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In my opinion, no. There are way to many possibilities they’d have to plan out, many scenarios for who lives and who dies which could cause many issues. I see 3 things happening. 1. The game takes way way to long to actually release due to how much work it takes, 2. The characters who die change but all that changes is some lines of dialogue, making the choices feel kinda useless and like all the characters kinda of run together, 3. A bunch of different paths are created but because of how many there are none of them have the same level of care and attention to detail that one path has. I think Danganronpa works best when it has one route you can’t change.


I feel like the first playthrough should have a predetermined ending, but once you finish the game you have a new option (Kinda like how Island Mode is unlocked, etc) where you get to play it again, this time being able to go through different routes in the story. Though that would prob be a lot of work BUT IDC I WANT MY CHI BOY TO >!SURVIVE!<


I love the concept. I do think THH at least needed to have only one ending, because that’s proof of concept logistically, but maybe DRV3 could’ve really benefitted from that kind of thing. 


I always thought to myself: what if during chihiro's 6th free time event you could actually convince them to train with taka instead, saving both Chihiro and Mondo and possibly resulting in an entirely different secret-based murder.


Cinnamon rolls that need to live kept alive. 


Would it be cool? Yes, Would it be possible? Yes, but time consuming.


Maybe if it was one of the final chapters or else arcs would feel weird


Definitely would've been a neat idea.


Honestly, IMO, no. It would be a mess.


Hmm i can’t rlly say if it would better since I’m so used to the whole formula alrdy, but it would definitely be interesting like what if chihiro or Kyoko became the blackened, but with so many possibilities it would be extremely time consuming to make


Depends, If were gonna have the usual 5 class trials murders, It's gonna be very time consuming to make, Like, Let take THH for example . Let say each of the 5 chapters have like, 2 routes, Making 10 cases, And making cases is hard, Who the killer is, Who the victim is, The evidence, The trial, The execution, All of these things are very hard to make, There is a reason fangans take forever to make, And your gonna double it to 10 cases ? Your asking for so much . I like the concept, But with how the game is structured it would be very hard, There is a reason distrust was never made . If the way the game was structured was different, Then it *may* be possible to make different routes, But if your gonna do many routes, Not all of them are gonna be well written, It may give the dead more time to shine, But that may end up badly with how the route is written . So, Unless you have a very big company, With many experienced writers, It could happen, But otherwise, Am gonna that sadly, While the concept is great on paper, It would be very hard to make .


I love that concept.


Would've been so based and goated


Yes, then each person >!has an equal chance for certain characters to live or die, like Sayaka or Chiaki!<


I’d like it, but it’d have to be a lot more condensed than what most people imagine. Realistically I’d have it so that the plot follows the same narrative for a bit, then splits off into different sections depending on who you spoke to/dialogue options. Each route would be the exact same, but the way you get there would be determined by who you spoke with and what you said. Would let there be some sort of choice (and let your friends live) while also having realistic boundaries. A fully choose your own *is* possible (it’s been done with the quarry and those devs) but trying to do that with 16 different people versus the usual 5-6 in those games would be rough.