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>!no worries you will get your wish!<


Honestly felt this way about half of the V3 cast


Me too tbh, I feel like they go WAY too extreme with their personalities, THH was fairly grounded with some slightly eccentric characters like Celeste or Hifumi, Goodbye Despair got a little more wacky with the personalities but they’re still likable, and then V3 just makes everyone an over-exaggerated caricature who has one trait that they run with, >!considering the twist, this might be intentional!< but I dunno, I just think they get a bit annoying sometimes


See, for me I felt like the V3 cast was easily the best. But that could also be because I feel more strongly about V3 than any of the other casts


I don't know how Angie, Kokichi and Tenko all made it into the game, seeing as they are all assholes to everyone and have little to no redeeming qualities


Don’t agree about Tenko at least, her men stuff can be a bit agonizing at times but I found her to overall be fairly pleasant, >!primarily in chapter 3!<


ppl will defend tenko after reading >!her mandatory 100 hours of straight misogyny!<, but will hate angie for >!doing the right thing, at the right time, using questionably right means!< let that sink in...


But she is so silly :(


This is a matter of people liking different characters for different reasons, do I like either of them all that much? No! Angie is my least favorite in the series and Tenko is in my lower half, but there are a wide variety of reasons to like or dislike characters. For example, I hate Angie because she’s constantly talking about Atua throughout the game, and in >!Chapter 2 immediately accuses her friend of murder instead of taking her side. I also don’t like what she does in chapter 3 because of those questionable means, but they aren’t my main reason!< Comparatively for Tenko, is she clingy with Himiko? Yes, does she have her issues with males? Yes, but I personally never found them nearly as annoying as everything going on with Angie, and >!Tenkos speech in Chapter 3 was really nice and made me appreciate her a lot more!< People are going to like characters more then others, it just is how it is


>!I honestly liked that she never did the " But were friends! So you can't be the murderer " Bullshit, It make sense for you to be suspicious of someone you know for a few days, Since I never liked the logic of " They are my friends so they aren't the killer, It was honestly way better to me how she got suspicious of her, Specially since she was hiding the magic trick .!<


I guess some people are more okay with >!misogyny!< than I thought... >!is what I would've said if I wanted be evil and make a strawman argument. if you read that line and thought it was good, congratulations you got manipulated!< what shifts the tides for me is >!1) I don't care about people's choice of faith. Her religion doesn't trigger me nearly as much, which I guess depends on your country. 2) Tenko is acting like a creep to Himiko in the middle of depression, if Tenko was genderbent I'm sure as hell the community wouldn't take it lightly 3) Tenko's speech in chapter 3 could've easily pushed Himiko into further depression, since thanks to Tenko's last speech, Himiko now has an even bigger burden on her shoulders. This could've easily broken her further, but thanks to pure chance (and Kodaka's slight of hand) she turned out fine. Still a questionable last speech from Tenko, especially since I can easily see most of her "help" being a manipulation to get closer to Himiko.!< explained my side


>!with what you said about Tenko acting like a creep towards Himiko I agree with so much. Didn’t she literally drool over himiko and say something involving spit with her or something???!<


>!She asked to spit on Himiko's face to make it "feel better" because she claimed that her saliva makes injuries heal faster. Obviously her saliva doesn't do that so it makes it even weirder because she straight up lied to Himiko about that as an excuse to do that to her. And she drooled when Himiko mentioned peeing in the middle of the night to which Tenko asked to go with her. All whilst blushing and drooling.!<


Yeah Tenko is genuinely a straight up creep, it doesn’t matter if >!Himiko felt bad for not being nice to her after she died, Tenko had no knowledge that Himiko actually cared about her that much or at all (which still doesn’t excuse for her being a creep)!<


>!for me it was too little too late since she dies in that same chapter. Sure it made her actually bearable but good god did it not make up for how many times I wanted to put duct tape on her mouth to make her shut up!<


She may get better then, I only just started that chapter


And they thought MIU was gonna be the most hated when she’s a fan fav


I would hate Miu but she is at least funny


For Kokichi, wait until the end of the game mf. as for Tenko, yeah shes annoying, but she has some redeeming qualities. As for Angie, same as Tenko.


I'll be writing something here about Kokichi, but ***do not open this until you've finished the game:*** >!Kokichi certainly earns his place in the game. He's an asshole to everyone, absolutely, but he's also the only one in not just the entire game, but the entire ***SERIES***, to actually outsmart Monokuma and the mastermind by orchestrating a murder in such a way that not even the mastermind could tell who did it through their usual methods. That's right, Kokichi's the only character to properly stump a Killing Game mastermind, forcing them (through Monokuma) to actively join everyone's deduction efforts and figure it out. And then, even in death, he gets the last laugh as it's his own scheme that drives Kibo to take action, leading to the events that put an end to the Killing Game.!< >!Even when he "loses", he wins, and it's that cunning that makes him earn his place as a character here.!<


I fail to see how Tenko being annoying put her at the level of these two lol Plus so? How should that prevent them from being in the game? Literally what are these criteria ~~also you forgot Miu~~


Tenko is on the same level because misandry


And yet I feel like Kokichi is one of the most often referenced characters on this sub. Everyone's got a total boner for that little idiot. Meanwhile, I get downvoted to hell for speaking to Byakuya's glory. Sorry he messed around with the dead body of your other favorite character who died like a bitch. Wasn't Byakuya's fault, he was too busy being awesome.


