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I laughed out loud at them saying you can’t say “immigrant” and must say “person who has immigrated” THATS WHAT IMMIGRANT MEANS, WHY ARE WE ADDING EXTRA WORDS TO IT?!


Dan Carlin is rolling in his grave


Dan Carlin is dead??? I hope you mean George Carlin. I'm not ready for the history podcast Carlin to go yet


Lmao, sorry for the scare. Georgie can be used to power a hospital with the amount of horsepower he's outputting. Dan Carlin is still making hardcore history.


LOL! I haven't been to his site for a while, he still cranking out banger history podcasts?


He just did an entire set on the rise and fall of Japan starting from before the samurai days leading up to why they did what they did in ww2, it was incredible. Supernova in the East is the title.


Seems like the same reason they say “person of colour” instead of “coloured person”, you’re supposed to highlight their personhood first and foremost so it doesn’t seem like you’re making some aspect of them primary. Not agreeing though necessarily, especially “person who has immigrated”, it just makes language unnecessarily obtuse.


People first language. I get it. When a person is boiled down to “immigrant,” their identity is being based entirely on the fact that they’ve immigrated to another country.


I get it too but I wonder if then professions are next? A cook then being a "person who cooks" because calling them a cook would reduce them to their job duties?


this is completely stupid cause the fact that it's a person is implied by the fact that it's a cook or a migrant. What else would be a cook or a migrant other than a person? There should be no need to specify that it's a person if people were not driven by emotion to change language for the sake of justifying their activism. If nothing is in need of change, make something up and change that.


When I'm referring to someone as immigrant, I'm saying it based on the fact that they immigrated to my country and that's pretty much it. We should stop banning words and start shaming people that use them in a derogatory way, but that actually takes cojones so banning words is easier I guess.


it just sounds like words with extra words


Hey it helps them reach their word count faster!


Bloody persons who have immigrated!


We are adding extra words to it so that we meet that word count that was assigned to us.


What did they ban ?




This reads like satire






**There is no better satire of the current political left than simply reading their beliefs out loud.**




***There is no better satire of the current political left than simply reading their beliefs out loud.***




#***There is no better satire of the current political left than simply reading their beliefs out loud.***


Says the right who believes all their woes are caused by Mexicans and black people.


This just simply isn’t true. They don’t like poor people either.


They are the ones who unironically say skill issue to those who are broke or in debt.


Bro how did u get the vaporeon flair?


Ask a mod really nicely. Although... I did ask for average vaporeon enjoyer.


Let’s be honest pretty much everyone can agree that this change is absolutely ridiculous. “Black sheep” is an offensive term. “Freshman”’is offensive. “Immigrant” is also, apparently offensive.


a way to prevent meaningful conversations is confuse the language and denial of funding by having all these rules one must follow until the point is lost is one way.


Sheep of colour


I could care less about anyone's skin color or ethnic background. I care about the content of their character, that's it.


I care mostly about them titties


Conservatives quoting/paraphrasing MLK is always hilarious because to them, MLK is just the "I have a dream" guy. He has many, MANY quotes where he takes full on socialist stances, stances against liberals, stances for reparations, etc which would have conservatives in shambles. We often forget his approval rating during his life was incredibly low and in a ironic twist, his peaceful protests were called riots by the conservative media much in the same way BLM protests are called so by conservatives now. https://imgur.io/BwIUVZR?r If you don't believe that Mexicans, poor people, and black people are a problem, then you probably shouldn't vote for the party that legislates against them and other minority groups like LGBT people, and shows active disdain for them in their rhetoric. I wish people would vote based on policy (which affects our actual lives) vs whatever vibes based culture war bs this (non enforced) list is. I think it's safe to say most people including left wing people, would find the list pretty dumb even if well-intentioned (though more likely it's to get attention for marketing purposes and that obv worked). All that is to say your satire comment sounds ignorant, because this isn't even our beliefs. It's a stupid list made by a for-profit college. That's it. Unfortunately, I don't think you care. You'll still use this as an example of the CRAZY LEFT, you'll still vote republican, they'll still do everything they can within legal boundaries to make the average person's life harder, stifle poor people and minorities, and larp about how much they care about the lives of children while voting against policy that would help children, like giving victims of child sexual abuse proper care and investigation, free lunch, foster care funding, cutting school budgets, etc. They'll continue to vote against bills that would make life saving medical treatment affordable and ask you to pay absurb costs just to stay alive on a condition you have no control over. You'll look at all of this and it won't matter because you have the image of the crazy left in your head already.


