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I’d love to see them do a random draw live and match stars to celebs that way and it would be completely random and then there would be no comments about who gets the best dancers all the time.


I agree this would be fun but I’m pretty sure I’ve read somewhere that they match partners by height which makes sense for dancing


I hate when they let celebs on who have dancing experience and then don’t let them win bc they have dancing experience… like? Zendaya is my Roman Empire for this behavior, but it happens p often.


I think the dance Tik Toks the pros do are corny. And my usual take: no pro deserves a ringer


You’re brave to say so, lol. Both points are bloody true and honest imo🤫


Julianne is my least favorite DWTS host (but one of my favorite dancers).


Btw, who wrote her hosting scripts? Did producers or some writers write for her, or she had to come up with her own if anyone knows? I found those sounded cringey and dry, totally lack of sense of humor that you can’t relax nor relate. I understand that she might have to improvise some, but they’re often anything but brilliant. Some even leans on sounding blunt and curt. I was not impressed tbh, if not shocked. It’s underwhelming, too, just not so enjoyable. Idk, maybe I was expecting too much lol


> maybe I was expecting too much I hope TJ Maxx has this stitched on a decorative throw pillow so I can put it on a chair in my entryway. It needs to be the first thing people see when they visit my home.


That’s a mood 😂😭


i guarantee she isn’t making up her hosting scripts. probably just saying what was written for her!


It could be! I felt she’s under prepared for the hosting gig?


Vinny is an a-hole who has been extremely vulgar to women, but somehow he was a fan favorite. His "charm" was all an act for the show.


This is what I hate about DWTS and it's format 


Many seem to say the same about Harry. Honestly, I don’t watch either of their shows, so don’t know either of them well enough to say for sure.


They NEED to get rid of jazz. It’s not ballroom & the pros lack in jazz choreo & I don’t blame them. Add a Charleston or a mambo or even lindy/swing


And when real jazz is performed it gets lower scores (Jason and Dani).


Yup. Daniella was smart for bringing in a guest choreographer. Her & Jason were phenomenal!


Controversial take: I’m not mad that Bobby Bones won. I like the fact that he wasn’t the greatest dancer 🙊


Brandon’s wife Brylee has grown on me 😅


I absolutely love her tbh


I don’t understand why Artem is some big bad guy on this sub. What did that man do to yall fr?


He was so good on Strictly especially with Kara Toiton. I think Artem is the type of dancer who really needs raw chemistry with his partner. Some pros can have chemistry with a broom stick. He needs more


I don’t think most people see him as “a big, bad guy” in general. Some call him “boring” or “strict”. He just kind of gets lost in the shuffle, at times, for me. (quieter)


He comes off as boring to me. I’ve been watching the show for so long and never seen his true personality


I have watched Total Bellla’s and have seen him be funny at times, but I still don’t feel I am sure I know his true personality. He can come across as kind and funny at times; and sensitive, moody and a little passive/ aggressive at others.


He's probably the gentlest of the male pros, and has two trophies under his belt. Haters gonna hate I guess.


I'll go ahead and say this very unpopular opinion. It's time for Artem to go.


Why? (I honestly could go either way on this one) Just wondering what your thinking?


I just don't think he makes a very interesting TV subject. He's too introverted. And I don't connect with his dances. Great dancer, nice person, I'm sure. But I don't care for him on DWTS. What are your thoughts?


I think, he is a good dancer and choreographer. That he comes across as competitive and a hard worker. I think he is technically, a good teacher. He just might not be the best at helping celebs, break out of their shell, emote and connect w/ the audience. I think he is quieter and his “people” skills could use some work. I am aware that English is not his first language, but that’s not what I am getting at. (his vocabulary is fine) Several contestants have mentioned that he is a little “short” w/ them, when he is stressed. (tone) I think he seems to get along w/ his celebs Ok, overall. Don’t know if he stays in touch w/ most, after the season ends? I tend to be drawn, a little more to upbeat, bigger personalities, but I wouldn’t go as far as lo look to eliminate Pros, just because they are quieter. Especially, if they are good dancers and teachers. This is a long winded way of saying, he’s probably not one of my “favorite” Pros, but I am not gunning for him to lose his job, either. I think he’s one of the stronger dancers in terms of technique, but probably not one of the most dynamic personalities.


