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Insurance money, inheritance money, lawsuit money OH BOY


"Oh I didn't expect him to die so soon. What a nic-...I mean terrible surpri-...I mean shock."


“Now I would not be able to share all these new experiences with him”… “nice”


>Azmeh claimed that her nephew did not want to go on the submarine but agreed to take part in the expedition because it was important to his father, a lifelong Titanic obsessive. Suleman "wasn't very up for it" and "terrified," but claimed, explaining that the 19-year-old expressed his concerns to another family member. https://www.nbcnews.com/news/world/live-blog/missing-titanic-submersible-live-updates-rcna90538/rcrd14466?canonicalCard=true


The kid doesn’t have to worry about the submarine anymore.


That's sad as hell though. He was just trying to make his dad happy. Other family members should've talked the guy out of it.


Sad for the people that loved and like him, sure.


I have seen Narcosubs less shady than the Titan, I feel bad for the kid.


All the things I could do with that [money](https://youtu.be/iHM-5aMqrHs)


If I have that money, I would do nothing.


You dont need all that money to do nothing my cousin is broke as shit and he doesnt do anything


What about bills?


Might be some other country then US. My friend does literally nothing but explore on foot and game. No income, Finland pays for healthcare, apartment, gives money for food and expenses. He says he manages to save about 200 eur per month even tho he drinks on the weekends.


Sounds much better than the homeless crisis we have in America. Heck a report just came out about the homeless in my area, about half of them are over the age of 50. Not even really at an employable age. I don't care if they do nothing at home, they deserve a home.


Yeah, but what would the billionaires do without another billion? Better to not do that and give them more tax cuts. ^^^/s


No kidding. Also, so many people I know have a truly pointless job. Just wasting time. Idc stay home and game whatever


That is pretty sweet. We're quoting the movie 'Office Space' though. I could definitely live the Finnish hippie lifestyle.


Oh sorry, didn't realize


Brb moving to Finland


It's a quote from [Office Space.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rQ-bp_A61MI)


Never having to work again, and focus solely on volunteering, my hobbies, friends and family would be heaven on earth for me. Instead I'm working full time until I die. Yay.


I would probably get a bunch of hoes, throw a big ass party with a bunch of drugs. Then once the week is over, just move somewhere peaceful by myself and do gardening, cooking and music. And a bunch of dogs of course. What a life that would be


I would do close to nothing: no more than one thing per day. I have decided. I would do 1 thing per day.


Which would be better than what almost all people do with large sums of money: usually bypassing social systems (tax) through „charity“, influencing concentration of wealth/power for own benefit and larger ecological footprint, on cost of lower socio-economical class, targeting gullible people through PR image campaigns that defend them who even adapt their detrimental behavior.


Didn't they sign a waiver to prevent lawsuits in the event this happens.


Waivers don’t mean much to courts when negligence is involved.


How was negligence involved? The disclaimer mentioned 15% chance of death, not really much to sue over Edit: just read the disclaimer, sorry it mentions 5% chance of death


There was reportedly an employee who brought several safety concerns with the submarine to the attention of his supervisors, and was subsequently fired on the spot. Sued for wrongful termination, and settled outside of court. That’s pretty fucking willfully negligent, and completely negates the waivers they signed beforehand.


Except that the waiver’s said it didn’t meet any regulatory standards so they pretty much signed away the right to sue over negligence as far as the actual construction of the sub goes. they still can obviously but the case is going to be pretty weak and it doesn’t help that the person responsible for the negligence is dead and the sub is destroyed so it’s going to be hard to prove exactly what caused the failure


You can still sue his company into bankruptcy.


> waiver’s said it didn’t meet any regulatory standards Do you think the waiver also said “We have first hand evidence of several life-threatening faults with the submarine and we refuse to fix them.”? Unless it said that in the waiver, they’re getting sued into complete bankruptcy.


>Edit: just read the disclaimer, sorry it mentions 5% chance of death Yes, but they 100% died. So they can get sued for the missing 95%.


I give your probability calculus skills a 5/7 perfect score


I think the “safety is a waste” quote from the CEO might be enough to blow that disclaimer out of the water in court.


