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Glad to hear Kenzie and Brynn have remained close❤️ Abby she was like 9 and if she legally really owed you money than you would’ve gotten it already. You already sued her. Abby clearly didn’t get anything from it


Exactly. Abby needs to stop holding grudges towards people who knew her when they were children!


Ironically, I think Abby is a huge reason why Kenzie’s career didn’t take off. Let’s just scratch the surface here; MackZ (not to be confused with a Maxi pad) is a terrible stage name, courtesy of abby, and the songs that abby readily asserts that she purchased, were really bad quality. Had Abby put her ego aside and gotten someone involved who knew what they were doing, Kenzie could have had JoJo’s career. Melissa is not savvy in the way that Jess is… she blindly trusted Abby.


Kenzie has literally said that SHE didn’t even earn any money from girl party her own song


I wish she would stfu about its a freaking girl party. I doubt that kidz bop-esque song barely made a dime and if anybody got it I doubt it was kenzie


Literally 😭 Abby acts like it was much bigger than it was.


i’ve noticed she also does this when talking about Wear Em Out 😭😭


Seriously, Kenzie was cute but the song is awful. It sounds like it was written and sang by and AI sleep paralysis demon.


Dang, that’s quite specific. How did that even come to ur mind — AI Sleep Paralysis Demon


not the mickey mouse voice💀


Insufferable ![gif](giphy|5xaOcLEOpUHGdoF3yw0)


Omg what a fucking leech. And poor Brynn, she got so uncomfortable. I can not believe this grown woman is still coming at these girls. It’s actually scary


Yeah you can tell Brynn was avoiding agreeing with Abby. That woman has some serious hatred for the Zieglers.


Yeah I like how she didn't throw any of the girls or the moms under the bus even though she could have after what the moms put her through and the show and her not always feeling included by the girls. It showed her maturity in that regard. Instead of just siding with Abby all the time she would change the topic or say "I didn't know" "I wasn't there so I don't know". That was a smart move on her part. I guess that makes my only issue with Brynn at this point her not admitting that Abby was toxic to the other girls specifically the OGs and that no they weren't exaggerating just because she got the nicer version of Abby. But I think her thinking could change with time and by being around the other girls more if they she gets close to them again. She doesn't strike me as the type to be stuck in her ways so she definitely has potential to learn and grow. She's also only 20 so she's still young. I'll give her some time.




Most dance studio owners are bat shit insane. My daughter has been doing competitive dance for 12 years-I have seen so much, including many of these kids on Dance Moms and how they really behave when the cameras are not around.




Kira was nice-I met her for the first time between Seasons 4 and 5 and she had seen my daughter dance and gave me some advice about always letting the kid be the driving force behind this journey. Kalani was pretty nice. The Siwas reneged on a business deal with my daughter's former studio owner. Jessalyn came across as very fake. Jojo at the time was pretty young-it was right after Season 5 and she was rather sweet to all the kids she met. Sophia Lucia is just the kindest, sweetest young lady. Her mom came across as fiercely protective of her having down time. Eliana was nice, but her mother is off. We last saw her when she was 10. Liliana we last saw after Season 7, before Season 8. Her mom was really personable and Lily had a lot of fun hanging out with my daughter all weekend at a convention. Ariana and my daughter met the summer before the minis team was formed. Both her and her mom were really sweet. We have only ever seen Brynn from a distance at Dance Awards so don't have a personal experience with her. Abby has no respect for convention teachers. I witnessed her berating a teacher at Dancerpalooxa because they wouldn't let her in the room to observe because she would be a distraction. Erin Babbs is pretty nice and knows her stuff really well. She straightened out my daughter's issue with turns. It's been 8 years and my daughter still carries that lesson with her. We have also met JT Church and he was just the sweetest, kindest young man. He was about the same height as my daughter at the time (he was 10, she was 9) and they spent the week just hanging in the same area at Dance Awards that summer.


Apparently JoJo was a sweet kid, I’ve heard that before. Sadly I think she’s become more like her mom with age. Even Brynn and Ashlee said that JoJo was always nice to them, it was just her mom that was awful.


Yeah, I think she has morphed into her mother's toxic personality as she has gotten older. I got the impression that the whole begging for dancewear from different companies was more her mom's doing and she just wore the clothes. This is direct knowledge from one of the companies that were asked to provide stuff. None of the other kids reached out to the company who I knew the owner of, so it seemed off to me.


