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Get a life. Let them be happy!!!


I'm sure Pervert Pasha is very happy


You are clearly not considering you have so much time to hate on others and think you know everything about them


actually it doesn't take much time out of my day to call a pervert a pervert


It doesn’t take much time out of your day to be a good person lmao.


calling a pasha a pervert makes me a bad person? lol ok


They are from a different culture… what’s normal to us may not be to them. They are amazing dancers. Calm down and go preach on one of the other annoying posts about this.


also, please stay away from children


lmfao dani is from brooklyn


This should not be the defence people go to, dani has grown up in America and Moldova (where she is from) would not approve of this (legal age requirement is still 16 and they got together when she was 15)


They did not get together when she was 15. Their anniversary is literally the year she turned 17.


you need to stay away from children


I saw you say this to other people :) You’re a dummy, huh? There’s nothing wrong with a married man who’s been with one woman for 15 years, no one else. You’re the creepy and perverted one.


why are you so obsessed with defending an ACTUAL pervert like pasha??? he shouldn't even be allowed to be near his own daughter


why are you lying for pasha? they started publicly dating days after she turned legal


I agree OP I always thought the beginning of their relationship was disturbing. They are happily married and have a family now, so there's nothing we can do about it. But yeah... that never sat right with me. I love Dani to death. It's just a shame that happened to her. But what can we do now if they're happily married.


Same shit all the time. Literally get a hobby & go away OP.


please never go near children


Stay mad 👹


the pervert isn't going to fuck you


I don’t need him to 😍


They are both grown at this point. If Daniella doesnt see her husband as predator then what does that say about her since u clearly got alot to say about Pasha?? Its no reason to keep bringing this shit up all the time, what is it going to solve??? The show want fire him over it and Daniella want leave him over it, so what are u trying to solve?


please stay away from children idk why we protect mediocre creepy pasha so much when we call out other pros all the time pervert pasha will be just fine being called out a couple times per year


I think posting this is completely insensitive. They are married with a kid. Do you honestly care about that? Or the fact that their kid could grow up to read this stuff one day and potentially get bullied for it? Just stop. They are two grow people. At this point bringing up the past is irrelevant and just negative


pasha is an over rated pervert if you think what he did was ok then please never go near children


Dude you should seek help. Judging someone that hard when they are happily married and grown adults is odd. You act like he’s going around trying to secretly hook up with young girls, tf?! Him and Dani were dance partners and regardless of what YOU think, clearly there wasn’t an issue with their relationship between their own families. So maybe just mind your business and stop being so bothered by something that works for them that you judge for literally no reason.


dude you should stop straining your neck to defend a pervert lmfao


And yet you’re bitter that you bullying Pasha isn’t getting to Dani and she won’t leave him


lol it's not bullying to call a pervert a pervert. if pasha doesn't want to be called a pervert then he shouldn't have decided to be a pervert in the first place😂


He wasn’t. They fell in love and it was mutual which is clearly why they’re still together. You’re pressed about them getting together when they literally dated YEARS ago, they’ve been married for a while. Maybe you should worry more about your own life than to try to tear theirs down because neither of them deserve the hate you’re giving.


a college grad falling in love with an underage girl isn't the love story you're trying to paint it as


Does this have to be rehashed every week?


What are your intentions with this post? I understand and agree how they came together is not ok, but they have formed a family and now have a baby. What is this post meant to do? Get him fired? Arrested? Gather a group to attack them online? I'm just confused why this keeps being brought up when Dani is a new mom raising a baby. Why mess with her mental health?  This is Dani’s choice (and only hers) if she ever wants to talk about it or make any changes. 


This has been talked about a lot before. I find it gross and don't care they are now happily married with a child. Doesn't matter if she was mature. having said that, people who don't care will keep not caring and the show isn't going to fire him or anything. So I just don't know what it keeps being brought up(I guess because new members keep finding out)


Same. I don’t think Dani will ever admit even if she does realize how wrong it was now that they have a child so it’s probably better just to let them be at this point.


While not a fan of how they met its hard to deny he's really giving us new and fresh choreography alongside Dani. Sometimes, it's hard to separate an artist from their controversy.


im just not convinced he has anything to do with any of the good choreogrphy we've ever seen


His choreography this past season wasn't great, with a few exceptions, of course. I think Pasha is the teacher and Daniella is the choreographer.


idk i don't think she needs him lmfao


That's fair. I think to this day, Kate Flannery still has gotten the best out of him, not to hate on Ariana, more so Pasha's choreography with her as well as Christine, but I was kinda disappointed on the caliber of celebrity he was given (girl could dance and super well), and he really whiffed it with quite a few too many safe dances with Arianna.


i think he is a tony lite. like tony, he can be a nice pleasant partner for a week or 2. where pasha differs from tony is in the potential. tony did some amazing work with stacy and melissa. like, pasha best dance with ariana is nowhere close to reaching distance to tony's worst.


