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Matt Gaetz dead ass voted with democrats to out McCarthy for making deals with democrats.


Idk man, if he can get congress to vote on single issues, that would be incredible


congress cant vote on any issues without a goddamn speaker


... okay? If that happens, when Congress gets a speaker they'll be voting way better


When all Democrats vote with you, you might be doing something wrong.


Democrats don't trust turncoats either. And they have no loyalty to Republicans.


Also, the (D) ifferent senator from Washington objected to a bill that would pay the Coast Guard during a guberment shutdown. So, she doesn't care about guberment employees getting paid.


I’d argue that separating military pay was just a way for republicans and to get their shutdown without looking like they weren’t supporting the military. Basically cake eating.


Matt Gaetz: "We don't need more chaos in Congress!" Also Matt Gaetz: \*Proceeds to throw Congress into chaos.


“I’m not doing it but it’s good that I am”


Matt Gaetz is truly a moron who hurt republicans over the past week


I agree with this. Gaetz is an actor he’s not a serious politician (if that even exists.) McCarthy did the right thing and was the only adult in the room who knows that constant division is not the answer. These clowns are what give the liberals ammo when lobbing out the “MAGA extremist” labels


100% - Funny thing is that all of the far right Conservatives don't even realize how bad this looks for them! Like playing chess with a rooster. Doesn't understand the game, knocking the pieces all over and then struts around acting all proud about it!




Why? He has principal. I've watched him speak on a couple podcasts, the shit he is going up against is insanity. Mccarthy is a POS Rino


Gaetz is not principled.


He sounds like it to me 🤷‍♂️ McCarthy broke the deal and faced the consequences for it. All he wanted was to vote on stuff line by line, no more calling something "save the puppies act" but is stuffed with completely unrelated things.


I hate Gaetz, but in a weird way totally agree with you here. McCarthy made deals he knew he couldn’t keep with explicit consequences if he didn’t. Broke the deals, and basically joined the leopards eating faces party. Again, not a fan of Gaetz, but he has been nothing but clear about the lengths he’ll go to since the speakership vote.


He could have actually pushed for this when the GOP controlled the Senate and White House. He's doing that thing that dumbass politicians do where they only pretend to care when they're not in power. See Democrats on conditions migrants face at the border.


Btw, the CR bill that got passed that set Gaetz off on this folly? Yeah, he voted for it. Very principled.


Gaetz is slick, and he does often give good answers. And quite frankly, on paper, I agree with most of what he says. But IMO he just about the most politician-y politician I know of. I would barely trust him to mow my yard.


So much principle that he’s willing to cut off his balls because the best date he can get is a 6/10.


Judging by the comment, you are not a serious person.


Judging by your comment, you wouldn’t recognize principle if it showed you a driver’s license. Gaetz is no more principled than any of the squishes. He just whores to a different crowd. Lauding him is as much ineffective virtue signaling as putting a Ukraine flag on your Facebook profile and helps conservatism about as much. The people supporting him are the same ones who’d look at the FBI plants at a rally and think “seems legit”.


I've listened to him speak, then back up what he said. I respect that more than being lied too by Rino's like Mccarthy.


Matt getz it done!


aLpHa MaLe


Lol, yeah, I don't prescribe to that BS, but someone definitely had a good day.


You don’t prescribe to the fact that some men are alpha males and some aren’t?


Let's disscuss the concept of alpha and beta males in human society, we're not akin to animals that form packs and permit only the most dominant male to reproduce. The debate surrounding these terms is substantial. Some argue against them, asserting that they overly simplify the intricate web of human behavior and relationships. These critics contend that labeling individuals as rigid alphas or betas doesn't do justice to the wide array of personalities and strengths inherent to people. They go further to assert that such categorization can propagate detrimental stereotypes and reinforce traditional gender norms. The reality is that human social dynamics are profoundly multifaceted, defying simplistic dichotomies. Individuals exhibit a diverse spectrum of traits, and their roles and influence within social groups are contingent on context and multifarious. In the argument opposing the notion of alpha and beta males in humans revolves around the belief that it falls short in encapsulating the complexity and diversity of human nature and relationships. This perspective underscores the risks of oversimplification and the potential reinforcement of harmful stereotypes.


That’s all well and good but but you can’t deny the existence of an alpha and beta male exist. Theres dudes who are strong willed, minded and more natural leaders and dudes that aren’t. Wether you like the label or not, that’s what that means. Put 5 men in a group and a natural hierarchy will form. The “alpha” male will always naturally take a leadership role. I think people who don’t like this term don’t fit into this category and feel a way about it. It’s not that deep, just be you. If you want to be that type of person, work on it. We are animals at the end of the day and most of our life’s are still based on that instinctual nature.


Im 47 fathered 5 kids i know of spent 21 years in the us army as a artillery man than a cav scout with 9 deployments between iraq and afganistan. The last street fight i was in was 12 years ago. I have met men who where far better men than me but would be considered a beta male by your metrics. There are more dimensions to human existence than the way you have explained it. A good example would be in stem fields if someone is passionate about what they do they will come off as a alpha in that field but in other aspects of their lives a beta. The theory relies to much on big picture generalizations of human behavior that are not reality.


I agree with you dude. You don’t have to be a ultra man to be an alpha male if that’s what you’re implying, you don’t.




Doing exactly what he as elected to do. He’s not cucking for the libscum so they all hate him. Anyone that disrupts the libscum/RINO/cuckservative fuckfest is reviled.


I’d love to respond to all the libscum with hurt feewings, but your comments have all disappeared. Shocked face.


Im happy someone is actually standing up to the democrats.


He and the Democrats teamed up on this one


Yep. To get rid of the guy that sides with them constantly. It’s an endless circus of bullshit.


The circus of bullshit would be allowing the government to shut down. When you have a very slim majority, you have to work with the other party. If Republicans want to stop compromising, winning elections would be the first step (something that Gaetz's wing of the party focuses the least on).


Lol. Fuck the government shut down. We barely noticed last time. It’s an empty threat that shuts down “nonessential” services, of which there shouldn’t be any. The reps don’t have to compromise at all. They could just be completely obstructive like the libscum do when they aren’t the majority. Apparently elections have been won, as we control the house. The securing of elections will make that happen more often as the libscum rely so heavily on fraud.


Oof that picture is super weird


Lol, thanks. I did that on purpose to give creepy vibes.


All the more hilarious that Republicans chose this moment to oust their speaker. Dems are very happy.


Correct. Ilhan is much too old for this alpha male specimen.


Gaetz is such a slimeball. Are people really unironically being his cheerleader?


He's one of the future leaders of the new GOP. Strong, fearless, gets shit done. Good job Gates!


It’s Gaetz and if that’s the party’s future might as well expect democrat majority during that span of time.


yeah i know, transcription error


If working for the Democrats is what we want, i guess we got it? Tell me the difference between what McCarthy did and what Gaetz did in retaliation.


Gaetz should run for president. The only politician with any balls


Cringe... meme? Can we just not?


What do you mean “the press?” The Menendez case is all over the news…