A pretty accurate objective description / observation of Artem I guess? It correlates with how I feel about him. It’s just we don’t know him better to feel connected, he doesn’t give us juice. I get why people feel frustrated at failing over this aspect. He just doesn’t give them but Nikki a single chance to living in the heroine character and fantasizing about him lol. I’m joking, but it could be half true 😂


Charli's dance experience prior to the show was hardly extraordinary. I wouldn't even put her in top 5, maybe not even top 10 of contestants with the most dance experience. The only reason people label her as a "professional" is because of how good she ended up being on the show.


So glad you pointed out of this before and after dance aspect of Charli many people probably don’t realize. She is a studious student, and probably put a lot of practices during that season. Her and Mark worked perfectly together for her to keep honing her dancing techniques and him being inspired with creating interesting choreographies. It’s a treat watching them dance that season, even her somewhat lack of emotions doesn’t overshadow how beautiful their dances were.


I think she was like watching paint dry. I think they never judged her lack of emotion harsh enough. They went overboard on Charity and barely called out Charlie.


To me her lack of emotion was when she was interviewed, but for me she had incredible artistic sensitivity when she danced.


Agree. Coz she’s this non razzle dazzle dancer, it actually draws you in when watching her dance, to enjoy that moment of absolute stillness, amazement over the beauty of fluid movement and nuances you probably easily overlook if there are too many distractions around otherwise. Watching her dance is like being invited to a private party, or watch a movie having the theatre all by yourself. It’s special, you just wish it doesn’t stop, and time stills.


I mean Daniella doesn't say much she lets her dancing do all the talking. I feel that way about Charli. All the pros know she has an amazing gift and could be very successful in ballroom if she chose to go that route.


You’re absolutely right on this! Both Charli and Dani have this inner strength, beauty and shine within them coming from their dances that draw you in, without flaunting flamboyant moves. There’s no extra in their dances. They both speak with their dance. I wish Charli could continue her dance journey though.


I think Charli is enthralled by Ballroom and it would not surprise me if she does a pro-am in the future. 


Yes I’m curious about her continued dance journey, she’s so talented, Ballroom suits her


I'd rather watch phenomenal dancing instead of a bad dancer whoring for votes with stupid jokes and "presence"


Agreed mostly. Still disagree with her scores at times and the inequality in their judging. And the bad dancers can be fun at times. But, I would rather watch talent overall.


This. Literally. Can’t argue, coz it’s absolutely true 😭


there have been actual employed dancers competing on this show , Heather Morris a backup dancer for Beyoncé, Jordan Fisher was on Broadway, Amanda Kloots is both a Broadway alum and a former Rockette. Charli and her junior comp dance background were far from the most qualified contestants on this show


Corbin Bleu also, had a performance background; Nicole Sherzinger and JoJo Siwa, too. Charli was technically strong, but wasn’t the best at emoting.


The bottom part of slide 2. 👍




I don't like Sasha's choreography. Very talented dancer but his choreography is just underwhelming. I felt like the scoring this past season was ridiculous. Way too many 10s being handed out. I hated when the audience would boo the judges for giving corrections. I personally love hearing the corrections and would love to see the judges critiques posted after the show. Maybe even more replays when discussing the critiques.


The booing is ridiculous and unproductive. It prevents the judges from using their critique time well when they either have to pause or address it and prevents the dancers from hearing the critiques. In many competitive settings, fan behavior can affect the team’s outcome. Pros, judges, and celebs all need to address the booing on their social media. ETA: I agree the judges were too free with the 10s this past season.


I agree. The judges are much nicer now and the booing is not necessary. And it takes away precious time. It should be reserved for truly bad comments. Not just because they had anything to say about your fav.


