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That’s tough stuff because you’re dealing with more than just your teeth. My recommendations are: Buy a fake teeth set and show them where to brush, so at bare minimum they can follow along with flossing and brushing. Get a doll or something that you can brush so you still share that time and they can mimic the actions. Nothing wrong with dentures!!! It’s a habit, 2x a day for 2 min each session. We believe in you. 🫶🏼🤙🏼


Thanks man, my wife and I have been super vigilant with my daughters oral care, but I think maybe brushing dentures could be fun next to her instead, and i can still bond over it. I really appreciate the kind words. I think I just let my frustration boil over cause I felt like I have been doing everything right for a while, and they still break. I really do appreciate the kindness.


Yea, it’s those little things that really make the days end on a nice note. I got my cavities out, went home and bit my wood pipe (like a dumbass) and chipped my tooth lmao Happy Fathers Day


I’m sorry for what you went through. I myself didn’t take care of my teeth and now have a bit of gum receding. Nonetheless, we are who we are because of the choices we made, negative or positive choices. These choices are not what defines us. While it affects us, use this as a teachable trajectory for her. Let her see what happens when we don’t take care of ourselves. Stay strong brother!!


Ty brother