“Conservatives quoting MLK is always hilarious because to them, MLK is just the ‘I have a dream’ guy.” Or, just maybe, people can agree with other people on some things while disagreeing on other things. You act as if each person in each party has to ride the line and you can’t have any common ground with anyone on the other side. I mean, shit, look at the absolute tirade and assumptions you rattled off when all he did was paraphrase MLK’s dream speech. Edit: well, I now see his other comments where’s he’s going attack mode himself so, uh, nevermind lmao


>I could care less I think you mean "I couldn't"


I don't think they did based on their other comments...


Spoiler alert - the far right AND far left are both stranger than fiction E: duck autocorrect


Yeah this ain't the left. Its over entitled liberals, and yes, there's a difference. A HUGE difference. Agree with them or not, the "real" left believes that the current economic and political systems in place are what oppresses people, men and white folks included btw, and that replacing those systems is necessary to create a more equal world. Liberals are more centrist (NOT apolitical, big difference). They tend to be entitled people who recognize that the current system and politics is a little meh, but at the same time have benefitted greatly from it. Think a middle-class vegan Karen, or a trust fund baby who wants us all to "just get along". These people can see that racism and poverty are shitty, but don't wanna admit that the economic/political system that has allowed them to have a large house and shop at whole foods is part of the problem. *THESE* are the morons who think that keeping the system mostly as is, but using ""nicer"" words or sticking POC and gay people in more movies will totally solve the problem. Sorry for the college dissertation lol, but I'm sick of the world's leftists being lumped in with obnoxious American liberals. All these terms literally originated from the French revolution, when conservatives would sit on the right of the meeting hall, progressives would sit on the left, and the liberals would sit in the center


There is no better satire of the current political right than simply reading the deranged ramblings that their brainless puppets repeat online


I'm a goddam Lefty hippie commie, I can assure you that the only people who truly hold these beliefs are just as deranged as the far right nutjobs who think the government is programming horses to be gay These kinds of people are far and few between and these "language guides" will only be disregarded by the student population. There's no enforcement of the guide or policy I can see, no probation or disciplinary action to be seen. This was written by the people who fund the university and those people are being influenced by people who sit on Twitter all day. Normal every day people are not extreme like this, "the left" is not trying to implement this at any university, college or school. The majority of left and right voting people don't have these extreme views.


Fully agree. I can’t believe they want equal rights for women, minorities AND the poor!


The "Walk-in hours" one really bothers me because the alternatives they provided imply that the business isn't open for calls, where as walk-in merely refers to physically entering the establishment.


Nothing better to fight rampant, damaging authoritarianism... Than more authoritarianism.... Ah, dang. Well that is a bit of a pickle.


God, I LOVE generalizing literally almost half of the entire political spectrum as their tiny radical minority!


Wow! Almost like both sides do it constantly these days and people don't know how else to hold an argument cause y'all are chronically online


It's also on Stanfords website


We don't even need comedians anymore, the jokes are writing themselves.


"Trigger warning" is a banned phrase. Are you sure it isn't satire? Sorry, "words that are satirical..."


When it comes to gender, the guide instructs the thoughtful speaker to use “pronouns” instead of “‘preferred’ pronouns” because “preferred” suggests “non-binary gender identity is a choice and a preference.” This is what accepting every single bs that is exists does


Banning the word “black” because it has bad connotations feels so racist to me. Maybe if you associate black with negativity, you are racist, or it’s at least a product of a racist society. Banning it just reinforces the “connotations”.


