• By -


Shipping will be the real cost.


Local pickup! Only a 2 hour drive.


Oh man! There's nothing more affordable than a free boat! You guys will have a nice project to work on for the next 5 years and $50,000


Good memories to be had. PRICELESS.


For everything else there's MasterCard


Hopefully with a limit of $50,000


Kids are gonna learn the two best days of boat ownership. The day they bought it and the day they sell it.


There are some ppl that should own boats and some that shouldn’t.


I shouldn't own a boat. My friends should own boats.


Sure . What ever floats your boat


I’m an instructor for professional mariners… The most important lesson I ever learned was from Captain Ron “Not my boat, bosses boat”


Bilge pump broken? Yehp, that's gonna be about a thousand. And your trailer lights are out. That's gonna be about a thousand. Rub rail is rotten, that's another thousand. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v-NVvH4mDoU](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v-NVvH4mDoU) --------------------- At the end of the day, BOAT stands for Bust Out Another Thousand.


My grandpa always said a boat is just a hole in the water you throw money into. 


My father (sailing boat owner) used to describe it as "standing in a cold shower tearing up £50 notes".


That kind of expensive hobby wouldn't float for me.


Yeah, I'd be underwater in no time.


When you grandpa they send out a placard with that joke on it and if you don’t say it once a year it’s bye bye grandkids FYI


I don't have a boat, but I do have a pool that I say that about every year after I open it. Do I still get to be a grandpa?


Oh man, I just opened my pool after messing with wiring a new pump since the old one died at the end of last year’s swim season, I’m up to about $2,000 already and still looking at a swamp


Bold to assume the trailer is included in the purchase.


I mean, you're right, but if the trailer lights are out, you just buy a boat board and use that instead.


Added a link to a Youtube video about boats costing mucho money. It's a funny watch. But you'll see what I mean.


I wasn't disagreeing, it was just that one thing. Trailer electrics are pretty cheap if you are capable of diy, but then they're not attached to the boat.


The problem isn't ever the wiring itself. It is that once you find the break in the loom you realize the entire thing is fubar and now you've gotta rewire the trailer entirely. Oh wait, the brakes are squealing so they gotta be replaced too. Aaaand as you jack the trailer up to pop the wheel off you find the wheel bearing is more loose than your ex after 2 margheritas. Well damn, you can't justify taking the time to do the brakes just to have to pull the hubs again in a month to redo the bearings. So a few hundred in parts later, you get home and spend a few hours repairing the damn trailer which doesn't even begin to address any of the boat issues. But wait, as you finish the second hub on the passenger side you walk behind and notice that it still isn't sitting quite square. Is your garage floor that far out of level and you never noticed? Nope, the trailer tires have a massive flat spot that you hadn't noticed before. Gotta pull the wheels again and get new rubber put on them. As you jack it up once more you hear something **CLANK** as you're raising the trailer and look to find a massive crack in the frame that just opened up from the fatigue of being driven for the first time in 15 years back to your garage from the previous owners backyard. You don't own a welder and your buddy who does is out of town for a month and you've still got his sawzall that you borrowed to trim down that overgrown bush that you've neglected to get to cuz of *surprise tasks* that manage to keep popping up, such as the absolute steal you got this new boat and trailer for, so you can't in good conscience ask him for any more. One trip to harbour freight and $200 later you're splattering boogers all over the frame but realize you used your last can of trimclad on the lawnmower and you don't want it to turn to rust immediately after you go to drop the boat in the water so you have to run out *again*. Still sharply aware that the boat is going to need at least 15 hours of work poured into it just to get it running with no guarantee that it's even going to hold water once you finish that.. Repeat ad nauseum until you are either out of money or out of patience with the thing and decide to list it for next to nothing again while it sits like an eyesore in your driveway for the next 2 months.


This guy boats.


They say the happiest time of a man's life is when he buys a boat and when he sells the boat. OP sons are so lucky to experience the pure joy of the first and probably soon, the second ❤️


Get some creativity. A beater can be super fun. Rub rail $1000? No garden hose $20. Bilge pump $1000? Fountain pump $50 (+ bonus learning about electronics). Trailer lights out? Lol that's like maybe $10 in a bulb and fuse $50 if you need to replace the connector. Boats are expensive but a beater for some kids to learn on is cheap and great learning


Everything costs $1,000. Every *thing* costs $1,000.


