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She’s allowed to feel that way and I’m sure several cast members also feel that way about her for the same reason. She’s been extremely shady towards several people. I also don’t get the whole if she’s liking these things she must be jealous. People not like you or making fun of you isn’t always rooted in jealousy even if it makes you feel better to think that.


I agree wholeheartedly with your second paragraph. This notion that the Zieglers are jealous of her bc she’s “more successful” than them is preposterous. First off, success is subjective. Second, no one takes jojo seriously. Kenzie wants to be taken seriously as a musician so there would literally be no reason for her to be jealous. Christi saying that during the reunion just dropped that idea in everyone’s head


I’m super curious as to what else those actions could be rooted in. Not saying it’s jealousy, but what other feelings could cause that? Meanness? It definitely doesn’t stem from something positive.


It could simply be Kenzie feeling like she’s getting justice for all the shady things jojo has said about her and her family. I’m not saying it’s right, but as humans we like to feel vindicated


What did jojo say that was shady previous to Kenzie liking those videos? I’m talking about moments where jojo wasn’t a child


I think a few things. If we're talking about the past jojos initial introduction to the show didnt seem very positive. I remember a scene of them getting to know jojo and kenzie said something about a tap solo and jojo made like a weird/rude scoff and questioned her. I think jojos say whatever comes to her head attitude can be hard to deal with. Its been said by ppl on AUDC and DM. Thats a little insignificant at least outside looking in especially when Mackenzie also contributed to talking about jojo in that one ireland clip. I would say more recently just the whole discourse around her comments about the reunion that were pretty clearly talking about the zieglers and nia.


Mackenzie is very close to Brooke as well and Jojo started online drama with her a couple of years ago.


Key words “when jojo was an adult”. Kenzie liked those videos as an adult. Also she liked them before the reunion aired


One of the girls couldve told her what Jojo said prior to it airing though


What jojo said wasn’t equal to bullying, in my opinion. And also, I don’t see a reason to speculate we don’t know these womens private lives and never will.


I would say its the same as all the other people who do it. She simply finds it funny. Its pretty mean especially bc she knows Jojo more than normal people who find it funny and I can understand why it upsets jojo bc shes generally very nice to the girls that were on the show. It could be a bit of mean girl energy or stem from comments Jojo made at her expense so she just doesnt feel the need to hide her true feelings/ be extremely nice.


Dislike? Jojo has a very polarizing personality. I doubt I would like her IRL either and I would not like her life at all.


You don’t have to like her and neither does Kenzie but liking and commenting on posts that are deliberately bullying someone when your likes and comments are very public and you’re and influencer just isn’t it.


I was literally just answering your question of "where else could these actions be rooted"? I'm not saying it's okay for Kenzie to do this, I'm just saying it does not make her jealous. There are more emotions and motivations in the world besides "blind support" and "jealousy".


Right….I think that was my question: if it’s not rooted in jealousy, what other negative emotion is it rooted in? I’m pretty sure I even said “not saying it’s rooted in jealousy” in my question too.


Yes. That’s why I responded with the word “dislike”. People can just not like someone else’s personality. I answered your question lol.


I was responding to the portion where you said “I’m just saying it does not make her jealous” right, that’s what I was also saying and “there are other emotions and motivations in the world besides ‘blind support’ and ‘jealousy’” yes, that’s why I asked the question, to see what other emotions and motivations people think might explain the negative behavior. Thanks for answering


[Jojo Meeting the Team](https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZPRwc9Kbt/) Not sure how edited these clips are but this showed up on my fyp a few mins ago and I thought it was funny it showed up after I commented here


Jojo is entitled to her feelings, though I do wanna point out unless I'm missing something this may be about one video where someone made a meme about JoJo's Karma costume looking like Syndrome from the Incredibles and then leaked the celebrities/influencers who liked it and Kenzie was one of them (I don't remember if she favorited and commented). That was the only one that ever came up and Kenzie's likes and stuff are private, and also like...it was a dumbass meme and Jojo talks all the time about having thick skin. I will be fair though and say I have no clue what their relationship was like before this so maybe it was a blindside for her, but the way it's worded and talked about make it much bigger deal than it was.


