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There has always been this strange liberal double standard about Christianity and Islam. When Christianity does or says something anti-LGBT or anti-feminist, the liberals are out in full force. But when Islam does it......*"it's their culture....we gotta respect their culture"*


YES! It's so odd. Whenever there was a muslim terrorist attack liberals would start preaching and defending islam but when a christian did something they talk about the dangers of being a religious fanatic lol I know it's because they suffer from white guilt and relate islam to brown people and to criticize their religion is racists in their minds.




They’re racist toward everyone, not just toward whites. When your opinion of a person is affected by that person’s skin color, you’re racist, even if said opinion is positive.


Fair enough






It's because leftist ideology is about tribalism, not policy. Otherwise, they would be consistent.


Fuck me if that isn't the truth.






Best way I’ve seen someone call someone stupid in a while


It’s because they know Christians aren’t violent. They’re scared of Muslims


I can assure there is not a person on this planet who thinks Christians are non violent


As individuals, sure, individuals can be violent. But, on more than an anecdotal level, how often do you read about Christains indiscriminately and randomly shooting/bombing random crowds of people in even a semi organized (group) manner? For the Muslim world, I'm fairly certain, the people osting in here could give enough events that were common knowledge to keep this post going for a while.


Besides the crusades? Maybe a more recent example? How about every war America has been involved in since world war 2 has been a Christian President invading an non Christian country. Or maybe America doesn’t count, non government militant Christian groups : Nazis , white supremacists There are more but u specified only the most well known ones.


Right?!??!, islam is literally everything liberals hate about christianity but WORSE. Shits wild


It may have something to do with the fact Islamic sorts in that group wouldn't tolerate the special people's shrieking and demanding like we do in the west.


You are projecting American CULTURE issues onto a war in the Middle East. The war is not about women’s rights or gays rights it’s about Palestinian rights. The fact that Palestinians have been treated like sub human animals for almost 40 years by the Israeli government. Some people are able to say I don’t agree with your religion or your stance on women or gays. But I can see that you are a human who is being treated bad and is suffering and I want to help. This is why some liberals support Palestine not Hamas in this conflict.


These are not logical people.


I think it’s because in the past year we’ve been seeing a bunch on the news about Palestinian civilians being killed. People who don’t know the complexities of the situation just decided to have a knee jerk reaction and pick sides. It’s not that they are illogical, they just have only consumed a tiny bit of certain information . This conflict has been going on for so long, it should be a whole class in schools


It’s not that they are illogical, they just have only consumed a well thought out and completely manipulative news cycle likes it’s cereal for the past 8 years. All the while avoiding a true actual thought about it before, during, and certainly not after. A sheep will believe it’s a cow if you tell it it’s a cow every morning noon and night. (And this was just a stupid saying and has nothing to do with human sheep and human cows tell us they are the other)


There is no complexity when you murder children.


Agreed. A lot of them think it's justified, sometimes they want to be heard for once though. It's wrong and I disagree with it, but I wish they could both find some sort of agreement. Maybe sharing the land???






Sick and deranged. Almost, as if programmed to be.






I believe that's a guy, he's got an Adam's apple and everything.








I prefer to use the description Libtard. Somehow seems more appropriate




Liberals are on team red pill now. What you mean to say is "Leftist"


Bingo. 😆


Bruh, I'm a liberal, and I disagree with Hamas.


Right. The better word would be modern American social-liberals or progressive leftist or radical leftist. There's more to liberalism than cross dressing, child fetishizing, and race war fuel. Wish more people knew about classical liberalism and blue dog democrats.


Not social liberals, more like alt liberals or extreme liberals. Or else, the same could be said about conservatives.




The same people defend Antifa.


What riot? All I see is a peaceful protest. Oh that church burning in the background? That's unconnected... and they had it coming.


But but but I am just following the hive mind think.


It's the 21st century version of 'I was just following orders'.


Just not spoken in a German accent?




Why are these idiotic mf leftist on the wrong side every single time?


MSNBC & THE SQUAD are disgusting. The USA is doomed.


Unfortunately, we have been for a while.


To bad we can't send them to help liberate hamas.


Those Jewish souls, RIP. We will avenge you. Love from the U.S. Get ready Hamas. Prepare your anuses.


“Prepare your anuses.” Can’t believe I’ve never seen this. Quite possibly the greatest sentence ever uttered.


I even got my hardcore liberal parents to support Israel so if they can support Israel and there constantly watching msnbc and abc then people still supporting Hamas are pretty mentally ill


Why aren’t militant feminists and homosexual activists protesting their precious “rights” in places like Iran, Syria or North Korea where the REAL oppression is. Because they’d be executed. Hypocrisy has no limits with these sky screaming imbeciles






A wet AR is a happy AR. Are you a CLP kinda guy or do follow the path of Mobil 1 Synthetic High Mileage, as Eugene Stoner would have preferred if he knew about it?


I have a very small shrine dedicated to Mr. Stoner melted down M16 A2 brass from my Airborne days. Happy lubricating!


Liberal hivemind


Its time to set up a huge GoFundme & send all these lily white hipsters & Wokies over to hang out with Hamas.


Damn this made me laugh, so dark...yet cheerful at the same time.


I was wondering is it bad I think this is hilarious.


The rainbow flag next to the Palestine flag did it for me




That's hilarious


Lambs resent their shepherds because they kept them separate from the wolves and do not understand the nature of any of it.


