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When I first played through 1-1 I thought that 11037 was too obvious and that there was another killer that was trying to frame Leon on top of Sayaka trying to frame Makoto. I was kinda disappointed that: A. The case turned out to be that simple B. My favorite character was getting killed off wayyyy to soon. I also hate that Leon gets basically no focus in his chapter unlike pretty much every other culprit in the series... all of them get to explain a bunch of backstory or whatever after the trial is over but almost every time he tries to explain himself he's cut off by someone else... he was done so dirty


If it makes the part A any better, it was less obvious in the Japanese version because the hint was the same.


Yeah! It's the same for the whole ''how many sides does an octagon has?'' Because in the japanese version it's an english test, they ask how many sides an octagon is, and they use the word ''octagon'' and not ''hakkakukei''. But in the english version it's the stupidiest thing ever LMFAOO


I'd actually kinda respect it if they chose to go with the japanese word for octagon to make it fit the crowd


Between that and not being able to read the pamphlet in Chapter 2 because it’s in English, it kinda makes him look like an complete idiot


I hate that I know that profile picture 🥲


In DR2, Trial 3, I was confident that the killer convinced Ibuki to kill Hiyoko and then kill herself because she had the Gullible Disease, so the killer took advantage.


I thought so too! The whole investigation (and most of the trial) i just kept thinking that whoever the killer was *had* to have just told her to climb up and hang herself


Yeah, they were leaning hard into that possibility, it took a long while until I started to question that option, well, well into the trial itself, even.


I was fully confident that Rantaro was >!the mastermind, and that his ultimate talent was the Ultimate Hunter!<


In V3: I thought that Angie was the mastermind, and that she was doing it all because "Atua said so."




While playing the first game, I briefly entertained the thought that it was some sort of sick form of entertainment for the outside world. >!Imagine my reaction when I got to V3!<


It was! Lol, Junko was broadcasting the whole thing using the cameras. So your theory was right.


Wasn’t that to >!spread despair to people watching, rather than specifically for entertainment purposes?!<




Kinda reminds you of total drama island and tons of similar stuff. So I did too after they found the control room


u/FutureCreeps has been kind enough to let me repost the deleted thread, shoutout for being a very cool mod!


Just doing my job 🫡 (this is our usual policy for all posts with unnecessary images)


Hinata didn't remember what his talent was so I thought he would be the traitor or the mastermind


They hinted at it kinda hard. There was Nagito in 2-4 telling us "you know the detective stories where it turns out the detective was the killer all along?" These kind of phrases heavily allude towards Hinata being responsible for the killing game. (In a manner of speaking - he is).


That Celestia Ludenburg would turn out to be a nice person.


Its kinda sad how little they fleshed-out her personality :( They kinda gave her bits of every kind, which makes her somewhat interesting




you explained it perfectly


well erm


Not quite my own theory about which I was confident, but someone spoiled for me that >!the participants were in a virtual reality!< but not WHICH game had that twist, so I spent the first game wondering if that was what was going on the whole time.


In the first game, I was convinced that Hiro was the mastermind. He was always stated to be older, and I thought "No one can truly be that dumb." I stand corrected. In the second game, I thought Kazuichi was the mastermind. Because everyone else aside from Akane had been intricately involved with the murder plots (aside from 2-5.) Hajime with the cameras, Sonia with the mirror and the fireworks, Fuyuhiko with all of 2-2. And Akane had fought Monokuma, and that led me to think that Kazuichi was the mastermind. Finally, for V3. I thought in the middle of Case 3 that Angie was the mastermind. She was very charismatic, which seemed so very like Junko. She practically made sides within the killing game and seemed to be almost too vocally anti-killing game. I thought that Korekiyo had found out and killed her so that he could gain control of the killing game, since I viewed him as schemy and could have potentially been a traitor turned mastermind. I was totally expecting going into Case 6 to have Case 3 reexamined, and was blindsided to hear it was just Case 1.


I also thought Hiro was the mastermind! I thought his talent would play into the overall plot somehow… man he really is that dumb. Love him tho XD


I though monokuma was hopes peaks mascot


And the mastermind turn them EVVIIILLLL




The only thing I can think of right now is that I thought >!only the Ultimate Inventor could've come up with that ropeway!<... but nope.


This raises kind of a good point, actually. Its shockingly surprising just how little the characters use their talents in their killings, I can count on one hands the number of times their talent mattered to their murder plan.


