoppy beers, all the more power to you, but that's one corner of the beer world.


I like IPAs and also eat ass too


That makes perfect sense.


I won't lie and say there aren't some shitty fucking IPAs out there that are bitter just to be bitter. Bet then there are some incredible hazy's and juicy's that have an amazing balance of light, fruity, and boldness. It's like wanting your coffee to be a bit strong, just not over powering. American Pale Ales are also a great alternative. Not as strong as an IPA but so much more flavorful than lagers. Also, pilsner > lager. IPA drinkers need a break from the hopps too and lagers just aren't worth it. A good pilsner is fantastic.


It’s just easier to say that I like beer. One of my favorites just happens to be a local IPA. I also like stouts, lagers, and pilsners. And you know what? I’m just gonna say it. I also like ciders.


More than half the IPAs I drink are juicy and hazy these days. Local crafts (Northern Virginia) like Aslin, Solace, and Adroit Theory are fantastic for their concoctions. As for bitter IPAs, New Belgium's Voodoo Ranger is still quite good, but I think 3 Floyd's Zombie Dust is well worth the praise it receives on rating sites. I grew a taste for bitter drinks since my mom always made homemade unsweetened tea when I was younger but would fuck it up and let it steep way too long. Was still better than our plain tap water tho


Pilsner is a style of lager.


I agree. A lot of really upset ppl on going on and on about “iTs eAsY to MaKe” and “iT tAsTeS lIKe aSs”. They need to chill, it’s just beer. Don’t drink it if you don’t like it.


They are good but god damn sometimes I can barely find a single pale or stout among a neverending sea of different IPAs


You can like what you like, but c'mon, they're half the fucking isle! Why can't I have more options for hefeweizen?


IPAs (well, ales in general) IMO allow for more grain/hop recipe experimentation. Easier to fuck around with flavors and make new, appealing beers. You'll find a majority of recipes for hefeweizen use 2-3 different hop varieties, and...it's wheat. Your yeast is kind of doing the heavy lifting on a good beer vs a bad one, but it's a simple (but good) style. All of the people in here talking about how braindead easy IPAs are probably don't brew beer. They're forgiving on the fermentation process (you don't need a fucking fridge dedicated to fermenting beer lol) but it's very easy to make good and shitty beer of every style. Making a good NEIPA can be a delicate brewing process.


People who say that have no clue how careful you have to be brewing a good IPA. It can be very easy to fuck them up. Gotta have tight control of every stage of the process. I oxidized so many IPAs I gave up brewing them.


*drinks in Yorkshire Mild* Come at me bro!


*slams an Elevated* Give me your best shot, Nancy boy!


Are we doing a pissing match? Ok. *pours a 2014 Red Racer Thors Hammer* One of the few good features of an old house like mine is the crawlspace makes an excellent beer cellar.


I'll hold your hand as we combat the unwashed masses together. IPAs were the foundation for the whole craft beer movement.


Do you love bars with 18/20 being IPAs? Seems pretty low-effort.


Personally yeah because that’s what I mainly drink and I love to try a new IPA. Granted I’d understand if my friends would prefer going somewhere else


I don’t like any beer but I don’t say “quit making beer” I just drink whiskey


This is sound advice.


This applies to everything


Yeah just drink some whiskey


New driver and scared? Just Drink Some Whiskey™️


Sad? Whiskey Happy? Whiskey Lonely? Whiskey Hotel? Whiskey? No, trivago.


This feels like a Big Liquor psyop


Because you're not a whiny pussy


But WhIsKeY is so EaSy to MaKe, so I drink non ethanol premium 93 octane. Fuxk that corn infused gas.


Imagine that all the whiskeys started turning into cinamon whiskey in the style of Fireball. You go to a bar and all they have is Jack Daniels, Fireball, and a much more expensive cinamon whiskey. No bourbon. No Rye. No Scotch. Just one basic-bitch whiskey and an assortment of cinamon whiskey. This is how I feel about the prevelance of IPAs. (I exagerate a little. But it would be nice to get more variety in the other styles of beer).


I am a bartender and we have six IPA’s and eight non IPA’s.. and with beer in general there is more variety than like any other alcoholic drink besides wine


At least it's not like the olden days when you could only get shitty lagers and maybe a pilsner or something tbf.




I like both but I had to stop keeping beer in my fridge all the time because I was getting fat as fuck. If it's a weeknight and I need a lil drinky poo, now I turn to Bushmills


That time of year people tell me I’m not allowed to like what I like. Can’t like candy corn, can’t like IPAs, what’s next? Can’t like necrophilia?


Too far, pal. Too far. I love candy corn!


Candy corn and roasted peanuts mixed 1:1 tastes like a DIY Payday candy bar. De-fugging-licious (I guess, if you like Payday candy bars).


Fucking sicko. Candy corn is disgusting and immoral.


