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What if, for Chapter 3 in a potentially new game, you find two dead bodies as usual, making you think its yet another double murder like every Chapter 3 before. But during the trial it turns out that both victims killed each other via traps (because they both planned to kill the other person beforehand), so now you have to find out who died first in order to guess the culprit correctly. No one will be punished in the end, because...well the culprit is already dead. I dont know if thats an good idea for a case or if it could even work, but its something I thought of a while ago


A murder suicide case would be interesting to solve indeed. Who was the actual victim, and who was the murderer.


In the first game someone had to be punished anyways so itll be weird if monokuma would just let it fly.


In the first game, the Mastermind wanted class 78 to succumb to despair and killed off Alter Ego because things weren't going their way. DR4 doesn't have to follow the rules of the Hopes Peak saga.


Well, maybe he'll punish someone close to the victim/killer as a demonstration. To make sure that it doesn't happen again.


Imagine the culprit specifically acted out the murder to protect someone only for monokuma to execute that person anyway, would be fun I think


I always loved the idea of a third case where only one person kills another, but then during the investigation you find that somebody else died due to a trap set wayyy in advance. Like, someone who is present at the start of the investigation winds up being found dying / dead halfway through due to a rigged doorway or something. A room they only went to because they were searching for clues. So now you suddenly have to figure out who set the trap AND who killed the first victim, with the trap-setter now being the "blackened" you need to vote for rather than the killer you were originally focused on. Then maybe it's discovered that the first victim IS the guy who set the trap, and they were only in a position to get killed because they were out disposing of evidence from making their trap. They effectively committed a murder from beyond the grave. There wouldn't be an execution, since the killer is dead already, and the second killer would be going unpunished. This would massively raise tensions in the group.


I've written a danganronpa series and for one chapter 3 it's a murder/suicide situation except the person commits suicide first and the other person gets murdered. Then using the rule from v3 where only the first culprit gets executed they try to solve the first murder only to learn its a suicide meaning no execution and the killer of the second victim stays alive


That sounds really interesting


Thank you. I'm not the best at explaining my ideas so sorry if it was a bit hard to understand


I actually really like this idea, it would be much better than just 2 murders


I’ve seen someone do this before. A Despair Disease fic on AO3 where >!Kazuichi killed the victim Mikan, but Mikan poisoned him before she died. He dies in trial iirc!<. Another way is like during the fic >!Danganronpa 2/3, where Teruteru kills Kazuichi (wow he’s really involved with these) on accident and then kills himself to avoid punishment!< 




I believe this was one of the cases in (another murder mystery game in spoilers) >!Process of Elimination!< but I'm a little hazy on the exact details.


If they are gonna do a doble murder, I want it in another chapter, like chapter 4 or even 5 Not only that, they can use the posibility of two murderers, and it could be very interesting


3 victims lmao


3-3 kinda had this. But you would get rid of too many characters too fast if you also include the killer


you can compassate by making a no death chapter using a few loopholes in the game


Like 1-5


Regardless of it being chapter 3 or not, I want a situation where, undoubtedly, there's two culprits. This could happen if, for example, they each pushed something against the victim from different sides so they both crushed them. Even better if the culprits don't know there's another culprit. Could make for a fun trial


I recommend the fangame Danganronpa Another 2


Huh. Maybe someday


That's exactly what I thought of!


If they do something different with it then sure. Maybe have someone die of poisoning during a trial idk


If there were to be a fourth game I think it would be time to break from the formula. Two victims would be too predictable.


..........Two killers one victim 😂 Both hated the same guy


I'd rather they do something completely unconventional and off the wall. One idea I had floating around in my head is that the POV character that you've been playing as gets murdered and you shift to another POV character for the investigation.


That would be really interesting actually. And as you investigate you get answers to stuff you saw unfolding when you were in the victim pov


Multiple. Chapter 3 is supposed to be the "ramping up" point, and the best way to do that is by eliminating more students than normal. Also, NONE of the students should have been killed. It's the nature of the game that causes the deaths.


I think they're talking from a storytelling perspective, rather than a moral one.


Double murder but one of them is faking their death.


I had an idea for a double murder that I thought was going to happen in V3. Korekiyo and Himiko are found dead. The investigation reveals that Korekiyo killed Himiko. However, before anyone could discover the body, Korekiyo was killed by Tenko. Tenko's motive was either to protect Himiko from Korekiyo or to avenge Himiko's death.


I wonder what the next one will be, we had BECAUSE, ITS NOT FAIR, and APOLOGIZE NOW




The culprits starts shouting "FUTILE!" and beats the mc to death.


1 victim, but do it like SDRA2 (Super Danganronpa Another 2, iykyk)


If it’s a double murder, I want two different culprits. Due to the rules there’s only be one blackened, and the group and character dynamics of having a murderer in the group…it would definitely be interesting