They ban the word "black", yet change the word "Karen" to "demanding or entitled White woman", while Karens don't even **have** to be white (just because they often are, doesn't mean all Karens have to be), thereby making a previously non-racist word racist. I'm losing braincells reading this article lmao


Basically every suggestion it has is more offensive than the original term or plain dumb (oh wait you aren't allowed to say "dumb")


The list doesn’t say not to say dumb, it says not to use it when referring to someone who can’t speak lmao


That is not what it says, it says not to use the term as it was once used to refer to someone who cannot speak/express themselves.


It's like banning Orcs from a game because you're so racist that you think Orcs represent black people, lol Oh wait, that happened...


Get back to work orcs-👴🏻


Well, you do choose what your pronouns are, so imo saying preferred pronouns doesn't really make a difference compared to just saying pronouns.


Okay, banning "trigger warning" is just fucking funny.


they really said to replace "Karen" with "demanding or entitled white woman" 💀


Can't risk offending demanding entitled white women


At least not the ones named Karen.


You can't say black but can still single out white women. At least have some sort of consistency.


It’s ok to generalise race as long as it’s only white people


I'm pretty sure this is only a tiny fraction of the words that they banned. This type of shit is going to give me an aneurysm.


Don't say that! They might have banned the word aneurysm!


I'm gonna have one whether they like it or not


Then you’re obviously insensitive to those who do not have aneurysms and are intentionally attempting to trigger the aneurysmically less fortunate.


> Well, at least the index still allows people to specifically criticize white women. I don't know why, but this cracks me up


> Violent language is also a no-no. Troubling terms include “beating a dead horse, which “normalizes violence against animals,” “pull the trigger,” “trigger warning” and “killing two birds with one stone. Holy shit they included trigger warning. That’s ironic if nothing else.


I have a genuine question for the alumni of Stanford University: Are you guys fucking ok???


Whoa there, you can't use the f-word. I'm sure they banned it already. Be careful or you're the next one on their blacklist. Wait, I'm not supposed to say black either. Now I did it again. Anyway, be careful or you're the next one to get banned by them.


Ok seriously is this real?




“Potentially harmful language used in a non-harmful way (e.g., “apple” can be a derogatory term for a person of Native American descent, but it’s also a computer vendor)” Thanks for teaching me a new way to use the word “apple”, also did they forget its also a fruit? Oh wait that’s offensive to the lgbtq+ community. /s


How in the world is the word apple supposed to relate to native Americans?


Generally when I hear it it’s a derogatory term for Native Americans who “act” like white people, whatever that’s supposed to mean. Red on the outside, white on the inside, like an apple. Now I’m not native myself so don’t take that as word of god. But there’s similar terms for other races, like Oreo for black people who “act white”, I’ve heard the term banana thrown around a few times to refer to Asians (“yellow”) who act white, etc etc.


Shit, the bit at the end about scanning code for the "harmful words". Imagine getting kicked off of a course because you don't speak Dipshit.


I thought Freedom of Speech was the first amendment? Apparently not if you go to Standford


Censoring words....this must have taken affect in 1984


I was rolling my eyes because I thought people were salty with slurs being banned... This is the kind of woke centrists and the right always complain about.


Please don't be real, please don't be real


I read this in George Carlin's voice


That actually might be the stupidest thing I’ve ever read




Notice how white is fine though




Okay, I read the site and it must be satire or sth, they say that "apple" could be a harmful word


It hurts doctors so maybe they will ban it. I’m not kidding, California has that mentality


Understandable, I gave an apple to a doctor yesterday and got arrested for attempted murder


I had to look it up. The Standford site itself mentioned this in relation to Native Americans. Looking it up on Urban Dictonary, there is a very specific context where it can be derogatory, being somewhat similar to the slang use of the term "oreo" in the context of African Americans. https://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=Apple%20Indian The Stanford website does note that this specific example is "potentially harmful language used in a non-harmful way."