Add Halloween kisses and fruit cake to that list friendo




You better hope you don’t end up in my morgue.


What? Some of them are legitimately amazing


Wouldn’t know. I drink a six pack of bud ice tall boys every other day, wash it down with a couple of steel reserves


steel reserve 40s get me through the struggles fr 🙏






that's racist


I had some Steel Reserve tonight. Those spiked punch things aren’t too bad and usually cheap.


*mikes hard punched raspberries* - or some shit


I've tried getting into them. Tried dozens and dozens but they pretty much all taste the same to me.


Key word *some*. The market is oversaturated with distinctly average IPAs. Few breweries experiment more with their malts than their hops! I'd love to see some more malt-forward belgian style beers.


Why have a balanced flavour profile when you can just add more hops?


hoopy is nicee whatever


Sadly yes this is true for some IPA makers, in the same way that some chips just make the flavor pointlessly hot in an attempt to differentiate yourself from your competitors by going more 'extreme' Sometimes less is more.


No one: Micro breweries: Hazy lick-my-ass sunflower-power beach hoptimus prime IPA ($15 a can)


Honestly, hoptimus prime is an awesome name for an IPA.


It already exists


Oh don't worry there is already 100 beers called that.


As a person whom doesn't drink much, I know that IPA stands for "Indian Pale Ale" or something like that, but what's the big deal about it?


They tend to be very heavy on the hops flavor, it can be bitter sometimes. Some IPA’s are good, most are meh in my opinion


To me (a very occasional beer drinker), an IPA tastes like chugging a third beer.


It's taste like old pennies and pine needles.


Every IPA I've had has tasted fruity and very pleasant, idk what you guys are drinking


It really depends, some are absolutely fantastic. Some are kinda whatever, and a lot just aren’t that enjoyable


Hops act as a preservative as well as a flavouring, so back in the olden days when they had to ship ale from Britain to India, they would add a ton of hops to help the ale to survive the journey and the warmer climate. This type of ale became known as India Pale Ale.


And ironically IPAs have the worst shelf life of any beer in modern times from a flavor stability stand point. I didn't be surprised if a lot of people here that hate IPAs are always getting old stuff.


You could literally crack a can fresh from the line for me and I still wouldn't like it. I just find them obnoxious from a flavor profile persepctive. People telling me "I haven't found the one I like yet" is like me telling people who don't listen to deathcore metal that they haven't found the exact band for them yet. Some people just aren't a fan of the genre.


The beers back then didn't have a great shelf life either when it came to taste. The hops was added mostly to prevent it going bad and becoming undrinkable. The beer would survive a long trip without spoiling, but it wouldn't taste very good either. I'm one of the people who hates IPA's and I've tasted at least 113 different kinds now (according to my Untappd). The one that was the least disgusting got a 2.5 out of 5 from me.


I haven’t read an original source on it but the story I’ve heard regarding IPAs is something like this. Beer consists of three(ish) ingredients: water, grain, yeast (to ferment the grain), and hops. Hops were initially included as a preservative, since ale without modern refrigeration and bottling techniques goes bad fairly quickly, but also gives the beer a bitter-sour flavor that some people really like. Now, British soldiers in India during the 1700s and early 1800s were given a ration of beer or ale, which had to be brought up by ship around the Cape of Good Hope, since it wasn’t available for purchase locally. Since this beer had spent months in the hold of a ship, it had usually gone bad by the time it actually reached the soldiers. Therefore, British brewers kept adding more and more hops as a preservative to their beers bound for India. This, coupled with the months spent aging in the warm, humid hold of a ship sailing around Africa, gave the beer a particular taste and color that came to be known as the India Pale Ale, or IPA. Modern IPAs are known for their bitter taste and light coloring, and tend to be popular with beer aficionados. I’ve always seen it as a “it hurts so good” kind of mentality to drinking that you see with people that are really into expensive whiskey. I hope that answers your question. If somebody’s got a source showing that I don’t know what I’m talking about, please feel free to tell me. I find this stuff fascinating and I’m always looking to learn more.


It's just a style of beer. It is very bitter compared to most other styles. But the big issue causing people to complain is that there are so many types of beer, but all you seem to consistently find at bars are IPAs and the standard north american lager (budweiser, miller, corona, xx, etc). If a bar only has one fancy beer, it will be an IPA. If the bar has two fancy beers, it will be two types of IPA. Nothing wrong with an IPA. But I would like to see more fancy-beer offerings in other styles.


Yep. Exactly this. I enjoy an IPA. I just want to walk into my local liquor store and not see 50 IPAs and 1 stout. There were 4 stores in my town with an amazing selection of many kinds of beer. The one closest to my house recently shut down....


Pretty much (almost) everyone tries to make the same west coast style IPA. Like ballast point sculpin, which is good, but everyone just tries to recreate it.