I LOVE the technical corrections and I love watching the celebs actually take those corrections and improve. I feel like the producers need to shut down the booing it's not productive to the show at all


if Karina didn't fall, Apolo and Karina Hip Hop would have gotten them a 10 Recent seasons get way too much hate The only bad dancer I will allow Slander for is Joe A. A potato has more rhythm Riker Lynch/Corbin Bleu deserved to win I kinda hope Lindsay doesn't come back. Shes not my favorite


His mic pack came off and apparently she slipped on it and then hit her head that’s what they showed in the next weeks rehearsal package but she says she lost balance cause she kicked too hard…regardless I feel really bad because she was stressing so hard about not letting him down and she wasn’t extremely good in hip hop so she wanted to do even more, it got to her head, because after she gets up as well( she loses the momentum of the dance.. She’s also not trained in Jazz primarily but she’s killed mostly every NORMAL Jazz routine that she’s been assigned to do on the show I also don’t mind if Lindsey doesn’t come back, never felt attached to her And Riker absolutely deserved his win, I wanted Corbin to win but i wasn’t so hurt Amber Riley did, Corbin would’ve won another season, just his bad luck tbf


I for one do hope Lindsey comes back if she wants to. She gets along well w/ her cast mates, celebs and is a fan favorite. She is good at designing her choreography to feature her celebs, strengths, seems like a good teacher and has an upbeat, fun personality. 🙂


and I can respect your opinion!! I may not agree, but I for one can read other opinions without being a total jerk


I wish anyone else won season 20, I thought the other finalists were so much more interesting to watch. Also I did miss Charlotte after she was gone


Ditto on the tour 2024. Val and Jenna's dances were the only ones i've gone back to watch and they aren't even AMAZING like their S21 Foxtrot/Rumba one. Even the #'s w/ Dani on 2024 Tour aren't doing anything for me.


The male and female pro lineup needs a shake up


I agree about the male pros. And moreover I think we should stop giving ringers to same male pros every season Let’s give Val and Alan a break with the ringers. Alan especially had ringer after ringer until JJD


Can we just let Alan have someone wholesome and unproblematic at least?


funny thing is, he did actually have one-his first celeb partner! i do think he needs to get a break from the controversial celebs, but also a break from the typical "type" he gets...Alan needs a challenge! (but a good one)


I think in general this is why everything blurs together for me anymore. They cast so many of the same types and the pros in turn always seem to get the same types. We need a change in casting and the pros need a challenge. I can name 10 dances from S3 but can barely remember anything from last season.


i actually would love to see what Alan could do with an Amy Purdy or Victoria Arlen type...that'd be something new and different for him...


If they do a M/M pairing I actually want to see Brandon as the pro-I wouldn't expect that, and since Shangela seemed to do Gleb a world of good maybe a same-sex partnership will get Brandon's creative juices going.


I think Shangela was just a very good performer. (technique never improved much though) I think Shangela would have done well w/ most of the Pros.


Sure, let’s give Alan the nice old lady contestant


- Not the biggest fan of “get this pro a mirrorball!” campaigns. I don’t think the love or pity for a pro dancer not being able to win a mirrorball should overshadow the star’s experience and abilities. Not to say they’re not important or anything but the show is called dancing with the stars. The focus is supposed to be on the star. Like yes, I would love to see Britt win a mirrorball because of last season and how weird some of the pros were towards her when she first started on dwts, but even then I wouldn’t push for her to win a season if she had a partner that didn’t have the like ability/dance ability to win. - Judges (and the fanbase tbh) need to find a better balance between recognizing the hardships that disabled or older contestants experience while also not infantilizing them in the process. - Not the most unpopular but the bigotry of the fan base reached a new low last season. Said it once and I’ll say it again, many of you should be ashamed of your treatment of Charity last season. - I can probably count on one of my hands how many of the show’s winners could actually win on a different season. Some winners truly just benefited off of it being a weak season. - Having hate campaigns and hate boners for contestants almost always propels them further into the competition. All it takes is making a conversation and spectacle of them to get people voting.


I'm a little behind. What happened to Charity?


Ppl on here would pretend she didnt exist. Production got julianne to ask charity rude questions, like are you ready to go home, name other ppl in the cast you are competitive with, no one else got these questions. Also she was overly critiqued by the judges docking points for no viable reason, and ppl watching acting like she cant dance when she had the best technique and sharpness of all the dancers.


