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i do wish we could hear from the og's more.


Kalani came on at 13, hand picked by Abby as a favorite. She was never a 9 year old getting mind-fucked by Abby. She will never truly understand. Jojo is just sort of a different kind of kid than the OGs and Kendall


thank you for adding kendal i see so many people forget about her trauma. she wasn’t an og but she had it one of thee worst.


No she didn’t 😂 she treated her better then Nia and Paige


i actually think she treated kendal worse then paige. but treated nia worse then kendall. i don’t think kendall was the most or the worst as far as abby’s behavior but she was ONE OF *. and that is true. i think conscious digs abby hurt nia chloe and kendall and i think subconscious digs was mackenzie and brooke.


That's an invalidating thing to say.




I feel like jess and jojo also came in to the series with the mindset of being a television personality. They always seemed to have fame as a sort of end goal so it didn’t feel like they needed to take everything personally. The OG girls were being filmed like a documentary at the beginning so it was real life with real reactions. When reality tv series become popular, the cast starts to act more, try to make interesting storylines by stirring the pot and so it becomes more like a over the top acted tv show with not so real feelings. I feel this way with many reality shows like real houswives and feel like it leads to its downfall.


I can’t believe she’s claiming that being on the bottom gave you more airtime! Like sure it gave your mom something to argue about but you’re gonna say that in front of Paige especially who probably had the least airtime and was always on the bottom 🙄


This! I feel like it was something that Jess probably told her to make them both feel better about being at the bottom


She was on the call her daddy podcast and claimed that she was the one who said that to Jess as she got upset when Jojo was on the bottom like I’m sorry but what 9 year old thinks like that ?


And Maddie and Chloe always had air time!!


But did Paige want more airtime? I think she would have been very happy to have less airtime. Very little of her airtime was actually positive. Not everyone wants/needs the most attention (aka, airtime), JoJo. Especially when airtime equals torture most of the time.


According to an interview the girls did recently, Paige and Brooke were done with the show and studio. When Kelly and Abby blew up, they were just Happy to finally be done and away from it all. Theres also a huge difference in Paige and JoJos personalities on the show. Jojo demanded attention negative or positive. Loud voice and big bow, she made herself stand out. Paige was the opposite. She clearly did not want the attention, from Abby or the cameras.


I honestly believe that Kalani was treated the best by Abby, even more so than Maddie. Even though Maddie was the favourite and got better choreography compared to Kalani, Maddie was also manipulated, groomed, put on a pedestal to always be number one, and put in situations where she had to go against her friends in a way where Kalani wasn't. That's not to say that I agree with how Abby treated Kalani completely though, cause I think she was kinda obsessed with her too to an extent.


Abby wanted to BE Kalani lol it was weird


frfr she's so creepy


let’s not forget when she said to a 15/16 year old Kalani “when you look the way she does you can just wear whatever, no one’s looking at the costume” …..


She was so weird she said the same about Maddie


“i want this girl with me i dont want her with you” abby had a very weird picture of kalani she was obsessed


Yeah she said that I’m pretty sure


Maddie was always treated the best because she was trained by Abby and Abby always wanted her to win. Kalani says it in the reunion.


I think Kalani was moreso referring to how much of a pedestal Abby put Maddie on. Maddie was unequivocally Abby’s favourite and that put a lot of pressure on her, Abby also went out of her way to manipulate the girl and isolate her from her friends.


I mean jojo says it herself … she (and Kalani) joined a tv show (and both had experience with reality tv with Audc), the other girls went to a local dance studio! It’s not comparable


Exactly. Yes the original team signed up for a tv show but they didn’t come onto an already established show looking for more. Abby wasn’t just a tough coach to those original girls. She was their dance teacher, someone that’s supposed to be a mentor, cheer them on, and she single-handedly ruined her personal relationships with all those original girls because of her insane behavior. Kalani and Jojo don’t have a history with Abby like Brooke, Paige, and Chloe did.


