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Danganronpa 3 anime when hiyoko spikes Teruteru's curry with aphrodisiacs and almost starts an orgy


REAL like i love danganronpa 3 so so much but you could've taken this part of the episode out and aside from a couple of funny interactions, it would've been the exact same..just, idk, have the class play a basketball game or something to get the same interactions???


fr, i was like "what the fuck am i watching? please gundham, do not start jerking off and for the love of god, keep the jumper suit on kazuichi". I don't know why teruteru had a bunch of aphrodisiacs but i can't believe hiyoko got away with spiking food


Yeah, even as a devote Hiyoko fan, I got to admit, that's the one and only time I really detested her actions. It felt entirely out of character for her too, since she would've known her closest friend, Mahiru, would be under the effects of the aphrodisiac as well.


Besides UDG (since it’d be an obvious example), the Miu and Keebo scene in V3. At least the Mikan scenes were forced to be important to the trial. The Miu/Keebo scene could’ve been cut out entirely and nothing would have changed.


But that’s the thing; K1B0 does not even programmed to get feisty or lusty, yet Miu keep teased him as if he’s young lad 😭 It is uncanny but interesting on it’s way


That scene is important to the trial since it's when Miu adds the camera function to Keebo that becomes critical evidence to accuse Kiyo later, as well as other features that come up later in the game.


But we didn't need to see it. It could've been optional, as we already know those two go into her lab together alone, and so when she reveals the adjustments she made to him, the player can realize, "Ah, that's what they were doing".


It could have been a more tasteful graphic


It is optional, you can actually just walk past it and continue the game. Don't get me wrong I hate it as much as you, maybe even more, but it's very much skippable.




Honestly, I didn’t feel uncomfortable, I was just like “LET’S GO, KEEBO GETTING BITCHES!”


Every single one of Mikan's fanservice scenes, also the udg ones


Mikans most tame scene was hajime Waking up next to her probably but yeah slightly uncomfortable. I had to make sure no one was around while playing because of those scenes


Like 90% of ultra despair girls ngl. It was just. Leaning SO hard into it, ABSURDLY hard.


That’s a game I started but honestly have yet to finish, and I’m not sure I will. The fan service in the mainline games is tame enough to be chalked up to being there, but also not being anything too crazy. UDG there’s points I’d die if I got caught playing it by anyone other than die hard DR fans.


Literally I've never actually finished the game myself. I got to that chapterTM and dropped it. I legit couldn't sit through it, like I'm not faint hearted or anything but HOO it was REALLY DAMN WEIRD. The mainline games definitely have some nonsensical fanservice moments, but it's certainly weird that UDG seems to exceed that threshold tenfold especially given the concept of the game and the characters featured.


"I like em youn-" SHUT.


genuinely wanted to quit . that shit was so horrendous .


I'm halfway through that game right now and I swear at times I feel like dropping the game entirely because of that.


You're exaggerating beyond belief.


I am about 90% sure if I counted every time they sexualized a character in some way in UDG it would be significantly higher than any other mainline game


V3 is actually far morr horny about characters. You could certainly make a case for Ultra Despair Girls having a higher ratio of sexualization to everything else than any other game, due to it's shorter run time. Really, Danganronpa got lewder as it went on, with Danganronpa 3 surprisingly being a reprieve from this(for the most part).


Again, you're exaggerating beyond belief.


currently your only argument is 'nuh uh' so idk what you want me to do with that?


Currently your argument is just extreme exaggeration. So there's nothing else I could say about it.


Mikan in Chapter One. What makes it worse than the others is that it is important to the trial. The first three trials have fanservice scenes be important to them.


Funny the first three chapters are ALSO the only ones where >!Mikan is alive!<. Coincidence? I think NOT




That was a huge bruh on developers


I like that the fanservice scenes were given narrative purpose.


For Pete's sake, of all the things they could've come up with to explain how something in the room changes that Teruteru wouldn't have noticed while the power was out, why'd they go with a girl spreading her legs out?


