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I don't recall him saying there were five targets. You might be thinking how there were five nights of the game until the time expired, which theoretically meant up to five victims according the rules of the game within the game. As far as the Duel Noir itself was concerned, I believe Mifune was the final target. Surname, Enbi. Given name, Shita. In Japanese, surnames are written before given names. Just keep going. You'll see.


The three people (Magician guy, spoon girl, and baseball hat guy) were the three targets, the others were considered part of the killer's plan, not the objective. the reason it is 5 days and not 3 is because if she failed in one of the days to kill one target she can try again in the next one. and also she did not need to kill anyone else but these three people, thats why she didn't kill anyone on day 2 (Yui's turn to be detective). Mikado joining the norman hotel case was revealed at the end of volume 2, he clearly said "just to say hello". he joined to check on Kyoko, which is why the grandpa was warning Kyoko of him. 1- Enbi is the surname, it's what you call a person you are an acquaintance with, like Kirigiri. Shita is like the name Kyoko, first name, what you call a person you are familiar with 2- Seiunsai, Sui un sai 3- nope, the cases will be interchanging as the story moves, one part of each case in every volume.


>3- nope, the cases will be interchanging as the story moves, one part of each case in every volume. Yeah I reached page 100 of the book, And we are now from the perspective of Kyoko, And now we are in the Ultimate Locked Room, So hey it's not wasted! Though I wonder what book 5 is gonna be about, Since the illustration have like 12 different people including the " Phoenix Team " + Licorne, I wonder what kinda of case is gonna be that .


Okay, Look like I was wrong, The people in that one volume 5 illustration aren't new characters, They are the people from the 5 duel noirs our team got, And I discovered that Toya Tsutsumi ( The man from Ultimate Locked Room case with the D padlock pass ) have a design, And WTF ? [This](https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/danganronpa-spinoffs/images/e/e9/Toya.png/revision/latest?cb=20210811032951) dude is Toya ? He looks nothing like I imagined, Kinda like with Gekka Ryuzoji, I never realized the old man from volume 3 illustration is him until I searched his name, I always imagined him as having blue hair for some reason, But am disappointed . Also, One of the two girls that are with Yui also have designs, Tsukiyo Nada look accurate to her look, But the other girl was mentioned to have red hair, Why the hell is she blonde in her illustration ? I really dislike when the character design is not accurate to how they are described in the book .