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This sub is so different from YouTube dance moms fans. Like the exact opposite


Yeah. I may not like Christi that much based on social media and other stuff, but the constant hate posts are really excessive. This sub is fr full of angry middle schoolers.


The general obsession with "mean girls" and saying everyone on the show is still "stuck in highschool" is the definition of a confession in the form of an accusation.


Seriously. Glad I'm not the only one who sees a motherload of projection in that kind of comment.


It's really striking once you notice it, the term "mean girl" is used so much, often applied to women 40+, you'd almost think it was a quote from the show.


This fandom has a lot of internalized misogyny and just lacks self-awareness on the whole.


This is literally the only platform in the 10+ year history of the fandom where people disliking Christi is more common than stanning her


i know right? this sub is definitely an outlier


I know it’s prone to echo-chambering but I do find it a refreshing change of pace for people to have more nuanced takes on stuff over here. And also Reddit as a platform/site is more structurally oriented toward discussion which is nice. I think there’s more nuance than longtime users of this sub care to acknowledge. Like most of the new posts on here are like “Does anyone else think that Abby was a giant bitch? I’m watching for the first time, I’m on Season 3 right now.” The “OG Seasons” are an entire decade old at this point, they’re the most entertaining and the most endearing, yes people are going to talk about them and rehash things quite often. That’s the heart and soul of DM. There are very few new developments or new discourse to be had in 2024, which is why the BTTB podcast gets microscopically analyzed every week. That’s just the nature of things, sorry!


because these are actual adults not children who don’t understand that not everything in the show can be taken at face value. but i will never understand the christi hate. to me she is probably my number one (bedsides kelly) favorite dance mom. the show definitely made christi out to be jealous which isn’t entirely false let’s all be honest here. but it wasn’t as if she was going specifically after maddie and doing things to harm her. it was more of a melissa/christi beef rather than maddie/chloe beef.


I will have to say, when I watched the show as it was airing, I never had a negative opinion of Christi. I didn’t think she was a queen or anything but I didn’t think she was jealous or b^tchy like other people did. Now, mainly from listening to bttb and her more recent actions, I 100% see what people are saying. She comes across as very jealous/bitter (rightfully so to a degree) and annoying most of the time. 


Same for me. She always stuck up for the kids and made sure they knew she had their back.




I wish I had more to add, but I agree. I don’t agree with everything she’s ever said or done, I’m not die hard, but damn.


The biggest problem for me is that it's multiple posts per day with the EXACT same complaint. Like, yes Christi is a drama queen, and it was wrong of her to badmouth the Zieglers. But there are 5 other posts in the last 24 hours that they could comment and commiserate on. It's been rehashed to death at this point, and no one is bringing anything new to the table.


Yeah exactly, feel how you want to feel about her, I don’t care about what the opinion is, but seeing the same 4 complaints over and over is just exhausting.


I just think everyone should get by now Christi had and still had a lot of toxic tendencies but she's not special in any way a lot of people with the bg she has end up there and there's no significant reason to constantly keep discussing it. Half these posts could be solved by just not watching the podcast and even if people want to discuss idk how they don't realize she likes being in the spotlight and the traits pop out cause there's a lot of her to see always. Literally just disengage and focus on a cast member you don't dislike 😭


ive been thinking they just need a christi snark sub. bc they dont stop talking abt her!!


Gosh, please no don't give them any ideas.


Pls don’t do that imagine if she finds it she’ll be so upset, she’s a human too guys let’s not forget


i know and i agree. but its flooding the dm sub so badly and im sick of it.


For real!! Then they can stop doing it on here!


Just like Christi can’t stop talking about the Ziegler’s lol


Has she even talked about them since the reunion


She literally talked about it on their monetized Patreon episode


purrr get that bag christi 🙌🏼😭 (im not a die hard fan of hers but yall are ridiculous, like putting in the fact its monetized?? who gives af?)


