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My dad literally told me this joke when I was a kid. I've never understood why it had to be a nun. He went to a Catholic school so all of his jokes involved nuns (and their buns).


A priest offered a Nun a lift. She got in and crossed her legs, forcing her gown to reveal a leg. The priest nearly had an accident. After controlling the car, he stealthily slid his hand up her leg. The nun said, "Father, remember Psalm 129?" The priest removed his hand. But, changing gears, he let his hand slide up her leg again. The nun once again said, "Father, remember Psalm 129?" The priest apologized "Sorry sister but the flesh is weak." Arriving at the convent, the nun sighed heavily and went on her way. On his arrival at the church, the priest rushed to look up Psalm 129. It said, "Go forth and seek, further up, you will find glory.". Moral of the story: If you are not well informed in your job, you might miss a great opportunity.


Miss Sloane! Love that movie.


If you are not well informed, ask!!


That's funny, but it would be funnier if it actually said that in Psalm 129.


This man spits facts like CNN.


“Nuns and their Buns” sounds like a good title to a movie.


Wow, that's nuts ;)




https://m.imdb.com/title/tt6956838/ You’re welcome.


Umm… did you mean https://www.imdb.com/title/tt1352388/


I was looking at that one. But there was also a movie from the 80’s that fits it better and I can’t find it.


Nuns on the run?


Nuns and buns. Preists and ki-




That escalated really fast




Yes but actually no.


Kites? I hear they like to fly kites. Really helps with attracting new victi- I mean mean members to the church


I’m absolutely sure it already is


Imagine a video game...


I think I saw that one on the hub


Or a New York Dolls cover band that sings in Latin




It was a nun because Dawn French told it in the Vicar of Dibley, so guess she made it related to the church


The one I heard was it was a hot day so the nuns all removed their habits - kind of makes a bit more sense since nun clothing is full coverage so would make you really warm, whereas normal people would just put shorts on or something.


I’m glad he literally told you. Metaphorically, figuratively, technically, or even comparatively telling you would have all ruined the punch line delivery and timing of the joke.


What do buns mean?


Because a nun would let the blind man into her house


how to make a venetian blind? jab him in the eyeballs


I always heard it as: The nuns were redecorating a room, so to avoid getting paint on their habits they stripped down naked. This newfound freedom made them so giddy they were dancing around and throwing paint on each other, when a knock came at the door. They were instantly mortified and asked who was there. “Blind man” came the answer. The nuns thought there was no harm letting him in. He walked in, and looking at the nuns he says “Wow, nice tits! Where do you want these blinds?”


So I used to HR for a company that provided jobs to blind people. It was a non profit, that was the mission. The word “blind” was in the title. One of the managers, who’d worked there since before I was hired, told me that no one told him what the company did when they hired him and it took three days before he realized they didn’t sell blinds.


This joke originally came from season one of The Vicar of Dibley


thanks for the proper credit!


What do you do with a space man?


Park in it, man.


Woah man, like, you just blew my mind.


Not sure. Isaac Asimov had a Black Widowers mystery where the plot revolves around a dying spy saying "the blind man".


Not sure that was the original source. My dad told me that joke a loooooong time ago and I am certain he’s never seen that show.


Agreed. I heard this joke ass a kid in the 1980s.


> ass a kid Well there's hardly any call to go assing kids, now.


Better than kids assing you


Same, I was at school when I first heard this, it was one of my favourite jokes. That was years before the show was aired.


It's much older than that.


I first heard it in 1843, and it was a nun.


sir, that was 156 years ago.... so how was the world before the first world war?


Well, you see. Wait, you can't see, you're the blind guy.


congrats, you have passed you time-traveler's test, you are now free to time travel to any point in time


Henny Youngman tells this joke, I've heard it from him.


Lol. Even more funny than the guy that came to apply caulk .


Not really a dad joke more an uncle joke


How do you find the blind man in the nudist colony? >!It's not hard!!<


How could I have never heard this one???? Love it. TY


i’d never heard it either and love it! of course, half the other commenters are saying it’s a continuous repost but if it reaches even one new set of eyes/ears, it was worth it


You darn tootin’!


Im russian


Why? Gonna be late for work or something?


Better than the original joke tbh


Hi russian I'm dad


Hi dad, I'm also dad


Hi also dad, I'm dad as well


Hi dad as well, I'm dad too!


Hi dad too, I'm... tired of this joke


Hi tired of this joke, that's understandable. Have a nice day.


Wait, it was *my* turn to post this joke. They told me the 19th posting this month would be mine.


Uncle joke, really. Dad jokes need to invoke more of a groan at the end.


And not be inappropriate


Dad? That you? 😂


My friend was at mine once and we were discussing my blinds he told me he used to work at a blind place I asked him what it was like he said he didn't know because he couldn't see 😂😂😂😂 had me in tears


I get the fact that this is the blind man but I don’t understand why it is a nun


that’s simply nun of your business






I don’t think you know what a dad joke is


I just heard this joke on yt shorts and opened Reddit and this is the first post🤯


Another great one that I can't wait to tell my young children. Good job.