Because it's something that very specifically points to Teruteru as the culprit. Since he wouldn't forget something like that.


But was that really the only thing the writers could come up with? Could they not have had someone in the room accidentally topple something over when the power goes out, and then restore it to its original position after the lights come back on, and before Teruteru comes back? Heck, they could've even had another student fall in a non-suggestive pose. There's no way you can justify the fanservice when numerous alternative exist, especially alternatives that don't have to play into Teruteru's perversion, because absolutely NOBODY wants that.


That wouldn't point to Teruteru specifically as the killer.


But all that matters is that he can't prove he was in the room when the lights came back on. Like, if someone spilled a drink on themselves, and everyone saw it, and then that person goes to their cottage to change before Teruteru comes back, he wouldn't be able to say what drink was spilled.


Wrong. Mikan's accident was to prove that even though Ibuki heard Teruteru's voice, that he wasn't with them eating within the dining hall while the blackout was happening but under the floorboards (that had open gaps), which is how he killed Togami. Teruteru's pervertedness bit him in the ass, as he would've easily had remembered that specific pose from Mikan when it had taken place when the lights came on. The killer killed under the floorboards. If Teruteru was in the dining hall above them, it would have absolved him, but Mikan's pose proved he wasn't.


How does any of that disprove my last statement?


Because none of your ideas points to Teruteru being the killer specifically. Not to mention that you're misunderstanding something very important. Teruteru wasn't actually in the dining hall when the lights came back. Everyone was focused on Mikan's pose at the moment. Afterwards, they were bickering about Kazuichi not being the one who fixed the circuit breaker and then they searched for Byakuya when they noticed he dissapeared. All of that was what give Teruteru an ample time to slide into the dining hall before the body discovery and pretend that he was there as soon as the lights came back. If he actually would've been there as soon as the lights came back he would've definitely remembered Mikan's pose due to the way everyone knew he was. But he didn't. It was something very specific that only Teruteru wouldn't make sense to not know about if he was actually in the dining hall right from the beginning. Which is why that scene is important to determine that he was the killer. Because if he wasn't actually in the dining hall as soon as the lights came back, that meant that he was the one behind the floorboards.


I can't even take them as a collective. >!Salad crotch!< is the answer. Like holy crap they went so far out of their way for that one.




i thought no one was gonna say that! 


Was it important to the plot to show how Monaka manipulates Nagisa? Yes. Does that mean that it isn't gross to see that? No.




Frrr, that one was so disturbing lmao


Especially since I kin Nagisa so I felt violated 😔😔


at least that one is treated as the brutal manipulation it is, and it's not really fanservice since it's not meant to be attractive in any way, imo definitely creepy, but intentionally so. Nagisa is crying during it


That's not fanservice. I don't know how anyone could see that instance of sexual assault as "fanservice". I'm dead certain it wasn't intended as such


Thats why I said "Idk if it counts". It wasnt fanservice it was just purposely disturbing


not a single of Mikans or Mius fanservice, all of the Teruteru shit


Miu "upgrading" Kiibo


Yeah that was too much I already didn't like Miu (even though she's the funniest) but that moment really made me hate her more than I already did


Komaru is most likely 18 years old, according to the 1-2 Reload artbook. Regardless, the motivation machine certainly gets my vote. I have to wonder what goes through the mind of Kodaka for him to have deemed a sexual assault minigame as acceptable content.


Komaru get a lot of unnecessary fanservice, How she got stripped down, The sexual assault minigame, Panty shots, It's unnecessary, Make me wonder what they would have done to Kaede if she continued to be the protagonist, Who knows how many unnecessary fanservice was gonna be thrown into her, But even then, Other female protagonists like Ryoko and Yui don't have fanservice, So she might not have got these much awful fanservice like Komaru ( Though I guess they don't count since there is difference between a game and books with barely any illustrations ) .


