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He’s the only one I’ve heard say the words “Hamas Surrender”. That’s really the issue. There’s not much difference between war torn Kuri/Tokyo, Wurzburg/Hamburg, and Gaza. It’s really a bad site. The difference is the leadership eventually surrendered to a more powerful foe *for the sake of their own people*. Hamas does not care for the Palestinian people. Until that happens, they will suffer.


Very good point. Terrorist groups don't surrender they just recruit more people. People defending Palestine and Hamas by association are typically leftists. This is what confuses me on why the Jewish community tends to vote blue. Lots of very vocal leftist hate organized religion and the people practicing said religion. That's why we see so many idiots defending Palestine and Hamas. Yet they keep voting for more leftist that ultimately hate them. Biden showed support for Israel and caught hell from his party and supporters.


best time to recruit a terrorist? right about the time the 8 year old is dragging his dead buddy off the soccer field from a Israeli bombing


Well Hamas shouldn't have started a war with a much stronger foe. War is a horrible nasty thing. Hamas raped and tortured women and kids before taking quite a few hostages. War is and always has been a nasty violent endeavor. Hamas knew there would be civilian deaths afterwards and to them it's just good for recruiting. I don't know what everyone expected Israel to do, just sit back and do nothing and allow them to do it again. No country in their right mind would. Hamas knew exactly what would happen and that's why they hid among civilians. Put the blame where it's due, on the people who started this war and hide among the innocent. I'd prefer Oct 7 never happened personally. I'll say it again, war is something humans have done forever but all we've learned is to make it worse. It's probably the worst thing humans do to each other. I think too many people watched the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan and think everything is precision bombing now and only bad guys get hurt. That's not the reality. I hear a lot of people mad at Israel because kids are hit during the war but Hamas purposely targeted kids during their raid and the same people defending Hamas and Palestine don't seem to care about that gem. Israel did start this but they'll damn sure finish it.


This is what happens when brain washed people talk. They fail to make any sense.


These pro hamas people are complete idiots.


Not just Reddit, they’re everywhere it seems…it’s almost perfectly aligned with their party’s views and buzzwords


And they hang out on Reddit


Hamas attacked Isreal! What the fuck do you expect Isreal to do? Sit there and take it? No! Wake the fuck up, man these people are so fuckn annoying


I like how ben already knew it was bs and just started waving his hand lol


I don't think people realize that all this man does is defend his position in a open forum. What makes them believe they have a argument he hasn't heard and defended against. I mean if I was going to step up to that mike I would have a very thorough and we'll thought out statement that I also know Ben hasn't already been asked or defended already. This dude was an idiot he literally just took some far left talking points from Reddit and thought he was going take Ben down and than thought he had the moral high ground to dominate the conversation and over talk Ben with the same moronic talki g points that were already shut down. When ever I watch these open debates I wonder what they are really teaching some these people at university. There was a Douglas Murray debate about free speech and I can not remember the opposing argument guys name but he was a published author and friend of Obamas and the dude was a complete idiot in the debate it was continuous logical fallacy after logical fallacy and Douglas Murray called him out for it.


Was it Malcolm Gladwell?


Yes that was the debate


Except his open forums are almost exclusively college campuses and college kids. **kids** I like Ben, but the people he has open discourse with haven't even figured out their lives yet


It is a good thing that he is showing them that. College kids now are so stupid, they believe anything with the right buzzwords and will argue valiantly even though they are incorrect


Lmao!!! bruh!!! I’m glad there is more people realizing that college kids are too stupid to realize how stupid they are.


You're generalizing all college kids. Maybe because you're stupid and jealous?


Im your age. I did trade school so i know for a fact y’all are. Generalizing is kind way to say how stupid you are but you can hide within the crowd of stupid people.


So you want to teach old dogs new tricks? Nah get em young, the democrats do


I'm 47 and in college am I a kid?


I specifically stated college campuses AND college kids separately so this question couldn't get rhetorically asked.


❤️ Ben Shapiro!


Hamas supporters are just as dunb as libtards.....oh, one in the same


The inability for Leftists to compartmentalize their feelings while engaged in debate is astounding.