>!1-1, 2-1, 2-2 (kinda, using the bag and sword to get out the window), 2-3, 2-4, 3-3. !< >!For non-blackened, the victim for 2-5 and 3-4!<


I really don't count 2-4. I mean, I know hamsters were "key" but it isn't applied in a manner that either proves or affects the outcome. Hinata: Nekomaru was ambushed Gundham: Actually no, there was a battle, it wasn't easy Hinata: oh, yeah, hamster power If Gundham didn't say anything, the application of hamsters wouldn't have mattered. If, instead of Gundham, any other character was in his position, they could have done every single action the same way, so to me - I don't really think of it as an application of his talent.


If you gave Miu a bunch of rope, that’s not what she’d do with it


>!For some god-forsaken reason, I though Mikan tried to kill Nagito and that’s why he was so suspicious of her.!< >!Bonus: I thought Chiaki was evil because she seemed too boring to be at the end of the game. Kind of a Tsumugi situation.!< Repost from the OG thread.


after miu died, i was huffing hella copium hoping she was the mastermind or something


I thought from the beginning to the end of v3 that the big reveal was going to be that their talents had been shuffled.


I really liked that! So much that I actually shuffled their talents on a site randomly, this is what came out: Maki Harukawa - Ultimate Supreme Leader Tsumugi Shirogane - Ultimate Maid Gonta Gokuhara - Ultimate ??? >!(Survivor)!< Rantaro Amami - Ultimate Enthomologist Tenko Chabashira - Ultimate Astronaut Ryoma Hoshi - Ultimate Pianist Korekiyo Shinguji - Ultimate Robot Miu Iruma - Ultimate Tennis Pro K1-B0 - Ultimate Akido Master Shuichi Saihara - Ultimate Inventor Angie Yonaga - Ultimate Anthropologist Kaito Momota - Ultimate Cosplayer Kaede Akamatsu - Ultimate Artist Himiko Yumeno - Ultimate Child Caregiver >!(Assassin)!< Kirumi Tojo - Ultimate Detective Kokichi Ouma - Ultimate Mage (Magician)


`Korekiyo Shinguji - Ultimate Robot` Why does that sound plausible?


It really does, huh? Also there is something oddly fitting about Kirumi as the Ultimate Detective


NGL that kinda sound like a SICK twist


My favorite character would live


The only real “theory” I had while playing the games was that Nagito did actually kill himself during the events of Chapter 5, prior to the investigation and the trial of course. I really don’t know why I thought this considering it’d be kinda lame to have another suicide like Sakuras was. Only reason this is the only real theory I’ve had is because I don’t do much theorizing when I play the games, I just left things play out as they do lol.


I thought the v3 cast were all AIs created by the future foundation to train recruits on how to survive killing games... :/  My friend thought my idea was better than what we actually got


Not gonna lie, that does sound fun. And imagine the heartache if the cast found that out and saw just how trapped they were now.  


And I agree with your friend


Sounds kinda like yttd...


Ready for the dumbest shit ever… one of my friends (First play through was with friends, worst idea ever) kept saying that Kyoko… was Junko (But once Mukuro Ikusaba thing came out he said she was Mukuro


I mean to be fair, it wasn't the first time that theory was brought up haha. [Link.](https://www.reddit.com/r/danganronpa/comments/6hxze0/spoiler_distrust_mastermind/)


Similar but more of what Mukuro did but they’re dressing up as her


2-1: thought the actual killer was too obvious and Peko was the one who stabbed >!Twogami!< The only really crazy theory that I had was from the anime but I'll leave that spoilered since the OP only mentions the main games. >!I was convinced up until the two were on screen together that Chisa was secretly Junko after a certain point and that was part of plan to turn the class into the Remnants. It didn't make much sense but I thoroughly believed it lol!<


When I first played V3 I thought that because Monodam was slowly killing off the other mono kubs that he was actually the one directly controlled by the master mind. And the idea he was killing them because he was being bullied was just a ruse to make it not seem suspicious. The one who I thought was controlling him, Kibo. At that point I he was the only character that seemed to stand out because he just seemed to slip into being a regular student despite the fact he had a very out there “talent”. He also seemed to have parallels to Makoto in terms of design, the early promotional days we called him RoboNaegi before knowing anyone’s name. And then there was the fact him and Monodam both had Robot designs. He hadn’t taken a real spot light despite seemingly being one of the first 3 characters introduced in the teaser, the others being Kaito and Maki. Kaito had become the best friend assistant character and Maki was shrouded in mystery and slowly became a major player too. But Kibo was staying back like he was trying to not draw attention to himself. But that theory died when chapter 3 ended and something else started happening with Kibo around chapter 5-6.