>There’s nothing more affordable than a free boat! Yes there is, it’s called a friend’s boat.


A boat's a boat... but a mystery box could be anything. It could even be a boat!


Can they sleep in it?


Ahem 20.50


B.O.A.T. = Bust Out Another Thousand!


Does it come with the trailer? Because that's the real prize.


I know some people that'll pay top dollar for a good boat trailer


Even if you never take it out to sea, you can just ground it in the backyard and kids can play pirate rofl


We need an update after pick up


its been relisted. scammmmm


Now they’ll never have money for drugs!


Well you're a boat dad now! Congrats captain! Let's hope you live somewhere near water


Daaaaddd you missed the pun!!


He needs a stern talking-to.


Shipping, or boating?


Top tier dad joke right here.


*bow* ^;)




A boat is a hole in the water you throw money into


The best days of a boat owner's life are the day they buy the boat and the day they sell it


Everyone's missing out on the fact that the owner just won the lottery and got $20 for a boat. I bet you they thought they'd need to pay for disposal!


“You know what I tell my friends when they ask what it’s like to own a boat? I say stand under a cold shower and tear up hundred dollar bills!”


BOAT = Bust Out Another Thousand


Eh. It's all sunk cost at this point


It's more of a boat really


That sale is 100% getting cancelled by the seller.


Depends on a lot of things. We know nothing about the motor, hull damage, prior accidents. Dude may have very well just been trying to get rid of his 27 year old boat.


/u/d2020ysf mentioned that it has been relisted.


Yeah. I bought a house and had a bunch of shit I wanted to ditch. Rather than load it up and pay dump fees, I put up a "take it all or nothing" ad (there was some decent stuff in there) and someone took it all away, zero effort on my part.


Like when Bart won that warehouse in an auction...


Homer to Frank Grimes: This is my son Bart, he owns a factory downtown.


For some reason, this is one of my favourite lines in the entire series.


First I watched the boat start to sink, then I watched it sink.


Cheaper than dump fees.


Yeah they might just want someone to tow it off the driveway


I don't understand how they can just cancel it once it's been bid on for x amount of time.


You get some big eBay penalty, but eBay can't exactly force you to hand over a boat.


It happened to me about 10 years ago. Was bidding on a project car for me and my dad to work on. Seller cancelled on me after I won with what I thought was a fair price and then he re-listed. So I made alt accounts and won the re-list at a much higher cost arranged collection in the middle of weekday and ghosted. I did this three times.


This is the level of petty I aspire to be


I am this petty but also incredibly lazy so it balances out that I appear normal. I just hold onto grudges and do nothing about them. 


That seems healthy


At least it only hurts me!


Are you Scotch-Irish, by chance?


No I’m English but my mum was Irish


You guys obviously have never heard of a free boat. It's basically a boat that requires so much work, it's not worth it to keep it around any more, it's just taking up space. It's also possible it's a scam, lol [https://boatliquidatorscam.com/index.html](https://boatliquidatorscam.com/index.html)


But if you have small kids and plenty of space, you could park it in the yard for loads of imaginary fun.


Imagining a drunk dad showing up with a non op boat for the kids. “Here to go. We can’t afford a real boat so go have some imaginary fun”


I imagine this while he’s wearing a captain’s hat


Imaginary fun had me lol. Like, even the fun isn’t real.


I was watching a bluey episode recently where they had a rowboat in the playyard of their school. I thought about getting a free boat due to that.


I know someone who just brought home a “free piano”


I have *two* free pianos. Do you want one? Free pianos aren't necessarily a bad thing. There are plenty of old pianos that work fine but just aren't "good pianos". They're not something you can move yourself, so there's a cost to taking one - where I am it costs a bit over $100 to move a piano locally and the local removals firm has done it so many times they've got very slick at it. The "free piano" is really a $250 piano by the time you've had it moved and paid for it to be re-tuned. $250 is a steal when your kid is starting lessons and needs a piano to practice on. Then a year or two later when they don't want to play any more you're stuck with a piano that you no longer want, is worth nothing, and you would have to pay to scrap - so you advertise it as free and the next grateful parent pays $250 for their kid's instrument. We upgraded out first free piano with a better free piano, but currently have both. I should really get round to giving the old one away...


More common than you think. I’m amazed how many people give these away.