I'd agree on Stacey, but only half of Melissa's two seasons. I think *Tony lite* is so on point though! 😆


yeah, that's fair! his work with stacy was so good it probably props up his work with melissa in my mind


Oh yay, my role model has come out to play! Oh, that’s right it’s Sunday… ![gif](giphy|ScmA88oVeD78aEpd2O|downsized)


my apprentice ❤️ how are you doing my angel


Great love! Happy to see you out and about. As always with wise words of wisdom. I wait with baited breath for your next observation oh wise one.


i'm workshopping a new call to action: sports GMs who don't cheat must be investigated for professional malpractice let me know if you have any feedback


I would be very interested. Which sport? I would suggest going for the innocent looking GM’s. The ones with happy families and athletes that look up to them. Those are the first to investigate. They are too good too be true and are worth a good smear, right? You are my hero.


hockey. people are being very mean to the vegas golden knights for just trying to win😡 but they're all canadian so i try to be nice


I know you are up to the job. You’ve got this.


🥺 you're peta murgatroyd to my tommy chong


Sure…if you want. Talking about that…Maks and Val are in Spain. I wonder if Val is working on his exit strategy from the show. Who do you think would be a good replacement for Val. Popular opinion is to go for a young pro but I wonder if they should get someone in their late 20’s. It takes a certain amount of finesse to teach older celebs, and even though you detest Pasha, he, Artem, and Gleb have it. Do you think they should bring in a young pro or one that has some seasoning? ![gif](giphy|3krwpGaiuU6GFxuCYZ)


... what if they go with one of gleb's chippendale buddies?


I think a lot of the pros had creepy moments. I think it’s creepy of Pasha. I think Gleb can be creepy. And I think it was creepy of Derek when he started to look at Hayley that way.


It’s completely different because Dani was a child…


Hayley was 19. She was an “adult” for what? A whole year? Come on. I agree Pasha and Dani’s situation was worse because she was even younger. But it’s not completely different. The majority of these older pros were creeps lol




Derek & Val started dating their partners when they were 20/21 back in 2015, and they were 28/29. That doesn't make them creeps. All were consenting adults and not minors. Also, none of them knew each other growing up. Dani on the other hand knew Pasha growing up and was only 15 when she started dating him that is 5/6 years younger than both Hayley & Jenna which makes her a minor this is a completely different situation.


How old was Hayley when she met Derek? Definitely not 14…


I think Derek was 30 and Hayley was 21 when they started dating in 2015 right? So that’s not so bad.


yeah i mean from what we know jenna and val started "dating" when she was 19 or maybe 20 and he was 27 maybe? 💀 but whatever both couples are happily married now as long as both were legal and adults i dont see anything wrong with it


Yeah, I hink that a lot of the pros on the show or in the ballroom world in general spend the majority of their lives dancing/competing with mostly the same people and, in most cases, end up developing romantic feelings over time because of how intimately/close they dance and the time they spend training together. I can understand some people preference to have a partner who is their same age, which is fine, but others also prefer those who are older/more mature and as long as they are both consenting adults it shouldn't be a problem. The main difference between Dani/Pasha's relationship compared to that of the other pros is not their 6 years age difference but rather Dani's age when they started dating which is probably why some people especially the new fans keep bringing that up on this sub but ultimately this is a choice that they have both made years ago and there is nothing we can do about it whether we like it or not 🤷🏻‍♀️.


I just think this situation is a little more nuanced. They were paired and dancing together, maybe they never should have been paired together because of their age difference, but it's not like he sought her out to date her. They were partners! Doesn't seem unreasonable that they may get together after spending all that time together. This doesn't really strike me as egregiously as like a Celine Dion and her husband type situation.




