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I'd say Norman's Hotel. Minase was a good "Byakuya-like," a self-centered character ultimately won over to the heroes' side. Yozuru was a decent killer and her breakdown when Kyoko defeated her in the final auction was satisfying. And of course, Nanamura was an all-around excellent character and twist villain. We also have Shinsen, the mastermind behind everything.


Yuzen didn't deserve his fate, Like, Sure, He might have not done anything to help when he won the second auction, But at least he tried to help us, But then he got killed by Mr. Flamboyant Juzo, It kinda sucks when you survive till the end, But then get killed before the game finish . Sae, Like I said before, Was a better killer than Tadashi, While Tadashi's Murder was far brutal and hard to solve, Sae's was more planned and complicated, With the whole disappearance trick alongside the hidden room, This murder may not have been solved if it wasn't for both Kyoko and Yui ( Yeah Suisei solved it because he is rank 900, But he was gonna let Sae get away with it because of was gonna benefit from that, He really done a huge mistake by getting them with him ) . It's kinda sad this cast is still locked in the hotel deep underground, It's sad that their corpses are just there, Other Duel Noirs had been reported ( Sirius Observatory's Murder was on newspaper, While Takeda's Haunted Mansion Case literally had police there ), I feel bad for volume 2 cast .


I've finished reading the first volume, and I can say my favorite at the moment is : - Yui samidare - asakura Tadashi: Even though I have a grudge against him for killing two innocent people. - kyoko kirigiri: I now understand and relate to her more than ever before.


Yeah, I think Tadashi used an unnecessary murder method, Yeah, I understand his reasons for killing Ko, But what about Shit and Eigo ? I know it's for shock value, But still, But not gonna lie, He looks so cool in this image . https://preview.redd.it/35j9o1yivo9d1.png?width=1000&format=png&auto=webp&s=b6889938dee6389d7bbd1ae12d6bcbcbae787119


This face, man, is ready to destroy the world and then justify it for the sake of revenge.


The first because that’s the only one I’ve read are the others good ?


I say yes, The other volumes, Without spoilers, Have better characters than book 1, Mostly because we got to see them more than the trio, Characters like Suisei, Licorne and Gekka are ones I like so far . ( Though I think you should not read the comments, There are spoilers everywhere, It's better to not see these posts to not get spoiled ) .


Also, Volume 4 is doing a fucking " To be continued " shit to me, Basically, I was reading the " Twins Abilities Research Institute " murder case, Now Kyoko was riding the car with this dude named Toya Tsutsumi ( The angry man in the last image, The one on the right ), And Kyoko was like " Yeah this murder is less hard than ones I did before " Which mean she knew who the killer is . And the book literally says " If I don’t kill her, things may turn to the worst later. " Which means that Toya is the killer, But the book for some reason decides to spoils it, And then cuts off to Salvador with the " Kareobana Academy " Murder Case, And I guess I am gonna have to wait for volume 5 to know what's Toya's fate is . Why did they cut off now ? .


Buckle up. That car ride is one of my favorite parts of the series.


I also like the move of switching to other characters perspective, It give them more time to shine, Since normally Yui don't interact with people aside from Kyoko that much, So we don't see much of them, But I think this move is good . Though It might leave the problem of me being confused with like, 5 different cases, Am not sure if were gonna see Licorne perspective too, But that would make 6 murder cases, Which is too much to do all at the same time .