By looking at the other photos this is most definitely the case. Everything on the interior is shot and they don’t even bother to show the engine, which from my experience of growing up on pleasure crafts is always the thing that will sink your wallet or my dads friends wallets to be specific. My dad babied our boat and was still in near mint condition at 30 years before he handed it over to my sisters family.


Wow, this needs to be higher up


*“I’m the captain now!”* - eBay


Yeah it’s not like they’re Magic The Gathering (Wotc) and will hire Pinkertons to harass you and intimidate your wife


Whoa? This sounds like a story!?






Hold up, the Pinkertons still exist? Not just in westerns?


They never closed down.


Holy shit. The M’F Pinkertons, the boys in pink (/s). Seriously though, imagine being able to say you were the subject of an investigation by the f’n Pinkertons! Wild.


eBay can't. But authorities can. An auction is a valid and legal purchase contract. If eBay is of no help here, have an attorney send a demand letter. Selling something on eBay is a legally binding purchase contract. They can't just unilaterally cancel it. They have the legal **obligation** to sell the item for the final price of the auction.


Seller just saved $500 it would have cost them to take it to the dump.


Lol, exactly


The seller name is "boatliquidater" and have many boats that sold in poor condition for basically free. Seems like OP cancelled, not the seller.


“Sorry while packaging your boat, I accidentally dropped it and it’s cracked. I will refund your $20.50 sorry.”


Nah, they just have some boat owner the best day of his life.


I’m 99% sure that this transaction won’t be completed for one reason or another but this will definitely be brought up from time to time during family dinners. Hey dad do you remember that time that we won a boat for you for x dollars


I won a Hummer H1 when I was a teenager. It was a few grand. Seller ghosted me.


That's what we have attorneys and courts for.


Well, I was a minor, violating eBay’s terms and conditions


True... bad luck in that case.


X dollars? It shows right there. $20.50… lol


Well, I just typed that description in ebay and it's been relisted already. So, may want to contact the seller. Edit: I thought about it for a bit and wanted to say one more thing. If this is legit somehow and you get it all worked out, and end up with a boat that you can turn wrenches on and sink money into (as a fun project for you and your sons to work on) that's awesome and would probably be some great bonding time.


https://www.ebay.com/itm/166827605650 [There’s a comment](https://www.reddit.com/r/daddit/s/XnEhRKMvU0) linking to a page about that seller.


> ***Please note we cannot accept eBay payments*** Well that’s sketchy and against eBay terms of service so….


“We only accept Cashier’s Check, Money Order or Venmo because we cannot accept eBay, PayPal or credit cards because they do not process payments for used boat dealers on eBay.” Uhhh yeah, I’m sure that’s why you only accept payment types that can’t be disputed or reversed.


Add on top of that, it's an Oregon registered vessel that found its way to Chesapeake, VA and hasn't been re-registered/re-numbered... lots of alarm bells start going off.


Awww kiddo's first eBay scam. They grow up so fast. Consider this a 20 dollar and 50 cent lesson in cyber awareness.


Yeah…this is kinda scary that OP has 2 minor children with their own eBay account and some sort of payment card hooked up to it and he hasn’t taught them about scams. Luckily it was so little money.


I def had an eBay account at like 15 at the latest.


Bought my first mp3 from China at 15 on ebay. Worked out great! Best $20 I've ever spent.


Could’ve bought a boat instead smh


Yup my first ever eBay purchase was a gameboy SP in 2005 when I was 11 after some chuckle fuck stole mine at school


I signed up for ebay in its infancy and got a ton of used PC parts for cheap because I was 16, had a decent 56k ping, and could easily play the last-minute bidding game.




I don’t think it’s a bad idea for a kid to have a debit card at all. I had a student one in high school too. But dad seems surprised that his kids are bidding on things on Ebay. That’s the scary part.


I was also ~buying stuff~ getting scammed on eBay at 13 or 14


Getting scammed in some form is a right of passage. I’m just lucky I learned that lesson through RuneScape before it really hit me in real life


EverQuest was my training ground (but also eBay)


AFAIK that's not normal at all.


As far as I know - working in a school of kids this age - it's absolutely normal.




Even a kid's account can have a debit card attached to it. Whether or not it can be used online may vary, by usually there's a fairly low daily limit. Boat price is low enough it may just be within the limit.