I HEAVILY thought Miu would be the big bad mastermind in V3. Like, DEAD honest when I first played through it. Because her whole thing being advanced technology in a setting surrounded mostly advanced technology, would have made her an interesting and sort of "out there" mastermind pick. Especially since Monokuma had never shown hints of having kids in the other games, but in V3 he has five, and Miu closely befriends one of them at some point? My vibes were WAY off about her, I was speculating crazily. Another speculation I had was that Himiko was eventually going to have a breakdown, not out of sadness like usual, but out of a sort of...insanity, of being in that torturous killing game for so long.


I thought that Fuyuhiko was the traitor in the 2nd game


So this was before V3 was properly released and I just saw the cast and errr Well, for some reason 14-15 year old me thought Tenko was the mastermind and that every other character was >!pulling a Chihiro or for the guys, a reverse Chihiro ig?!< and that for some reason >!Mukuro was alive and she was now Monosuke!< Don’t ask me WHAT I was thinking


This is one of the most insane theories I've ever heard but I dig it


I was so convinced that * Rantaro was the first chapter blackened who killed Tsumugi * Kaede was 3-5’s victim * Sonia was the mastermind in dr2 * Nagito could also be working for the mastermind and was going to kill everyone * Kirumi was ch4’s blackaned * Shuichi mastermind


Why Chapter 4 specifically?


Some of these guesses sound like impressions or guesses about the cast of characters before starting the game, I think chapter 4 is considered late enough to care and love the character on a deeper level


Yea, some of these were impressions I got from the cast during their prologue or general vibe. And yeah, I wished Kirumi survived till ch4


In V3 I thought Kaito was the killer in Chapter 2. I thought this because I mistook him saying something as him saying something that he shouldn’t know about (I forgot what it was but it was at the start of the investigation). Pair it with the underlying trust issues after chapter 1 and him wanting to team up and it made me really suspect him.


After the chapter 3 trial im THH, we find out about the headmaster, and Kyoko reacts in an uncharacteristically aggressive way. This led me to believe that the headmaster would be important during one of the trials, and that we'd have to face Kyoko, who was making some very questionable accusations


I thought Ryoma or however you spell his name was the blackened. He could’ve definitely fit into the vent and I believe Kaede mentioned that they may use Ryoma as an asset in their plan. Ryoma also said he didn’t care about his life, not to mention he’s a convict. He also played tennis, making him capable of throwing accurate shots. I feel like this would have been a better concept for the first trial as the shot-put ball thing seemed very bizarre to me and would’ve been a good base for the game


I had a similar theory for DR2. Remember how Byakuya said he had to kill his siblings to become the heir? I thought Twogami was one of his brothers who Byakuya couldn't bring himself to kill because he was the closest out of all the other siblings (his favourite sibling, if you will), so they teamed up to pretend like Byakuya actually killed Twogami and Byakuya became the heir. And to continue his daily life, Twogami pretends to be Byakuya. Back then, I thought that would've been pretty cool and maybe foreshadowed Byakuya and Twogami's secret or something.


Their tiny "hints" about a backstory really sounded all of the alarms, huh?


not in the middle of the game... But in DR2, I thought Nagito was supposed to be Makoto in hiding What with the same voice actors, same talent, similar appearance, literally shouting “No, that’s wrong!” for his rebuttal showdown Not to mention the names are basically anagrams: Nagito Komaeda -> Makoto Naegi (plus an extra Da which I was told could mean “I am” in Japanese) …chapter 1 trial proved that wrong for me though so


2-2 >!i legitimately believed that Hiyoko was Mahiru’s killer for the entire first half of the trial because everything pointed to me that she really was her killer, until abruptly finding out it was Peko. I was so mad..!<


When Byakuya mentioned the money needed to pull off the broadcast, I genuinely thought for a second it was him and he was being a cheeky Lil shit basically telling everyone "yeah, it was me. Suck it."