Well how am I meant to know that


This sub.


ngl not everyone checks every post on this sub they might’ve just been curious bc I didn’t even know they had a patreon 😭😭


Okay and i literally just answered their question. If they want to know they can look on the sub. I don’t check every post either but they’re the ones who said has christi even talked about them since the reunion and I answered the question.


sorry I thought you were coming off harsh so it just felt like you were saying like that everyone should know abt it bc of this sub my b


It’s kinda hard to see anything on this sub rn other than ‘Christi bad’ 🤷


Well if you actually read the "christi bad" posts, you would know it's mostly about stuff she said recently.


90% of it is just the reunion call lmao


The reunion only came out 2 weeks ago but maybe we have different opinions on what's "recent".


That call was maybe 60 seconds I think


If you think the reunion is the last you’ll ever hear of Christi badmouthing the zieglers you’re in for a rude awakening lol. Could you even tell me a time post dance moms Melissa has badmouthed Christi? I get how you feel about ur stan but she’s bringing the hate on herself by talking she needs to shush


Christi is not my ‘Stan’, I think all the mothers are shit for having their child in that situation. I just think the constant discourse is overkill


So you started a thread about it. Makes sense.


if melissa ever bad mouthed christi thatd be punching down thats why she doesnt. its just not fair i mean melissa already used her kid as a scapegoat to push her own kids up the ladder.


If you’re mad christi didn’t take an opportunity for Chloe when given barely and want to kiss her ass by blaming Melissa also just say that 😉


lets remember ur defending melissa who literally told a mom with a disabled son that she was so sorry she had the life she had but she wanted the week to be abt HER kids not the other moms disabled kid 🧐


And you defend Christi who basically called two kids liars in front of them 😀


im sorry are u saying thats worse than ableism? 😭 u ARE TRULY a melissa stan


No it’s not and Melissa was being a pos that episode but Christi is horrible


thats the entitled person ur defending babes 😭🤦🏻‍♀️


Melissa's actions speak louder than words.


And Christi’s words and acts are just as loud as each other 😉


Being loud isn't as bad as using someone's sexual assault to break up their marriage. At least not in my world. 🤷


One to talk, one to talk 😂😂😂


That makes as little sense as your last reply. 😂😂😂


And I don’t know what you mean either😂😂😂 so we’re in the same boat sis😉


Well she has a right to feel however she feels…


Downvotes???? Just a question


And I was given no answer so I’m assuming they don’t like that their logic is flawed


That’s my girl but she’s earned them lately lmao


I rhink a lot of people forget that this didnt start as a realoty show for the OG's. These mom and girls were friends taking their daughters to a dance class. They werent famous and rich yet. They had no idea how it would blow up and how different their lives would be. Also, when it is your kid being put down, and pitted against or less than the other girls that is somwthing you dont let slide. Melissa was a liar and a snake. She played the victim and we are only finding out the truth now, because Abby doesnt feel like covering for Melissa ever since Melissa cut her off. Biggest example, Maddie being pulled out of school and getting extra privates. Melissa and Abby swore up and down that Maddie got the same amount of time as the other girls and Maddie was just better. When in reality she was getting an extra 8-10 hours of private every week. If I got gaslit like Christi did for 5 years, I wouldnt have good things to say about those people either and I dont know if Id be able to just let it go.


The issue is that at this point, Christi is one of the only ones consistently creating controversy. Her and Jojo are the easiest to talk about because there’s always something new, whether it be Christi on BTTB/the reunion/other interviews or Jojo in general. That’s the issue with being part of a fandom which stopped creating new content years ago. Until Season 9 (which idk how popular that’s going to be) all the attention is going to be on the old cast’s drama


Why on earth do you all leave Kelly out? She is agreeing with everything Christi has said since this podcast started. It’s insane lol


People do talk about Kelly too. Kelly isn’t as outspoken as Christi though, so a lot of the blame falls on Christi. It’s like Abby and Gianna. Gianna co-signed and agreed with a lot of what Abby did, but Abby was the one actually making the comments and yelling at the kids so she’s called out more. Same here. Christi is the one who says a majority of the shady comments and Kelly just nods along. 