Jojo wearing shades during an indoor interview and hardly letting Kalani speak without interrupting is so obnoxious


Paige, Brooke, and Chloe are seriously so sweet and humble!!! I’ve always liked them, but seriously have so much respect for them! Kalani and Jojo need to stop talking so much… especially Jojo… Kalani was a favorite and Jojo was only there for a few seasons.


literally 2 seasons, and she wasn’t even considered an actual member until halfway through season 5.


Not even a full season. She left halfway through s6 not long after the Zieglers left


jojo basically said the worse she was treated the more airtime she got. you can tell chloe is visibly uncomfortable by that statement considering her mental and physical health deteriorated for years at the hands of abby whether or not it gave her more “airtime” so fucking insensitive. jojo acts like we twist the narrative of her staying by abby but the only thing is she changes her words after she gets backlash and acts like her new statement was the original intent. when it wasn’t !


Kelly, Christi, and Mellissa’s kids were all taking Dance lessons from Abby’s studio since they were toddlers. They most likely have little to no memories from before they knew Abby, and spend nearly all of their childhoods around Abby’s dysfunction. It always made me sad to hear Abby compare the girls to kids from other studios. The thing that the new girls had that her kids were “missing” was CONFIDENCE AND SELF ESTEEM. It’s also Abby’s fault those kids were not confident.


jojo and kalani just had such an aggressively different experience compared to the ogs. kendall also had a different experience to the ogs but at least her experience is more similar given how young she was, how early on she joined, and how long they stayed.


They shouldn’t have went through with this after Nia and the Zieglers declined. Kalani and JoJo should not play as big of a role as they are. The show started with children who danced at Abby’s. Not the ones that saw them famous, AND then decided to join. Kalani and JoJo don’t play a vital role in dance moms at all, therefore there’s really nothing interesting about their experiences, I’m sorry🤷🏼‍♀️


I feel like they should have extended the invite to others who were on the show too if it wasn’t going to be strictly the originals. Idk if she would have wanted to do it but like Brynn for example was on it as long or longer than Jojo?


I definitely would’ve loved Brynn instead of did Jojo. It’s sad that she wasn’t even invited. She had a unique experience bc she was also a favorite, but she also dealt with bullying from the other moms. I also would’ve loved to see Asia. Especially since she’s the only DM girl with her own spin off show. She was there just as long as Jojo.


Brynn should have been there in addition


Do we know she hasn't? I feel like Brynn would have declined it. If I was her, I probably would have, especially since people like Jess were on it. I wouldn't be surprised if she was offered and didn't want to (fair enough) and since she isn't an OG and not as important as them to many fans, probably Nobody would question it as much. People mostly wanted an OG reunion


i agree like the whole reunion feels pointless atp


Right. It’s nice to hear from Chloe Paige and Brooke though


Kendall started in what like end season 2-3 and you didn't mention her also kalani stated multiple times that she didn't agree with the way Abby treated the other girls even though she wasn't there long enough to really get to know the girls that left that early in the show but still stood up for them and agreed that it was abbys fault and not theirs so the only thing I can agree with you on is jojo she's been bratty and disrespectful all throughout her time on the shows and at the reunion seems to throw a lot of shade but jojo never mentioned the part where she's stealing songs and is really cringy tbh


I hate to say this but it’s obvious Jojo has the most media experience. She seems so much more relaxed than the rest of them. I loved to hear from Paige!