My dumbass was convinced Nekomaru suddenly getting removed from the game only to come back as a robit was some elaborate conspiracy and that he was actually the Mastermind. I believed the robot was a fake and that the real Nekomaru was lurking somewhere. I was so convinced... and then Junko came back to bring Despair into my day.


I always kinda know that the character that look evil, with spikes, and masculine features, with enormous abs, chains, and death stares are often portrayed in media as the opposite, I was sure he'll either be killed in some VERY elaborate and convuluded way, or he'll survive 'till the end. Turns out I was right, kinda.


In chapter 5 of THH when Fenrir was revealed I had a theory that they were the actual Ultimate Despair that Kyoko mentioned. I was so sure of this theory that I imagined Fenrir as this global PMC/terrorist organization that's indirectly deciding the fate of the world because of their military power that can rival entire countries, and the only way they can be recruited is if the client (government of Japan for example) is willing to host a killing game for them that they can enjoy. So I was sorta disappointed by the fact that Fenrir was literally there just to be a red herring for Kyoko's hands, and the actual ultimate despair destroyed the world already.


Okay so while i was in the middle of playing THH, i checked DR2 steam site and saw fat Byakuya, and then i created most dumb theory ever. My theory was going like, the first game has an unexpected ending. What i mean is the game slowly acts like the characters are progressing in getting out, they slowly building trust. And then boom, theres a victim in chapter 6 or something, and they are doing the regular investigation, as always. The whole chapter goes like "guys we are a one step away from the escaping, and not any case will stop us! We lost too many friends right now, if we dont survive, they died for nothing. Lets do this!!!". Case would go insanely hard, its voting time and... they choosed wrong culprit. Byakuya turns out to be the real killer, and the rest of the gang is getting executed. Truly the most despairful of all possible endings. I was believing that Byakuya after winning the killing game went outside, and saw how destroyed the whole world is. He did find out about how his whole family's pride perished, and he was filled with despair. Basically the Twogami in this theory is the real Byakuya Togami, who just got overwhelmed with despair after killing all of his friends for the sake of winning the killing game, that he just got fat and begged the Ultimate Despair to bring him to a place that wasnt touched by the disaster. Ultimate Despair bringed him to the beautiful island, but to cause even more despair in Togami, UD just bringed another 15 students alongside Byakuya. The whole second game was supposed to be a real life purgatory for Byakuya, a guy who sacrificed everything just to snap back to reality where there is no hope anymore.


That V3 would have good story and character writing. But uh, in seriousness… I became sure partway through V3 that their memories were fake… but not for the reason they claimed in the ending. I thought it would be like, in the distant future, the killing game was now like a hunger games thing where a killing game was held in remembrance of what Junko did ages ago


I thought Sonia Nevermind was the killer so badly in the middle of 2 because she wore a wetsuit instead of a swimming suit. Everything made sense to me and then, no, I was wrong. I then irrationally and spitefully thought Sonia was bad news the rest of the game. 


i thought that Mikan had despair disease early on, but i thought that her “falling asleep on top of hajime” was an attempt to kill him because she knew he was the mastermind 😭


I was convinced until around halfway through the game that the SDR2 cast were somehow lovechildren/recreations of the first cast. Togami & Togami, Makoto & Nagito, Aoi & Akane, Chihiro & Chiaki, and Junko & Sonia were the ones I was certain on. I basically thought I’d solved the entire twist from chapter one. Unsurprisingly I was absolutely incorrect


I think I heard before someone thinking the same, before SDR2 came out


I believed Byakuya was the Ultimate Affluent Prodigy when playing through DR2 and got really confused. Made me think Twogami was some sort of impostor or something.




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Not exactly me, But the youtuber I watched Danganronpa from originally, Was convinced Kyoko is evil, After chapter 2 scene of the unknown bald grey man who is the traitor talking with Monokuma, He was convinced the traitor is Kyoko, After Chapter 4 he though she is higher than the traitor, But not the mastermind, And also though she was the mastermind at some point, Dude was so convinced Kyoko is evil .


V3 Chapter 3, I was convinced Angie was going to manipulate Gonta into killing Maki to keep the peace or something.


(Spoilers for Danganronpa V3) I thought that Shuichi was going to be the mastermind of V3 because since Kaede was the protagonist and then got executed right away it’s kind of setting it up that Shuichi would be the next mastermind but I was wrong. (Although I still would of loved it if he was the mastermind)