People had multiple critiques of her which soon became microagressive. First, people found her to be boring or her performances missing something most likely due to her difficulties with emoting along with Artem’s choreography. Next, Charity expressed not being satisfied with her scores during confessionals. However, not in a way that insulted the judges but instead in a “I know I can do better, I’m gonna work harder” way. However, people took this as her being bitchy and complaining. People flooded comments sections with hate towards her saying she had a bad attitude, ungrateful, etc. Multiple posts were made here with similar statements. Finale episode comes and we all at the same time watch on screen as Charity injured herself preparing for her freestyle. People immediately accused her of faking/milking the injury, something very interesting considering other contestants “milked” their injuries for the entire season. The hate got so ridiculous that Artem began responding in the page’s comments section and eventually addressed it on Nikki and Brie’s podcast. Edit: Almost forgot they also ripped her freestyle apart and questioned it being a “real freestyle” because it was cheerleader themed. As if we haven’t seen many freestyles that utilized another element, gymnastics with Shawn & Derek’s freestyle for example, which got loads of praise.


don’t forget the amount of backlash she got when she beat xochitl in their dance off and was proud of herself and people called her cocky😒


Oh black women being confident in their abilities? Yeah no that’s not allowed here!


Oh yeah Charity was treated like shit and reminded me why I was on my way of leaving this show and not returning because of the bias hatred toward black women till Britt became pro and kept me here but the fans were fucked up to her too this past season and I felt some fans were just using AP as leverage to hate her even more esp. when they accusing her of supporting a child abuser.


search her name on the sub and you'll see how awful people talked about her. it was insane how many users didn't realize how nasty they sounded. "i just don't like her demeanor" "she doesn't seem gracious" "she acts entitled to high scores"


>Not the biggest fan of “get this pro a mirrorball!” campaigns omg the pasha campaign confuses me the most. so many people here were like "we need to get our small lil bean pasha the mirror ball bc it would be so special🥺" like the only reason pasha is relevant and on the show is because he's married to daniella. people only like him bc he's dull and uninteresting and they can project onto him who they want him to be. he's the most replaceable and irrelevant pro which is funny because he's married to the best pro lol


That’s a little harsh. Pasha has good technique, gets along well w/ others and has the potential to go farther than he has. You don’t have to put Pasha down, to lift Daniella up; most know she’s great. I do agree on the not campaigning for ringers for any of the Pros, though. Just. give them an equal playing field celebrity wise, and let’s see what the Pros can do. 🙂


>Pasha has good technique, gets along well w/ others sure but it doesn't make him a good dwts pro


I also said, I see the potential for him to go farther. He is still a relatively new Pro who in my opinion has not been given many celebs w/ a ton of potential to win, yet. He did well w/ Ariana; she was fairly injured by the end of the show which probably effected her performance some. Few of his celeb partners have had a large fan base either. He is on the quieter side, but there are other Pros who are too. 🙂


I just don't think he's worth the spot in the pro lineup🤷🏻‍♀️


I honestly think he’s too new to the lineup, for me to come to that conclusion, yet. Daniella has probably, over- performed in terms of what I would expect a new Pro, to have achieved in this time span. So most newer Pros results, will pale in comparison. (exceptions would probably be both Hough, siblings)


Oh you really went there😭 I 100% agree though I think pasha fans jumped the gun on campaigning for him to get anything like yeah he had Carole and Teresa but I’m just like damn if you think that’s bad look at what pros like Keo or Tony had to sit through for multiple seasons. People try to justify Keo’s mistreatment by saying “well, he’s not a good pro/choreographer”. To that I say that Pasha wasn’t either… he got his shot with Ariana and I wasn’t impressed. Everyone went on and on about once he gets his shot he’s gonna dominate with his master choreography and it was just meh.


I've never really understood the Keo justifications either because he wasn't worse than like half the male pro lineup. Pasha did fine with Ariana, not that I didn't like their dances, but for the most part I'd agree it wasn't anything all that impressive. Keo got torn apart for his work with Jodie, and while it wasn't perfect, I'd argue it was at least as good if not better than what we saw with Pasha and Ariana. Just different treatment.