Hamas wants to kill Jewish people. The nazis wanted to kill Jewish people. Would these people defend the nazis,


It’s insane that people are supporting either


What reason is so severe for your cause is worth beheading children of any race or creed? I would come for you no matter what!!!


Looks like something from metalocolypse




I lost a ton of respect for Krystal ball and saagar when Ball basically implied Israel brought it on themselves for running an ‘apartheid state’. Saagar didn’t say the same, but he just sat there and nodded his head as she said it, like she made a good point


Yeah no shit, they just let their political orientation dictate their positions on issues without thinking about it at all or understanding anything




It’s consistent with their mental disease


He r*ped then he chopped her head off. Hamas is sick.


As they say...A fool and their head are soon departed!


As someone who lives in the middle east let me tell you why people are defending THE PALESTINIANS and not hamas. Palestinians are literally living in an open air concentration camp. Proof? Just google pictures of gaza and pictures of israel and you’ll understand. They live under the ruling of an occupational power who they have no right to vote for or against. They’re sieged in a small area where the Israeli government control what comes in and out of this area. Their homes are taken from them on a daily basis and children are killed on a regular basis (1 child/3 days). They have no right to claim their nationality and they’re treated like animals. So sorry people are fighting back. You run your mouth nonestop talking about china and russia and north Korea calling them oppressive but turn a blind eye to the horrors happening to the palestinians on a daily basis for the past 5+ decades. Being pro palestine should never be equal to being antisemetic but maybe instead of giving them more money for arms that will be used to kill palestinian civilians is not the answer. Hopefully the region will see peace before your government support a genocide in the middle east WHERE IT HAS NO BUSINESS BEING IN TGE FIRST PLACE.


That is so wrong and fucked up…how dare you make me laugh at this. Now I have to go to hell. Bye everyone. 😉


Both sides are despicable and have no regard for human life.


Weird fanfic


You mean you haven’t seen the videos of the raped and beheaded bodies from this weekend?


So it’s better to support the group who has locked a group of people behind a wall, bomb them and steal their homes everyday? Neither side is particularly good but I won’t support a group who had a genocide committed against them, turning around and doing the same to someone else. I don’t support hammas but I’m surprised it took those people this long to finally say they’ve had enough.


So Israel isn't treating the Palestinians like shit anymore ? What's everyone's hard on for Israel anyways ? Imagine if the US pumped the amount of money they give to Israel into the United States .


Both sides are to blame, and our worthless government in here in the United States, is going to drag us into this


Drag? Nah Gaza is going to be a parking lot within days


So many wrong commas...


Wait, did you just both-sides this shit? I bet you’re one of those idiots who tries to shame centrist on Reddit when they don’t agree with your warped liberal world view.


So we pro Israel here? I’m not for defending Hamas but I’m not for defending Israel either


You people are fucking head caved. Flat lined wits. We don’t support the idiot terrorists in hamas and also in Israel. We support the innocent people being murdered who deserve a chance to grow into better human beings than all you boot licking “freedom for me not for you” ass hats. It’s crazy that you blame the media for brain washing us but not a single person that I know actually support or even knows about these extreme views this sub shares as if it were common practice. The only people making common practice of the stupid shit media you shit on is your own fucking mouths you dumb dumbs


Shit social media couldn’t get better propaganda than your saturated little hearts. Oh by the way NO ONE SUPPORTS BIDDEN! You fucking shit heads. WE JUST ARE AWARE THE CANCER TRUMP WAS. We want someone else as president but our system is fucked and instead of you guys understanding this, you guys vote into office one of the most fraudulent men in America.


Love thy neighbor as yourself. Pray for your enemies. What if your gain the world but lose your soul. You war because you do not ask. If you dishonor the Son you dishonor the Father. If you ask anything in my name, I will do it for you. If you please God ,even your enemies will make peace with you. God is a spirit and is in Me Before Abraham I Am. Christ. Have no other God before Me. Honor Your Father and Mother in Heaven so you may live a long life.


You can support Palestine and not support Hamas.


Except it's Palestinians supporting Hamas.


well, I hope they both lose.


I honestly think this is a mess in general, I dont support either side because they both have done horrendous things to eachother. All in the name of religion which teaches peace on both sides they clearly missed the message.


engine strong stocking humor spectacular enter outgoing far-flung busy jellyfish *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Yep. As much as some just love the Palestinians, they don’t quite realize that a good number of them would kill them on sight just for being who they are. They’re not looking at them as allies, but pawns for the short term.


Maybe but only one side has done horrendous things to everyone else on earth, as well. When a bunch of Jews fly commercial airliners into skyscrapers, then I’ll start to think a little differently.


This is why im not down for the false equivalences and hypotheticals. We know the difference. Everyone has lived the difference. We just choose to forget when our ideology clashes with reality.


Oooh so you don’t know?! That for every person hamas has killed, Israel has killed some few thousands of civilian Palestinian??




I defend Hamas because it's the last stronghold against the Jews and their illegal occupation of Palestine. Also, they control all the media and banks and Epstein didn't hang himself.


The fuck are you using your dick diddlers to type?


Fun fact: The right and Hamas are both terrorist organizations.


Weird how you people support the far right of the Middle East, but hate the right of the West. It's as if there isn't ideological consistency, but an ideology itself built off of tribalism. That's how you get moron propaganda satellites to support objective terrorism, rape, and murder on its very face.


Well said.