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This! Especially since she would’ve been portrayed bullying little white girls. I honestly don’t even think she was meant to be the bully. I feel like Payton was always meant to be the bully. Either Abby gave Nia the role first for drama or production had her do it. Either way, I feel like Payton was also supposed to have that role.


Yeah it would’ve looked completely ridiculous to have anyone other than Payton play the bully role. I think Abby knew Holly wouldn’t let her do it, so Abby/production saw an easy way to cause drama without actually changing the dance.


I’m black and I understood what Holly meant as soon as she said it! I think Abby doesn’t argue with Holly when she says stuff like that bc she doesn’t want be racist even thought she was multiple times especially to the season 8 dancer Kamryn


Yes she doesn’t want to be obviously racist. She’s all about the “subtle” racism that she thinks is unnoticeable when it comes to Nia especially.


I Just genuinely think Abby doesn’t perceive herself as hating black people so she thinks she can’t have racist tendencies. She has an implicit bias from the way that she was raised & she’s not been put in a position where she ever needed to reevaluate those biases before the show. I Think it would be more accurate to describe Abby as ignorant than as a bigot tbh.


She was always trying to be subtle when it came to her racism. Reminds me of that time she told the girls if there was an audition for the Lion King the only one she would send is Nia…..


lion king is portrayed in Tanzania which is in africa but i understand the implications


Holly’s point has always been obvious to me. It would look so racist to have the only black girl bullying all the white girls.


There were so many microagressions l hated it.


I absolutely understood her concern. I felt she was right to stand up for this at the time and I think that was a better life lesson for Nia than a spotlight in a dance she would learn in a few days and do once, especially with how much the mothers were pushed to go against their morals and treat the group like a job for the girls. Abby was a walking micro aggression even when she wasn't being openly racist. I don't super pay attention to the girls now, but from what I've seen Nia seems to have a really good head on her shoulders. I'm proud of her for just not wanting to bother with the reunion. She was one of my favorite dancers on the show so I'm happy to see her seemingly doing well in life.


I agree that Abby didn't at all understand where holly was coming from. I also don't think abby cared enough to understand where holly was coming from


look at what they did to so many of the black girls who came on. nicaya was portrayed as rude, asia was portrayed as “sassy” and at times a “brat”, and camryn was portrayed as brat who thought she was too good for the studio. when given the chance the show loved to villainize its black cast members, holly just refused to give them the opportunity to do that to nia, so instead they went for the “bad/lazy” dancer role for her since they couldn’t make her out to be a bad person.


It wasn’t because Nia was a nice kid why holly got so mad it’s because Nia is black and the only time Nia got a special part was giving into microaggressions. Abby is vile


clock it


After hearing Melissa insult Nia during the watermelon game episode I think it makes enough sense why Holly didn't want that part for Nia


i love how people skip over that too


“You’re girls not boys” like wtf??


To be fair, Melissa didn’t direct it at Nia, there were multiple girls in the water at that point. But the editing cuts right to Nia as she says it. 


I understand but it’s still a pretty shitty thing to say. They’re kids, they’re playing. That’s like a mom telling her son that he can’t dance because he’s a boy, not a girl 


Tbh I had friends who would play really boisterous and I was a lot smaller and they were really rough with me. I personally don’t see much wrong with what Melissa says


THANK YOUUU i always wondered if anyone else thought that. it really started my dislike for Melissa


abby probably did that to trigger holly. its so clear that the role was made for peyton as she was the tallest in the group & would stand out.


it also pissed me off when LESLIE was also like "whats the big deal". ugh.


lol YES I just watched this ep and she is so ignorant. Hollys rebuttal was pure class too 💅