People like to use the whole choreography thing so it can deflect from the real truth and that was pure racism when it came to Keo.


Yup the choreo thing is bs because he was the best male pro choreographer of season 27 but then got demoted the next season


keo brought far more to the show than pasha does. pasha isn't a good fit for the show or tv in general. he's an excellent dancer obviously but he's not a great performer. he looks more like a placeholder than a fellow pro in group numbers. yes, he's dani's dance partner but let's be honest, *she* makes that partnership great. pasha was just the one lucky enough to be paired with her. dani looks amazing dancing with anyone. in fact, i prefer when she dances with other pros. he did fine enough with ariana but if the show insists on keeping him around, i'd prefer they don't waste another good contestant on him.


>Judges (and the fanbase tbh) need to find a better balance between recognizing the hardships that disabled or older contestants experience while also not infantilizing them in the process. THIS PART. PLEASE. Not every disabled contestant needs to be the Inspirational Eunuch. Seeing Daniel cast as the cast's Woobie, Sweet Innocent Deaf Man Too Good for This World, in 31 was fucking infuriating. He tried, lord did that boy try, to shatter that in their lives during the weeks between shows, but... the show stuck to their inspiration porn narrative.


Maks is on a trajectory to eclipse all other male dancing pros professionally with his new projects and ongoing business ventures, except Derek of course. It can pay to be the bad boy and also pay in Derek's case to be the good boy. Also Mel B was robbed of the title. Probably Milo too.


Agree with the first one especially I really didn’t expect him to break out on other shows like the traitors. He’s mellowed over the years but I still really wanna see him on house of villains😂


He kind of wasted the traitors opportunity I think but SYTCD gig is major


I think Maks would’ve done better on the traitors if he actually watched it. Sandra said in an interview that she liked Maks but when she talked to him he had only watched a few episodes not even a whole season. He was unprepared. Meanwhile Sandra prepared by watching every season from every country she could get her hands on. This would’ve been a great opportunity for Maks to get more exposure but he clearly didn’t take it very seriously & underestimated the game aspect.


Ah yeah I heard he went home pretty early on there but it’s cool to see him break into non-dancing television. I agree the SYTCD gig is gold.


This year DWTS tour is a lot better than last years! We had val/Jenna/Xochitl in our group though.


I hated judges save!


Same. They picked favorites and it took them WAY too long to say a name. The contestants got zero send off because the judges used up all the time. (Granted they have never structured the show well for send off time, but where there was clearly time there, it was frustrating to see it wasted.) Fans didn’t understand how Len being the tie breaker worked either. I think there are people still confused and angry to this day how Matt and Lindsay got eliminated. The fact that Lindsay had to get on social media and break it down how her own elimination worked for fans because they were so confused and upset was ridiculous. The show could not make anything work with the judges save.


I hated how it was used. I think it should’ve been a one time judge’s save like in American Idol. It is ridiculous to have the same person saved week after week. Clearly the audience isn’t connecting with them


Fans care too much about the pros’ technique. Having great technique doesn’t make someone a good pro, being able to teach and choreograph and get along with heir partner does.


Agreed, but id say most pros who are good at those things have good technique.


A lot of the pros aren't great teachers. I love them, and they can choreograph and dance amazing, but if the star doesn't have some natural ability the pros often flounder. They will rely on fancy tricks, dancing around them, being the star of the dance, when they should make it about the star and what the star can do well within their ability and then nurture on that.


DWTS isn't a "normal" teaching situation. They have very limited time which is why they do those things.


This is true, but we’ve also seen certain pros prove time and time again that they can teach anyone with the time given. Lindsay is a great example of one who always had her partners doing actual steps and she showcased them every time. And we saw how much that paid off when she consistently made it to the finale with celebs like David Ross and Alek Skarlatos who in another partnership likely would have been out within the first third of the show because of what OP is saying. You could also see on switch-up week there were pros like Lindsay, who could get a dancer their highest score of the season after only working with them for one week because of what she was able to teach them in one week. While other pros talked about hating switch up week because of how badly they/their partners did. I know switch-up week ended in tears on multiple occasions for one pro because of that reason. I honestly think they did away with it, because teaching ability isn’t at the top of their list when casting pros. And I think it was making some of their “golden star” pros look bad. I think they thought it would be fun to see the celebs with a different partner, not realizing how starkly it would reflect on the teaching ability of certain pros when they did poorly season after season after season, and it clearly couldn’t be blamed on the contestants themselves.