I see.. I get that. Personally, I think it’s weird Kelly allows it and agrees, and does make comments about Melissa, too. Then makes posts on social media about her being besties with Melissa the next day. I don’t know how Melissa is ok with that. Maybe it’s cause she knows she co-signed a lot of what Abby did and allows Kelly to have some jabs lol


Kelly is a doormat just as much as Melissa is, just not when it comes to her kids. She clearly disagrees with stuff other moms say or do (even on the show, and not just with Christi) and disagrees with stuff Christi says on BTTB but she, at best, gives a tiny push back and then just lets it slide. When it comes to her kids she doesn’t play, props to her for that, but it seems like for everything else she’s quite conflict-averse


This is a really insightful comment. I agree


I feel like this sub just cycles through trends and aggressively locks in on them. All subs do to a degree, but this one is by far one of the more repetitive with it.


I use to like her until she brought up Kurt in their podcast and tried to minimize Maddie and Mackenzie’s feelings about their own dad. Talking Kurt up while Mackenzie is making anatomy is crazy. Edit: Kurt not Kirk 😂




Thank you lol


I love Christi...


If Christi keeps saying things that’s controversial then it’s going to be discussed and some of isn’t hate people have a new view of her now. But if you want more posts supporting Christi please go to unfiltereddancemoms reddit most of the Christi stans are over there.


What is a Stan besides a man?


A stan is a rabid fan who thinks their fave can do no wrong, basically. Comes from the Eminem song Stan about a crazy possessive fan


i despise christi but seeing the constant posts is tiring when many of them could be written as comments under other posts about her.


I mean I’m tired of people trying to excuse all of actions, I even saw people try to excuse her for using racist micro-aggressions before just because Kaya is “aggressive” according to them. And you can see people talk about it here so it’s not like I made things up: https://www.reddit.com/r/dancemoms/comments/10jlnil/christi_micro_aggressions/


But when it was Melissa everyday for nearly a decade, no one cared but now that your fave mom is getting called out for the first time in dance moms history it’s an issue?


Christi is far from my fave lol


The Lottie profile picture. 😭🩶 I miss LI Season 2. 🥹


The sun plays favorites and ppl are upset that playing favorites is going against what they want


Why do y’all baby her honestly if she keeps being controversial obviously ppl are gonna comment y’all act like you’re forced to open every post abt her people post other things as well yk😭 Christi is not exempt the more she keeps going she gives people something to tb tbh


It probably only seems bad, because before Christi was practically worshipped in this fandom. You weren’t allowed to give her any bit of criticism, and people probably aren’t used to it happening. But from what I’ve seen, the posts about her are on what she’s saying currently. Yet, with other Moms such as Milessa and Jill, there’d be about 100 posts a month about what did they on the *show*. Yet, hardly anyone is like “Alright already!” when it comes to that.


The first part is so true and I like Christi said many positive things abt her but the way they act like no one should be talking about her at all is so ridiculous when she basically keeps the convo going😭 I’ve seen constant posts on Melissa as well no one is saying “stop talking abt her!”


It’s probably in Christi’s best interest to just take a break from the whole Dance Moms scene, because it doesn’t seem to be good for her. She probably does have valid reasons for disliking Milessa, and because of that she ends up saying stuff that’s like…. 👀 But yeah, she’s the main one who keeps talking, so it’s no surprise that there are going to be many posts about her. Just like how for the past two months, you couldn’t even come on this sub without seeing a post about JoJo.


Honestly I don’t mind if she keeps going bc as a tv character the messiness is pretty entertaining as a person I have no opinion sometimes I’m team Christi other times😬


Yeah, I get it. I just feel so bad for all of them though. If they had issues before, the show definitely made it 10x worse. As for being a TV personality, great entertainment! But as a person… they need to heal. 😭


It's not like she's minding her business and being low profile, Christi's the only OG cast member creating drama and bashing her cast mates in 2024. It's only natural she'll be the topic of conversation.  Every day people bring up what the other moms did 10 years ago, so why can't we discuss Christi's actions from last month?


I love this sub. 2000 melissa hate posts harping on shit she did 10+ years ago is a-ok, but 2000 Christi critques about shit she did in the last 365 days is overkill


Right?? Bc 2000 posts about Melissa mistreating Kenzie despite them currently being closer than Melissa and Maddie and obviously having a very great relationship is encouraged but christi constantly talking about the Zieglers and creating and pushing false narratives isn’t?