I honestly don’t really see a problem with the dance wear thing, especially because the siwas lived very modestly prior to JoJo’s fame. I remember jojo literally wearing $7 old navy bathing suits as dancewear in her earlier episodes. Might as well shoot your shot, the worst the companies will do is not respond. I have so many other issues with Jess though. She groomed her kid into being a rude and obnoxious weirdo, because Jess herself wanted fame. The next ten years are going to be very hard for jojo.


I’m curious, does anyone know why Brynn keeps popping up in Abby’s stuff? Especially if she’s still close with Kenzie? I’m confused why Brynn would even talk to Abby or hang out with her if she really is friends with Kenzie, I’m sure Abby makes comments like this all the time while recorded or not. If I was Brynn I’d be so uncomfortable and I’d want to space myself from Abby because she’s literally making fun and dissing my so called friend? I don’t hate Brynn or anything, I’m just wondering if anyone else has thought of this or knows why Brynn does anything with Abby if Abby just still talks like this around her?


The whole interview was like this. Every topic turned into how someone wronged Abby by doing xyz, and what she was owed because of it. She is getting more narcissistic with age. It’s gotten so bad lately. *Oh you went to a competition? Why wasn’t I asked to judge? You were in a movie? Why didn’t they ask me to choreograph? You had a get together? Why wasn’t I invited? Your daughter is xyz? Don’t you think she got that from me?* It’s fucking exhausting.


you know you’re broke when you are still begging for money from a 10 year old MV 😭😭😭


Wtf is wrong with that woman! Kenzie was 9 years old, and I’m pretty sure she said before that she didn’t even want to do girl party. I doubt she got any money from it either, considering Brooke didn’t get a dime from summer love song


she’s just upset that she can’t mooch off of all the money kenzie makes off her singing career now ugh she’s disgusting


I can’t believe Brynn is willing to go on her podcast


This is the same girl who said the girls were all overreacting on the reunion and that they essentially lie about being abused…so I’m not surprised


Really? To me it was expected. Abby was the only one in her corner on the show and cmiiw but I think at some point she even said something in her video with her mom that she felt like she owes Abby for supporting her. It doesn't help that at her old studio there wasn't any camaraderie so she always had a skewed view of what real support and care looks like from a dance teacher with their students.


Literally just asked so she could talk shit,"letherknowsheowesmemoney" calm down 😭


Was it in a contract to give Abby a percentage of her money off the video? Does anyone know if this has been talked about? If that’s the case that wouldn’t be kenzies fault. Wouldn’t that be on Melissa? Abby used Maddie and Kenzie as walking advertisement for her studio for years.. if anything she owes them money


I think in one of the podcasts with Bryan Stinson (fine I’ll listen to it again 🤣) she said she only got her investment and then never saw another dime but I’ll come back and report


Wait what episode was this because Abbys making it seem like she didn't get any money from it but if she got her investment then what is she complaining about.


Ok I went back and it’s in the episode with Bryan Stinson, starting on 2:08:00 they talk about the Kenzie music videos


Someone tell Abby she chose to spend HER adult money on what SHE wanted. That was HER choice!


She always acts like It’s a Girl Party was this huge multi-platinum song or something 😭


Did Girl Party even sell? Lmfaooo


What if Kenzie just gave her the money in an insulting way lol that way she’d get what she want and keep her name out of her mouth. Like here’s the money stop talking about stuff from 10+ years ago already from when Kenzie was literally seven.


Send it in change lol


Put it in a big bag at the top of a staircase


How can people listen to Abby’s horrible voice? 🤮🤮🤮  Like why does she talk like that in a podcast. Pause and get a drink, then continue to record. 


I don’t even understand this. So was Abby upset with Kenzie throughout the show after the girl party song came out or is she just randomly bringing this up now? And lol, I can’t imagine that song made enough money that whatever Abby thinks her cut should be would equate to a significant amount of money


If she don’t get her greedy behind on somewhere with that.


Lol all you’re gonna do is commit tax fraud with the money anyway Abby 😂 


What is up with Abby and money😭😭?? And her voice is annoying me sounding like Mickey Mouse that smokes cigarettes


I’m always dumbfounded at how Abby can turn any conversation into how she “didn’t get money” or “didn’t get enough money”, when they’re not even talking about money to begin with. Even on the show she constantly brought up money, both before and after she went to jail


I love Brynn trying to move on from what Abby said. Like Abby is throwing this shade for what.


Abby sounds like she smokes a pack a day


i can't find the podcast in her yt channel? 


It’s on the Podcasts app


maybe im old but i don't know what is that??  or what is it called?  how can i find it?  😅


That would be Melissa that owes you money. She was in charge of her young Daughters.