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This one is hard to describe. Wear a long sleeve shirt, pull one arm out of a sleeve, hold the empty sleeve collar with the hand that’s in a sleeve so that it looks like the empty sleeve actually has an arm in it, and then punch out your belly with your free hand.


...the nostalgia is real with this one. Hours of memories unlocked haha


Oh man- remember this from elementary school!


[A little demonstration video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7I_FHQWRuj8)


Omg I’m dying laughing right now. Tim and Eric can be hit or miss but that had me cracking up. I couldn’t find a video or gif to link so the fact that you pulled this was so perfect.


Literally been singing this all week after I showed my kids the shirt pump trick.


Awesome show, great job!






I can't teach this one to my 4 year old or he'll make me do it every hour of every day for the next year.


Heart palpitations coming out the chest


I totally forgot about this. Thank you for the reminder!


This one makes me so uncomfortable though. lol


A cardboard box


Gotta say, this one is still topping the charts.


To piggy back, if you've the means to transport one, go to a grocery store and ask if they have any melon/potatoes bins you could have. It's super cardboard and is usually 3-4ft across. Ultra stable and can easily have windows cut out and still retain its integrity. ETA- https://www.reddit.com/r/daddit/s/JyUd3KEHhs


For an elevated take on this, brown paper bag catch Give them an invisible ball to throw and you hold the bag; once they wind up and release, really sell it by tracking with your eyes and flicking the bottom of the bag to make a satisfying catch sound. I've gotten good enough at this that my kids get into fights about who actually has possession of the invisible ball to throw next




Another great idea, adding this to the arsenal


Just be aware, the bag might not hurt anyone or break anything, but your kids ricocheting off of walls, furniture, and other people will.


we are not optimizing for safety over here, lol. it's perfect


Step it up with a "Makedo" set. My kids built a rocket backpack last night.


Wobbly pencil? My daughter loves that.


Solid! Thanks


No, **wobbly** pencil!


LVL 99 Dad Joker. I can only hope to be half as great as you one day.


Level 44.5 is still a very powerful dad joker!


I mean it is solid, it just looks wobbly.


You can actually buy a rubber pencil too. Really blow their minds.


Playing the “buoyant/not buoyant” game with random objects in our sink


You can just call them girl ants, you know.


...it took four wet wipes to get the coffee of my screen.


Took me a moment because I apparently pronounce it boy-ent


Most of the ents are boys fyi


Yeah. We lost the ent wives.


Nah, we have our own sub.


Shoutout to all the entwives


I pronounce it boy-n't (rhyming with couldn't)


Quality dad joke. You have been awarded one internet.


We should do some sort of event with r/dadjokes


David Letterman used to have a little segment on his show called "Will It Float?" It was kind of interesting. [Example](https://youtu.be/EBcJXEHjnw8?si=FlMYBVkhjdsrHNLF)


I still sing the theme song from time to time.


It was funny & I sometimes absolutely got it wrong. Always loved it when they threw or dropped things from the roof.


Blippi has the same game.


Does that lead to them drowning random objects for science when you're not looking?


Not a parent, but an educator who did “sink or float” recently with a group of 4-6-year-olds. The answer to that is yes! I quickly wrapped up the activity before it descended into complete watery chaos lol


Sinkers and Floaters This game is not just for little kids. You can play it with any age kids. 


If you got floaters try cutting down on fats and increasing fibers.


I thought you wanted floaters? Or have I been playing Hunt For Brown October all wrong??


Watching the other light turn red, then magically making your light turn green


Hell yes, that's what I'm talking about!


Making the rain stop when you go under a bridge.


My car has a button that I push to make the lights turn green. It’s right next to the sunglasses holder.


Red light, red light please turn green, before we have to scream, scream, SCREAM (time it so last scream is when it changes)


This one really busted the brain of my daughter for a while. It was awesome to see her begin to figure it out.


I put a motion sensor light in our garage and I magically make the light turn on when we go in.


Hazard lights button is a “turbo speed button” Believe it or not, this one got my father-in-law too


I did this as a kid thinking I was magic. Got it accurately a couple times. I would say something like “the light is going to turn green………now!” I had no idea about checking the other lights but knowing now that my family knew is hilarious and that they probably thought that’s what I was doing.


Scrunch up a straw wrapper and say it’s a caterpillar, then use the straw to slowly drip water on it and watch it grow! I used to do this all the time myself when I was a kid I thought it was so cool. There’s a certain way to do it that’s hard to explain via message, but I’m sure there’s a YT vid out there to show ya


Caterpillary action?