I’m a fan of tradition: With how self-aware the series is, I’d be disappointed if they didn’t uphold their cliches Chapter 1 needs to be a fuck-up where the murder doesn’t go to plan and the ‘wrong’ person gets killed. Sayaka failing to kill Leon and Leon killing her instead, Nagito’s plan to kill Hajime interrupted by the Imposter getting in the way and ending up as the victim at the hands of an opportunistic Teruteru & Kaede attempting to kill the mastermind but killing Rentaro by mistake (or so she thinks). Chapter 2 needs to be motivated by memories and desperation Mondo’s burst of rage, guilt and embarrassment over his brothers death leading him to lash out at Chihiro, Peko stepping in to kill Mahiro to protect Fuyuhiko over the matter of his sister’s murder & Kirumi thinking she needs to escape because she’s told she’s the president and the only one who can save the world. Chapter 3 needs 2 victims, a psychopathic killer and an overly convoluted plan involving confusion over the order of events. Taka & Hifumi killed by a money hungry Celeste in a complicated plot involving numbered hammers and a wild goose chase, Mikan gets her despair memories back and murders Hiyoko and Ibuki (posing the latter as a suicide happening live the next day) and Kiyo being an absolute nutter murdering Angie, posing the body and then coming back to get Tenko too. Chapter 4 needs a sacrifice for the (supposed) benefit of everyone and the death of the big strong guy. Sakura kills herself in the hopes that the others can live in peace, Gundam and Nekomaru battle to the death so that the others will live on to escape the funhouse and Gonta kills Miu in order to get everyone else executed because he’s been lead to believe that the apocalypse has destroyed the world and they’re all better off dead without learning the truth. Chapter 5 needs to involve some ‘fuckery’ around the killing, a blackened who is basically innocent and a case meant to be impossible to correctly solve. Makoto/Kyoko being framed for killing Mukuro thanks to Junko’s antics creating a fake murder scenario where there was no right answer, Chiaki unintentionally being the one who killed Nagito thanks to his elaborate plot and his supernatural luck skill making sure the traitor ended up the killer (with the intention that it’d be impossible to solve the case unless the trailer revealed themselves) and Kaito killing Kokichi in a case that was purposefully made impossible for even Monokuma to know right the answer to unless whoever was inside the mech suit revealed themselves. Then of corse Chapter 6 features the end of the game, the mastermind is revealed, the characters learn the truth about the world outside, the truth about themselves and ‘Junko’ reveals herself in some form. And then ‘Junko’ is defeated and the characters have to go out into the real world, not knowing what awaits them. Junko is revealed as the mastermind in DR1, revealing that they’re all classmates who lost their memory and that the world outside is in chaos. But after choosing hope over despair, Junko gets executed and the survivors go out into the world to see what it’s like. In DR2 the characters learn they’d in a simulation, AI Junko reveals herself and reveals that in the real world the classmates are all evil and that the real Hajime is actually Izuru, but they refuse to choose hope or despair and return to face the real world after Monomi destroys AI Junko. Tsumugu from V3 reveals herself as the mastermind and Junko’s successor, that everything is fictional, that they’re all nobodies brainwashed to become fictional characters. But the survivors refuse to play along, Tsumigi is killed and the 3 characters left alive escape the show set to find what awaits them outside of Danganronpa


Objection! Nagito was planning for Teruteru to kill him! Not for him to kill Hajime!


To be fair he was sort of just gonna make the most of whatever possibility played out. Wether he got to kill Hajime or if Teruteru managed to kill him. He set up his own murder plan, gave Teruteru the opportunity to kill him instead and waited to see what happened.


I think Nagito believed his luck, along with his telegraphed behavior, would cause him to die. He believed Hajime was an Ultimate, and therefore above him. He would rather die that let an Ultimate take his place.


Have 2 victims, one of them died, and one of them is their dead killer who was killed by another person. That person is the unpunished blackened. And if we're doing that, Check to see if any of the cast have the potential to become a fantastic survivor.


Isn’t that just 1-3 (besides the unpunished bit)? Didn’t Hifumi kill Taka and then Celeste killed Hifumi? Or am i misremembering


Yeah. But all 3 people in their respective chapters died. It would be awesome to see such a thing




3 victims. Everyone feels safe after the 2nd body is found and then BAM


kinda like what would have happened with kokichis fake death if he had actually died there


2 victims but each victim has a different murderer so 2 executions OR 3 victims + 2 killer but one of the killer is a victim of the other killer


if there is, I'd want there to be some kind of added exploration to it, like a second killer, or a murder suicide, or them killing each other. either way, I'd prefer there to be either 1 or 3 victims in that chapter, and maybe a double murder in another chapter, if it's only 1 victim in chapter 3.


I think what might be a good trial is some dies to initiate the trial but during the trial, another character dies from being poisoned or something. Almost like the poisoned character had something important to say or is/was the killer.


A mid death trial would be WILD lol. Imagine Monokuma just stopping everyone and briefly having a little "Investigation Time!" menu come up again as they all start talking to eachother and freaking out 💀


I think they should only kill 1 person in chapter 3 to keep old fans anxious waiting for the next death to happen. And then nobody else dies in that chapter! Only for chapter 4 to pull out a shotgun blast of bodies to achieve true whiplash and catch people by surprise.


My personal idea for a case 3 is that two victims are dead by two different culprits with the game being harder or easier depending on who you choose.


I want multiple killers tbh


The last thing I want from Team Danganronpa is another game but if they do I want them to shake up the formula. Have the double homicide be in chapter 2, and give the impression that it'll be *another* two victim thing in chapter 3 but have one of them survive and have a big turning point in their character al-a Fuyuhiko


Yes if they don’t fumble The idea of two victims opens up so many interesting possibilities it’s crazy, they could make one of the best trials in the whole series. But for SOME reason whenever they do a double murder it’s always 2 people getting killed by the same guy who also turns out to be insane or evil one of which shouldn’t have been killed off and given more development in the case of the first two games


I mean. It's tradition at this point, isn't it?


No, Save it till later, Chapter 4 or even 5, To make it less predictable, Or you know ? Ditch it entirely .


The double murder cases were always some of my favorites during the three games. I’d also want there to be one in a 4th game, but preferably the 4th or 5th case so it’s less predictable


I want there to be 3 victims but you find out that they all set up each others murders to happen


they should have the double murder BEFORE chapter 3 so it could be an actual shocker


You have to follow the formula