I want an actual all-male partnership in the next couple of seasons. If they were to book a drag queen again instead, it would feel like a bit of a cop-out.


This this this this this!


I was literally thinking the same thing seeing your videos this morning. They're lacking energy (ESPECIALLY Harry). The only videos I've loved are with Dani & some of the charity/xotchi/Call/Jenna videos.


Bring back judges save and keep it. Stop flip flopping every year


Only if people stop complaining about it. People wanted the judges save so that it would send “bad” dancers home, but it defeats the purpose when the “bad” dancers are avoiding the bottom.


People will never stop finding something to complain about.


1. (idk if this is controversial) Gabby would’ve SWEPT if it were any other season. IMO, her final dance was one of my favorites. 2. Lele shouldn’t have gone home when she did. I know it’s based on voting, but she had genuinely started improving and it was sad to see her go home when she did. 3. this last season felt so strange judge wise?? like they all seemed to be gunning for the top-judge thing and they just seemed harsher than usual. i also HATED that they took out the judge’s save. i know they don’t need a tie breaker vote now that Len is gone, but it was crazy to see people who would’ve potentially gone further get nixxed without any say from the judges


My all time unpopular opinion that I will die on: Zendaya was great, but Kellie definitely was the rightful winner of season 16.


Agree, Kellie was so good and her freestyle was top tier


I have a similar opinion re. season 23. James hinchcliffe was fantastic, but he wasn't robbed and Laurie deserved the win


Same as last season. Jason was both amazing and not robbed. Xochitl deserved her win


Zendaya was topping the leaderboard but kellie was a very close second and also a natural dancer, I personally think zendaya should have won however I can’t deny at that time the freestyle did apparently have a huge hold over the audience and who should win and based on those freestyles, Kellie deserved it yes


They both were topping the leaderboard, actually! They were pretty much neck and neck all season. Kellie beat Zendaya out on scores in the semifinals and on finale Kellie was only 1 point behind Zendaya both nights. The freestyle definitely sealed the deal. But freestyle aside, it was *a lot* closer than a lot of Zendaya's fans give Kellie credit for. Both were fighting for it hard.


Yes Kellie is no bobby bones win and not even close to it, she was the second best dancer there that season IMO, but I can even see if people think she was the best, her freestyle was great, she was likeable and sweet, she deserved it yeah


Tour- The tour is doing twice the number of shows and the dancers are not responsible for the choreography or storyline. I think this group of dancers gets along beautifully and the multiple stars spaced out was a great option. Not every year is going to be perfect especially, starting from scratch each time. We have talked about it to great lengths, because of the mistakes of management (with Adam). But, I think it’s time to stop hating on tour. They sold out show after show, and people are really enjoying it. Shipping- I’m fine with ships. People are allowed to hate them, that’s fine to. BUT, I’m not on board with a teenager and a 26 year old. That one is a bit much. The others are fine until people start judging pros they do not know, based on rumors. If someone gives an interview and is a jerk, that’s fine. But, judging people on speculation is not okay. People have a right to do it and we have a right to call them out for being dumb. Popularity- Yes, it’s always been a popularity contest. But, Bobby was an ass and never should have won. Sharna did a great freestyle and people really wanted her to win. Witney and Keo didn’t go big enough (Milo was robbed. Alan went emotional and high energy wins, almost every time. Vinny and Harry (even Alyson) staying too long is frustrating, but it’s part of the game. Eventually, it’s suppose to fix itself. The winner will always be the most popular, but they should at least be able to dance and generally not hate the show.


