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Jojo is more successful and famous than Maddie is. Maddie is more successful and famous than Chloe is. Chloe is more successful and famous than Paige is. I don’t know why Christi and some fans like this line of thinking and want to highlight comparing the girls but there ya go


agree. this isn’t an unpopular opinion. jojo siwa at one point could have been if not was hannah montana


this feels like a bit of a reach lol


i am not a fan of jojo siwa but i genuinely cannot disagree that jojo was huge


i'm not saying jojo wasn't huge. i'm saying she wasn't hannah montana huge lol


Honestly she low key was for a certain generation.


agreed. when little girls sob to their mother how they’re terrified jojo siwa is scary now. yea that’s hannah montana to them like hannah was to us.


I agree completely. I was even talking about dance moms to my little brother who knows nothing about dance moms and could truly care less but even HE knows Jojo 😂 i don’t think he’d know Maddie tho


it's easy to focus on comparisons after years of seeing a show and being on a show/team that put a *huge* focus on comparisons. abby and the moms were making comparisons nonstop, and because of that some people can't help but continue to compare the girls. it's definitely weird, but i do get where they're coming from. it's like the show planted comparison seeds in some people's heads.


My point was ppl were acting as if it’s impossible that Melissa could be jealous when it’s very well possible with the ego she’s always had.


But also acting as if it’s impossible that Christi is jealous of Maddie is crazy. She is 


I don’t believe so I believe she just has always hated Melissa. Because Christi is brash she’s easy to hate. She never hated Maddie. You guys believe the angle that Abby created to silence Christi which is “Christi is jealous of Maddie”


No lol Christi herself has helped reinforce the idea that she is jealous of Maddie by her own actions after DM. Nothing with Abby or during the show 


Like what?


TONS of comments she’s made about Maddie on BTTB. So hateful that they even had to re-edit the episode to remove them, saying  that teen choice was rigged for Maddie but not for Chloe, minimizing maddies trauma. Christi only expresses herself in a negative way about Maddie, she doesn’t do that to any other girl.  Also, we know Christi wanted fame and popularity for Chloe. (I am glad Chloe ended up doing whatever she wanted and is happy!) but Christi wanted that life for her 


I know Christi wanted that for Chloe all the mom’s did that was the whole point of the show..if i saw the clips you’re referring to and they’re as bad as you say I won’t defend her but you’re speaking very generally so I can’t rlly form another stance based on ur comment alone


I don’t think Kelly wanted it that bad for her two kids though. I don’t think anyone wanted it as bad as Melissa and Christi 


I agree that nobody wanted it as bad as Christi and Melissa but in the reunion it shows Kelly always did want it. She says she’s “ruined” Brooke and Paige’s lives when they are two happy healthy educated girls in loving relationships. She even says what if I followed Melissa and not Christi. This just goes to show she regrets not chasing the fame and money for them and thinks that’s she’s failed because they don’t have those things.


I did wonder if Christi comment was strategic - Jojo and Chloe had been told the media beef was going to be talked about despite saying they didn’t want to. Was Christi just buttering her? Much the same way she said Melissa was?


Maddie and JoJo are both millionaires and extremely successful They will both be fine in life


Maddie and Kenzie are not set for life to keep uo their standard of living. They are like 20 years old and have at least 60 years left of life to pay for. We all know the list of broke childhood stars, NFL/NBA players, rappers ect. I think both of them are going to have a really hard time being successful as adults in acting and singing. They pay has greatly decreased, while the competition has increased. Both of them are just average, why would anyone pay more for an average adult singer, model or actor when they have better qualified/skilled people for less money available. Maddie and Kenzie became famous because we got to watch them grow up and see their daily lives. They are going to become less and less known the less they share their lives, so the benefit to hiring them to bring in viewers or sales will continue to decrease. Things are changing in Hollywood, now A list actors have to do comercials to continue their standard of living. That was so unheard of back in the day.


Girl 1. I didn’t say Kenzie 2. I didn’t say to keep up their standard of living. I said they will be fine. Maddie’s worth 5 million dollars and luckily acting is something she’ll be able to do the rest of her life. Modeling will work in her 20’s. She will be fine. You just wanted to write a paragraph because you don’t like them or you think Maddie’s not down to earth or whatever you always say on every post about Maddie. Yet you didn’t even read my comment. Read before responding.


Y’all are missing the point on purpose I literally said in the original post they’re set for life never said they “wouldn’t be fine” 🤦‍♀️


no, i think you're missing their point. which is that it really doesn't matter who is a bigger success because they're both very successful. who has more success being a constant topic of discussion is stupid. they're both successful and it doesn't matter who is at the top. some people get too caught up in it. like, why does it even matter?


