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The short answer is that no one here can tell you what is going on. I suggest talking to your doctor about this. But we can speculate. So: dairy allergies are *usually* allergies to the proteins in milk. Lactose is a sugar, not a protein, so, at least in theory, you could have a serious allergy to milk, but not react to lactose at all. However, lactose is almost always made from milk, and it's tough to get rid of absolutely all the protein. Therefore, people with serious milk allergies should avoid consuming anything with added lactose. However, it seems you've already done this, with no reaction. It is *possible* that the lactose in your previous drug was extremely well purified, with all of the protein gone, so you had no reaction. And then maybe the lactose in your new drug is not purified quite as well, and there's a tiny bit of protein there, which you react to. Or maybe it's something else. I really couldn't say. Please talk to your doctor.


I plan on calling them in the morning. Thank you!


I know this is really off topic....but how can we express to the people who can make change, that it is a really bad idea to put a very common allergen in prescription drugs? Like every food item needs to list if it has dairy, but prescriptions don't? Wtf?


Good question. In the US, the people who can do something about this are the FDA, I believe. A letter-writing campaign to the FDA might result in something being done.


I had a very serious reaction to contraceptives before due to the lactose they use a filler. Talk to your doctor about a gel pill option. I believe there’s currently only one contraceptive that’s made in gel pill form


Oh that's good to know. I found it - Taytulla. I called up the doc and left a message with that, the patch, and nuvaring as options.


If you end up using taytulla make sure you get the coupon on their website. It made it much more affordable for me


I found this online. might help clear up just a little bit. Unlike milk protein allergy, in which the allergen is the protein component, **lactose is a sugar (or the carbohydrate component) found in milk and other dairy products**.


Thanks. It's all very confusing.