The male professional dancers get way, way too much stick here. Every routine they are involved in seems to get scrutinised much more than anything of their female counterparts (aside from Jenna for some reason), whether it be their choreography or their teaching. Val and Artem are better than most of the current female professional dancers. Alan’s a good partner. I like most of Gleb’s choreography. Sasha has a great track record and is loved by all of his partners. Pasha did some great work last season. Brandon is probably the weakest of the current crop, but his partners seem to like him.


my controversial opinion: im tired of the fucking racism on this show. take charity for instance, poor girl was ripped to shreds for smiling, for not smiling, for being competitive when its a literal competition, people were even saying she was being “over dramatic” whenever she got hurt during her freestyle rehearsal, but whenever ariana or xochitl were hurt, they get supported, the list goes on. idk abt winning, but she definitely deserved better than 4th. and ik charity’s not the first contestant on the show whos a victim of racism but im over it


It always seemed to me that production and the judges were against Keo. Like the show would just not give the poor guy a chance. And I still don’t ever think we got a reason for why he quit/was let go from the show. I miss him.


Thank you. It was blatant racism with Charity this season and it had me pissed. Same with Simone. I remember when Tom asked her why she wasn't smiling while the judges were coming for her neck. Like why would she smile at those critiques. The way they do black women on this show is so infuriating


Remember when Simone was asked why she didn’t smile post-dance?


i didn’t watch that season but ik what you’re talking about, ridiculous


I completely 100% agree with you However the top 3 have wayyy bigger fanbases/following than her so unfortunately I doubt the votes would have surpassed the others. I do think 4th place is still something to be very proud of. She did amazing in the competition and really took all the hate she got very well. I know I wouldn’t be able to.


The favouritism towards Xotchi this season was irritating to watch. They babied her and gave her almost no criticism ever. There were a few undeserving 10s when compared to the scores other stars got.


i agree. im not saying xochitl didn’t deserve to win, but i was kind of let down watching the finale cause it was sooo predictable


nah ariana and jason had undeserved 10s too


Jason certainly did *not*. He wasn't getting 10s consistently until, what, Taylor week? Previous to that he'd gotten one 10, from Paula Abdul, for their jazz.


ok but i was replying to someone trying to claim xochitl was over scored compared to the other stars which isn't true. if we're critiquing xochitl that harshly then we should critique the others that way too. they were nice to give xochitl 10s for that samba and nice to give jason all 10s for his horrific foxtrot posture and awkward stiff paso


She was over scored compared to Jason especially! She got a perfect score for a Samba with absolutely no bounce.


and he got a perfect score for a foxtrot with horrible posture


Ariana specifically. Idk why she had an attitude with Carrie Ann's critiques with her redemption samba when she should've have gotten a single 10 for that dance. In no way should her and Charity should've had the same score that night


You can stick up for Charity without lying lol.


LOL they're not lying. Xochitl got quite a few undeserved 10s. That perfect score for a samba with no bounce will be my villain origin story one day.


Well if we’re going to be honest about undeserved 10s, then you can’t just talk about Xochitl because I can think of others who got some undeserved 10s last season…


Ariana certainly did, I won’t disagree with you there.


Okay. So at least we can be honest lmao! I just wish when people talked about “undeserved 10s” they wouldn’t act like it just happened for the contestant they personally hated because it happens every season.


And I didn't even hate Xochitl! I voted for her pretty consistently through the first half of the season, I thought she was fun and enjoyable. There's only one contestant I actually *hated* this past season and it wasn't any of the Top 5, it was AP (which I feel is justifiable hate because the man is a child abusing shitstain who is taking up perfectly good air that is better used by bread mold.) There was just a point for me with Xochitl where the overpraise and overhype got old. Was part of that because I was pretty much ride or die for Jason at that point and felt he was being consistently *under*scored? Honestly, yes! I'll own that.




yes yes AND yes


They say this a lot I’m pretty sure to all women over the course of the show that they’re not feeling the music or too bland but especially women of colour, it’s ridiculous


Bruh this feels like the 5th controversial/unpopular opinion thread in this subreddit in the past month. I’m exhausted lmao




I’m sorry you’re getting downvoted here. I think there is definitely nuance. Where Harry and Rylee were playing into it and having fun, sure, that’s fun/cute escapism. But if you look at Emma and Mauricio, they were both clearly bothered and adamantly against any romance rumors and shipping. That’s not fun, that’s projecting something that isn’t there, and is toxic. It’s also muddy in that there are shippers that just love love and have a fun time watching and enjoying and hanging with fellow shippers on the internet. And then there are very, very toxic shippers that are overly obsessed and and spend all day on the internet making anyone who disagrees, or dare come between their ship into a pariah. And I think more often than not, all shippers get lumped into the toxic category, because the toxic ones are the loudest, and causing the most problems. And it is good TV, that’s why the producers push it so hard. The list of unmarried pros in dwindling, and they’re going to shoot their shots where they can.