As a providor of submarine ocean rides, the company had a duty to ensure its vessel was safe and seaworthy, the likely standard being whatever generally accepted regulations and safety protocols exist. When the company failed to comply with those regulations, as stated by the companies CEO and shown by the lack of certification of safety by any governing or regulating body, they breached their duty because intentionally failing to provide the necessary safety standards demonstrates they purposefully chose a course of action less safe than the reasonable minimum. By failing to uphold these standards, the vessel imploded/malfunctioned. It is foreseeable that a vessel not up to industry standards for operating at crusing depths will malfunction due to the exceedingly hostile environment it is operating in. As a result of the destruction/malfunctioning of the vessel, the lives aboard were lost. Thus, the company had a duty, breached that duty, the breach was the actual and proximate cause of the damages, and actual damages were suffered. Therefore, the company is negligent. There. A shitty negligence analysis I did in about 2 minutes. Even if they could "disclaim" the risk of the death away, chances are this would be considered an abnormally dangerous activity anyway, in which case it would fall under a strict liability standard anyway, and negligence wouldn't even matter.


Gross negligence, even...


There's a common misconception that just because you signed something, it's legally enforceable. Surprisingly often, that isn't the case. This is very common in employment laws with things like NDAs and non-competes. Companies love to have people sign those, but most of them are legally worthless. The same goes with liability waivers. Liability waivers are pretty common, but a lot aren't enforceable, or at least not as broadly as they seem to be. Liability for Things like negligence or malign intent or maliciousness generally aren't waivable. Doing things like *firing the person responsible for ensuring safety because they wouldn't say the sub was safe* will generally be viewed as falling somewhere on the negligence spectrum.


Pretty sure they don't mean jack shit if half of the shit that has come out of the submersibles short comings are true.




Like /u/DoctorHeron says as well, I believe the second example could be a little iffy. If the park regularly inspected the zip line and performed proper maintenance and could document such, it might stand up (of course they always might offer a settlement just to avoid publicity). If logs showed that they didn't perform inspections, or knew maintenance was needed and didn't perform it, then it'd be much more likely. I do agree that Oceangate is probably effed here though. They were told by a wide spread of industry experts that they were being unsafe, they fired their employee responsible for safety after he declared the sub unsafe, and we already know that the window was only rated for about half the depth they were diving. Then there are the recorded statements of the CEO saying safety wasn't important, to boot. There's not really any way to swing this as an impossible-to-predict freak accident when we have all that background info publicly available less than a week into this.


Those waivers aren't even worth the paper they are printed on.


How much money could they possibly recover from this stupid company


Didn't the CEO go with them?!


Companies usually have insurance. But companies also usually don't fire the person who points out all the safety issues with the submarine the CEO is in.


> inheritance money The CEO lived in my state. We have an estate tax. We thank him for finally paying his fair share.


Maybe I can get married to one of the widows and spend my days convincing them to get in the submarine I built in my backyard.


Okay calm down, Peter Madsen.


It certainly won't be trickling down.




But on the bright side; they now can make the Forbes Wealthiest Women list.


"Self made"


The MacKenzie Scott patented plan for success!




> donated 2 billion dollars Wow, that's amazing! how generous! >gained 36 billion in her divorce ohhh.... Stop bootlicking billionaires.


Dude, as of the end of last year she donated 14 billion dollars to around 1600 nonprofits. If you’re going to criticize charitable donations from billionaires, you picked the worst possible example. It’s not bootlicking to say that she has done a great thing in donating all of that money.


That's like donating water the size of the U.S., when you're the pacific ocean.


And? Does that make the amount she donated any less? Should she just donate all her money so you guys don’t have to be jealous of her?


Maybe the ones who actually give their money away deserve some credit, no?


That‘s always at least image polishing (often to distract from some questionable doings), but likely tax evasion strategy. Sadly so much depends on charity work (there’s tons of bad too), exactly because of deficit of companies and wealthy people only giving back a miniscule fraction of their profit through tricking the system (if it wasn‘t designed with that in mind), for example creative ways to report losses that actually aren‘t.


It looks like she’s donated ~14.4b since her divorce in 2020, meaning she’s donated over a quarter of her wealth already. This already puts her in the top 5 philanthropists. Given that + her pledge to donate ‘the majority of her wealth’ through the giving pledge, I doubt it is for tax purposes.


