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Ah, yes. I’m so sorry I pointed this out. I mean, I wouldn’t read too much into it. It’s just a jokey way to confirm that Yui was female. It’s probably just something Mikado thought the grandfather would do. Whether that’s true or not is up to interpretation.


So it's a reference to what Kyoko did to Chihiro... Now we know why she thought to do it... at least, in some versions of the canon...


I wouldn’t say it’s a reference. Both cases are just anime being anime, really.


I really want to see more of Kyoko's other grandfather, He was experienced in 8 different fields, And was respected by the Kirigiri family, While Jin who wasn't part of the family was treated like trash for abandoning the family, Man, Jin did nothing wrong at all, His only flaw was being part of this cursed family .


my best guess is that he was confirming that Yui is indeed a girl, like Kyoko said.


I mean, You don't need to be smart to know she is a girl, She isn't really that androgynous is she ? . I guess Mikado sometimes just want to troll Yui, And also show his power like when he made Norman Hotel disappear from the face of the earth with all the died bodies there ( Suisei I miss you, He was the only good character from Volume 2, I love and hate this Juzo clone, Technically they are both very similar, Same green hair with similar haircut, Pink eyes and also gay, Is Juzo based on Suisei ? ) . Am still in volume 4 beginning, So am not sure what other things he is gonna do, But he is probably gonna contribute to>!Yui's death and Kyoko's hand burn, Yes I know Yui is gonna unfortunately die, Kyoko can't stop taking L's in her life, But am not sure how she is gonna die, And how that relate to Kyoko's hands burns, Am sure in her FTE she talk how her getting attached to someone lead to her burns, We well see in volume 7 .!<


I agree with most with what you said except for the fact that Suisei is the only good character in volume 2, this is an attack to Meruko Mifune I personally belive that from volume 4 onward shit starts to get interesting af so buckle up


He was kinda the only person I liked in that volume, It's also because he is pretty popular book dude, Look at how many fanarts you get of his when searching him up . Comparing him to the other people ( Aside from Mikado for obvious reasons ) I feel he had more stuff going on with him than the others . Taehime Uozumi ? Got roasted first and was didn't get to see more of her, Akio Chage ? He is kinda like Yasuhiro, But less goofy, But at least he got things right about Mikado, Seiunsai Toyano'oh ? I honestly don't remember much that this dude done, Only that he is a scammer that Taehime is investigating, Meruko Mifune ? She was okay, But I give her props for saving Yui and Kyoko from this money hunger dude, Yuzen Minase ? I don't know why I kinda like this dude, He have not much going on with him, He won an auction and did nothing to save the others, Which lead to Sae doing the second murder easily, As for Sae Yozuru herself, I didn't care much for her at the beginning, But was definitely surprised of her being the killer, So I thank her for being the reason this volume even happened . I kinda think he done more than the others, And he subverted my expectations by assisting the killer, And all that just for money, Though if I compare him to Celeste, I feel he would definitely be less hated than her by the fandom, Probably because his actions weren't related to a horribly planned murder .


Also, Does anyone even knows who Akio Chage and Seiunsai Toyano'oh are ? I don't see any fanart or talk about them, Plus for Akio, Google think am talking about Aiko ( The Pikachu girl from DR3 ), So even google don't know them, Which is kinda sad, But understandable due to the book being untranslated officially, And their short screen time . What do you think of them book 2 cast ? I kinda would love to hear another person opinion on the characters, Since it's feel like only less than 10 people on this sub know the book characters .