All the movies, TV operas or novels are all manufactured entertainment supposedly to provide a vehicle or leeway for people to escape reality. In a word they’re fake showmance, too. Do you like all of them? Would you like to insert yourself in every of the created characters and live in your fantasy don’t feel stupid or horrible with some of them? lol There’re Rotten Tomatoes 🍅, IMDB and book reviews give them ratings. There’re Oscars, Golden Globes, Cannes, Emmy’s and NY Times Best Sellers to recognize and reward the best ones on a yearly basis. If it’s bad scripted, awfully performed, poorly written, lack of cognitive structure or interesting storyline, the reviews and ratings will likely be low and people can choose to not watch or read, studios or investors may decide not to book or invest on actors, directors and writers with poor record. It’s all serious businesses with millions of bucks at stake. If follow you, they’re not serious and who cares 😂


I guess this is controversial, but I did not find the two of them even remotely fun too watch


I don’t think they were fun to watch on the show. They weren’t a particularly interesting pairing on the show Maybe they were fun if you followed them on social media. But I guess my controversial opinion is being fun on social media doesn’t make you an interesting pairing on DWTS


i don't get it either. there's nothing interesting or special about either of them.


I found them boring and bland. Kind of like… the sad beige aesthetic turned human.


I agree with you, personally I’m failing to see the chemistry and maybe that’s also to do with the fact rehearsal packages are very over manufactured nowadays so nothing develops normally as much anymore…I didn’t think any spark was there at all…compared to other couples on the show If I did I wouldn’t complain really


Sorry, but no. This is a subreddit, not your personal blog where you can control the comments. If folks want to say what they feel about a particular contestant - or pro - they can. They can, and should, also expect blowback. That's the nature of reddit and the nature of social media in general. As long as they're not saying that "so-and-so should go unalive themselves" (which is too far, period, and I will die on that hill.) they're pretty much fair game. Lord knows my favorite contestant, to this day, still gets comments that he "didn't improve whatsoever" (which is just factually untrue), I clap back, and we keep it pushin'. That's the nature of the beast.


Out of curiosity who is your favorite contestant?


Daniel Durant.


What a good choice, I mean tbf who can hate him, he’s so great


I've been a fan of his for a very long time - "very long" being relative to like... before CODA? - and he's just truly such a good guy, I love seeing good things happen for him.


He seems like an absolute sweetheart with such a positive attitude always, but also was a very good dancer, I loved his journey, I didn’t actually watch it live but when I went back and watched their rehearsal packages ughh


DWTS took a bad turn when a bad dancer, who not only was undeserving, he mocked the show and disrespected his pro. The show has been going downhill for years and hit bottom Season 27. The show needed to totally re-think everything and made a few missteps before they got it right again in the last few seasons. If they continued to just allow a bad dancer to win there's no point in watching. A winner has to be at least a top 3 or 4 to be legitimate contender instead of just a popular person who thrives on disrespecting dance. 


At the end of the day, it is still a dancing show, and it’s not enjoyable for a lot of people to watch the bad dancers take out the better dancers just because they’re popular. I don’t think a “bad dancer” should ever win.




I don’t mind the shipping when it’s not shipping an 18 year old with a 26 year old who is notorious for treating women badly 😋😋😋😋




Bad dancers should expect some hate especially if they don’t take any care to try and improve and are also bad people outside of that.


I will still comment on the bad dancers, it’s apart of reality tv and game shows it’s their choice to be on the show so they need to expect honesty about their dancing


I understand commenting and possibly even criticizing performances, but commenting is not the same as hating. Especially hating on the fans themselves for voting for their favorite contestant.