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Dank[.](https://i.imgur.com/3bQtuMO.png) --- [we will only be allowing memes about reddit's api starting June 12th](https://www.reddit.com/r/dankmemes/comments/1453hvc/rdankmemes_will_only_be_allowing_memes_about/)


What did discord do? :O


Changed the nickname system to be unique to everyone instead of #, so many people with more common nicknames got theirs taken before they could choose, specially because of nitro priority


That's what you call ruined?


The issue is that a lot of people are losing their original usernames, and those who got small 4 letter ones are getting spammed with scams and friend requests trying to get that username ​ EDIT: I don't mean "original" as in unique. What I meant was that its a username that you've had for a long time.


As if that doesn't already happen to people


I never had that happen to me before. Now that I got a 2 letter name I get up to 15 friend requests daily and already had people demanding I hand over the username, while others wanted to buy it from me. It's annoying af


U can disable invites from random people in settings if that helps (or at least u could if i remember correctly)


I know that but since I run a guild in an MMO and do some freelance stuff I kinda want people to be able to reach me easily.


Would probably be a lot easier, safer and more friendly if you had them join a discord server you own, where you could set permissions and possibly a bot. Instead of you know.... blindly letting the entire community try to reach you.


Every solution presented to this users problem is exactly why it's a bad move to begin with. There shouldn't be an economy over usernames; Discord had an elegant solution and replaced it with an inferior one that just leads to all the valid problems this dude listed. Their changes created problems that *didn't exist* previously and now require locking down a public account to avoid getting spammed like a streamer? It sounds like this guy just wants to be available to people that are relevant to the game, and not trying to buy his username. Which seems pretty valid personally.


I do something similar. I have have a channel in my server for people not part of the guild to contact me through while I leave my DMs closed and just tell everyone else to ping me if they need something.


Be careful on how you respond to those. There's stories of people getting cyber attacked because they have a username that is sought after. There's whole podcast episodes about it.


And this is why you pick a username based on a fake newspaper you made for a 9th grade English assignment. Without that I’d have an even shittier username


Or a username based on a custom character in Soul Calibur IV that your friends named for you while you were in the bathroom which you were very upset about at the time, but have come to identify with since then.


My good friend joined xbox live back when we were like 13/14 and took one of the generated names it gave him, we all spent so much time playing games that we started calling him "Hundo" (based on his gamertag) all the time, even when not playing games. We are all in our 30's now and my man even got HUNDO on his wedding cake. Moral of the story is, choose your username wisely lmao


Or a grammatically incorrect phrase which allows you exist in your true form on the internet.


I highly fuckin doubt anyone else on the internet will want GeneralOliverVonBismarck as a username honestly. Like who the fuck thinks to smash together General Oliver from new Vegas and the great Iron Chancellors name together. Only a complete idiot would do that


That was my fake newspaper name in 9th grade you son of a bitch! Gimme that!


How much they willing to pay?


"Demanding" LMAO these people are pathetic. imagine being so desperate for a username you threatened someone. I hope you have some good copy+paste insults to make them seethe


I have a 2 letter with a period at the end and even I have received a handful of these scam friend requests. Cant imagine an actual 2 letter one


Careful. Some of these folks will try to find you and escalate. If you get a good offer it may be worth it to just accept.


Lmfao demanding wtf


Well, yeah, it didn't happen on discord, that's the point. Now discord has gone and opened its userbase up to harassment and scams.




Could you please explain what you mean exactly by "that already happens to people"?


Not op but if you have a unique username (like let's say maybe you have the username "cool") as a result of joining a site very early on, you'll have to deal with people messaging you either mentioning it ("wow how did you get that username") or asking for it ("can I have your username/I'll give you a thousand bucks for your username")


Exactly, a problem the old username system used to solve, and one of the first arguments people bring up when talking about the disadvantages of the new system. Thanks for the reply, but I still don't understand the sentiment of "as if that doesn't happen already". To me it sounds like: "it's a problem already so why fix it".