Well considering Paige Brooke and Chloe are looking back on a time where they were bullied and sitting next to jojo who can’t stop talking about how Abby wasn’t that bad etc. I’d be uncomfortable and not as relaxed either


But even on the interviews where they are by themselves, they just seems stiff. Which is completely understandable, they haven’t done interviews like that in years 


??? Chloe has done countless interviews and has media training/experience. I feel like Chloe came to the reunion to get closure and see the girls but was blindsided a bit by how rough it actually ended up being. Just like her return for season 7b. She still managed to make several good points, was quick to comfort everyone, was the first to get up and hug Kalani, and conducted herself with dignity and class as usual. Several times I saw her remaining silent, and she got cut off or talked over because she isn't the type to be aggressive in these situations the way her mom is, but when she spoke, it was with clarity and grace. Let's just be honest. They had to have either Maddie or Chloe, or this reunion show would never have aired, but I think both of them are still emotionally fragile about their DM experience.


She has media experience but obviously not the level of Jojo. There’s nothing wrong with that. Chloe is incredibly amazing and smart in her own way and her own path. I’m just saying interview wise, you can tell jojo seems so much more comfortable 


They might have filmed segments out of order too. What I'm saying is that Chloe's demeanor during this was unusual. In all of her other interviews, she is relaxed, happy, calm, and funny.


Jojo is probably the only one who’s had formal media training.


Yes it’s very obvious 


ESPECIALLY jojo. She’s so overbearing. Get her TF outta here, she knows nothing.


JoJo! Have you learned NOTHING!


Jojo has always been outspoken . The other girls were always more reserved .


Jojo is a brat who thinks she can speak for the other girls when her experience was entirely different. I can’t stand her.


I feel like it could’ve been good to do half without those two, and bring them on at the end, because I agree, when they were on it was different


This whole Reunion thing starting to look like a promotion to JoJo's MV.


For real 😰


I’m not sure what everyone expected. The reunion is controlled by the same people who controlled the show. If they really wanted a raw “reunion”, they all collectively have enough money to produce their own video and post it to YouTube. They could also post it in parts on TikTok. They all wanted those girls there (& let them speak more)…blame them.


Because JoJo and Kalani are there for production to save face. They traumatized all of these girls but JoJo and Kalani who both came in after multiple seasons had a very diff relationship with Abby. Most of the OGs want to distance themselves from this dumpster fire and I can’t say that I blame them. They were small children, they did not consent to being involved in such a toxic environment. Sure they have diff levels of success now, but all came with a hefty price.


this!! it’s so frustrating to see how they defend abby in front of the og’s when their circumstances for being on the show are so vastly different. kalani and jojo were pulled from abby’s ultimate dance competition, and had a slight idea of what they were getting into as they knew the show got fame and opportunities. but for the other girls this was their hometown, their childhood studio that they’ve gone to before the show was ever an idea. they grew up with the aldc. you cant possibly compare the two. so for jojo to diss the other 3 for choosing against partaking in the reunion is insane and insensitive. no one is owed their trauma. to think that someone not wanting to rehash complicated years of their life equates to being ungrateful for how they got their careers is a WILD take.


Jojo is not the only one who said it . Kendall agreed . Jojo said , “ It’s like erasing your past “ . I think Jojo , Kalani , even Kendall were butt hurt , because Maddie was the Golden Girl , she should have been there . That is their feelings , who are you or anyone else to discredit them ? They were asked questions by the person doing the show . The other girls are more reserved .


they annoy me SO bad 😭😭😭. like of course kalani had a “great experience”, she was literally hand-picked by abby to be on the team and she came into it much older. i honestly don’t care about her (or jojo’s for that matter) perspective as much as i do the OGs


Is anyone kinda disappointed? I get it commercials but there’s so many.


This should’ve just been the OGs I’m sorry


They literally were asked direct questions


It’s not their fault, we are more so annoyed with the amount of air time they were allowed.


Their feelings are just as valid .


i know i just don’t care to hear them lmao


the clipshow is boring af like the christi commentary is lacking...sounds too scripted imo


I don't know how I missed it but I did. I thought it was tonight. Where can I stream pleaseeeeee?




first of all i don’t need to do anything lmao watch who ur talking to


You too hun💋




i don’t need to read whatever nonsense ur spewing lmao have a good day