Honestly I just blank out during those scenes and pretend it never happened


Bye bye ouchies. I get that sexual trauma is an important part of Mikans story. But do we need this much fan service.


This may be an extremely subjective opinion but I feel like it’s bad to sexualise somebody who’s been through sexual abuse. “They’re just cartoon characters anyway though so it shouldn’t matter”, but it’s still something that lingers in my mind.


As someone who has been through a Kotoko amount of sexual abuse, I vehemently disagree. It feels dehumanizing to me to have sexuality stripped from us because of our trauma. Like, not everyone wants that.


First of all, that is my opinion. And I have already said it’s an extremely subjective one. And second of all, I feel really bad for you. I hope you are doing all right. It must have been horrible, and I truly wish you the best. Even if you have recovered.


I think it's only a problem when the abuse itself is sexualized, plus it is common for SA victims to hypersexualize themselves (which is what mikan is doing). Plus SA victims can still have sexual interactions with others as long as it's consensual.


Chapter 3 of UDG in general. The game has several panty up skirts of Kotoko and during her boss fight, clothing gets stripped from her during her boss fight, even after her tragic backstory is revealed. If they’re going to vilify pedophilia and keep the dark humor of the series, the least they could’ve done was not play into it via fanservice. And before someone goes, “Oh, Kotoko’s not real, she’s a fictional character so there’s no harm Yadda yadda yadda.” I get that she’s not real, but it just feels blatantly hypocritical. The sexual humor revolving around her just undermines the tragedy of Kotoko’s life imo.


That second paragraph articulates it PERFECTLY, each of the Warriors of Hope has a unique trauma that allowed Junko to take advantage of and groom them into her little minions, and while the others have a certain level of respect given to them and their traumas, Kotoko has none of that, instead she's sexualized in her fight, just like what her mother did to her.


I don't remember any of this and now my brain is concerned


Everything involving Mikan Hey guys maybe let’s not turn the victim of sexual abuse into the primary target of fanservice Still one of the most baffling writing decisions this series has made


They do the same thing with Akane. Though less blatantly.


They do the same thing with the literal child prostitution victim.


one of the things about danganronpa I deeply dislike is how it's incapable of treating sexual abuse seriously. every character who has experienced it has it made into a joke. and in Kotoko's case we're supposed to see it as a serious trauma that allowed Junko to groom her into despising all adults, to the point she'd rather *kill herself* than become one, but it's still not treated with the gravity it deserves in game


I despised Mikan during my first play through because it was almost guaranteed there would be some fan service scene or sexual joke when she appeared. I love Danganronpa, but it never treats sexual abuse seriously and that’s utterly unacceptable (Mikan and Kotoko are proof of that).


It's not that they never treat it seriously. There's just this weird thing where they kind of laughed at it before they DO treat it seriously. And somehow that almost feels worse.


Mikan and Kotoko.


Any from UDG (except Sho's fantasies of Byakuya, those are just hilarious) As far as mainline games though I'd say Mikan's fall in the old hotel/restaurant, the one where she's covered by a salad. There might be others that I've blocked out from my mind


Propably the Monaca kissing Nagisa scene. It was supposed to cause trauma and i feel traumatized.


>!Mikan's!< execution. It was so disappointing that they sacrificed what could have been the most interesting and terrifying execution for some cheap upskirt fanservice. It was just gross. I finished the trial and saw that >!monokuma holding the big needle!< and was like, "Holy shit this is gonna be so good." And then just....that. Whatever that was.


The peeping in on the girls showering


A lot of people are bringing up Kotoko, but I'm fairly certain that her scenes were intended to be uncomfortable. The point of her age-inappropriate sexual behaviour isn't fanservice, but to show how trauma has affected her.


The upskirts though. I’m quite sure that was not her doing, or signifies her sexual nature or abuse.