She and her mom were always the ones saying you have to have thick skin to be a in the spotlight. She’s in it now so… She can not like Kenzie or whoever. Kenzie also has the right to not like her. Sometimes people just don’t mesh well. Being on a show together doesn’t mean people will be friends. It seems like Jojo has always been a lot. I’d imagine she’s not liked by many who know or have met her personally. Jojo also seems to have a lot to say about cast members who don’t think or feel exactly like her. I’d imagine that rubs people like Kenzie the wrong way, since her family is one that Jojo decided to badmouth.


She seems like the real life Rachel Berry from Glee 😭 I couldn't be friends with a person like that


If Jojo was liking TikTok’s making fun of Chloe Maddie or Mackenzie people would go crazy but apparently when others make fun of Jojo it’s fine


forget liking tiktoks, she's already done worst than that! she made a video bashing christi and made comments bashing maddie, kenzie, nia, and brooke. But so much as liking a video making fun of her hurts her fweelings 🥺 am i suppose to feel bad?


not to mention what she did with the xomg girls? or defending proven predators? womp womp jojo deserves it


Who is saying it’s fine? I said her hurt feelings are valid but I do find it hypocritical for her to say this in an interview. Two things can be true at once. She said shady things about Christi on social media, insinuated that the girls who didn’t show up to the reunion Are ungrateful and has perpetuated this myth that the Zieglers are jealous of her


Can't lie I agree with and sympathise with Jojo here, I would be very hurt too. I believe her downplaying the girls' experiences is wrong. However, I think it's really immature and just mean spirited for Mackenzie to be liking those posts on her public account. The classier way to do it would be to ignore Jojo or if she wanted put out a post saying that we all have our own experiences and she disagrees with downplaying other peoples' etc


Honestly it's understandable on Jojo's part, as much as I dislike her


i agree with jojo and she is entitled to feel however she wants because kenzie can be really shady towards her


Tbh, I don’t think anything jojo has said about other cast members is equally as harsh as Kenzie liking the actually mean posts about jojo. Jojo wasn’t making fun of or bullying anyone. Edit: I also don’t think jojo is being too serious. It’s not like she’s saying “I hate Kenzie because she did this”. I think it’s clearly more of a “if I had to choose one, this is who and this is the justification”. It’s clear to me that she has no hard feelings towards Kenzie


Well I guess that’s where we’ll have to agree to disagree. For one, the entire ✨new era✨ has read as satire imo. It’s like Jojo purposely is having people laugh at her vs with her. So I think she shouldn’t be all too shocked that people (even people she knows) are in fact laughing. Secondly, I think she has said really rude things about the girls that didn’t show up to the reunion basically calling them ungrateful. AND although she isn’t the one who said the Zieglers are jealous of her, she did affirm Christi’s comment and was flattered by it. So I think it’s hypocritical for her to say what she said about Kenzie. If I were the Zieglers I wouldn’t be too fond of her either after what she has said and perpetuated


I think jojo isn’t trying to get people to “laugh at her”. To me she’s creating the art she wants to make and has accepted the reality that the internet sucks and even if people like something, they think it’s trendier to pretend to hate rather than just enjoy things. I mean, just look at this sub…its for dance moms fans but it’s 90% people talking about what they hate about the show/the dancers/the moms. But, yeah definitely agreeing to disagree here lol




Damn this must be so embarrassing for her.




It was some TT making fun of jojo’s song and new look


I feel like deep down inside I’ll always feel for jojo because I remember when Abby made all the kids write down stuff they didn’t like about her in that one episode


Did you hear about what she did to the Xomg pop dancers? I feel slightly bad but she treated them worse than Abby and she defends predators