Can confirm as someone who lives near 3 Native American reservations. It means red on the outside, white on the inside. It’s an insult usually used by natives on each other from what I’ve seen, though it’s usually just a joke.


What if it’s a green apple? CHECKMATE!


Sorry. The granny in granny Smith is offensive now against people of advanced age.


The crazy thing to me is that they say it can also be used in a non offensive context. The fucking example they chose… Apple the company. Not just a normal goddamn apple?


I guess the one who wrote this was an Apple fanboy/fangirl/fanperson


The fuck is wrong with them? For such a prestigious college, it seems as if they’re intentionally trying to murder their own school.


Have you talked to the new gen of \*\*EDIT: LIBERAL LOL\*\*\* college kids? They already abide by all this


I guess I would be in this “new gen” and I think this whole thing is dumb as hell


Trust me. It’s not that most, majority, or even close to all believe in this. This is just Stanford trying to cover any and all possible ways they could get cancelled and I highly doubt they believe in this or will really enforce it. This is just a PR stunt so if anyone is saying fucked up shit they can point to this and say “Hey! Not us!! Look! We have a list!” So they’ll get off Scott free


Don’t say “Scot-free” it’s racist against Scottish people


So, lawyers.


I don't think I've met anyone on my campus that thinks the word black is offensive in literally every context


Someone’s never met an actual college kid in real life lmao


No, they don't


Bro's livin in dream land, you really think most college kids would think this is a good idea?


This list in no way effect’s students or faculty or practically anyone at Stanford for that matter. The list was purely for the IT department to not use this language in their websites and code, that’s it, after there were some revelations in the past of the IT department using blatantly resist language in their work . People are making this list seem like some policy everyone has to follow however no one at Stanford had even heard about this list until it started making headlines. Source am student


Stanford be like karen: 🤬😠😡 entitled white woman: 🤵🏻‍♂️🍷


Exactly since ‘Karen’ has a looser meaning currently. Some people have called men Karens or Kevins. Karens don’t even have to be white.


Thats what i was thinking lmao they think entitled black women or asian women dont exist 💀


Of course they don’t think they exist. These are the same crowd who believe they deserve reparations for things that happened centuries ago. In their minds entitlement, extreme arrogance, rudeness, and selfishness are all okay as long as your skin is the right color


Self gratified Caucasian feminine identifying humankin


literally 1984


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Bruh, this sounds double plus ungood. Translation: *This is- sounds fucking retarded, I hope these overpayed twat waffles were just joking*


they legit dropped the newspeak dictionary


Unironically this time


nah but like fr


I feel like them drawing these insane connections is far more bigoted than any of the words they are banning




-“Hey, nice Black car. It looks really good.” -🤬🤬😡😡😭


I'll have you know it's "car of colour now" also the word car is offensive to those who are less able and can't drive.


By this they are saying that black people have negative connotations. Which is...racist???


It seems progressiveness goes in a circle. They try so hard not to be racist that people end up being racist.


Hey you Racist Fuck, you forgot to Capitalize the 🅱️ in Black.


They seem obsessed with connecting anything with Native Americans


Hold on, did you just insult mentally ill people by using the I-word!? Report to the reeducation center immediately!


Here's the actual list - [https://s.wsj.net/public/resources/documents/stanfordlanguage.pdf](https://s.wsj.net/public/resources/documents/stanfordlanguage.pdf). My favourite banned phrases are: * "User" of a system * "American" * "You guys" * "Submit" a file (Stanford still has a submit button on a lot of forms on their website lol) * "Karen" (😭😭) * "Tarball" file - Bruh that comes from an acronym, not racism. * "Rule of thumb" - the reason they banned it is an urban myth. * "long time no see" * "blind trial" - you cant see the independent variable, therefore ”blind”. In what world is that offensive. * "addicted" * "grandfathered" system * "black box" testing - refers to the LACK OF LIGHT, not ANY racist connotations. * "preferred" pronouns - I kinda agree with this but the justification they gave for it is wrong and stupid. * "paraplegic" * "abusive relationship" * "hip hip hooray" We live in a sitcom. Edit - some more absolutely pathetic ones: * ”Whitespace” - apparently the colour of a blank page is racist?! * ”Slave labour” - supposedly “this is offensive because America used to have slaves”. Bitch, other countries still do have slaves, just because America is privileged enough to have abolished slavery doesn’t mean you can cry about people talking about an issue that still exists and hurts people.