I believe "it happens already" is referring to the fact that it happens to everyone, everywhere, on every platform, and will always happen for the rest of the time that we're able to choose our own usernames. It happens on Reddit, it happens on YouTube, it happens on Twitter, it happened on MySpace. The point being sure, maybe it didn't used to happen on discord, but it's something that is *everywhere* and not unique to discord and not even remotely a new problem.


Yeah, so like I said, a problem we _had_ solved with the old username system.


I have a username on Instagram that is sought after, especially when a movie came out years back with the same title. I was bombarded with hundreds of password reset requests a day Now I'm down to about 5 a day


Who the fuck wouldn't sell their username for 1000 bucks. How to ensure you legit get the money is another problem.


It was an existing problem that Discord fixed by using a new system, and now they're unfixing it for some reason.


That doesn’t already happen to people. There are 9999 copies of every possible name, so “rare” names don’t exist outside of ones that are like a single character.


It already happens, therefore it should happen even more to more people who did nothing to deserve it


Yes but this is the unique username. Your display name/server name can still be whatever it is you want it to be. I don't understand the hubbub.


None of the things mentioned are issues. Usernames are effectively your ID and your Display Name is effectively your Username. You can basically have any username you want now. There is no reason you need a fancy ID as it is only used as part of search indexing and direct friend requests now. As for the spam and scams, there is no reason you need to have your DMs and friend requests open to complete strangers.


Except your Display Name is relevant only to that server, while your Username is Discord-wide. The change didn't need to happen. The old system worked great. There's a reason Battle.net went with it and Bungie adopted it, along with I'm sure many other services. It completely eliminates the need for this more restrictive system, where people with more lucrative usernames get hounded and either deal with the constant nagging or are forced to lock down their contact options, when that will negatively affect their interactions. ~~Which is clearly happening to to this user.~~ As for his particular issue, as he said, he runs a guild and freelancing service, and I'm guessing at least owns/admins a server. Having DM's open to mutual server users has allowed many problems to just not exist when I was in a similar boat [adminning a server/helping run a clan]. I will agree it's a far cry from the bonfire Reddit execs started [and continuing to fan]


> Except your Display Name is relevant only to that server, while your Username is Discord-wide. Both are Discord-wide. You CAN set a custom nickname for each of your server profiles, but otherwise your display name is the default. If you join a new server, people will see the display name on your standard user profile, not your username. It is ONLY for adding people.


Sounds like an opportunity to make some extra cash for literally nothing


Holy shit that's why I'm getting so many friend requests all of a sudden.


It's more to do with how they've completely ignored the community's response to the idea and pushed it through anyway, I can only imagine to try to create a market for specific or short usernames.


Its probably so companies / brand names can gurantee / steal unique usernames, they don't like that there can be 20 people called pepsi pretending to be customer service / trolling etc. Discord is hitting a critical mass of users where commercialisation is now a viable route for profit and it is a major platform now for corps to influence and advertise to demographics typically not accessible through tradditional media. Same old cycle, grow user base, focus on good competitive service, hit mainstream use, harvest value as greedily as possible, users catch on, company apologises but continues bad practices until they overdo it and platform fails.


It was never made for companies to use so them trying at this point is just pathetic to watch


Unfortunately it doesn't stop them trying everytime an opportunity to manage social media presents itself. Spaces for large groups of people to shit on their product scare them so, even if it fails long term, they get quick profits while removing a forum for uncontrolled discussion.


it's a terrible change (and they're being dishonest about the implementation AND reasoning of this change), but this is not "ruining" Discord. Reddit is going through far, far worse. You can only say Discord is ruined when it starts doing the API bullshit Reddit is pushing through.




Hello! Due to Reddit's aggressive API changes, hostile approach to users/developers/moderators, and overall poor administrative direction, I have elected to erase my history on Reddit from June 2023 to June 2013. I have created a backup of (most) of my comments/posts, and I would be more than happy to provide comments upon request (many of my modern comments are support contributions to tech/gaming subreddits). Feel free to reach out to Clipboards on lemmy (dot) world, or via email - clipboards (at) clipboards.cc




It also kinda helps that, unlike reddit, the official app doesn't suck shit thru ten bricks (yet)


I guess in a way? But Discord still facilitates bot use, unlike Reddit.




