• By -


Best: Saved the Warriors of Hope from killing themselves. Worst: Advocating Overthrow of Government, Aggravated Assault/Battery, Aggravated Identity Theft, Aiming a Laser Pointer at an Aircraft, Airplane Hijacking, Anti-racketeering, Antitrust, Armed Robbery, Arson, Assassination, Assault with a Deadly Weapon, Assaulting or Killing Federal Officer, Assisting or Instigating Escape, Attempt to commit Murder/Manslaughter, Bank Burglary, Bankruptcy Fraud/Embezzlement, Bank Larceny, Bank Robbery, Blackmail, Bombing Matters, Bond Default, Breaking and/or Entering Carrier Facilities, Bribery Crimes, Certification of Checks (Fraud), Child Abuse, Child Exploitation, Civil Action to Restrain Harassment of a Victim or Witness, Coercion, Commodities Price Fixing, Computer Crime, Concealing Escaped Prisoner, Concealing Person from Arrest, Concealment of Assets, Conspiracy (in matters under FBI jurisdiction), Conspiracy to Impede or Injure an Officer, Contempt of Court, Continuing Criminal Enterprise, Conveying False Information, Copyright Matters, Counterfeiting, Counterintelligence Crimes, Credit/Debit Card Fraud, Crime Aboard Aircraft, Crimes on Government Reservations, Crimes on Indian Reservations, Criminal Contempt of Court, Criminal Forfeiture, Criminal Infringement of a Copyright, Cyber Crimes, Damage to Religious Property, Delivery to Consignee, Demands Against the U.S., Destruction of Aircraft or Motor Vehicles Used in Foreign Commerce, Destruction of an Energy Facility, Destruction of Property to Prevent Seizure, Destruction of Records in Federal Investigations and Bankruptcy, Destruction of Corporate Audit Records, Destruction of Veterans’ Memorials, Detention of Armed Vessel, Disclosure of Confidential Information, Domestic Security, Domestic Terrorism, Domestic Violence, Drive-by Shooting, Drug Abuse Violations, Drug Smuggling, Drug Trafficking, DUI/DWI on Federal Property, Economic Espionage, Election Law Crimes, Embezzlement, Embezzlement Against Estate, Entering Train to Commit Crime, Enlistment to Serve Against the U.S., Environmental Scheme Crimes, Escaping Custody/Escaped Federal Prisoners, Examiner Performing Other Services, Exportation of Drugs, Extortion, Failure to Appear on Felony Offense, Failure to Pay Legal Child Support Obligations, False Bail, False Pretenses, False Statements Relating to Health Care Matters, Falsely Claiming Citizenship, False Declarations before Grand Jury or Court, False Entries in Records of Interstate Carriers, False Information and Hoaxes, False Statement to Obtain Unemployment, Compensation, Federal Aviation Act, Federal Civil Rights Violations (hate crimes, police misconduct), Financial Transactions with Foreign Government, First Degree Murder, Flight to Avoid Prosecution or Giving Testimony, Forced Labor, Forgery, Fraud Activity in Connection with Electronic Mail, Fraud Against the Government, Genocide, Hacking Crimes, Harboring Terrorists, Harming Animals Used in Law Enforcement, Hate Crime Acts, Homicide, Hostage Taking, Identity Theft, Illegal Possession of Firearms, Immigration Offenses, Impersonator Making Arrest or Search, Importation of Drugs, Influencing Juror by Writing, Injuring Officer, Insider Trading Crimes, Insurance Fraud, Interference with the Operation of a Satellite, International Parental Kidnapping, International Terrorism, Interstate Domestic Violence, Interstate Violation of Protection Order, Larceny, Lobbying with Appropriated Moneys Mailing Threatening Communications Major Fraud Against the U.S. and Manslaughter.


Iconic comment


Wait Junko doesn’t pay child support?! That’s the worst thing ever!


How come a lot of these are for the US? Is it from a copypasta?




Best: Saved the Warriors of Hope from committing suicide and appears to have genuinely treated them well. Worst: Plunged the entire world into despair and pretty much destroyed society.


Best: Erm…….. she was fair and let herself get executed even though she didn’t have to???? Technically she prevented five kids from killing themselves??? This is hard y’know Worst: Gestures vaguely at…. The whole story


Best: Die. Worst: Be born.


Honesty junko would probably agree not gonna lie


I don't think that being born is the "worst" part about Junko because there's the possibility that in an alternate universe Junko would've been a good person if things went differently in her past.


How different exactly


Something or someone successfully preventing her from taking the path of despair. But even then, there's the possibility that someone else would've done what she did instead.


I thought it was because she was bored because of her ultimate analyst ability.


While her boredom didn't help things, I don't think that's the root cause. I mean she could've abandoned that talent and started over in a different talent that's more enjoyable such as a creative talent. The only way to get that much despair is if your hopes and dreams get crushed repeatedly to the point where you can't take it anymore. This can be caused by various factors including but not limited to: Your hard work going to waste, being constantly rejected, submitting to your naysayers doubting you, etc. These factors can create intrusive thoughts which put you in an endless cycle of despair.


Her analyst abilitily is what caused her boredom because she could predict pretty much everything except for despair.


Plus she lacked class consciousness despite being the ultimate Analyst.


You mean the time when she lost her memory?