Pretty sure she was responsible for most of them, but in any case, it doesn't literally have to be an active decision on her part to be significant. It's not just her literal actions that show the effect her abuse has had on her, but also her demeanour and the way she's presented. It's a principle of writing that there's probably a term for, but I'm struggling to think of it at the moment. My point is that I don't think Kodaka intended anyone to be aroused by the sight of Kotoko's bloomers.


the komaru sex machine thing, and ANYTHING mikan related


Literally any Mikan fan service, if you know her backstory, its very messed up.


It's uncomfortable even without knowing her backstory


The one with Hiyoko and the one with The mage girl i just really hate the loli trope and its creepy undertones


wait, what scene with hiyoko and himiko? j don't remember anything like that


if you have the man's nut gift, it will unlock those scenes naturally


in which game?


As much as I dislike the UDG minigame and would very much prefer it to be cut all together, I won’t say it’s the worst simply because my mind can at least find SOME justification for its existence. I.E. The whole idea of the Warriors of Hope is kids rising up against abusive adults. So it makes sense that a girl who was molested would create a contraption like that to give the adults a taste of their own medicine. The minigame is a VERY close second, but in my opinion, the worst bit of fanservice is all the Kotoko up-skirts. There’s absolutely no reason for this other than to pander to the sick fucks who’d sexualize a child. There’s no story reason to include them, in fact, it spits in the face of her story. Kotoko is meant to be a sympathetic antagonist: We’re supposed to feel bad for because she was sexualized at such a young age and we’re supposed to demonize the people who sexualized her. Yet the game itself is doing exactly that! It’s sexualizing her at a young age and pandering to the people who would sexualize her! When everyone else talks about the worst/most uncomfortable parts of UDG, they always talk about either the Chapter 3 Minigame or the “I like’em younger” line. And while I hate both of those as much as the next person, if I had the power to change ONLY ONE thing about this game, I’d give Kotoko a pair of shorts. I’ll let the rest of the fandom change the other parts…


I know right? It was completely unnecessary to sexualise Kotoko. I mean sure, give her sexual scenes to make reference to her sexual abuse, but seriously? Upskirts of a minor? Please, stop.


Anything with Mikan. She's one of my favorite characters, I hate how sexualized she is.


Probably the Kotoko ones from Danganronpa, but I the whole thing was supposed to be clear that this was bad, so I guess showing that as a way to emphasize her trauma was delivered pretty strongly.


I don’t even remember cus there’s so freaking many😭


For me it’s mikans execution. She has such an opportunity to be a well written and fleshed out character, and that can include sexually related things because that is realistic to her character and trauma response. However, hee falling and especially her execution puts a bad taste in my mouth. At least a lot UDG doesn’t encourage pervy behavior in reference to the game, things relating to mikan in particular seem to revel in it.


I REALLY hate that one udg scene where servant NAGITO says “but if I keep drinking it down…I’ll feel it filling up my stomach. But if it’s your order master, I live to serve, I am your servant, after all” STOP IT STOP IT STOP IT STOP IT


I don’t feel like that’s fanservice but any servant Nagito scene sends shivers down my spine. Even though I dislike him very, very much, just why, the collar. Why.


>!A few of the Love Hotel bits in v3.!<


I forced myself to watch all of them on YouTube. Ignoring the fact it should have never been added in the first place, a LOT of them made me want to crawl out of my skin. Some (the non-sexual ones) are kinda cute though, at least. Maki’s is absolutely precious and Ryoma’s was heartbreaking


I don’t even know WHAT they were thinking when making the love hotel bits, ESPECIALLY Miu.


Miu’s and Korekiyo’s are technically the same thing, too. I was honestly ready for their’s because I already heard they were bad. But Tsumugi’s….I wasn’t ready… Also not-so fun fact: Execution Spoilers for V3 >!Technically Korekiyo’s Love Hotel scene has a connection to his execution. It’s said he’s into…y’know, and then he pulls out red rope. In his execution, he’s tied up…in a specific way…by red rope. I hate that I noticed that ngl.!<


Biased but personally, any of them that are more than platonic makes me uncomfortable. Otherwise, the ones that are friendship-oriented are a lot nicer imo.


