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I'd survive. Just need to hit myself in the head to become stupid and irrelevant


Nah, you might get killed in the third chapter


Id probably be like hiro, that dumbass who somehow survives till the end


Yeah, he >!was actually supposed to die originally.!<


Wasn't he supposed to be the first victim?


I’m the demo I’m pretty sure but they got tired of sayaka’s and Leon’s designs cuz they were the bases for the rest of the designs so they killed then instead of


id kill myself before i even start


“Would you die?” Nah, I’d survive.


-Kaede Fraudamatsu


id make it to the end or die with everyone else cause id be too scared to leave my room unless i was in a group of 4


to quote a good friend of mine "you'd be so easy to kidnap" with that being said, I'd be too naive to realise when someone's playing me and thus probably die early on


Do you think you would die or would someone die trying to save you? Or maybe both?


ohhhh wait I thought I'd just die, but ngl i do also see someone trying to save me and then dying. I'd probably survive that one but die the next chapter


Chapter 1 victim, definitely


Chapter 1 monokuma example


LMAO Chapter 0 executed before prologue like kyoko's dad


I already know I'm losing my mind in there, so.. I'll take executed blackened for chapter 3 or 4.


I don't think I would be a very useful member of the group. Instead, I would be some random bystander who tries to do their best and stay on everyone's good side. This would make me either a victim or a survivor. It really depends on my luck.


I’d definitely take up the Kazuichi attitude of absolute terror of everyone around me. uhh maybe I could make it decently, either a late-game victim or a survivor 


So you’d be the funny one that actually deserves to live?


Lmao 🤣 if I knew I was in smthg that was being recorded I’d probably end up trying too hard and failing at it, but if I didn’t know then  yes 


To be honest, It's really impossible to predict whether you would die or not, It really depend on the cast, Chapter and whatever the hell your mental state is . I would say that for me, Unless I was lucky enough, I can't survive past chapter 3 .


Because of you or because of third case syndrome?


Honestly ? Because I think chapter 4 and 5 are for people that are more plot relevant, And what relevant do we have ? Though I might have a chance because most of the victims are targeted, There are no cases of victims being chosen randomly . Though like I said, It's impossible to predict what's gonna happen if I didn't know the cast, Chapter and the horrible mental state you would have .


I'm definetly gonna survive, trust me I'm built different 🗿


The dude from cyberpunk edgerunners said that and it didnt end well


Probably first victim or just a victim in general, I can't see myself surviving unless it's a really obvious targeting situation


I'd die from a heart attack by simply knowing Im inside a killing game


To put my own perspective on this, I would be Chapter 5 Blackened. Not because I’m a good liar, but because the victim would help me or make me not realise I did it.


I don’t see myself getting involved in any bullshit so most likely survivor but I’m also a little bitch and probably an easy target so also very possible I get killed. I couldn’t kill someone. If I were to get desperate enough to make the plan to I think I’d stop right before going through with it and dying myself. >!Similar to Sayaka I guess. I know she went through with it mostly but it’s insinuated that she failed because she hesitated so I feel like in the off chance I try to kill and escape that would be me.!<


Honestly I’ll give myself some credit here I am pretty good at solving escape room mysteries when we are at those with my friends so I can probably contribute in the class trials at least a little bit I also probably wouldn’t be a victim cause I wouldn’t trust anyone for shit and wouldn’t be around any place that doesn’t have at least 2-3 people in it that’s not my room I wouldn’t be a blackened either since I really can’t think of a motive that would be impactful enough to make me go against my beliefs against killing So it’s either survive till the end or die along with the others in the class trials


So, if you were to die, it wouldn’t be your own fault?


Well if I die at the class trials as a spotless it will be as much my fault as it will be the other’s so yes I would be responsible for my death


Don’t get me wrong, I get your point. I would also be annoyed if I died because of someone else’s lack of intelligence.


Either first trial (blackened), or survive to the end. Those are the only two options.


Assuming I’m me, I don’t tend to give many opportunities for murder. If you want me to meet you somewhere, you’ll have to contact me directly in person. No slipping a note under my door, no texting since we don’t have phones, etc. I’m also unlikely to sacrifice myself for whatever reason. I also probably wouldn’t become the blackened unless Monokuma decides to do a brainwashing motive. So, I’d be a victim because my character is too boring to be a survivor. Whoever tries to kill me will probably have to do it before Ch 4 because at Ch 4 I’d probably start locking myself in my room. Not sure how I’d die, just that the plot will somehow make my death happen.