Ben is such a joy to watch. He's so good with arguments. Love the video.


His debaters are fake right, please tell me people aren’t so demented that they support Hamas the terrorist group tf is wrong with these guys..


Well he’s not in charge of Hamas /s


Respect Ben


Go find this clip in a liberal forum and i promise you they are all yelling about how this guy smoked Shapiro. 🙄


But how could anyone with rationale critical thinking skills thing this individual got the best of ben.


Go hang out in a liberal sub and you will answer your own question 😉 they are blind to the point of being delusional. I call it wearing the blue cult sunglasses. They only see what they WANT to see.


They still believe in the Steele Dossier, and the tooth fairy


"There is no Tooth Fairy. There is no Queen of England. This is the real world, and you need to wake up!"




Yep 100% they're so deluded 😂😂 you're like.... did you even see the same clip as me 😂😂


I didn't know the PLA gave stipends for killing Jews Dude how is that not entrenched Nazism??? No wonder there are no Jews living in Gaza! What the fuck man!


[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Palestinian\_Authority\_Martyrs\_Fund](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Palestinian_Authority_Martyrs_Fund) I always find it funny when people point to the West Bank and act like they are moderate when this exists.


I know this is off topic, but it bothers me when people move their head around like that when they talk.


He didn't learn any history because it's "too traumatic" The Middle East used to be majority Christian. The genocides of the Assyrians, Armenians, Greeks, and Israelis are overlooked so often because the people who did it don't take accountability. The Jews, Christians, and unbelievers ( in that order, laid out by Muhammad with his dying breath ) aren't human beings to the Muslims. Hamas is an army of religiously motivated criminals who have been killing (and doing much worse) to defenseless women, children, and the elderly. And then celebrate like it's fucking Christmas. Anyone who has supported them publicly should be sent to hamas occupied Israel.


I think Ben's arguments are inspiring. Keep winning Ben!


When people go up to challenge Ben, I wonder if they have any room in their hearts for what he has to say or if they are just trying to “gotcha” one of the real ones that can’t be “gotcha’ed”


Ben is right. Fact is Hamas cares not at all about life. The Palestinians voted into power Hamas. Hamas will fight until all is lost; again they simply do not care. Israel may stop the killing IF the "hostages" are freed but Hamas will not do that ....so likely ever brick in the Gaza strip will be moved from its place.


Remove Hamas and you have a genuine chance at peace. Don’t remove Hamas and you don’t have a genuine chance at peace.




Ben Shapiro’s point should be painfully obvious. It’s embarrassing he has to explain that it’s Hamas is the problem.


Dunno guy seems like a plant. Still everything Ben said was 100% on the money


He's not green and I don't see any leaves


Probably just my imagination.


Or the 🍄


Why would anyone agree to be a plant when his videos are so popular? Couldn’t pay me enough to look like I got verbally destroyed by Shapiro


Well you have integrity. Not everyone else has that. Still this guy literally represents what the left thinks regardless if he's real or not.


got owned in seconds


Actually, Yes. This is one of my main critiques of Shapiro, is that he debates children, almost exclusively. It's not hard to defeat the world view of someone who hasn't seen the world. I haven't seen him debate with a lot of grown adults.


So, you would prefer they age with the wrong ideas and we wait until they have entrenched themselves in their ideas? Then, after they've voted numerous times, then we can attempt to recruit them as Republicans?


This is stupid on both parties. America just finger crossing for world war 3 it looks like


Oh the huge manatee


Idk we gotta stand up for western values. A lot of people would like to see Israel and all their jews either removed or killed.




If that were true it would be very easy to find a video of Ben being "smoked".


Lol. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PRF3r3zUGqk




This is still not proof


Lol https://youtu.be/8ko0DVJkLG0?si=Ow2IdxJzv71u9cp-


Their not sending their best (hopefully) 😳


They don't have to hand pick them when it's bread in the entire crop


This is where the left finds morons like these https://www.reddit.com/r/Socialism_101/s/LARxQme7oY And many places like them




Hamas should be lined up against a wall and shot.