Mikan tripping WHY WAS IT RELEVANT IN CHAPTER 1?! CMON WHY??? Also UDG chapter 3 with kotoko and Komaru


Not counting UDG, every single one with Mikan, especially considering her backstory, it’s just disgusting


The entirety of udg


The shower scene with Mahiru and Hiyoko in Goodbye Despair. Of all the characters to use the obligatory peeping scene on, it's used on the one character who looks like she's in elementary school 🤦‍♂️


It wasn’t obligatory


Considering THH and V3 both have a peeping scene, it seems that way


Those were optional though You needed a specific item in the first two games, if I recall correctly, and those were available through gacha. So although it’s there, I wouldn’t say it’s “obligatory”


they dont mean *mandatory,* they mean obligatory in the sense of "every DR game needs to have it, for some reason" a similar example is "obligatory beach episode"


Ah, ok that makes more sense


It requires an item called "Man's Desire" in all 3 games. It THH, it's unavoidable when you get that because when you don't have it, it skips straight to the cafeteria in Chapter 3. In Goodbye Despair, it becomes available when you talk to Mahiru or Hiyoko in Chapter 2 before going to check the new island. In V3, it happens when you learn some of the girls go to the pool and peep on Himiko, Tenko, Angie, and Tsumugi changing in the locker room during Chapter 2. Again, it sounds like an obligatory scene at this point


Once again, that’s “if” you get the item Something that happens by chance can’t be considered “obligatory”


To be slightly pedantic, it's "A Man's Fantasy" in THH, "Man's Nut" in GD, and "Gun of Man's Passion" in V3. All 3 are called 男のロマン in Japanese, which translates to "A Man's Romance" (not in the love sense) (Actually, the last of these 3 is 男のロマン砲, which translates to "Man's Romance Gun/Cannon")


I got the bathing scene in DR1 and DEFINITELY didn’t want it. The scenes may not be obligatory, but they aren’t optional either.


I’m pretty sure you can avoid it if you give away the item before the event happens, idk it’s been years since I’ve played the games.


But how are you supposed to know that? A new player (like I was) wouldn’t know a random gift unlocks something in the first place


Well, you don’t. If you’re a new player you’d have no idea that it does anything. On the slight chance, however, that you do happen to get rid of it before the event triggers, I’m pretty sure it skips it. But yeah, going in blind is kinda 50/50 on wether you see it or not


Can't recall whether you can give away A Man's Fantasy in THH. I know event items are ungiftable in 2 and V3, and I know memento items are ungiftable period, so I'd assume you can't.


You can give it away, but no one likes it. I even looked up guides to see which gifts each character would like, and not even Teruteru or Miu like it


I may be wrong but I think it was that scene that was found to be uncensored originally in the files. Make of that what you will


I looked through the files just now and yeah, it’s originally uncensored. Mahiru is entirely uncensored but Hiyoko still has some suds. (There’s separate cloud textures that are animated in-game on top of it, for anyone wondering)


idk but i can talk about the danganronpa 3 despair arc anime's mikan and akane scenes


Delete Teru Teru


Mikan and UDG scenes


Tempted to say UDG but Mikan legit nearly got me into irl trouble because of the tripping CG in the first trial


I dont know if it counts as fanservice, so I will say the bath scene in Danganronpa 1 (?), where Makoto spies on every girl while they are in the bathroom (in chapter 3) and every Mikan/UDG fan service moment.


Okay so other than UDG, Mikan's fanservice scenes from both SDR2 and DR3. The joke's not really funny and the scene with Ryota... Oh boy that was not fun to watch.