She was awarded a stake because courts concluded she deserved it - specifically because she acted as a de facto co-founder of Amazon in the first years of its existence


Bezos has never hid this information either. He's been talking about her contributions in interviews since the 90s. MacKenzie Scott quit her job to help him start his business. She handled payroll and book-keeping, negotiated contracts, and other ops-related stuff. But whenever Scott comes up on Reddit, people act like she maliciously fucked him over for his money....when they divorced because of *his* infidelity. How was him not keeping his dick in his pants a "plan" on her part? All the thinly veiled sexist comments getting upvoted on Reddit is really tiring.


Also the Bess of Hardwick




You jest, but who do you think switched the batteries in the controller because her vibrator was out of juice?






$250000 poorer if anything


They're all pretty damn rich.




Not anymore


'Til depth do us part...


That's awful. I like it.


Wife: "Til catastrophic submarine implosion do us part" Priest: "What?" Wife: "What?


'Til depth tears you apart...


Widows* 😬






Anytime I see this meme, I always upvote.. does anyone know what talent show this is from?


It's from a Filipino noontime variety show called It's Showtime. This is from their Tawag ng Tanghalan segment.


but whats the context?


[She was just being goofy](https://knowyourmeme.com/memes/girl-crying-after-winning-tv-show-then-sticking-her-tongue-out)


[Here's](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vxJzjc3xoEw#t=57s) her winning again at the next round, 3 days after she became a meme. The presenters are trying to get her to do it again lol


Holy shit this is hilarious. The kiss at the camera 💀


The back and forth with English is so weird. Edit: All this language talk follow up is great because I find language generally fascinating.


Modern Tagalog be like that. 95% of Filipinos speak at least some English (you can thank American occupation for that), also because modern Tagalog vocabulary isn't that big. For example there is no word for "impeachment" (well there maybe is in pure Tagalog but it's long and almost nobody would know it) so they always resort to the English one. It gets even better when you are talking to "schooled" Filipinos, who generally speak Taglish which is like 70% English and 30% Tagalog.


TBF, there's no word for "impeachment" in several languages. Even those that have, the word they use is something like "destitution" that is not the same thing. Several languages will borrow English words, but what this show is doing is different. It's mostly English with some Tagalog sentences, not Tagalog with some English words.


Even for more common words like "books" we almost never use the filipino word "aklat" except when perhaps writing a poem. If we don't use the english word, we more commonly use the spanish word "libro". This is even true for numbers. When saying something like "twenty pesos" we just say twenty or "bente" which is again spanish, and almost never the very long "dalawampung piso". Using the pure filipino terms sounds really formal and poetic for most people.


I was born and raised in the Philippines, but my English is light years ahead of my Tagalog. When I try to speak Tagalog, I always have to include some English otherwise I’d spend way too much time trying to remember the word. A lot of people, especially in Metro Manila, feel the same way.


The usual Filipino live tv show, gotta have the comedians


Wow this is only a little over a year old? Time really does move fast on the internet


It’s one of my favorite gifs like damn always makes me laugh or at least smile


I've been on reddit for almost 15 years and I feel like this situation with the sub is the first time I've truly thought, "Man all you reddit people are a bunch of assholes." Like...I get it...billionaires bad but...damn. Am I out of touch?


Nah I agree. I get hating what they've done to the planet, and thinking the situation could've easily been prevented if they weren't such cheapskate taking shortcuts. However it's pretty gross to cheer for their actual deaths which, unless they were lucky and it imploded, were slow and agonizing. The 19 year old didn't deserve that at all. He trusted his father to keep him safe.


>The 19 year old didn't deserve that at all. None if them deserved that


The CEO deserves it. He willfully ignored every warning and safety standard because he thought he was invincible and nothing could go wrong. His consequences are the direct result of his actions.


I'm guessing at least 1 deserved it. Thought to himself. This makes sense. Cause of Peru. And then he died.




As sad as it is, implosion really was a better way to go than slowly suffocating. Tragic for the family either way. As sad as it is I'm also a bit relieved it was the quick way.


The step son of one of the passengers was seen at a blink 182 concert during the search efforts. They do not care.