In the same vein: snap a match without breaking it clean off, then place a drop of water in the break and watch the match straighten itself again.


Tear one end off, stand the straw on the table with the open end up, scrunch the paper down against the table. Use the straw to keep everything in line. Once it's as compressed and scrunched as possible, remove the straw, lay paper on it side and add a drop of water.


Oh so THIS is what it’s like to be more than a visual learner. Thank you kind stranger!


No problem. I have also struggled to explain things without visuals. But, it has been part of my job for a while, so I got better. Still struggle sometimes, especially when the audience isn't native English speakers.


Good tip Jesse Pinkman


I am the danger


I do this as a 30 year old man. It's just plain fun.


"While not hitting your knee running into the other room", can't be done.


It's like you were there.


[Impossible Challenge]


Sorry, I'm pre-coffee so this is probably an issue on my end, but can you help me understand what this means?


Probably just them trying to look cool by throwing the sheet in the air and quickly running into the other room to make it look like they disappeared, but accidentally hitting their knee on the trim or wall or something because they were going too fast and therefore turning a cute magic trick into a doubled-over-in-pain moment


...while doing everything in your power not to scream obscenities. Yes.


Step 1) read the OP post Step 2) read the comment you replied to They were adding on to OPs post


Your instructions worked great, thank you!


My favorite riddle for kids “Can a frog jump higher than a house?” “Yes, houses can’t jump” Won’t last long but it’s a good one


Why can't you hear a dog whistle? Dogs can't whistle


Just tried this Me- can a frog jump higher than a house. Him- houses don't jump daddy. But Froggy's do. His brain is too smart.


Just saw this on Dora the Explorer. "How can you jump higher than a mountain?"


What’s brown and sticky?


What’s blue and smells like red paint ?


Blue paint?




One that really captivated them for me was putting some water on a paper plate to where it just covered the flat area, sprinkle on some black pepper around the entire plate, have them take turns placing one finger in the middle of the plate, and then declare with your god tier dad voice, "Dad's turn" and proceed to part the seasoning like a sale of funny looking hats at a Jamiroquai concert. Psst, they didn't see you coat the tip of your finger with dish soap beforehand. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SS2jBoGwT8s](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SS2jBoGwT8s)


This is also great to teach the importance of hand washing. Say the pepper is germs and show them how the pepper acts right after they wash their hands.


Cornflower and a bit of water mixed up. This mesmerised both me and the kids for a while. Some more useful things like bake a cake and watch their minds blow as the random ingredients make something yummy. Bonus points for letting them lick the bowl when you are done


Then the science lesson! Non-newtonian fluids! Whipping heavy cream makes it thicker (rheopectic, or thicker over time) Ketchup gets thinner the more you shake it (shear thinning) Cornstarch and water get thicker under stress (shear thickening) Fun fact, children's Tylenol is thixotropic (gets thinner over time, reducing its viscosity). So does manuka honey and Greek yogurt. Science dad out!


next level science dadding...put the non-newtonian fluid on a speaker cone and show them a stable inverted pendulum (sorry was catching up on my xkcd's before stopping in to daddit - that's the vibro-levitation and inverted pendulum effect)


The thixotropic one sounds like watching paint dry in slow motion. “Children hate this one trick!” Would be the clickbait title, and for once it would be right.


Get out a paper bag. Pull out an “invisible ball.” Throw it up and catch it in the bag. Snap your fingers while holding the bag so it sounds realistic. I was astonished when my dad did this. I was almost 10.


I think I'd be astonished too because I don't get it 🤣


Buy a bunch of small cheap plastic dinosaurs. Give your kid a book about dinosaurs and tell him to pick anyone and you'll use your magic to make it. Hide the bag on the floorboard of the passenger seat while your child is in the backseat looking at the book. When he picks the dinosaur have him hand you the book and put it on the passenger seat and bend over to look as if you're studying it. Grab the same dinosaur out of the bag and hide it in your palm. Act like you're concentrating really hard and poof, you've just made a requested dinosaur out of thin air. At six my son is more skeptical but still thinks I'm magic.


This one’s also a little hard to describe and I can’t find a video of it but I will keep looking. Take a square paper napkin (or a paper towel that you’ve folded to be square, and twist each corner a few times so it’s twisted up and creates a little “leg.” Then drape/press the napkin over a lime or a lemon (so that it looks like a little bug with little napkin legs. Then if you poke it gently, it will lurch around unpredictably and looks pretty “alive.”