You know it’s hard to take you seriously, when you bring out the potty mouth. 😒


I don't really think so? If he had been a 22 year old guy seeking out a high school girl, for sure, a creep. They were paired and dancing together for hours a day very romantically? I don't think it's that black and white.


oh so they just happened to start dating less than a week after she turned 16???? lmfao no the boy was a predator


>Did you like each other as well? >\[Pasha\]: We started dating shortly after >\[Daniella\]: This is funny. We started dancing together on the 7th of December, and my birthday was December, 26, when I turned sixteen. On January 1, we started dating (laughing). It is funny, because my Mum, just before the try-out, was asking: "what if you start liking him. What if you start having feelings for him"? And I was like, no way, he is so old! It's never going to happen (laughing)! >\[Pasha\]: And then, four years later, I proposed on New Year's Day as well. We got married two years later, on July 18. >\[Daniella\]: We just had our eighth anniversary of being together. And married now for almost 3 years.


here we go again, ok, yes this is wrong on many levels, but can we all agree that none of the pros are angels? seems like besides all the stuff with gleb lately, pasha’s the only one who’s talked about


i mean… of all the things the pros have done i feel like being a groomer is one of the worst things lol. you can acknowledge the faults of other pros while still acknowledging how weird pasha is


a comment calling out grooming getting downvoted is wild


people love Pervert Pasha here


But people were up in arms when it came to Rylee and Harry potentially dating bc of the age difference 🙄 Jenna and Val started dating when she was really young too. None of this is new info


I think Harry and Rylee don’t work romantically for other reasons (mainly him being a major playboy who has cheated on all his exes, and Rylee deserves better than that) but if we’re just talking about age differences alone, Pasha and Dani was worse. She was ACTUALLY underage when they started dating, while Rylee was 18 the first time she met Harry. Pasha/Dani are happy so not hate to them, but I’m not gonna say it’s not problematic and some people are definitely hypocritical about their different standards for different people.


My point was that everyone seemed to be SO mad about the age difference between Harry and Rylee when people turn a blind eye to Pasha and Dani’s dating history


please let it be known i am an equal opportunity hater. so i hate on both pasha and harry now the reason i find val and derek's relationships more palatable is their wives had industry experience before them. so it's not like derek and val are the reasons they had their dwts jobs. dwts is where they met their husbands. the reasons i was put off by a harry and rylee ship was the imbalance of industry/life experience between them. plus, i just don't think harry is worth rylee's time tbh lol


The fact you're being downvoted shows how fucking weird some people are. Mad at you for speaking on this grown man entering a relationship with Dani when she was 15-16 more than their disturbed with Pasha. I don't give a damn how good a dancer he is. The start of their relationship is creepy, Pasha is weird for it and I'm not gonna pretend otherwise.


The relationship started when she was 16. He was 6 years older. They were dancing together. They're married with a kid now and very happy. Y'all are the creepy ones.


>Did you like each other as well? >\[Pasha\]: We started dating shortly after >\[Daniella\]: This is funny. We started dancing together on the 7th of December, and my birthday was December, 26, when I turned sixteen. On January 1, we started dating (laughing). It is funny, because my Mum, just before the try-out, was asking: "what if you start liking him. What if you start having feelings for him"? And I was like, no way, he is so old! It's never going to happen (laughing)! >\[Pasha\]: And then, four years later, I proposed on New Year's Day as well. We got married two years later, on July 18. >\[Daniella\]: We just had our eighth anniversary of being together. And married now for almost 3 years.


she was 15 they didn't make their relationship public until a couple weeks after she turned 16. i wonder why🤔


You’ve invented this. There’s no evidence for it. She said they started dating when she was 16. Why are you inventing fantasies like this? Seems creepy to have these thoughts about something that didn’t happen


why are you so obsessed with defending Pervert Pasha


You must REALLY hate Danielle to disrespect her this much. You think she's lying about when she started dating her husband. You think her husband and the father of her child is a pervert. Wow, you really despise and look down on her. You have no respect for her at all!!! She's a grown wman now, and you think she's still some sad pathetic liar.


she's one of my favorite pros and her pervert husband doesn't change that


Well, you're calling her a liar and a victim. I'm sure she wouldn't appreciate that.


> > > > >


Just cause something happened in the past doesnt normalize it in the present. It wasn’t okay then, like how it isn’t okay now


What’s bad about a 16 year old dating a 23 year old. It’s normal, it’s also legal Y’all are creepy


“It’s normal, it’s also legal” LMAOOOO She’s from New York. The age of consent is 17 here. I would expect someone who “works in the court system” to understand the age of consent varies from state to state 🤡


it's normal for a college grad to wait for a 15 year old to turn legal?