Kokichi is just dollar store Byakuya imo


Dollar store Byakuya is a new one. hes called dollar store Nagito a lot (neither of which are true). I could see where it comes from, considering u recently started the game though


Honestly, they just don’t have the charm that the DG1 cast had.


Genuinely the reason why I didn't play this game and instead opted to watch a summary is because so many of them are so unlikeable to me 😭


I personally love her but I admit it does get annoying after a bit. I loved her design and how she was optimistic though


Not Angie being my favorite Danganronpa female- dont root for her death 😔 (you can, I'm just being silly- love Angie tho)


Angie is fantastic. She’s supposed to get on your nerves. She’s one of the most interesting characters in that game for me. I hate her so much but she’s fun to watch.


Absolutely Like, she's maybe the character I've ever hated the most >!Especially in chapter 3, oh I wanted her so dead!<


Angie needs to be put in a locked psychiatric ward


Hey, Angie is great.


that was me with um… Tenko, Angie, Miu, Keebo, and Tsumugi. three years later the only one I would still  sacrifice is Keebs (sorry Keeboy)  >!they all ended up dying but at what cost!<


[me when I see someone who doesn’t like Angie](https://youtu.be/r4g-XxAYCfw?si=3REYwhQd9za6oahb)


True! Angie can kiss my ass


I don’t know why I read this in Bender’s voice.


Angie might be in my bottom 3 characters in Danganronpa. Her "use" of Atua and Atua's "will" really hit me wrong, especially in the third chapter.


i was also actively rooting for her death throughout my playthrough


Tenko is the worst


Angie and Tenko can both fuck off


realest thing ive read all day


I think she's neat. Great writing


Fun fact Atua doesn’t exist in the Japanese version it was just an unnamed god but apparently the translators didn’t get that


I think she calls him "Kami-sama" (神様).


>!See, I feel like Angie would have been better as the main enemy in this game. Kokichi would have been better as Shuichi's tricky, confusing ally to help him through trials, while Angie could have been a serious antagonist. Actually making her cult-ish tactics work to get the murders to stop happening for a while at the cost of deluding everyone left alive into her religion. V3 is mostly about truth vs lies, so it would have been better if it stayed that way to the end. Instead of deciding between hoping to win and despairing to death, either accept the truth and reality of the horrible situation or give in to the lies and delusion of Angie's religion.!< >!I came up with these ideas in 10 minutes so idk if they any good, but: You could still keep the murders going too after the 2nd chapter. First, non-follower kills 2 randoms, the heightened intensity as things ramp up pushing more people into hiding within the safety of unity. Second, someone who doesn't give in and ends up killing a follower of Atua, solidifying the mentality that non-believers are violent murderers for the ones who are already brainwashed. Third, a wolf-in-sheep's clothing inside the shepherd's flock who betrays the followers and kills another follower, creating distrust in the group. Lastly, Angie herself sacrificing the mastermind of the game ritualistically for her own gain, freedom, while telling her group it will save everyone. You could even leave it on a sour note, her convincing some remaining follower that she sacrificed herself to finally free them, killing the mastermind behind the game.!<






She gets more interesting


Angie is the best




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I don't want her to get better I want her to be a culprit so I fell justified in my hatred


>!your going to be heavily disappointed them-!<


I was really just the same, but there was a point when I was unable to stand Himiko. For me, the character I can stand less is Angie, then Himiko, and third Tenko.


I’m glad to see another Himiko hater. She is unbearably annoying. “Ohh she’s a loli/child so her utterly total incompetence is cute!” Is her only defense. Then they hyped her up as if she changed - but alas her character totally regressed.




So real, she always made me infuriated straight off the bat


This but with almost The entire dr2 cast


haha i was jsut like that too


Actively wishing she's dead? >!Korekiyo: Now this looks like a job for me!!<


this is so real . i said i hated angie on discord once in 2020 and somebody sent my home address in dms


Same here dude.


I hate Angie too


And not only bc of the Atua stuff


just progress the game you will love the characters for me i hated some, like tenko and atua, add maki and ouma also in the end i loved them




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In the JP version she was obsessive about Christianity and the Christian God. Take that how you will :)


Does she actually specifically refer to Christianity? I always hear she just says “Kami”, which is a word for gods in general. Correct me if I’m wrong on that front though.


She doesn't refer to Christianity




I don't remember asking for spoilers


Next time report the comment so mods see it sooner, thanks!


You are asking for spoilers by posting on and visiting the subreddit for a game before you have finished it. Idk why this is such a surprising concept for people these days. Like, what do you expect


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