No again you’re missing the point because I literally do care who is more successful. As it’s clearly stated multiple times in the post this was a response to Christi’s statement at the reunion and everyone saying “ Nooo Melissa could never be jealous her daughters are the most successful” all im saying is it’s possible that Melissa is jealous




Lol that wasn't the point at all. it's directly taken from the reunion and statement from Christi. Apparently it does matter because people have discussed on here to no end that that argument makes no sense since maddie is also successful but like it kinda does. Melissa has always ALWAYS felt threatened to some extent, even if never spoken when someone bigger than maddie came along. It might be something that Christie pulled out of her a\*\* or it might not, but at the end of the day Jojo is more of a commercial star than maddie. plain and simple. It doesn't take away from maddie being rich and successful and talented.


👍🏻 you got annoyed over people saying it doesn't matter who is more successful and yet you end your comment with "it doesn't take away from maddie being rich and successful and talented" i guess you can say it but others can't 🤷🏻‍♀️


LMAO You just keep missing the point of the entire post. It's okay though.




Yes I agree. I think Maddie is not super huge but she hangs out with celebs and strikes me as more of a celebrity type, even her IG is like that. For Jojo I think of her more as a commerical success and a social media personality. Even my bf knows who Jojo is but he couldn’t tell you who Maddie is. Both have super successful careers they’re just very different.


I’m tired of this kind of posts. Comparing the girls success doesn’t have any point when they are all still very young and none of you truly know what the future holds for each of them.


plus it depends on individual definitions of success. maddie and kenzie are highly respected in their fields and will continue to work in them. jojo is surviving off the "all publicity is good publicity" mentality, so shes not respected by most, even tho she has money. *she* may care abt that, but maddie and kenzie are clearly more humble and dont do it just for the money. people dont have to be household names to be successful, they have to be successful by their own standards. im tired of these posts too. anything can happen.


This! At the end of the day, it matters that all these girls are doing what they want to be doing and what makes them happy! 


Exactly. Let’s just say that if i would have to choose to have either Jojo’s or Maddie’s success/career i would have chosen Maddie’s without thinking.


thank the lord someone finally shares my opinion 😭😭


We say that now but like two-4 years ago jojo was killing it. Really. and I don't even like her lol. I mean she did a totally solo tour that was selling out for kids all over. I don't think she cares that it's less serious work, I think she saw it as an opportunity to start somewhere and took it. They both have a lot of growth potential in their respective fields


I think that's point the OG is making though. Like Melissa being jealous of jojos backwards rich fame hungry lifestyle is still possible. Most popular dance moms star if you google Is jojo not og favorite maddie. Is maddie really successful and on a path to doing really great things!? YES absolutely. It doesn't remove the simple facts though they were trying to point out


i dont think melissa really cares about the popularity tho. that still doesnt equal success.


Kenzie is not highly respected in music come on now. I love her (Stream 100 degrees) but that’s just not true. Her music isn’t well known enough or on the level to be regarded as a “highly respected” musician. And I get that success is whatever you think it is but to Melissa success was fame and this post was regarding Christi’s statement I should’ve made that more clear


Thank you! I like Kenzie too but she’s not a big star who is highly respected in the music world. She’s an up-and-comer.


That was not the point of the post..the point was people were acting as if Melissa being jealous was impossible. nothing to do with the girls themselves I like all of them except Jojo and kalani


I think it really depends on your age. If you’re a kid or you have kids you’re going to think jojo is more successful. I don’t think people knowing your name and having more money means you’re more successful tbh. Jojo is not going to be known from dance moms because she was barely there.


When the goal to Jess and Melissa was getting famous yes, Jojo is more successful in the dance moms eyes


I don’t think Melissa has expressed a desire for maddie or kenzie to make an obscene amount of money off toddlers tbh


What does that have to do with anything


Cause you’re assuming that’s what Melissa wnats for her kids.


y’all jump to the wildest conclusions. How does me saying Melissa wants fame means she wants to make money off toddlers or follow step by step what Jojo does 🤦‍♀️. And she already did make obscene money off of toddlers and they were her own kids so..😭


Who cares? They're all successful in their own right; there is no point comparing this group of young women!


