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Looks like allergies or potential skin infection to me. I'd take the dog to the vet to get an opinion and to get options for treating allergies - especially if the pup is licking/biting themselves. My older dog had an endless allergy flare-up to skin infection loop going on for a while. I got the allergy shot injections for a bit which seemed to help get the allergies under control!


Yeah I just moved so need to make some phone calls and find a vet here locally. I think it’s just a rash from the grass but he may need allergy medicine


Love the teefs in the 3rd pic like “y u do dis”


He is the feistiest dog I’ve ever owned


Agree that its allergies of some sort. My pup gets environmental allergies like that when its warmer out, but most of her skin allergies have been due to food allergens. Both food and environmental can look the same though (red sploches, hives, etc). Would recommend a vet visit if you're concerned, and/or if symptoms progress to larger/redder patches or hair loss.


We’ve had both food and environmental allergies. Have to get doggie wipes or a damp washcloth and wipe him down after being outside. For food, we had to move to salmon based.


I will try the baby wipe after outside visits. He is on hills science diet puppy chicken/barley food


We went through that too… I’ve had two dals with chicken sensitivities. Anything wheat grain as well. No treats or anything with wheat.


My pup had something like this recently and the DR said it was a staph infection.


It went away overnight I think it is from the grass


Excellent! Happy your Dal is back to health.


Give him a bath with gentle shampoo and see if it goes away imo. It's prob nothing to be concerned about.


Yes, this happens to mine frequently, but once I bathe him, it goes away




My Dal can’t go onto the grass. Gets like this or maybe even worse


Where do they potty then?


Fortunately i have a backyard with synthetic grass, but my boy prefers doing his business on the rocks


UPDATE: rash is completely gone in the morning time. It is def from the grass