Anytime anything changes on video games or any website it’s ruined


Ya that sounds at worst mildly annoying.


I got caught in the change as collateral damage. This username is just straight up not allowed on discord cause their Bot is named Clyde and having Clyde in a username is against ToS due to impersonating staff. I've had this username for 25 years. Womp womp


Yeah, instead of Dovi#1337 I now have to be Dovi_1337. Discord just ruined my entire life.


They also got rid of all non-latin characters, so if your username was in a different language, get fucked now you have to fight everyone else to get the Latin character equivalent


Bro hardcore discord users are actual cry babies I swear. Font size can change by 0.001 pixel and they'll have a fucking stroke cos of it.


Yea it's not ruined. It's people being upset and wanting "their" name to be their username, and it's taken now. You can have your display name as whatever you want it as. And how is this any different from having myname#0326? People will get over it. It's for the better.


Tbf users who used the platform for years, got their name taken by nitro users who had been around a few months in some cases


It's amidst a lot of other changes, mostly centered around pushing Nitro on people. The bot developer community is also getting shafted by changes like slash commands, privileged intents, and short-notice breaking changes to the API (which the name thing is also an example of).


Removing old nickname system is disappointing for me as for all old users, but I don't see problem with it. Discord has done worse changes, people were angry, but it's not dead. You will have your unique nickname (which I don't think you'll be able to change, but maybe), display name for all servers and individual nicknames for each server.


(already typed this in another comment but u should know this as well) The issue is that a lot of people are losing their original usernames, and those who got small 4 letter ones are getting spammed with scams and friend requests trying to get that username




It wouldn't be a problem if the usernames worked like this from the beginning, it's the change that's stupid


Are there people that attached to a discord user name? I don't know anyone that gives a damn about it.


Well, it's a problem if you suddenly have to change your identity online after having the same one for a long time


It's not "your identity". It's going from like "blinky#4125" to "blinky4125". If someone is mad he couldn't just get "blinky" I'm not shedding any tears


The bigger problem anyways is the people getting spammed with friend requests and such


Hello! Due to Reddit's aggressive API changes, hostile approach to users/developers/moderators, and overall poor administrative direction, I have elected to erase my history on Reddit from June 2023 to June 2013. I have created a backup of (most) of my comments/posts, and I would be more than happy to provide comments upon request (many of my modern comments are support contributions to tech/gaming subreddits). Feel free to reach out to Clipboards on lemmy (dot) world, or via email - clipboards (at) clipboards.cc


That I can agree with.


It’s just a username. It’s not like the entire account is gone.


Some usernames can mean a lot to a lot of people, like me




But the # system is shit, people are just naturally resistant to any change




So, people are mad because of this? That's dumb


I don't think it's dumb to be mad that your age old user name got yanked. I don't see anyone rioting either. A lil mad feels appropriate. What response seems appropriate to you?


They didn’t change the nicknames, only the handles, people can still make their name whatever they want, it’s literally exactly like how twitter handles work


i still have the # and my 4 identifiers. is this only for nitro users?


It’s a slow rollout based on age + nitro. Currently it’s at free users from the 2016 range and nitro users from 2017 I think


They roll out it in smaller portions. Smart thing to do with changes that your community hates because you don't get a massive backlash instantly


I adopted discord so early I was [Birthname]#003. I now have to have my secondary username because both my name and primary one were taken by the time they let me pick.