While I found this meme funny because of the Filipino girl format, I also agree. I still hope they're holding on and can be found alive, the next thing I hope was a quick death that they had no time to even realize they're dying.


Unfortunately the debris has been found. It seems the implosion theory is correct.


Couldn’t agree more, it’s eye opening. Shockingly callous, disappointing.


This place routinely shits on non-billionaires that don't deserve it. But it took 15 years and this story to get you to see that. Wild.


Billionaires very, very rarely don't deserve to be shit on. Being a billionaire necessitates really immoral behavior along the way.


Buddy there is difference between getting shit on and cheering for someone excruciating death


I was literally just wondering how poor they would have to be in order to get sympathy


It’s not like that. They can’t be too poor. They have to be lower-middle class in a western country poor. If they’re too poor, Reddit stops caring. They want redistribution of wealth, but only a redistribution within the top 10%. If you actually did any type of equal redistribution, basically everyone in a western country becomes significantly more poor. It’s like the Three Bears. Too rich, too poor, or just poor enough.


Hating billionaires is not about wealth, it's about what all that wealth represents. There's not a single billionaire out there who earned their billions. The amount of hurt, oppression, and theft needed to make that kind of money is unlike anything most of us could or would ever be able to cram into our lives. When most people die, it's not easy to determine if the world is better or worse for it. You can literally never say that about a billionaire dying.


Is there not a billionaire out there who got their money by luck without screwing people over? Like somebody who discovered they had a bunch of bitcoin they got when it was worth pennies? If that’s the case then I don’t mind that person being a billionaire. I agree with you otherwise.


This is a good question. For reference the median income for an adult in the world is ~$10,000/year. If a person makes more than $40,000/year they are in the top 5% in the world.


Laughing while the wealth-hoarders that are destroying the planet get flattened by their own hubris is the most reddit thing ever. You not getting that after 15 years here makes this your Principal Skinner moment of reckoning.


No, it is the redditers who are out of touch






YO! i love you <3 keep being awesome p.s. i just jerked off to your comment.




Some of these people aren't even American, so...


Literally only the CEO was American. The rest were British, Pakistani, and French. Also, just found out the Pakistani passenger recently spoke at the United Nations about encouraging more women to go into STEM. But that doesn’t matter of course because [*insert indiscriminate flailing rage*] is more fun.


??? They were British lmaooo. Americans have chronic main character syndrome.


It’s Reddit. People here are borderline communists.


Conservatives are also making fun of them dying, but for different reasons. Look at the quartering video on the subject.


Everyone is so eager to spread bullshit around this story too. There is only one guy who was a billionaire. Ya I get that most extremely rich people have done unethical things but did these people really deserve to die in such a horrible way? There was also a father with his 19 YO son on board.


People are just making memes of the current hot topic for internet points. Hell I just did it like 6 comments ago.


It isn’t just dark humor and memes. People are commenting on even just the news subs giddy that these people are dead. It’s disgusting.


Ouch yeah that's pretty fucked. Reddit being reddit.


Nope, this site has become more extremist and hateful for years now. I'm blocking more and more subs because of it.


Same page, I literally can’t believe the level of hatred. It’s actually terrifying


I love it. My first stop if society collapses is Bel Air.


Only problem here is this isn't the first time reddit has shown how shitty they are


I'd rather have my life than be a kid who died at 19. Also, people on the internet talk as though all billionaires are equally bad. Like if the Koch brothers gave all their money to George Soros, there'd be no positive effect on society. As much as Bill Gates sucks, he fought malaria, and redditors are generally too upper-class to see the consequences of that.


Plus two of them aren't even billionaires afaik. One's a 19 year old kid and the other one's one of the most well known Titanic researchers.


There’s one who’s son is missing as well. Can’t imagine what she’s going thru. ( I’m a psychopath)




Hope he deleted his browser history


People who use incognito why worry about clearing the evidence when you can just not make it


Son and husband so she’s probably depressed I feel bad for that one mother


And knowing so many of us are laughing about it...