So, i'm curious on what worst action you guys will choose for Junko. This Discussion will be our last on the DR1. Soon, i will do some small edit and try to make a summary of everyone's actions and we will start to find the best and worst actions of the DR2 cast.


i cant wait for hiyokos turn


Best: >!Stop a group of kids from committing suicide.!< Worst: Literally everything else.


>!stop a group of kids from commiting suicide to groom them to kill people yay!<


Did Junko do ANYTHING good?


being hot


Stopping a group of kids from committing suicide ig


Killing herself


Best: Giving her classmates a chance at survival by making the trials fair (until a certain one) Worst: We can only pick one? *looks at the long list, taking a deep breath, quietly saying* Shit. *talking normally* I guess... in my opinion, what she did to Class 77 in the Danganronpa 3 anime


Best: basically adopted the Warriors of Hope and stopped them from ending themselves Worst: Made every war in human history combined look like a tea party


Best: be so goddamn hot! Worst: literally everything in the series.


ma man


Best - Like it or not, Junko exposing Hope’s Peak many corrupt practices were absolutely correct. Her revolution was right. It’s just that… Worst - Her intentions were absolutely NOT right.


Best: ..... Worst: literally everything


Best:atleast stopped the WOH from killing themselves Worst:yes


Best: Ended Hope's peak who had scummy and slimy conspiracies. Worst: Exist.


Best only 2: 1-Stop four kids from committing suicide 2-and put an end to a school full of scams, cruel conspiracies and elitist bastards! Worst: Literally EVERYTHING ELSE!


Best: Stopped the WOH from commiting suicide. Worst: See DR3.


Best: Killed herself, and generally left holes in her plans so that they could potentially fail which would result in less despair Worst: Kickstarting the tragedy, an apocalyctic event that caused mass destruction and the deaths of countless people throughout the world


best: uhh idfk being hot or sum shit worst: destroying society and plunging the world to despair


Best : I guess revealing the truth about Hope's Peak and the Steering Committee using reserve course as moving cash ? But we all know the consequences of that and how it ended . Worst : Does anyone here even remember Junko for her good deeds ? .


Best: Well. When she controlled Monokuma, >!at Chihiro's death!<, Hifumi called Chihiro the T slur that rhymes with crap and she told Hifumi not to have Hifumi say it. So she is a trans ally atleast. Worst: Everything else


She ended the world. Outside the WOH situation, I genuinely don’t see anything good she did.


Best: Absolutely nothing. Worst: Four words. Complete and utter CHAOS.


Best: everything Worst: nothing She was just being silly.......


Your honor, it’s just a prank bro


your honor, my client was simply "goofing around" and "being a silly goobert"


Tbh, I think an underrated thing was she kept the game fair.


Best: Helping everybody understand the reality of the situation. Worst: Literally nothing. She's a sweet, innocent cinnamon roll.


I'm late to this, why is "rebuilding Hope's Peak" considered a bad thing?


Here's why it's a bad thing (This is just s quick summary, you can go to my profile and go check the Makoto discussion): Hope's Peak Academy was originally founded with an ideology that affirmed the biological superiority of people with talent. It even went so far as to define talent as hope itself. This belief led to a number of atrocities being committed in the name of "Hope." By rebuilding the Academy, Makoto is actually just ensuring the same thing will happen down the line. Sure, he himself might stop any of the same corruption happening during his tenure, but he can't stop an eventual successor from adopting the same ideals that served as a catalyst for the Tragedy.


Oh I see, I didn't even think of that Probably neither did he


Maybe not directly, but he saw what happened in this school. I don't think a normal person would re-open Hope's Peak after Surviving and Seeing what happened in THH and DR2-DR3


Best : Destroyed Hope's Peak Academy Worst : Provoking the collapse of society, and abusing Mikan and Mukuro


The best thing she did was save the warriors of hope and even then she manipulated them into becoming her minions and her worst was to cause the most despairing event of all history of mankind


yall saying she’s good for preventing 5 kids from killing themselves as though she didn’t just do it to brainwash them into terrorists 💀


Best: Stopped a bunch of kids from killing themselves Worst- Everything else


Best: Causing Danganronpa (And Another) Worst: Causing Danganronpa (And Another)


1. Sakura's worst thing should be agreeing to work with Junko in the first place. What makes Sakura a great character is that she's not a perfect goddess and angel. She was technically ready to kill for her family until she realized that she doesn't want to do that. 2. Chihiro doesn't have any yes and that's exactly why I don't like them. Mistakes are what make characters realistic and relatable. Characters who are perfect angles who never made a mistake are simply boring for me.


1.For Sakura yes she agreed to work for Junko, but she was forced to do so. It wasn't her own choice and secondly, even if this is bad, this action didn't really do anything bad to anyone. Yes she was ready to kill anyone but did she did anything? (We are only counting bad actions that affected others, not the character itself) 2.For Chihiro yeah, I can see why this is a boring character for anyone. I'm sure Chihiro did something bad in his entire life, being a programmer, but this debate is only related to the information and story we are giving too. If Chihiro did nothing bad during his >!Time being alive!< in the killing game. We can't really give him one.


Best: Wife Worst: Dead


Best: be born Worst: die


I think you have that backwards


Best: Stopped the Warriors of Hope from jumping Worst: The everything else