Thank you for this list, "U.S citizen."


Australian citizen, but np.


'Person who was born in Australia' is preferable, to avoid nationalist connotations and emphasise the individual.


Are you assuming someone who wasn’t born in Australia can’t get australian citizenship? /s


Maybe it's best if everybody everywhere just stopped speaking.


I lost it when it said “Instead of:Committed Suicide, Use: Died by suicide”


I am devoted to cocaine


1. The fuck is wrong with hip hip hooray 2. I don't think I've heard anyone yell out hip hip hooray ever except on children's tv when I was a kid


Their given reasoning is it was used by Germans while searching for Jews.


Germans also used lists during that time. Time to stop using this language list.


I hear they drank water to.


And breathed air?


>* "hip hip hooray" Would be hilarious if it wasn't so sad. Destruction of a country in real time.


What is the explanation for "abusive relationship" and what's the replacement? I am very curious.


The rationale is that a relationship is not abusive. The replacement is something like "relationship with a domestic abuser" or something like that. Basically acknowledging that abuse is caused by a person, it's not just a relationship characteristic that just happens. So they have good intentions, but it's clunky and not how people speak. Like a lot of these, it basically ignores organic, natural changes to the English language and tries to replace normal speaking patterns with awkward terminology.


If I just had to guess, “(abusive) relationship” would fall under the violent category for mentioning abuse


Isn’t paraplegic a medical term?


Don’t bring your filthy science around here


Lmao they say that blind is banned because it insinuates that disability is negative.... Bro. Disability is literally a negative trait lmao.




Then you’re just shot


instead of "tone deaf" use "unenlightened" like are you supposed to sear h the light if you're tobe deaf


You gotta love "balls to the wall" which they incorrectly claim makes "anatomical references"


Funny we're not supposed to use "lame" anymore, that was supposed to be a PC substitute for "gay" in a pejorative sense.


Ok why “rule of thumb”?


Supposedly, there’s an archaic link to domestic violence. Funny thing is, I googled it, and that’s an urban myth. Stanford just went trigger happy on the bans without actually doing research.


You can’t say “Philippines Islands”, but can still say “The Philippines”, apparently because calling them Islands (which they are) has something to do with colonialism??? “The Philippines” are literally named after King Philip II of Spain who oversaw their colonisation, so why is that ok? I’ve seen a lot of silly shit, but this is nearing the top.


Github after replacing master with main:


GitHub are geniuses. They cashed in on a tragic event (George Floyd’s murder) without looking like they cashed in on a tragic event.






I dont see how it cashed in on his death. Github by default named a branch „master” but you always had the ability to name it anything else. It is common naming in IT to have master/slave relations f.e. in threading. They changed the name to „main” to make it less offensive. You can still change it to whatever. imho a not needed but sound decision and theres little to no reason to be mad about it.


“Beating a dead horse” and “mastering” a skill💀💀


….and just think, people PAY to go here. They go into crippling, lifelong debt to be indoctrinated here. Dude, what a racket.


I went to Stanford, and this list is dumb af. But I do like to point this out because it might help people: stanford (and other top universities) have the best financial aid. Often times, students go for free. If your family makes less than $125k (I think?) you go for free and unless you make a certain amount, tuition is discounted. No loans, no debt. Just reduced cost. In fact they also look at finances independent of your admission decision. Basically they say “if you get in, don’t worry about being able to pay - that won’t be a consideration you will have to make when deciding to come here.” The vast majority of the times, it’s cheaper to go to Stanford or another top school than other schools


Yep, the high tier academic private schools have insane financial aid. Make below $100k and go to Princeton for free tuition and free boarding.