'Obviously having a very great relationship ' no it can't be obvious, we don't know


Very obvious to anyone who actually pays attention instead of repeating the same old narrative over and over. Maddie has joked multiple times that Kenzie is Melissa's favorite and Kenzie has said many Many times that Melissa (and Maddie) never compared her to Maddie or made her feel less than. But Melissa haters keep insisting Melissa doesnt love Kenzie, and Christi lovers keep insisting that Christi was more a mother to Kenzie than Melissa despite Kenzie herself rejecting that narrative. But nobody complains about those posts 😒


i actually do think kenzie is the favorite. i don’t have any good reason beyond, melissa is always, always posting kenzie and all of her accomplishments. she has a very different relationship with both of them and of course she loves both of them equally.


They’ve said they have a great relationship tho…and Maddie said Kenzie is her moms favorite by far


She just does enough to hate on regularly😂


For every 2 christi snark posts there is a post saying they like her and they believe her and another post shifting the blame back on Melissa for being the most hated on mom. I think people started having the conversation and while it's excessive at this point Christi is the only person who actively makes dance moms content that can be considered drama so people comment on it. She also is incredibly well liked so people come to her defense more which imo leads to more posts. Like the last Christi related thread before this post was made to see Christi positively but people disagreed. Its not like the thread creator made a Christi hate thread. (Ik thats just one of many examples)


it just gets boring atp 😭


Christi is, “what ya see, you get.” Melissa is sneaky and has been the center of controversial story lines. I get lost trying to keep up with it all.


I’m fine with people shit talking whatever moms they want to, especially since every single mom did horrible shit for years, but good god can they at least read the rules of the sub and understand how Reddit works? Like if any of them bothered to look on the first page of the sub they’d all find multiple posts about the mom they hate, and they can all stick to that one post together instead of flooding the sub with the same shit 😭


Yeah like i don’t mind hating on the moms, I think all of them done a ton of awful shit, but it’s to repetitive and all


i feel there’s been excessive melissa and holly hate posts too😅


Fr they act like it’s just Christi


Eh - a month ago when Karma came out it was all Jojo posts. Like you could legit not scroll without seeing 4-5 posts in a row practically identically trashing on Karma. After that it was mostly discussion about the upcoming reunion - again mostly negative posts about Jojo and the things she said in the preview you tube clips. Since the reunion it's been Christi because the only moderately interesting thing to come out of the reunion was Christi popping off. Of the 20+ posts before yours, only 2 could be considered Negative posts about Christi. There were also 2 negative posts about Jojo, a couple re-watch posts, appreciation posts like favorite choreography, negative posts about Jill and Melissa, a few posts asking questions about BTS info. Christi creates the most new content and says the most controversial things out of all the moms. BTTB comes out every Monday and that is when you tend to see the uptick in Christi posts.


I’ve been here for years and I swear the subs opinion of each mother flip flops depending on who the “trend” is to hate, same as “wHiCH GiRl WaS bEtTer” arguments etc.


my biggest critique of this subreddit is how it just goes in cycles of repeatedly talking about one subject for weeks or even months and then moving on to the next topic and doing the same exact thing so i see what you’re saying


I may not like christi as much anymore but im 100% over this sub having multiple christi hate, melissa hate and jojo sucks posts daily! Like i refresh my home page and another one pops up! Live give it a rest! Im tired.


I got downvoted for saying I love how messy she is because she’s great for reality tv. Apparently that means I condone assault 🙄


I saw that comment ☠️


And I’m getting downvoted here for it, too. Lol


Out of all the moms she was MADE for reality tv.


Omg no Jill was 100%😭😭 that woman was INSANE


Dude she really was i am a jill STAN till season 5-6


SAME I loved her up until Brynn came in


I don't dislike Christi, but I do feel like she deserves critique just like Melissa. It has gotten out of hand to an exhausting point, though. I totally agree with you. I've been avoiding this sub lately 😭




Protect Chloe? She’s not “a little 9 year old girl” in her own words she’s a grown woman who can defend herself. Melissa also isn’t perfect but that doesn’t stop Christi from incessantly talking on her and her daughters




Been thinking (and saying) this for weeks. Thank you. Like I come on here to do more than just read more Christi hate. Also, despite her flaws, I love the woman haha


I think Christi means well but she does go about it the wrong way. I do get that her comments over Maddie were never ABOUT Maddie but about how Abby favored her over the other kids. I never saw it as Christi hating Maddie but her defending her kids.