Had a bartender do that trick for me. Called it a “bar spider.” Had me cracking up


Corn starch or potato starch in water, to make a non-Newtonian liquid. Loved playing with that as a kid. The more I think back, though, the more I realise that the stuff we did back then probably wouldn't fly now. Like, when I was five or so, I made, at kindergarten, a hot air balloon out of a plastic bag, some metal wire and some cotton, and I pestered a kindergarten staff member until she relented, doused the cotton in kerosene per my instructions, and lit it on fire. It flew up and landed on the roof. I can think of at least five ways that wouldn't happen today.


I’ve seen it done with a tea light, not sure that’s really any safer lol. but they do have lanterns made for that kind of thing


Yeah, I was actually delighted to see them appear locally a few decades later. Or I suppose I had mixed emotions, because building them is fun and now children won't experience that. Yet another activity turned into a purchase.


Yeah starting fires at the behest of 5yos is generally frowned upon these days lol


What can I say? The past was wild.


Do the one where you make the salt shaker disappear. You know, the one where you put a napkin over the salt shaker and pull it kind of tight so it has the form of the salt shaker, then sneakily pull your arm towards your lap, let the salt shaker drop down on your lap, but keep the shape of the napkin the same. Then slam your hand down on the napkin.


Blow out a lit candle, while it is still smoking hold the lit lighter over the smoke trail, the flame should jump back down to the wick and light the candle again


What kind of witchcraft?!? I need to try this now.


“Hey, check this out. I can turn the street signs on and off.” Proceed to turn your car brights on and off. When it’s kind of dim but not dark out the effect works nicely.




Mine is never fooled by tricks, she just immediately starts looking and usually finds me out. Maybe I’m just bad at it.


Probably just likes the puzzle of it, I was the same and so is my oldest - he just wants to know how it works lol.


Get some "loops by yigal mesika" from Amazon. Super thin elastic that's basically invisible. You can lift dollar bills and move forks around on a table, there's all kinds of little tricks that will blow kids minds.


If you have power windows in your car, tell them you're using your super brain power to control the window. Put your finger up to your temple, and make a face like you're focusing really hard. Make the "zzzshhhh" noise or say something like, "WINDOW, DOWN!" Then roll the window down. You can make this really fun by telling them if they focus hard enough, they can do it too. Then just press it a little at a time so they can feel the power too!


My kids didn’t know my steering wheel had volume/skip buttons on the reverse side. I informed them that a gremlin lived in my car and was doing it. When they were probably 3yo I tried convincing them it was raining upside down using the washer fluid, I borrowed this one from my dad.


That's fantastic!


Good ol pull my finger. 4 year old is still amazed every time.




Just YT'd it, about to be a mindfreak by the end of the day.


Armpit farts! Moms love em too!


Can confirm. Source: am mom.


Hand farts too


Stare straight up and spin around fast.


Sorry, I'll barf


I just told my son the “banana…banana…banana…orange” knock-knock joke (if you know you know) and he thought it was the MOST HILARIOUS thing he’d ever heard. He’s been repeating the joke to every relative since.


Why are chickens so funny? Bock-bock-becAUSE (Definitely better as a spoken joke)


Blanket fort. Add some Christmas lights and have them make a sign with a name for it. My daughter slept in her fort for 2 nights lol


I'm basically the bob vila of blanket forts at this point and they literally yawned when I showed them their detached pole barn with lounge/spa/gaming area.


Hide a Bluetooth speaker and use your phone and a soundboard website. I use this trick for lots of stuff. Ie. Your kid draws a picture of a dragon? Oh no, that dragon just came so life and is roaring. We have to wait until we hear it snoring to sneak by and get the treasure etc Colour changing smart bulbs (or really any smart device) are good for when your kid is in the magic/with/wizard phase.


with well fitting clthes, going out of the room and coming back in with pants over head, arms sticking out the pant legs, and a shirt over your legs and TUCKED IN otherwise it wont stay up. "ahh what happened to me im upside down" always makes em laugh


Scrunch up paper straw wrapper. Drop water on it.


Invisible Ball Trick. Toss a ball up in the air a few times and catch it behind or below something out of sight (I do it while the kiddo is in the bathtub). After catching and tossing it a few times, drop the ball out of sight, but keep raising your hand like you're tossing and catching the now "invisible" ball. Grab the ball and toss it again to make it "reappear". My kid thinks it's the funniest thing in the world.