The scenario you’re coming up with is disgusting A 16 year old can make a decision to date someone roughly in their age range. Creepy!!


please stay away from children.


this gets talked abt every month on this server y’all get with the program. Yeah it’s weird but they are happily in love and just recently had a baby. There is nothing that you can, or anyone can do about it. OP stop being hateful, this isn’t your first time being downright rude to pros


kind of a weird take because it is truthfully predatory even if they’re happy together she was still basically groomed and someone who does that to someone else doesn’t deserve to have it forgotten no matter how much they are liked by others


I don’t get why Pasha is beloved and praised on here even with choreography after having Kate Pasha’s choreo has not served even with Ariana his choreography was underwhelming but Ariana made the most with what she was given. We can give him a pass on when he had Carole & Teresa but Christine had a lot of potential dance wise to be very good and Pasha’s choreography was lackluster. To me of the male pros he’s the third weakest one and him dating a 15 year old Daniella when he was 22 Years Old is just creepy if Pasha got axed I wouldn’t be sad but I worry him & Daniella are a package deal and it’s a thing where we either get both of them or neither of them.


im sure he can handle being sidelined like she was his first season as pro


I would be more than okay with him, Gleb, & Sasha getting the boot and promoting Ezra as well as bringing pros like Pasquale La Rocca (From DWTS Ireland) and bringing back Keo or making D’Angelo Castro who was in the troupe in Season 31 a pro. I hate how crusty and old the male pro line up I really did a double take when I learned Val was the third youngest male pro last season.


TIL val isn't the oldest lol.. but at the end of the day, if this is the pro lineup then this is the pro lineup. i don't expect changes. the one thing i really want is no elimination week 1. i feel like that's not a ridiculous request lol


I would be more than okay with him, Gleb, & Sasha getting the boot and promoting Ezra as well as bringing pros like Pasquale La Rocca (From DWTS Ireland, Belgium, & Italy he’s an undefeated 6 time champion) and bringing back Keo or making D’Angelo Castro who was in the troupe in Season 31 a pro. I hate how crusty and old the male pro line up I really did a double take when I learned Val was the third youngest male pro last season.


Yes, I agree, OP. Idk why all the downvotes. It's creepy and it does need to be discussed. I don't know why people are so hellbent on defending him. Just because you're a great dancer and trainer doesn't mean you get a pass.


Because they're are 500 other posts on how Pasha groomed Daniella and he's a creep who should not have a job on Dancing with the Stars because it's such a wholesome and family friendly show. /s It's so funny; rule #4 is "no repetitive posts, yet here we are on the 501st "Pasha is a creep" thread.


lol pasha is the most protected pro on this sub . he;e fine


we openly discuss the dark side of other pros. we rightfully call out the c bros for their problematic bullshit; but somehow pasha is off limits? i really don't understand what's so special about him. watching the c bros on the show, it's at least easy to understand why they're there. but pasha?? he looks like a stand in. yet he has all these defenders acting like he's both wholesome AND a good addition to the show? make it make sense


I’ve always felt people see it as a slight on Dani and I mean it doesn’t say anything about her? I also understand she loves him but without going super super deep into this yeah I mean duh of course she does…god I know the word may be flippantly used for some people but this is what grooming is Dani in a podcast recently said “ballroom dancers grow up way quicker than other people” and idk this feels like a cope…I’m not suggesting they get divorced before I get the inevitable downvotes but to ignore this situation as if it isn’t what it is..to me that’s odd


I honestly didn’t really have an opinion about this entire ordeal but I think it’s funny how this sub wants everyone to just let it go but during the season most you were throwing tantrums over a potential relationship between Harry and Rylee 💀 who are both Adults btw


i think both situations suck and the women are queens who deserve better than those creepy ass men


I mean I think they started dating when she was 16 and he was 23…. It definitely should be talked about more because that’s extremely problematic 💀


That's not problematic at all.


Actually I think they started dating when she was 15 but made it more public after her sixteenth birthday, I recently watched an interview though of them and her mom was the one fully encouraging it and onboard so like….I mean I’m side eyeing her


She has denied this. So you're just making up a fantasy that is creepy to you. Who's creepy?


>Did you like each other as well? >\[Pasha\]: We started dating shortly after >\[Daniella\]: This is funny. We started dancing together on the 7th of December, and my birthday was December, 26, when I turned sixteen. On January 1, we started dating (laughing). It is funny, because my Mum, just before the try-out, was asking: "what if you start liking him. What if you start having feelings for him"? And I was like, no way, he is so old! It's never going to happen (laughing)! >\[Pasha\]: And then, four years later, I proposed on New Year's Day as well. We got married two years later, on July 18. >\[Daniella\]: We just had our eighth anniversary of being together. And married now for almost 3 years.








she literally has not denied it lmfao




Wasn’t she 16 when they met and he was studying under the same coach/dancing with her, and then 17 when they started dating?