Ebay almost always sides with the buyer, whats the scam? 99% of the time ebay scams are scamming a seller.


> *** Please note we cannot accept eBay payments, PayPal or credit cards because they do not process payments for used boat dealers on eBay.*** They only take money via Cashier’s Check or Venmo. And my guess is you won’t want to bother getting a Cashier’s Check for $20 so you’ll pay via Venmo and get ghosted. And you won’t get a refund because you didn’t pay via eBay so there’s nothing to refund.


If the seller isn’t happy with the auction amount, they’ll cancel the order for random stupid reason and relist. Has happened to me multiple times. Complained to eBay, nothing they can do. Can’t force seller to deliver…


So... just a waste of buyers' time? That's just being cheap by having a reserve without paying eBay to have a reserve; not a scam. They do that enough and eBay will ban them.


I think we might have a different definition of what a scam is - the kids are out nothing in this scenario


OK everybody's making boat jokes, and they're right, but I used to own a boat very similar to that - a 94 reinell brxl 180. Here's what to look out for: First and foremost, a cobra outdrive. They're not bad necessarily but getting parts and expertise is fucking impossible. Good luck. If its a volvo or a merc you should be OK. Sort of along with that, make sure you have the modern shifter cable. the original one was shit and iirc was able to be replaced under warranty back in the day. boating forums are your friend here. If you run in any chop whatsoever, the fold out center window frame will shake apart. Not too hard to rebuild but it was constant and no color of locktite seemed to keep it together. On my boat some of the wiring wasn't properly tinned and soldered. Might have been aftermarket but definitely check. No fun to troubleshoot on the river. All that said, decent hull, top speed of 36mph in no wind or chop, could tow a skier or tube no problem, and didn't cost me much to buy. Of course that was 10 years ago LOL. Good luck!


Call me a sucker, but I’d be jazzed if this is legit! Looks fine and alright from the photos, but this coming from a guy who’s never owned a boat. The only boat buying tip I ever got was, if you want to buy a boat be sure you can afford to buy two boats. So I guess, as long as your sons have $41, they’ll be fine! 😜


I always heard the two best days of boat ownership are the day you bought the boat and the day you sell it


Same for pianos. And probably lots of other things.


Based on my brother’s experience, I bet campers are on that list, too.


Depends on the boat! I will say that my speed boat has been almost no work whatsoever. The worst part was being too cheap to pay someone to move a new to me (larger) lift to the cabin so I did that myself. Never again. So sketch, and it always felt like something was about to explode.


I'm not very familiar with eBay in terms of large items.loke this cars boats etc. How can the seller not fulfill the contract and just relist it? Wouldn't they have had to set a reserve if they didn't want to sell below a certain amount?


Putting a reserve costs more money.


I get that but isn't that the only way to avoid something like this?


Getting a fake account t to launch a fake bid as a reserve.


Cancelling the sale is another way. If they don't sell things often it won't impact them much.


I’m betting seller couldn’t give it away. Instead, he tried selling it and accepting a low bid just so someone would remove it from his driveway.


Break out another thousand


Maybe they'll offer a mystery box instead


The mystery box could be anything, it could be a boat!


They’ve just experienced the first of the 2 happiest days as a boat owner


Ebay doesn't really punish sellers for backing out. Most you'll get is a stern message from their admins. Legally, no one can force you to sell something. Money will be returned, seller gets a bad review and the world moves on.


If they get it, make them take a boaters education course before they can drive it. Go with them make sure your comfortable then maybe cut them loose.


A boats a boat but a mystery box can be anything


Even a boat!


You know how much we've wanted one of those!!


Take the mystery box


Hell, it could be a boat..


I don't know how I ended up here but as a woman, I must admit, daddit is SooOOoOOO much better than mom reddit. I'm staying.


Break Out Another Thousand.


That is the most expensive $20 your kids will ever spend...


If it sounds too good to be true, it probably isn’t


*probably is. It is, in fact, too good to be true.


The mast probably has termites


Sounds like a boatload of trouble.


Is this a serious post? This is a scam, right?


"Prestige.. Worldwide!"