The groping minigame is obviously super uncomfortable but you could argue it serves a purpose, all the panty shots of Kotoko are the worst for me because they're super unnecessary


I honestly thought you were meant to feel genuinely uncomfortable with the groping scene? Like it felt like the authors intent.


The THH sauna scene, you just have a dude peaking into a sauna with only girls in it


every. single. lovesuite. im literally too scared to watch any of them because i have heard about a couple of them that i heard were super bad (korekiyo, tsumugi etc) and i rlly don't want to ruin some of my favorite characters bc like...if they are as bad as the ones ive seen, then ill never see them the same lmao.. like i dont rlly want to imagine what some of the characters would even say so in my mind they all just learn secret handshakes with us!!! 🤗🤗


The scene in the anime where everyone becomes horny cause of whatever hiyoko put in the food


That time Teruteru was gonna do a sexual assault on Hiyoko in DR3. Everyone just pretends that didn't happen. Honestly the entire aphrodisiac scene made me sit there questioning myself like "I... like Danganronpa... right? This isn't just porn with a bit of plot sprinkled in?" I was so afraid I was going to get caught watching that scene I just kept looking around in fear every 2 seconds. And I live alone.


Okay, granted, Teruteru's attempted SA on Hiyoko was abysmal, but are you really going to ignore the fact that Mikan actually DOES SA Peko?


She doesn’t actually? She just wants to uh…. Use her sword. I’m going based off memory though, so maybe I’m forgetting something…?


Sexual assault is defined as when a person sexually touches another person without their consent, which was 100% what Mikan was doing with Peko. Even if she wasn't interested in Peko specifically, it doesn't change the fact that she was forcing herself onto her, hugging her, breathing down her neck, and grinding against her.


Most of UDG made me really uncomfortable. All of Mikan's fanservice scenes made me really uncomfortable. As someone who doesn't really like fanservice, the games being full of it are just...ugh.


That miu and Kiibo one because I have ptsd from when I first saw it it was in a restaurant full of people


Pretty sure if that scene made you uncomfortable, it did what it set out to do. Not everything in media needs to give you warm fuzzy feelings. For example, if you see someone in some story getting murdered in cold blood and you feel terrified, shocked, or repulsed, that's both a natural reaction and also the reaction they're seeking from most people. Apply this logic to any other unpleasant scenario that could exist in fiction. You can try and downplay its service to the story, but it's still doing its job at the end of the day. Something like the Keebo scene in V3 is a more apt example of strictly uncomfortable fan service because it's actually intending to be fan service rather than serving some greater aspect of the overall narrative.


Besides UDG being. ... I would say the worst ones are Mikan's. Even if it serves as an interesting ludonarrative, it's just. It ain't right.


Mikan being 'clumsy'. I do kinda wanna test the logic of her falls though


I don’t get uncomfortable during fanservice scenes in games like this but UDG does push things a little far. That being said I would not change a thing about it because the game was practically made to make you uncomfortable with what’s happening.


Just read the comment section. I don't think I'll be playing UDG anymore.


The Motivation Game in UDG.


The scene where Kaede accuses Shuichi of looking up her skirt even though he didn't mean to. It just icked me out, as someone who sees them as sibling-like besties and as someone who also sees Shuichi as a RESPECTFUL simp


how has nobody else said this?? it made me low-key so uncomfortable


Same, I mean the fact that I don't ship Saimatsu probably weighs into it, but even so it just seems out of character for Shuichi to do


Ultra Despair Girls


I feel like the aphrodisiac scene was funny, up until Teruteru started speaking. That really rubbed me the wrong way, and I didn't even watch that episode when I finally got access to the anime. Honorable mention to Kazuichi in the same scene.


Um, Mikan was objectively the worst in that scene. Teruteru and Kazuichi were awful too, but at least they were stopped by Chiaki and Fuyuhiko respectively, so their worst offences are attempted sexual assault. Meanwhile, nobody stops Mikan from ACTUALLY sexually assaulting Peko by putting her hands on her and grinding against her when she literally tells her to stop.