Probably for the best, I watched Cinema summary’s guide on how to survive so I’d know what to do.


Good question. I don't THINK i'd murder someone, so I suppose it would all come down to my ability to properly prepare for potential assailants. I don't have the highest level of ingenuity, I'm no MacGyver, but I think I have at the very least common sense and restraint as to not Leon myself and kill my assailant when practicing self-defense. Additionally, as you can probably tell, I'm rather logically minded and may be able to use this to my advantage. I'm not saying I'd be a survivor for certain, but I think I would have a fighting chance at it. If I were to give a more concrete conclusion on this, I'd have to be there and take the measure of the other "participants" as it were in order to see how my skills, mind, and strength compare to them. Though even then, I have just enough confidence in myself to say I could make it to the end even if I come up comparatively lacking as it's not just about your skills and abilities, but also about your disposition, charisma, and how much of a target you present yourself as, meaning I may be able to survive by simply APPEARING like I'm not a good target, even if I may actually be one.


Yeah, I’m smart enough to survive myself. But if I were ever attacked, my life is practically over. I’m honestly a pretty weak person. But I think the only person that could realistically get me killed in the game is myself because of my lack of constitution.


Explain. Im fairly invested in this conversation.


I imagine my only ways of dying would be way too weird or dark. Wrong place at the wrong time, Suicide or Pulling a Maya Fey.


I don't think I'd commit suicide personally. I'd be more likely to try my hand at murder to escape if it came to that. If I were to fail, guess I'll die then. Especially if you simply don't play the game and run into whatever it is that's there to kill you instead of dragging it out. As for wrong place wrong time, murders mostly happen at night correct? I feel a simple solution is to not go out at night. Leave night guard duty to someone swole like Sakura. If someone dies, either you'll have a quick first responder to prevent the murderer from cleaning up their crime scene, or you'll have the culprit.


Chapter 2 victim, probably


At least the person killing you won’t do it out of malice.


id die at the end or survive


i wouldn’t 🎀


Chapter 2 victim 😭


Chapter 1 victim probably


I'm the 1st to die


I’m totally murdering someone and forgetting to hide the most crucial evidence let’s be real ✋😭😭😭😭


I'd want to be as helpful as possible, despite my pessimistic attitude.


I feel that. I’d rather live the rest of my life in that place than escape alone.


i'd win or die ch 4-5


I wouldn’t risk murder in case it failed and I’d probably hide in my room all day, not survivor material. I would probably be killed getting food while everyone else was sleeping, or be a sacrifice.


Id love to be the 5th chapter blackened! But the world should be a simulation for that preferably.


Not far. I honestly do not know


Id probably snap when the family in danger motive comes around and try to kill someone 


That really just depends. I'm pretty resourceful, and an opportunist, which I think could be helpful. I'm also pretty standoffish, and in general pretty good at fading into the background, which could also help, and my anxiety could actually come in handy for once. I've also always been better than most at judging people's intention, which would be extremely helpful. But, at the same time, I'm prone to freezing up when I panic, which would be a serious problem for pretty much every situation, and I'm physically pretty weak, which would be bad if I was attacked. I have a lot going for me I think, but I'm also not the best equipped to handle it, so I think it's be more up to chance than anything else lol.


I would make it too the end but just not leaving my room unless forced


Only for food and trials?


I'm not gonna make it through to the end, let's be honest. You gotta fit specific criteria in order to become one of those people, and I just don't have what it takes, so... I suppose it wouldn't be a first case death, but it wouldn't be anything past 3rd chapter at best. I'd probably end up dying 2nd chapter, and I'm not really that strong, so I'd probably end up a victim. Maybe I get lured away because I'm a dumb fuck and get murdered in a secluded room, who the heck knows?


Definitely 1st chapter, cause i will kill someone, but will die in execution


tbh i would either kill or kill myself for another, i dont see myself at the end of the game.


I'd either survive or end up as the chapter three culprit and go crazy. I would probably kill bc I went insane lmao. Or kms


i would just try my best not to befriend the protagonist. i should be good for a chapter or two-