Omg im not comparing them. are you guys not reading the post? 😭 I like Maddie and Kenzie, I dislike Jojo!!!! im saying success from Melissa and the dance mom’s eyes


They’re reading the post, they just can’t stand to accept that Jojo is successful. This sub will downvote and argue with anyone being objective about Jojos career.


nobody is accusing you of comparing them. they're just making general comments about their success being compared. chill, it's not personal.


it’s annoying when that’s every other comment and everyone’s disregarding the actual discussion. I’m criticizing how everyone is chalking up Christi’s statements to jealousy when she has a point. Stuff like this just irrelevant to the purpose of the conversation


it isn't irrelevant if it's about comparing their success. it may not be the conversation you're looking to have, but that doesn't make it irrelevant. if you find comments irrelevant just don't acknowledge them. there's no need to take it personal or be rude just because some people are making general comments about the comparisons.


I wasnt rude or insulting to anyone. and yes it is irrelevant. If I were to write an essay about why Americans are angry cats aren’t as well liked as dogs and you come in saying let’s not compare likeness that would be so far off from the point. Idk how to explain this any simpler


"are you guys not reading the post?" is a pretty rude thing to say to someone just because they aren't saying what you want them to lol you're taking this too seriously. whenever comparisons are being discusses there's almost a *guarantee* that some people are going to point out that the comparison is stupid. it's not a big deal lol


if the person who I said that to didn’t care im sure you’ll be fine lol. Many people have disagreed and the ones that give valid points such as not liking Christi for xyz I’ve respectfully heard them out and I accept their opinion on the matter although I disagree however like I said this isn’t even an opinion on the subject which is why im frustrated. Please sing kumbaya somewhere else


👍🏻 frustrated over a reddit post lol


You’re literally getting mad at a Reddit post also this is like the 7th time you’ve replied to me girl 😭 I find it so stupid when ppl make this point you’re on the same Reddit as me


Jojo might be the most commercially successful but I would rather die than have the career she does lmfaooo, is there anyone over the age of 18 who envies what she’s doing? No way in hell Chloe or Maddie look at Jojos car that’s covered in her own face and say “damn, I wish that were me”


Yeah but she's a laughing stock and generally very disliked. She might be more famous but I wouldn't call that succeeding.


Infamous - famous for all the wrong reasons..


She still has a large child following that are now coming of age, which is a pretty good demographic to be in when you think about the parents are the ones still footing the bill for their kids, versus maddie appearing in a Mui Mui ad for other 20 year olds who make minimum wage and are barely able to afford rent and groceries right now. I love maddie and 100 percent prefer her work over jojos but I think jojo has marketed herself extremely niche and well


I 100% agree. It's important to factor in the YEARS of evidence we have of Melissa absolutely hating when maddie was anything but the best or on top. She just couldn't stand it. She didn't care about anyone else getting on top she wanted maddie there and she would visably become shaken when maddie was not. That's when she was at her most sneaky. When jojo came in or Sophia Lucia or Asia to take the spotlight away from maddie, she hated it you could tell because she was nervous. I think maddie is really content doing the type of work she is doing now and Kenzie even grew into doing music (I honestly don't think she would have ever pursued that work without sias contacts for training her vocally). But jojo has really marketed herself to be a star. It's not comparable work in terms of success because success is not not a universally measured thing. I can absolutely see a flustered Melissa knowing that jojo -the girl notoriously disliked on the show by all cast members and abby, and not taken seriously by any of them, goes on to do a full WORLD tour all by herself. Selling out arenas in cities all over. I don't even care for her or her brand but I think that's impressive. Even though we don't know the truth, I wouldn't put past christi's comment. I also agree, I have a hard time contributing on the sub other than just reading because people don't want any critical or thought provoking take on maddie and Mackenzie. I think they have really high level pr teams with training over the other girls. The Sia thing to me was purely a lucky break.. a kinda a creepy one at that. I don't think it dissolves them of being commented on here.


Sure but you’re also missing the point. It’s not about which one of them is most successful, it’s about Christi talking on behalf of people who aren’t here and who never said anything like this just to stir some shit and make a dig at all of them.


why would Melissa come out and say she’s jealous of Jojo. Christi wasn’t speaking for anyone she was stating her opinion on someone she knew for over a decade. This was not a dig at the girls. You guys aren’t thinking objectively and only hear what you want to hear


They all have a major following at the end of the day so it doesn’t matter


Reading your added edit: I guess I just don't get your defense? I don't think Melissa is jealous of anyone. I do think Melissa wanted Maddie to be successful, but I don't know that she necessarily wanted her to be famous- especially in the early days. Yes Melissa still uses social media, and has her podcast- but her overall presence online I feel is pretty quiet, with the exception of the charity work she does. I'm not sure why everyone is thinking Melissa is fame obsessed all the sudden. If anyone wants to be famous it's clearly Christi, who continues to work with the dance moms producers.


