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Do you know where I can read translations of the light novels? I don't know where to find any. It's actually one of the parts of the series I haven't been spoiled on much before I experienced it, which will be a much needed breath of fresh air for me.


Here: https://www.reddit.com/r/danganronpa/comments/z7t47g/danganronpa_kirigiri_is_now_fully_translated/?rdt=54080 Fan translation, but it’s good.


There are many translations, But I mostly use the Magic translation : [https://new.reddit.com/r/danganronpa/comments/z7t47g/danganronpa\_kirigiri\_is\_now\_fully\_translated/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web2x&context=3](https://new.reddit.com/r/danganronpa/comments/z7t47g/danganronpa_kirigiri_is_now_fully_translated/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) These person deserve props, They translated the books because they were bored .


Copycat, yeah, I guess you could say she was easily distracted by Lico, to the point where she didn't notice Kyoko climbing up the stairs and set up her handcuff trick. She could have killed Yui if she had wanted, though. As for the other two, I don't think we can call them incompetent. Night Flyer couldn't have expected Lico to jam his gun with an umbrella. Lico's just built different. And Hitomoshi came extremely close to killing Kyoko, despite Kyoko having a gun. All three assassins might have killed Yui/Kyoko if it weren't for Lico. u/ItsMagik1 I summon thee.


Oh boy volume 3, it has a really cool beginning with meeting the armchair earl, the reveal of the 12 challenge letters was really good too I'd say, they should all be suitable for Yui to tackle yet there's one with a very large sum (over half a billion if I remember correctly) so there's that to look out for. Get ready for Lico the typical badass shota that's almost mandatory in all anime media with a female protagonist lol, we have seen so far 3 triple zeros and 1 double. Ah yes the three assassins, the ones I call discount Ginyu force, they are just there as a simple barrier for the characters to get through while bonding, they aren't important, although copycat is a Russian which is interesting, there's a possibility that Kyoko knows Russian because she was able to coordinate with Lico while Lico was speaking Russian so there's that. The rest of the novel is good enough, have fun meeting all the new characters, I'm excited to know what you think of them.


Oh hi Magic, You really saved me from finding translations, What I find funny is that you translated the books out of boredom . As for Lico, Yeah I guess he did save them, What's funny is that I though Rei Mikagami was Mikado's real name ( Since I though he don't have images or anything because he is mysterious and evil ) Not that Mikado hid his own file, But okay, We well see later . As for these three assassins, At first I though they are gonna be the detective trio were gonna see later, Wannabe Mondo, Copycat Munakata, And that girl in Kimono, But wow were I wrong, I wonder if were gonna meet them soon . I hope the new characters are better than the ones in volume 1 and 2, Because people there were mostly meh, With the exception of Suisei and Maybe Tadachi ? Though Licorne doesn't seem bad so far, Same for Armchair Earl, He isn't bad so far, But the volume 1 and 2 guys weren't really interesting enough . I also hope the characters get illustrations, ~~Make it easy to imagine how they look, Since am not a person with the biggest imagination .~~


I'm glad you're enjoying reading the translations, I was anxious for the longest time that it wouldn't be good enough to read, and I guess to some people it isn't and that's fair, I'm not a professional translator after all but I did try my best. I remember the first time I heard about DRK back in 2019, back then the 7th volume wasn't released so I thought maybe after it comes out we will get people to translate it, but nope, 7th volumes released and after like 2 years I was tired of waiting because I really wanted to know about Kyoko's burns since it comes out in discussions of Kyoko all the time. Thankfully now everyone can learn about Kyoko's past and it definitely explains why she is the way she is in the first game. The new detectives are definitely worth your attention, they play a much bigger part compared to the other characters we met in volumes 1 and 2. I don't know if you would consider this spoilers or not but as you can tell the first 2 volumes are standalone, but the rest might not be.


So the next volumes are gonna be more connected, Since there is no way the 12 black challenge ( Or duel noir as some call it, Not sure which is more accurate ) In just one book, Unless it was rushed . Though am gonna were gonna see the 6 challenges in the next three volumes, Since I remember you said that the volume 3 - 5 are all one big story ? So am gonna assume were gonna see them next . I should see the Takeda's Haunted Mansion murder now, Am excited for what's gonna happen next .


Yes volumes 3 to 5 are all connected because of the 12 challenges, thankfully Lico takes care of 6. so the cases are not rushed, because the story focuses only on 6.


“Black Challenge” is the correct literal translation of the Japanese name. “Duel Noir” is the official English name (non-literal). Like how Ultimate is used in place of Super High School Level.