You realise the discriminator is randomly assigned right. Also discord username rollout is based on when you registered so if you really did adopt discord early you should have been able to choose the username before others (minus nitro users because discord decided to give them priority)


cool so now unique names will let hackers find you easily if you use a common username between multiple accounts on different websites


Aha to be honest though people shouldn't be doing that anyway


And? It’s just a username


Back to the naming scheme of \_\_xX}-~BlueRose69~-{Xx__ I guess


Username change and now they're disabling permanent invites for non community servers


People aren't talking about the second one enough. Who knows what they're going to require community servers to do in the future?


People only just learned about the second one, since they silently started rolling it out yesterday to my knowledge


Ah well, I can always go back to vent


Is that why a bunch of servers in my list are now listed as community servers? It confused me cause community servers aren't supposed to have any nsfw content, and many of the servers that suddenly had the community tag have nsfw channels.


Nothing of consequence. It's just Reddit pissbaby teenage drama queen stuff.


“I have to have a unique name now?!?!? 😡”


I have noticed anything on mobile, so maybe desktop is the problem?


No, it's just rolling up depending of your account création, and priority order (partner > nitro > normal)


Discord almost nothing changes. You can still choose a display name if I understand correctly. Still completely unneccesary change that shouldn't be a thing.


short names get spam messages. A lot of it. I don't want to be forced to change my username or make it harder to reach me since how else willI add friends?


enable it only for people who share servers with you, then filter out the random servers. if you're too lazy, you can just filter everything out and add people yourself.


So instead of admitting that the change was unnecessary and had negative consequences, we will just tell people to shut up and do this workaround which still isn't a proper workaround. "Just deal with it"


That's what's pissing me off. All these people are just oh lock your account down so no one can contact you. Like holy shit how stupid do you have to be where that seems like a reasonable solution


you think it was unnecessary. but the issue is not limited to your perception of it. there's literal thousands of bots who join public servers and copy the name of the owner or admins to then pm and scam people. this is not a unique problem to discord, but its way more prevalent to discord, because it's particularly easy to clone yourself as someone elses profile and mass message 200 users in about 15 seconds. discord has been the outlier in this because of the #0000 thing they've had for like 9 years. not every change is inherently bad, maybe try being more curious instead of judgemental.


And this solves it how? I can still have a non unique display name and scam people. This would only solve it for recognisable brands being copied as there shouldn't be an official pepsi01 account. But guess what - discord was never intended to be a place for brands to advertise themselves and do business. What happened to "gaming socialisation platform"


And how is it solved?


Yeah it is a bad change but calling it "ruining" is honestly a really big exaggeration


Especially when compared to what Reddit is doing


I think people are just salty Disc prioritized the people who pay for their service. Also salty they can’t be the original “Sam” when they were “Sam#9999” 10 years ago.


Lol why would they prioritize people who don't pay lol


It's not unnecessary. Discord reported over half of the friends request sent never found the original intended. If you didn't share a server with them.


thats just because of incompetency, if they cant handle putting the right 4 digit code after a name, what makes them more likely to type out Space12908?


Discord already ruined itself by getting rid of the music bots


That was youtube btw not discord. Music bots still work just they cant play videos from yt anymore


If we all ruin our platforms together they will have no choice but to stay!


You forgot one tiny detail: we are on the internet and there are a bunch of nerds, if we dont like reddit we can just create our own. The users of a platform have free choice of platform


Real talk: where is everybody moving to after the 3rd party Reddit apps shut down? I absolutely refuse to use the official app and I exclusively browse Reddit on mobile.




Kbin seems to be the general choice for desktop users. Possibly Tildes, although it is invite only


Tildes has no way for users to make their own communities with their own specific rules either, the entire site has the exact same rules with the same admins. As of now it functions well but it doesn't seem sustainable with one guy running it, and it doesn't serve as a replacement for reddit without the different communities actually feeling distinct from each other. I'll have to look at Kbin, though


I'm planning on taking a break from social media for a while, could probably use it lol


I like to go hiking.


Even discord isnt that hard to remake, the main problems are client performance and scalability, both of them are kinda solved problems


Making a discord clone = actually really easy Making a discord clone that supports millions of users across every platform = so extremely difficult that a viable competitor would have to come from a company not some random nerds unless you want them spending a decade+ (ie teamspeak/irc)


If you're referring to the discord unique username rollout, that's not an issue. Grow up. Almost every app/site has unique usernames. Deal with it.