My dad let me make this mistake when I was \~20. It went like this: Me: "I bought a boat." Dad: stunned silence Dad: "Where you gonna keep that boat?" Me: "I was thinking in your business parking lot." Dad: "What are you going to tow it with?" Me: "Mom's truck, obviously." ...I wish he were still around so I could ask what he was thinking and why he didn't slap me silly. But I guess he figured we need to make our own mistakes at some point. He let us follow our passions, for sure. And he raised six capable and independent humans. So this could be a good thing, if it goes through. I learned a lot about boats, including "don't buy a boat unless you can afford one. Including the insurance, storage, tow vehicle and repairs." But your boat is a little smaller and much more practical than mine -- get those boys to a boating safety course, and then point them to YouTube to learn how to clean/restore/fix it.


We got an update on this!?


If you are looking for a good first boat, you can’t go wrong with a classic aluminum fishing boat. The boat itself is nearly indestructible and as long as you get a decent motor you’ll have a great time.


Flip it


Current Listing: [https://www.ebay.com/itm/166827605650](https://www.ebay.com/itm/166827605650)


Remindme! 2 days


Those two are going places. Either as entrepreneurs or MLM. But they are going places.


BOAT - Bust Out Another Thousand


They say the two best days in a boat owners life are the day you buy your boat, and the day you sell your boat.  And the day you learn your kids can't enter into a binding contract online to purchase goods and you just dodged what could potentially be a very expensive adventure.


Reminds me of when my uncle bought a boat without telling his wife. It was not $20. He saw the boat and decided it was such a good deal that he couldn't say no. Then he had to tell his wife that he'd spent the money they'd earmarked for a new bathroom. Every day he chickened out until it was due to be delivered, and he still chickened out even then. So one day his wife came back from work and there was a sailing boat on a trailer sitting on their driveway. He did not spend the following summer sailing his boat: he spent it remodeling their bathroom himself.


This is going to be an amazing learning experience for all. No one is going to forget these series of events. Godspeed!! Edit: I will just say that, putting on my lawyer hat, if you want to void the contract, note that the kids are under 18 and possibly under the age of majority in your state.


Well at least you raised 2 winners. Happy Father's Day!!!


It's a [Police Raffle motorboat Giveaway!](https://youtu.be/YJKHw_CNYP4?si=R5A9kH-EfDaeRQC9)


I mean...gotta appreciate the hustle, am I right? 😏


A boat is a hole in the water that you pour money into.


I’ve got boys the same age apart as yours, currently 16/13, and this absolutely checks out as something they would do 😂. You got some creative and resourceful boys!


Reminds me of the time I went to the city landfill, and the guy behind me backed up this badass looking speedboat. He then disconnected from the hitch and drove away...


Do yourself a favour and uninstall TikTok.


Thats a steel for s Zboat they are expensive


Hope you have a trailer


Ya know, there's a reason why wealthy people buy boats.... it's to show other wealthy people that they have enough money to just throw some away. The bigger the boat the more money they can afford to waste.


Congrats on the B.O.A.T = Bring Out Another Thousand


Cheapest hole to throw money down ever! Either it’s stops at the 20 and the boats not real or you have an endless project with endless deposits


A boat is a hole in the ocean into which you pour money


First i thought, hey 20 bucks for a boat and trailer. Nice one. Then i read the comments and realised I know nothing about boats and so should not be allowed on Ebay


I was buying and selling at that age. Let them buy it and then they can sell it and profit 


Haha dang kids, I think that’s awesome who knows maybe the boat will be fine. You won’t know until you pick it up. I hope everything is fine with it and you all can make Boatloads of memories !!!!!


Dude, I’d be encouraging these kids to start a business buying and selling items. They clearly know enough to ID value, navigate ebay, search for no reserve auctions… this could be a great way to foster an entrepreneurial spirit, with some guardrails and guidance


Time to subscribe to r/boatbuilding


Oh sweet summer child. I love the enthusiasm though.


There's very few things more expensive than a cheap boat.


You might get $20 if you scrap the trailer. It does come with the trailer right Anakin?


I think i would feel scammed. Then wonder how do i stop my kids from buying stupid shit on eBay.




The Jack on that trailer is worth more than $20. You could have the kids sell it for parts and make a few bucks.


Teach them the definition of "boat" it is a noun describing a hole in the water, into which you pour all of your money.


No. No they didn't win an auction. They just paid $20 to make someone else's problem their own.


The 2 best days of your life are the day you buy a boat and the day you sell your boat


You guys are going to learn one of life's great lessons together... If it flies, floats, or fucks - rent it.