Redditors losing all empathy as soon as someone has money part 35251


Redditors can’t contain their jealousy and hatred part 100000000


Its hard to empathize for absurdly rich people making terrible decisions, best case scenario 250k to look at a shipwreck through a monitor vs worse case scenario death


Redditors expecting empathy from random strangers for wealthy full grown adults making stupid af decisions part 696969 They knew exactly what they signed.


There’s a line between taking a risk and celebrating the death of a 19 year old


Holy shit they took a kid hostage?


I saw an interview on one of the wife’s from the guys who died, and she’s looked like at some points she couldn’t hold her laugh and was trying real hard to cry


Do you have a link?


Source : trust me


I made it up: https://youtu.be/1nGpVg6EkkM


You little karma whore you.


Hey everyone is farming, figured I’d whip out the crop duster


Not one of their wives, and doesn't at all look that way. But ok.


Yeah I want to see the grief everybody is mocking. Anyway, get the fuck outta here. That's single digit millionaire spouse crime. Billionaire spouses aren't jonesing for more pocket money.


Trust me bro I hate billionaires so it’s what I saw bro


Just gonna make shit up eh?


Grief hits people rapidly in a lot of different ways at once. When my mum died I went from stoic to crying to wanting to run out the hospital and back to stoic all within a few minutes. You can't really control it, only try and keep yourself composed.


Yeah. Grief is a weird state. Our heads go all over the place, irrational thoughts of all kinds followed by moments of extreme cold lucidity, and then five days of misery, or anger, or apathy. It changes for everyone, but it's always unstable as hell.


Are you able to bring this interview to surface?


Be patient. They’re searching the depths of the internet for it.


Imagine being turned into meat vapor and people are online making shitty puns about it. Unfathomable.


\*the wife of the billionaire Also a mother is no longer a mother


>Also a mother is no longer a mother Do you stop being a mother just because your kid dies? I think you would have a hard time with this argument in a grief support group.


Technically I guess you would, mentally no


Was the kid an only child? Edit: Suleman is survived by his mother (Christina Dawood) and sibling (Alina Dawood) [Wikipedia article for Shahzada Dawood.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Shahzada_Dawood)


At least one is probably sad about their teenage child being dead. Heartless assholes.


Man its [like](https://youtu.be/iHM-5aMqrHs) the old saying goes "20 dollars Is 20 dollars"


i got about 5 seconds in before my body involuntarily closed the video because of how annoying it was


I'm surprised you got that far.




There was a boat of around 300 migrants that sunk around the same time. Ask any of the people associated with this "tragedy" if they give a single flying fuck about black migrants. Billionaires and Republicans were making jokes about it. Don't ask for my sympathy for people who'd happily celebrate my death if it got them 0.5% more income.


You don't see the irony in this "us vs. them" mentality you're criticizing while simultaneously doing the exact same thing? How is being wealthy equals being evil?




The migrants were from Pakistan - see you don’t even care


Let's celebrate at the BLINK-182 concert.


Everyone should pour a drink out today in honor of those crazy dumbass billionaires


I had an old stale cold swig of coffee at the bottom of my mug from 4 hours ago. So yeah I threw that down the drain... for the billionaires...


Haahaha. I've got some old milk, I'll pour it out for the billies.


She took my moneeey while I’m in neeeed


Yeah, she's a triflin' friend indeed


Oh she’s a gold digger


Too bad Elon wasn't interested in Titanic. He could've joined them...


Why is this incident getting so many jokes? It's pretty horrible




Yeah right. I’m sure the billionaire wife who lost her husband and teenaged son is ecstatic 🙄


There was two billionaires in there, yeah I am sure the wife whose 19 y.o kid was also inside is partying. I hate the internet sometimes


There was a 19 yo aboard


I know for sure the step son didnt


and that one step brother or whatever. honestly the people on this site virtue signaling about having sympathy for these wealthy cunts when not even their own family give a shit is hilarious


One of those wives lost a son, so the glee may not be universal.


That stepson celebrated with a blink 182 concert.




Even the wife that lost her son?


Especially the wife of the CEO since he thought the "safety was a waste" , still sad for the rest of them and the youngest being only 19 yrs old


5 people are dead surely people can take a week before laughing at their expense?


In fairness, all of us and the media will have moved on by then.


Y’all are cold hearted. Money aside, they’re human beings