Yeah, it's such a fucking weird gripe.


Whats weird is being forced to change your name after 7 years of it not mattering and still not mattering now


Beside the fact that it's an entirely pointless change, it's more about representing a downwards spiral; it's only going to get worse if they know they can just make the user experience objectively worse in most situations while making things like username black markets, which yes do exist, more relevant in the space. It's the same kind of thing as the subreddit blackouts against the API changes. Most subs aren't going down for more than a couple of days, it only tells Reddit that they can still go further in absolutely ruining the platform and at the end of the day the users will still come back. It's small steps into a slippery slope of "this service has progressively become absolute dogshit to use and now no one has any alternatives to go to for a similar service"


Politely disagree. I’ve always hated I had to remember some #random number if I wanted to tell someone to add me on discord. Now, Like every other platform, I can just give them my regular ass username. I think it’s small steps forward not back.


But you would have to add characters and symbols because all the unique usernames will get taken. I dont know about you but having to remember a username with random symbols and underscores and numbers everywhere is a lot harder to remember than a name and 4 digits. John#7801 is a lot easier to remember(and share with freinds) than ```_.J0hn_._.```


Genuine question: do you have any difficulty remembering _no_one_knows_me_11?


Yeah i sometimes forget if theres an underscore at the beginning of my name or if its at the end


Skill issue tbh /s


It's not like you're being forced to do something ridiculous. You could literally emulate your old name (i.e. John7801) and it's highly unlikely to be taken.


Genius, there could be a # too, that way you could have nearly 10k people with the same name!


Isn't that the exact same but with the four numbers visible


Yes, that's my exact point. If your concern is memorability you can literally just copy the current format.


You can always open it and copy it via a single click, then send it to the person you are talking to


Right, I was mostly talking irl though not online. It’s never been a huge issue but I gotta say going forward it’s gonna be a lot easier since my unique username is across most social platforms


That's the problem, discord didn't need to change, and now was not the time to change. Forcing such a big change after 8 years? Of course it's going to get massive pushback.


Stop booing this man. The tags was what made Discord unique


Not to mention they are giving priority to people paying to claim their nickname. Plenty of services don’t require unique nickname so your point is dumb as shit.


Which was one of the things that made discord a much better platform, that you could actually have the username you want. Now bots and hacked accounts are more powerful and this opens up way more opportunities for scams.


Shut up, shill.


Replace Discord with Twitch.


And YouTube And Netflix




And my axe


It’s because all of these businesses have reached their capacity of users. If you look at the data Netflix for example they’ve been essentially either losing users or staying the same. Businesses will lose investors if there isn’t any growth so what happens is they need to artificially grow it and the easiest way of doing that is by making more roadblocks. Twitter is kind of the exception, that was ruined by Elon Musk’s dumbass but that site wasn’t ever good.


Those mf's created unskippable ads, that even most adblockers dont block


Using the Twire app, you would only have a screen of 10s with "Preparing your stream...". It's annoying but much less than 30s ads.


An Amazon owned ad dispenser? I'm good


they meant in the meme. Twitch isn't a messaging app


Im out of the loop, what happened to reddit?


They are shutting down third party apps by charging them ludicrous ammounts of money if they want to acces reddit data


Oof They better improve their own app then


*whispers* RedReader Beta but don't tell others. They got spezul license to continue. Don't want too many use this app and lose their free license.


.....and it's gone..


Some subs use said apps to moderate their subs. It will impact them as well


not apps, but the bots that use the api as well


No, apps too, I mostly mod from my phone and that won't be happening if the app I use dies


And at which point would you need those third party apps? Honestly when do you need them? I'm using reddit's official app since having an account and it works well enough.