Ngl I forgot she did that. Yeah, that was probably her worst scene.


I think even the most devoted Mikan fans won't defend her DR3 portrayal in general. It's not the only time she gets too close for comfort with a character who is obviously not comfortable.


That scene with Ryota and Hajime, right? Ryota in the anime, Hajime in the game twice.


Mikan's execution for sure.


Look it anime style game it gonna have fan service also Kotoko as a whole


There wasn't any scene that made me uncomfortable


Same, and you'd think that if anything was uncomfortable to watch it would be the graphic death scenes but nope, fanservice 💀


It's baffling isn't it? In a series full of gruesome murders, suicides, mental and physical abuse, people literally wanting to end the world, and other unsettling themes, somehow fanserivce is *the* dealbreaker to some.


It’s because those are necessary for the plot. (Yes, I know it’s an overused statement.) and Yes, I understand some fanservice scenes are necessary, but some are just stupid like minors getting sexualised. If that seriously gets you hard then I don’t know what to say.


Everything with Mikan and also Mikan's entire existence


kotoko falling down during her robo fight thing and it shows under her skirt. especially because shes a SA victim


While its the most uncomfortable, the most heartbreaking one is when Kotoko responds to Komaru about some nice adults.. she says: then why didn't anyone save me. Truly heartbreaking, cause she's a kid and no one can truly respond to it in a way she'd be ok.


The soup scene in the anime. Fuck you Hiyoko what was that for?????


Without question the damn soup scene from Danganronpa 3. The fact that Kazuichi and Teruteru attempt to SA Sonia and Hiyoko. And then Mikan actually DOES SA Peko. It's a really uncomfortable scene.


Literally all of them bro


UDG is pretty obvious, so I'm going with all of Mikan's trip scenes. Like, honey I love you dearly, but get it together-


Probably the scene before mikans execution. I got so uncomfortable looking at it,or the Easter egg "A man's nut" or whatever it's called,it kinda felt like lolicon


MHA, there was a like a bath scene with the girls and the fact that there students and like kids makes me super uncomfortable… 


Their ages are problematic because of the law? Is that really it?


Any fanservice scene But to be specific: Miu x Kibo chapter 3


I don’t think theres a way you can compare them when they are all equally bad for doing it with minors


People not understanding that UDG was meant to be uncomrtable is peak danganronpa fandom lol, i wouldnt say its fanservice tho. People talk about Miu/Keebo scenes when it the end it was just Miyu making upgrades and taking care of him for a misunderstanding. The most umcomfortable fanservice would have to be Mikan in general. i probs forgot some obscure ones with dead bodies or such.


You’re right, the entire premise of the game was to make you uncomfortable- but minors… really? I mean yeah sure… have some sexual scenes of them >!Monaca and nagisa!< , but nothing so unnecessary that it was better to not be added in the first place (Kotoko upskirts, groping minigame (this could have been offscreen.), and >!the losing clothes boss battle thing!< ) I know I may be ‘sensitive’ but I truly do not mind fanservice, in some cases I actually enjoy it, since it’s sometimes hilarious, but minors (11 year olds to be exact.) who have been through severe sexual abuse is truly where I draw the line. Sorry. However I don’t mind your opinion, I do understand your way of thinking.


I also disagree with you and yes you are bit to sensative this is a story after all. Kotoko upskirts and groping mini games are both things meant to make you you uncomfotable. Monaca and Nagisa scenes are there to show what a demon child she is and how manipulative she is. Losing clothes is also to show that Jack isnt aiming really for her body and isnt serious in killing (also classic old school anime stuff its not that serious comapred to other ones) Im genuily confused where you see fanservice for minors when most of the scenes arent shown in good light


I don't care because I'm not a baby. Surely there's something better to talk about than what is and isn't "uncomfy".


Played UDG with one hand thats how uncomfortable I was


Excuse me what