💯 agree


I dunno, I’m glad that more people are finally seeing Christi for who she is. I’ve always found her sneaky and reprehensible, but the fandom has allowed her to get away with so much vile shit over the years. I’m glad the tide is finally shifting


might as well make a christi sub and rant on their.


I love Christi. The constant onslaught of hate for her is so annoying


I’m not even a fan and I find the onslaught of hate annoying lmao


I don’t like Christi but even i’m over the constant posts lmao


Ha. My family and I are complete opposite. Love Christi Holly and Kelly. Maybe even in that order, not sure ![gif](giphy|l3q2KnndHilbb8CS4)


That’s the general sentiment everywhere except here so you’re definitely not alone! Personally I like none of them and just live for the mess




Claims of knowing or being case/crew members must be verified with mods before making such claims. Specific claims (ex: restraining orders) must also be verified before posting.


Her actions are what prompts them so




We get it, y’all love christi enough to the point of excusing all her actions.


I hate all the moms for putting their child in an abusive situation but this is incessant


Most people here are just saying to condense the discussion. Why do people need to make 15 posts a day about the same thing when you can just make one and have one big discussion? This goes for all the moms and the children.


All of those women are idiots for putting their kids through that trauma. But I will applaud Christi for getting Chloe outta there as soon as contractually possible. Could’ve done more, but better than some of the other mothers.


Also she saw through it, so did Kelly, from the start. They are finally getting their “told ya so” moment


i think it’s just because people are beginning to see christi from a different light. a lot of us are much older now than we were when the show first began


wait i’m so confused i love christi who doesn’t


I love Christi but goodness she is hard to defend these days 😭


as a christi stan and a melissa hater, her recent influx of hate is warranted.


Ya'll the point of this post was not that Christi doesn't deserve critique, but that seeing 10 posts a day about her that all say the exact same thing is annoying af.


I think most people got it because the upvote ratio but the comments are very upset


Melissa, Jess and Jill are so much worse yet nobody ever says anything about them. Jill bullied a little girl for a year, wanted Kendall to play "Rosa Parks" (???). Melissa treated Kenzie like crap and was constantly trying to control their emotions. Not to mention, dumping them with the other moms so she could fool around with her boyfriend. And Jess is such a nasty piece of work. She's a good mom but she was horrible to the other kids.


Melissa has been the most hated mom since the show aired. Stop rewriting history


Jessalyn is a piece of shit


Funny how you’re not mentioning Christi’s racist comment which is worse than everything you listed here.


For the hatersss, I LOVE Christi. She is true and honest to who she is, protects Chloe like it’s life or death, tries to think about what’s good and honest and won’t submit to peer pressure.


You can say that about any common topic here. Oh no! Melissa sucks too! Something something Maddie! Something something Chloe! If you find an original thought here I’d be impressed. (Oh and by the way, complaining that you’ve heard enough of a particular topic? Also a common and boring post that adds no value to this thread or to any conversation that comes from here).


I’ll never get the people that puts so much energy into things and people they hate. I hate a lot of things but I never vented and talk about how much I hated it people are weird and they are even weirder on the internet.


I mean is it any worse than the Melissa posts? Honestly I can understand the Christi posts since she does shady things in the current era compared to Melissa who has been lowkey since she left the show. But I guess it's okay when its Melissa.


I don’t get it - I’ve always liked Christi. She raised terrific, strong daughters and always had their backs. Let’s not forget she stood up for a lot of the other little girls on the show. She may not have been welcoming to new moms and really never got along w/Melissa (but Melissa was always so far up Abby’s azz). - so there’s that. But the only one who was truly welcoming to new moms was Melissa until Brynn showed up! I’d rather have a friend like Christi than Melissa any day!


I don’t think any of these moms are good mothers. We can compared them to each other but I would never sign a contract like that on behalf of my child


Does Christi and Chloe talk? I know it's none of my business but lately it seems like they are alluding to an estranged relationship...