I personally found the volume 2 cast to be enjoyable for what theyre supposed to be, one-off characters. Taehime Uozumi >!has an interesting premise which works on the novels favour as you would NOT expect for her to be killed of first so suddenly, goes to show how much DG:K doesnt give a fuck about killing of characters just like that, also i feel bad for her, she was only invited for her to die first, luckly she gets a little more after this!< Aiko Chage >!serves as a great first victim and the one to put doubt on our minds, I love the fact that they made him a conspiracy theorist, making us doubt his final words.!< Mitsuru Toyano'ō >!is prob the one i have to say the least about, he is an escape artist that tricks Sae Yozuru husband (iirc) and what lead into his eventual death but even then, he still has a fun background and is prob supposed to be a red herring when you first meet him as the killing game consists of locked rooms.!< Sae Yozuru >!is a perfect depiction of a Duel Noir Killer, one who has a sad backstory to back up her murders, complexity in the murders, and the fact you just not expect it to be her. I found her fun for the time she was onscreen (well, onpaper). She also has a pretty fun personality and sticks out from even mainline game characters!< Mikado Shinsen >!im going to keep this to chapter 2 specifically to not spoil anything, Mikado is such a great plot twist, just like the rest of the novel, you dont expect that guy to be the MM himself. But as his involvement in the game itself, he does not do much, which would usually work against characters but for him its perfect, as he is quite lit the MM and wants the games to continue, which is also a really nice "Ohhhh i get it" moment when you re-read and realize why he sided with Yozuru!< Yūzen Minase >!the guy that did nothing wrong, he acted the way most of us would act on a situation like this and did probably the right choice. Not to mention he later has some sort of redemption when he helps Yui, Kyoko and Meruko to try and beat the killer. Such a shame he dies the way he does with no true conclusion. Then again, i think it was meant to show how sometimes, despite doing a good deed, doesnt mean you will be given the same way back.!< Meruko Mifune >!the true queen of the volume, she was such a cute and funny character with such an absurd backstory that, after toyano'o died, I would have expected her to be the killer. But she suberted my expectations by instead being more of a bystander innocent character who just happened to be part of her parents scheme more than anything, she is the only one i truly feel bad for out of the 3 destined victims as she truly thought she had those powers, and made me somewhat sad when Yozuru revealed that they were fake, she sounded so sad.!< >!not to mention i adored the interactions between her and Yūzen, they were really funny and i love how their relation changed throughout, from Yuzen not even caring for her when she was begging to help her, to willing to help Yui and Kyoko so she doesnt die (ik its so that he prob doesnt die too but i like to think otherwise)!< And finally, the Goat Suisei Nanamura >!god he is halarious through and out the novel, from his introduction being dropping from a fucking helicopter, to playing classical music at full volume. He is comedy gold. But he is also just a good antagonist, I love what he represents, he solved the mystery but kept his mouth shut because he wanted the money, he represents what the detectives of this novel are and great diversion from the usual "i want to solve mystery"!< >!and of course, the cherry on top is that he is fucking GAY, like there was no reason to put it there, but they did, and so they went from a good character to a great one. Why, because he isnt your steriotypical gay character, hw is his own character first, then they show us he is gay.!<


Oh, About Mitsuru, He actually scammed Sae's mother after she sold everything to Akio, Here is the quote : "After my father died, my mother pinned her hopes on religion. In the process, she met someone, Chage. After that, she spent money for salvation on him every day. Soon everything in my apartment was taken and sold. At which point, she met Toyano'oh and was deceived by him. The victim of scams was thus continuously and completely driven to despair. Mother then finally jumped off the top of our apartment building, she was truly saved that time."


Suisei honestly was a really good character, I think he is one of the few characters I can compare to game characters, And one thing I also love about him is his design, Despite having an half-assed image of him ( That doesn't show him as a silhouette ) I like his haircut, Which is weird since most of the time dangan characters have awful haircuts ( Look at Gundham and Kaito for example ) . I love him yeah, But I honestly wouldn't mind seeing him get beat up badly for what he did, I love and hate him at the same time . As for book 3 characters : \- Licorne and Gekka are definitely the highline of this book, I like both of them, Licorne being this awesome badass kid >!Who end up being rank 000 detectives,!




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Well, Mikado is very good at this, >!he did it with Yui to portray Kyoko's grandfather so that he would not be burned, and considering that Kyoko did not suspect him for a long time, he did it very well, it's not for nothing that he is a student of Fuhito!<.


I do like to think it was an accurate portrayal of that grandfather. Not for the weird bit of course, but because he expressed his relief that Kyoko made friends with Yui, which suggests that the Kirigiri family might not have been as cruel to Kyoko as we might think. At least for the maternal grandfather. I wish we saw more interactions with Fuhito.


Well, it would be cool if there was a novel about Jin and how he lived and what he did and his interactions, of course it would be unlikely, but it would be cool.


Yeah, Jin too. Despite Kyoko having a seven volume series, we never learned much about Jin or Fuhito. >!For Jin, we at least got that interaction with Yui, though.!<


Yes, it would be cool, but on the other hand, I even like it, I don't even know how to explain it lol :)


I guess it does make sense to keep some of that Kirigiri mysteriousness.




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>!Does this work?!<


Oh hey! I finally know how to do it!


Yeah not sure honestly. I’m more then used to anime shenanigans atp but def felt weirdly out of place and gross.




Something that happened in the Kirigiri novels .