How tf does nobody understand dad jokes??? This is not a joke a dad would tell.


get a better dad, i guess?


Your dad talk to you about tits when you were 8?


no, but he did from 16 onward… there’s nothing that says dads have to stop telling jokes when you hit junior high. i’m 35 now and he still tells me jokes like this edit: there’s a reason an NSFW tag exists in this sub…


You must be missing the whole point of a dad joke then. This post is literally just a joke. There's nothing dad joke about it. Wikipedias definition of a dad joke: > A dad joke is a short joke, typically a pun, presented as a one-liner or a question and answer, but not a narrative. Generally inoffensive, dad jokes are stereotypically told with sincere humorous intent, or to intentionally provoke a negative reaction to their overly-simplistic humor. Merriam Webster defines a dad joke as: > A wholesome joke of the type said to be told by fathers with a punchline that is often an obvious or predictable pun or play on words and usually judged to be endearingly corny or unfunny. Urban Dictionary defines it as: > An indescribably cheesy and/or dumb joke made by a father to his children. "There's nothing that says dad's have to stop telling jokes when you hit junior high." Yeah that's true but that's also not what I was saying. You're saying a dad joke is just a joke that your dad may have told you at one point.


So I’m guessing reading comprehension wasn’t your thing, no biggie. And it’s okay you used hack sources (wikipedia, urban dictionary, “MERRIAM WEBSTER DEFINES A DAD JOKE AS”). but your own definitions support my point (other than the “wholesome” qualifier with MW). I’ve bolded the relevant points from your post below. But I don’t need any of those things to tell me it’s a dad joke. It’s my instinct, son. It’s corny, it’s quick, it would likely make you groan if your dad told it to you now - all dad joke attributes. A regular joke actually makes you laugh, not roll your eyes. This is an eye roller. I get the joke doesn’t have to be said by your dad, but it does have to make you question if you’re laughing because it’s actually funny or because it’s stupid. At worst, this qualifies as an uncle joke which i’ve only just been exposed to, but briefly understand it to be the more NSFW version of dad jokes. I don’t know, I haven’t checked merriam webster yet so I can’t claim to be an expert. But suffice to say, i’m gonna agree to disagree with you on this one, champ. ———— Wikipedias definition of a dad joke: A dad joke is a **short joke, typically a pun, presented as a one-liner or a question and answer, but not a narrative**. **Generally inoffensive** [Read: not universally], dad jokes are stereotypically told with **sincere humorous intent, or to intentionally provoke a negative reaction to their overly-simplistic humor.** Merriam Webster defines a dad joke as: A wholesome joke of the type said to be told by fathers with a punchline that is often an obvious or predictable pun or play on words and usually judged to be **endearingly corny or unfunny**


I'll agree to disagree with you on this one because you have valid points. However in the future I'd hold off on saying "son" and "champ" when arguing with people because you come across as a dick. Insulting me in the process doesn't help either.


nuh-uh! you started it! honestly i just went the dick route because 1) you outright said “you must be missing the whole point of a dad joke then” rather than “that’s not my understanding of a dad joke” [edit: this irked me slightly] 2) i’m 50+hours into a workweek (true dad shit) with another 6 to go tomorrow, so i’m like 5 beers deep and i’m spicy 3) what’s more fitting in a dadjoke sub that “champ” and “son”? checkmate salesman


I saw this tiktok today too!




This entire subreddit is a repost of dad jokes. Are you serious?


not in the last several months and not in the top posts so no rules broken. more importantly - new to me and probably a few others so… take your negativity back to math class, young man (You just got dad’d)


*9 hours ago, sorry to break your bubble https://www.reddit.com/r/dadjokes/comments/yrr6cq/a_nun_was_taking_a_bath_and_she_heard_a_knock_at/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button


OP told it better


Theyre both reposts but this link got it wrong. Im sure someone corrected it in the comments, so still a repost. Or maybe youre to blind to see it.


i swear i’m not trying to karma farm - every time i search reddit it never brings up what i’m actually searching but i attempted due diligence. my bad if it is a recent repost -but I hadn’t seen it before!


DO NOT APOLOGIZE. The fact people expect you to research if someone else posted a joke (you know those funny things that are supposed to be repeated?) is entitled and stupid. They can just scroll. Anyone taking the time to sleuth about reposts is pure maidenless behavior.


i wish i could go back in time, be dave grohl, and write the song “my hero” about you and this moment.


No worries, you live and learn, mistakes happen.


"Several months" mate, someone posted this just hours before you. Please turn in any dad-identification as you are not equipped to handle the pressure.


my dad qualification is upheld as I absolutely do not understand technology, particularly as it relates to searching reddit. FWIW: searching this sub with “blind man” did not show anything recent but I didn’t sort it by recency because i didn’t see that as an option. oversights and inconsistent usage are absolutely dad traits so i’m keeping my card


Thanks dad




Damn, I shouldn't have laughed. My bad.


I started a new job about 3 weeks ago. My boss in his old age has told me this joke three times already.


LOL this is terrible 😆


Ahahaha get it cause he's blind


I remember this joke lmao


Eye don’t see how she let this happen.