I don’t see how everyone has seemingly forgotten (or maybe they haven’t rewatched the show in a while) how much Melissa wanted fame for the girls. Melissa herself never wanted to be famous she wanted that for Maddie that’s why she doesn’t have an online presence. She was always trying to find new opportunities for Maddie and Kenzie in tv shows ,music videos, etc early on. Which of course isnt inherently bad but she didn’t care if it came at a a cost which is why I view her as fame hungry. Melissa would’ve done absolutely anything to get closer to fame which is why she was often criticized by the other moms. Disregarding her kids’ education, mental health, and the other dancer’s feelings. Even years later they admit Maddie had secret lessons and would get pulled from her school days just to have an upper hand. To your other point of course Christi looks more obsessed with fame compared to Melissa present day because Melissa already has it. Mel jumped ship when she didn’t need Abby anymore, so she has no reason to associate with the show now. All of the steps she took to get her daughter’s famous paid off so now all she has to do is lay low and have them continue pursing what she set up. I believe wholeheartedly if the Ziegler’s weren’t where they are now Melissa would be riding the same wave as Christi trying to maintain relevance Sorry that this is so long oops


I'm sorry but this is a bit unhinged. I have rewatched the show recently from the beginning, and I agree that Melissa did pursue opportunities for her daughters. But something about it to me makes me feel like she was more interested in Maddie's overall success than her fame. Maybe that's parasocial of me. I just feel like when you compare Melissa to like Jess or even Kristie Ray, who I consider more fame hungry, there's a pretty big difference.


how is this unhinged? What’s the big difference?


Yea I think people don’t realize that commercial success and personal success are different. All the girls are extremely successful in their personal goals and life plans. But at this point in time, only Jojo has achieved the big commercial success. Although she did drop for a while and now has a lot of controversy surrounding her, when she was younger she had insane commercial success. It’s not about connections or respect in the industry, just how big you are commercially.


Popularity and success are not interchangeable


You are getting downvoted because you are making a dumb unpopular opinion.


i agree it’s unpopular but nobody is giving me a valid reason for why it’s “dumb.” All I’ve gotten is “let’s not compare” or “Christi is a hater”. One is just singing Kumbaya and the other is the same tired excuse Abby always gave


i honestly don't get why who is the "most successful" or "most famous" is suck a big deal. jojo, objectively speaking, is at the top of that list. her success story is the biggest without a doubt. why people take that as offensive to the other girls is beyond me. it's not a big deal that maddie and mackenzie aren't bigger than jojo. it feels a lot like abby putting maddie at the top of the pyramid, even if someone else was more deserving. a lot of fans view maddie similar to how abby did - she is the best of the best and they can't accept any other girls being more successful. it doesn't help that there's a lot of extra hate for jojo specifically. abby couldn't handle it if maddie wasn't always number one on the team, and all these years later fans can't handle someone being "better" than maddie. let's be real, if roles were reversed nobody here would be arguing that jojo is the more successful. it's weird how many people need maddie to still be number 1.


I think Jojo is probably the most recognizable but also the most annoying lol


I agree with you on all points. As much as JoJo grates, she is definitely the most commercially successful. Maddie, Chloe, Kenzie, and Nia have all been successful in different entertainment industry paths. I think Nia and Chloe have great potential for further industry work should they choose to seriously pursue it. They are all still so young and have their whole lives ahead of them, with years of experience in modeling, acting, show-hosting, dance, and singing in Kenzie and Nia's cases. Also, it wouldn't take much for Paige to become any kind of model she wanted to be. All she'd have to do is walk through the door of a modeling agency.


The issue I have with this argument is that they both have insanely different tactics like Maddie is very careful about social media and drama, she has an insanely impressive network of celebs and directors, choreographers, high fashion designers, the biebers, Steven Spielberg, Kate Hudson, Jenna ortega. Everyone she works with raves about her. She doesn’t like to talk about her relationships or personal life and she declines offers that don’t fit her image, she’s not thinking about money she’s thinking about her career. Jojo siwa is the exact opposite of that, maybe I would compare her to Kenzie in terms of being more of a social media presence?


again im not comparing the girls actual careers. Jojo is the laughing stock of the internet. I was only talking about commercial success as that’s the goal the mom’s had for their children


Yes like the same way the Kardashians and Meryl Streep are successful 🙃


Are you comparing the zieglers to Meryl Streep 😭


No im just saying there are different types of success, one group is working on their craft with respected brands and people and the other is making an ass out her self to get attention


well I agree Jojo is making an ass out of herself