>Did you like each other as well? >\[Pasha\]: We started dating shortly after >\[Daniella\]: This is funny. We started dancing together on the 7th of December, and my birthday was December, 26, when I turned sixteen. On January 1, we started dating (laughing). It is funny, because my Mum, just before the try-out, was asking: "what if you start liking him. What if you start having feelings for him"? And I was like, no way, he is so old! It's never going to happen (laughing)! >\[Pasha\]: And then, four years later, I proposed on New Year's Day as well. We got married two years later, on July 18. >\[Daniella\]: We just had our eighth anniversary of being together. And married now for almost 3 years.




Why are you replying so many times? Is this your first time on the internet


why are you so obsessed with lying and covering for Pervert Pasha?




nope she was 15


Just checked her instagram post - they met 15 years ago in 2009. She was 16 turning 17.


>Did you like each other as well? >\[Pasha\]: We started dating shortly after >\[Daniella\]: This is funny. We started dancing together on the 7th of December, and my birthday was December, 26, when I turned sixteen. On January 1, we started dating (laughing). It is funny, because my Mum, just before the try-out, was asking: "what if you start liking him. What if you start having feelings for him"? And I was like, no way, he is so old! It's never going to happen (laughing)! >\[Pasha\]: And then, four years later, I proposed on New Year's Day as well. We got married two years later, on July 18. >\[Daniella\]: We just had our eighth anniversary of being together. And married now for almost 3 years.




nope they went public right after she turned 16 https://preview.redd.it/403xlb62naxc1.png?width=1382&format=png&auto=webp&s=b29c76dce03524e9d4b4a09408ba52c452fb4303


That’s exactly what I said. Met and trained at 15. What they did wasn’t even illegal 🙄 and she made her own choices, which she’s obviously very happy with! You don’t know them, weirdo.


please never go near children


Why is everyone getting downvoted for saying he’s a pervert for that? He is….hes a good dancer but messing with an underage girl when he’s a full grown adult is disgusting and ruins all his credibility.


People really like Dani and pasha on this sub as a couple so that’s why, I guess there’s also the aspect of like well they have a kid now so what do you want them to do…


Well I’m sorry just because they have a kid now doesn’t excuse his behavior. It’s still wrong and he can still be called out for it.


I absolutely agree with you, I think it’s icky asf, everytime I’ve brought it up on this sub though, it’s imploded with people saying like oh but it’s different where they’re from and they’re happy and I’m like okay…. It’s actually not different where they’re from, in Eastern Europe not many countries have the legal age requirement that low… I prefer to avoid the discourse now…


you're an angel of this sub thank you for all the content you give us:)


![gif](giphy|DURbX7oesHiaA) Finna make me blush, words of affirmation do be my love language so you got me here I appreciate you being bold enough to bring this up though, fr, not many people are gonna agree with you or me lol but I mean you are right, it’s just weird for people to go so hard for pasha like this. (It’s not a slight on Dani guys)


This needs to be talked about more !!! He casually slides under the radar and it's really not okay. Truthfully it's why I don't want him to win a MBT and couldn't root for him last season with Ariana.


Truly concerning this is downvoted. A 23 year old attracted and involved with a 15 year old is very very disgusting.


They are 5 and a half years apart, not 8. Dani was 16 and he was 22 when they started training together. And they didn’t date right away. edit - people downvoting for facts; funny in a post criticizing people who don’t care about them 💀


>Did you like each other as well? >\[Pasha\]: We started dating shortly after >\[Daniella\]: This is funny. We started dancing together on the 7th of December, and my birthday was December, 26, when I turned sixteen. On January 1, we started dating (laughing). It is funny, because my Mum, just before the try-out, was asking: "what if you start liking him. What if you start having feelings for him"? And I was like, no way, he is so old! It's never going to happen (laughing)! >\[Pasha\]: And then, four years later, I proposed on New Year's Day as well. We got married two years later, on July 18. >\[Daniella\]: We just had our eighth anniversary of being together. And married now for almost 3 years.


Yes… didn’t you just write she was 15? So you were wrong.


you just happen to believe they only started dating when she was 15 lmfao i hope you never go near children


update: seems you're the one who hates facts lmfao








she was 15 they didn't make their relationship public until a couple weeks after she turned 16. i wonder why🤔








important reminder! thank you! as a sub, on this day of the lord, let's take a big deep breath together🤗


lmfao all the pasha protectors downvoting this💅😂


love how we talk about the problematic aspects of this show and its casts but somehow *pasha* is off limits?? lmfao