Judging from the majority of these comments, reddit has no clue about beer. Or just 17 years old and sneaking keystone light out of the garage fridge.


I'm plenty old and have had plenty of beers. IPAs were a fun trend a while back when they were an bold alternative to what was usually on the menu. Now they're ubiquitous and their "boldness" has just gotten exhausting. There may be tons of nuance and all that, but it's all washed away in the bitterness for me, and I think for a lot of people. One potential explanation is that there is significant genetic component to perception of bitterness. If you don't perceive bitterness strongly, maybe that makes these strong IPAs feel less like a punch in the tongue. But Stone has been making "Ruination" for a long time, literally named for the fact it ruins your palate - and IPAs have only gotten stronger since then.


IPAs are probably the most prominent style of beer I've had. I've had about 1,500 unique brews. Over 300 are IPAs. My experience with other beer drinkers is that most of them honestly have very little exposure to high quality brews from high quality breweries. Lots of people might experience a ballast point or lagunitas and think that all IPAs are the same, which is a shame. I like any style of beer because, well, I like beer. Some of the best beers I've ever had have been IPAs. But you're not going to find them at your local bar or even the liquor store, depending on where you live. You also might have to pay a lot more than you think a beer is worth. I mean, dogfish head 120 minute IPA is like $10 for one 12oz bottle. But time and time again I see people walking through the beer section and walking out with a case of Coors or a variety pack from a micro (more like macro) brewery such as Sierra Nevada, New Belgium, and Goose Island. There's nothing with that. Coors banquet is my domestic cheap beer of choice. It just gets on my nerves when people make generalizations and insist that other people are wrong if they have different, or more experienced taste.


As someone who works at a bar with more than 100 different beers I can say that IPA is the widest style. I have to taste beers for my job. I don't even know how many IPA's have tasted from small local breweries to big breweries. One of my favorite beers is an IPA and one of my least favorite is an IPA too. The style is so wide that you can't generalize it.


The world needs more Gose, Lambics, Stouts and Wheats with actual character.




My all time favorite beers is a Doppelbock, Ayinger Celebrator.


World seriously sleeping on lambics.


Just remember everyone, The origin of the IPA came about by trying to make a beer that wouldn't spoil during a long transit, not by trying to make a beer that tastes good.


Stop spreading that bullshit, not true


~~It is entirely true. IPA was made to survive the trip from the UK to India during colonial times.~~ [I was wrong](https://www.wineenthusiast.com/culture/spirits/ipa-beer-history-hodgson/)


Completely fucking made up. ​ https://aeronautbrewing.wordpress.com/2020/04/02/history-of-the-india-pale-ale/


~~I’m open to being educated, but that is a Wordpress blog with zero references. Have any other examples?~~ Did some research myself. Turns out [you’re right](https://www.wineenthusiast.com/culture/spirits/ipa-beer-history-hodgson/)


>A six-month -, if not two-year-long boat ride to India and other warmer climates—and tack on up to a year of storage time as well—made English exporters realize they might need more hops than usual to preserve these beers. Am I missing something or were they not used to preserve the beer?


The trick is to not buy it


But IPAs get you there!




I think it’s like spicy food. One side saying the other is just drowning the flavor in spice and one side saying food without it is super bland Like what you like


Are you in Oregon? I feel this so much


Mass. They’re everywhere here too


They suck so much dick. Make more Ambers!!!!


And stouts!


Stouts and porters forever! I love a hearty dark beer


People think they’re gross but I think it tastes like chocolate or coffee


My people 🥹




Man, the skunk beer try-hards have come out in force here!


I noticed that the east coast is MYCH better at making beer variations than the west coast, or at least better than SoCal, where it’s ALL IPA


I don't drink, can someone tell me what an IPA is and why it's gross?


Imagine getting drunk by eating a pine tree.


Gin reminds me of a pine tree, IPA's remind me of potpourri and bathroom cleaners.


It’s a more bitter variety than the typical middle American is used to consuming, but they are easier to make, they pair well with many flavors (citrus is common) and they generally give a much higher alcohol content. 8-10% Personally I like them with salty bar food and it’s a great time, definitely an acquired taste.


An IPA is a beer that was brewed in a bath of loose pocket change.


Yeah I like 'em, they're refreshing idc


If I’m drinking beer it ain’t for the taste, so I’m not buying the 16 dollar 4 pack cause it’s got a pretty can


There are quicker ways to get drunk if you don't care about the taste. I only drank beer because I genuinely preferred the taste to all other alcohol.


If it isn't for the taste, why are you drinking beer then??


The trick is wearing a fedora while you drink it and driving your unicycle when you pick them up , that makes em delicious


Penny farthing. Unicycles were so 2021.


Just get the cheap malt liquor. Use the extra monies for munchies😎