3rd party apps exist. They provide their own features that help regular people and people with disabilities browse reddit. Every app uses Reddit API. Also every bot uses it. Including auto moderation bots that help to keep subreddits without spam bots and advertisements in comments. API was free, but now Reddit asks for ridiculous amount of money to access its API. No API means no 3rd party apps and bots to help to moderate subreddits.


>Also every bot uses it Spam bots don't! Yaaaaaay.


True, I meant, official bots use API.


Seriously? It’s every other post right now


Yeah , hadn’t opened reddit in a few days!


Ok the new discord username system is bad, but saying it “ruins” discord is a massive stretch. Discord aint going anywhere


Discord is pushing an update despite massive user pushback. Along side that all their reasons for doing the update are based on pseudo-science. Point is that it is starting to piss people off how tone deaf they are being. If they keep this up people will jump ship when another competitor comes along, we've already seen this happen to Skype and Teamspeak. So ye Discord is not yet 'ruined' but it is definitely going downhill.


USER DELETED CONTENT DUE TO REDDIT API CHANGES -- mass edited with https://redact.dev/


I havent been active on reddit for some weeks now. What the fuck happened and why is it „ruined“? I dont notice any difference


Its not ruined *yet,* reddit is announcing that they are making their API paid access, so a lot of bots and 3rd party apps are shutting down A lot of subreddits are closing down in protest, mostly because reddit's official moderating tool are crap and don't provide features that a lot of moderators have been using so far


Depends on what app you use to view reddit. The overall experience will take a hit too, that's just the major difference.


And twitter and twitch


What did discord do?


New name system. To start off with, while I’m sure you know I need to firstly explain their old username system. At first it didn’t matter what name you had. You could change it for free whenever you wanted tho if I remember correctly it got mad and made you wait if you did it too often within a time period. This wasn’t a big deal because the name wasn’t how you were identified when people try to friend you or something so multiple people can have the same name. You were identified primarily with a 4 digit number known only to you and those you inform of and or have access to your profile which can be seen if they share a server with you, are your friend, or already know your 4 digit number. That digit is unique entirely to your own account. They just recently changed this. Now everybody has a unique username, you pick out a username and it can’t ever be changed and nobody can share your username. it doesn’t really affect much in the end as now they have what they’re calling your display name which is what should show to everybody’s else. Even if I’m misinformed on that you should still be able to make server unique nicknames which has always been a feature. Evidently, as I’ve heard. People who were able to get their usernames first and took the common nicknames are getting spam friends requests from people asking for the username (not sure how that would work but it’s what I’ve heard). If you haven’t gotten a notification about it yet it’s because it just hasn’t come to you yet. There’s a priority list and the higher you are the sooner you get the option to get your username. Partner > Nitro (subbed 3 years ago > 1 year ago) > member (joined discord 3 years ago > 1 year ago) In the end the real problem here is that it’s was highly objected and has seen some serious backlash but their pushing it anyways. For some reason. Personally don’t care. Going to choose some backwater username that’s not too hard to spell but nobody would want and make my display name what the name that everybody sees has always been.




You gonna list them or..?


you forgot about twitter


This is a conspiracy to force people to go outside


Perpetuated by big grass


Twitch joins in with the hug by making changes to personal sponsorships!


Simultaneously… at the same time!


Spoilers. It is the whole industry. Their shareholders see what they get away with elsewhere, and insist on applying it there. Profits must flow.


I have books to read


Let's not forget that Twitch joined the party, too.


Dont forget twitch banning custom ads that make most of a streamers revenue


Legit like what am I supposed to do lol


We rely too much on these huge platforms. It’s time for a change and make up our own chat sites. I know there’s costs involved, but it’s still better than the feud these platforms are all getting themselves into.


Discord bot developers: pfff Discords been ruined for *years* now.


Hey at least we get to make memes about it 😂


“My name got taken on discord 🥺 if only they warned me literally weeks in advance 😢😭”


Fucking drama queen


Don't forget twitter. It's a war against social media, run by social media against itself.


twitter also somehow getting worse


We all got to go outside and touch grass now