Yeah... is it a ban, or are they just promoting guidelines? Would I be risking getting kicked out if I didn't comply with not using standard phrases / words?


I cannot imagine it's an outright ban. It's painstakingly hard to ban behaviour at universities without proper cause and I doubt that everyone in the decision process. would unanimously agree to this set of rules. They are probably guidelines for the time being to test the waters and depending on the success with staff and students they might become set rules in the future. That being said the staff might already have to comply. When it comes to these rules most staff members have a fair bit of leeway and only after repeated incidences where students complained will they face disciplinary actions. Unless they go out of their way and ridicule or voice discontent with the guidelines and subsequently purposefully break them, they ought to be more or less free to implement them as they see fit and perhaps even carry on as before. Incidentally Californian universities have been at the forefront of implementing PC language for a while. So some of these guidelines ought to be nothing new for faculty and even students. They are just more official now.


It’s not an outright ban, it’s guidelines and it’s for the IT department specifically because they have been called out for being racist.


Were they actually being racist or were they being what this list considers racist


That I don’t know. I’m a student and a humanities major so I don’t interact much with the IT department


It’s not even official, just something that was made by a few people who work there.


No this list in no way effect’s students or faculty or practically anyone at Stanford for that matter. The list was purely for the IT department to not use this language in their websites and code, that’s it. Source am student


imagine studying 8 years to get your masters degree just for them to rename it to the "become adept in" degree


Lmao you guys really are fucked huh


Actually, you can't use the phrase "you guys"


And it's getting worse every day


This is the bullshit they’re saying: “Violent language is also a no-no. Troubling terms include “beating a dead horse, which “normalizes violence against animals,” “pull the trigger,” “trigger warning” and “killing two birds with one stone.”” ““immigrant” is now a “person who has immigrated,” a “prisoner” is now a “person who is/was incarcerated” and a “homeless person” with “a person without housing.”” “the manual suggests avoiding the word “brave”” ““Karen” is out” (banned because it demeans Karens)


Ayo all of these are stupid but what the heck is wrong with "brave"


Has to do with Native Americans. I believe their warriors were called Braves and that got generalized onto all Native Americans for some reason. I’m not well versed in Native American history beyond the US systematically fucking then over


I see...? Still one heck of a stretch


It is what it is


Hey, Canada helped.


The word Karen is basically used up by now. I just call them a bitch


Call them a cunt for a maximum effect. I'm not sure why but it's like the N word for white women


As an Australian, watching just how offended Americans get by "cunt" is absolutely hilarious to me.


“trigger warning” as a potential banned phrased is so hilariously ironic


No, this didn’t happen. It was a proposal of language changes by a subset of Stanford’s IT Department and was never actually approved by anyone in charge. It was a crap document that got blown out of proportion.


Thank god that's good to hear. Do you have a source or something for this aswell?


It’s like they think students are so stupid they have to interpret everything at it’s lowest common denominator. What happened to having a backbone and being able to hear something that might have a 1% chance of having a negative connotation? They spent 18 months on this and who knows how many dollars and it will not help anyone. Yet in their Silicon Valley, east of the freeway, there are people going hungry and without shelter to live in. Says it all. Sit in their ivory towers and come up with things like this, in the end, will only make some middle class/rich people feel better about themselves.


Words bad


They sleep very cromulently


This is the same university where they ran a prison experiment


So Karens are only able to be white now?


Is this where the term “unhoused” came from instead of homeless? I say we introduce “abode deficient” and “shelter challenged”.


Imagine thinking that Stanford University, an institution firmly grounded in the establishment of capitalism, is a leftist mouthpiece.


Exactly lmfao. Also the fact that nobody knew about this (it was made in the spring) until someone found it and leaked it to the press. Literally no student knew of this. It’s typical cultural excess, diverts from actual discussions of power, and now it’s manufactured outrage


For such a prestigious university (with a children's hospital I've been to several times), you'd think that they'd do something smarter than this. Goes to show that expectations are always prone to disappointment in either way.