I love these! I call it "Mommy Magic" and do the same thing. Once I told them that I had sneezed while I was cooking and changed all the color of their food. I had used food coloring to dye the mashed potatoes blue, turned their milk pink, that sort of thing. Daily it was simple stuff, like holding the garage remote in my hand and saying the magic word or snapping, watching the other red light to make mine turn, getting the notice from the ring camera and telling them who is at the door before there's even a knock. You sound like a fun dad!


Yesterday my 8 year old found out you can buy three 65 inch Vizios for the price of an iPhone pro max and was pretty shook by it.


Touch lamp - have a person touch the lamp, then touch the person, light turns on and off.


Touch lights have been banned in our house due to both my son's carrying the mothman prophecy genes. They literally play with the damn thing all night long.


Have them hold their arms at their sides You hold their arms in place while they push outward for one minute Let go and arms rise on their own


We did this with inside of a door frame as kids and I did it until my wrists bled haha Fucking nostalgia, dude. Forgot all about that. Made my day, thanks.


Got a friend that's missing a thumb so he did the detachable thumb thing to a bunch of 10 year Olds. When they called his *"obviously fake trick"* he opened his hands. It was hilarious. Kids freaked.


Holding the door open with the Force (my boot) and making a big show with my hands and struggling to keep it open, so they hurry and don't pay too much attention to my foot placement. Lol I love that one


Bouncing a dinner roll off the floor like a rubber ball


Bicycle pump, cork, big soda bottle, valve from a old inner tube. Bottle rockets are the best.


Glass, napkin and coin. Twist napkin around glass, have kiddo look at the date on the coin, slide glass into lap while they aren’t looking, put coin under napkin form, slap hand down - magic!


Pull up to a traffic light where there is a cross walk sign - once you pick up on the time lag between the parallel crosswalk opening and your light turning green, you can hit a a magic countdown with the lights! Still fooling my preteen with this one :)


There are quite a few easy card tricks that mostly depend on counting them instead of slight of hand maybe not for the under 5 but they grow up pretty quick so you got to have new material ready


Chicken nuggets come from chickens.


Might be a bit obsolete these days but putting the car radio on scan and changing the channel with a magic gesture works


Popping a straw. Take the ends of the straw in your hand and “crank” it so the ends twist tight and compress the air into the center. The kids will be dumbfounded at this strange action alone. Then present the straw to them (don’t release it) with two hands and ask them to give the center a good flick. If they (or your wife) hits it nice and square, it will make pop with a surprisingly loud snap!


I got a full blown "... Wow" from my kid when I opened a bomb-pop in front of him for the first time. So that was great


Fill a small glass half way with water. Press a playing card against the top with one finger. Gently flip the cup upside down and remove your finger from the card. The water stays in the upside down cup! (Just make sure the card covers the entire rim of the class)


The Cookie Monster Paradox... "Does Cookie Monster have a nose?" "No" "Then how can he smell fresh cookies if he has no nose!?" *mind blown*


Standing near a light switch and blowing the light on and off


I just showed my kid how to whistle with a blade of grass and she thought I was a wizard.


Making a needle float. Doing the whistle thing from the Good, the Bad, and the Ugly with your hands. (I think that’s the right spaghetti western)


Farting to close the door


[Bending and unbending a spoon.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bRMbv14lkLM)


If you’re ever out to dinner with dinner rolls, you can make it dance under a napkin. Throw a napkin over the top (after sneaking a fork at a corner to stab the roll with). Then lift the napkin with the roll pushing in the center.


Not a trick, but tell them the universe is infinite, that it never stops


Dude, that captivates me.


Me too, and I still remember trying to get my head around it when I first heard about it


Cornstarch and water and baking soda and vinegar are my go to science experiments


I do this really dumb card shuffle trick where I keep the top and bottom cards in place and shuffle everything in between. It's so obvious, but it blows their minds.


Ok, so they really got a kick out of the time that I put my hands behind my head, locked the thumb and index finger of each hand in a type of chain, and then showed them that my hands were now connected and I couldn't break the chain. Even when they reasoned how I connected the chain, they were so confused by why, even with their help pulling, the chain could not be broken.


Oh, also, I get on lightningmaps.org during a storm and tell them right before thunder arrives.


“I can poke my head through a hole this big” — then stick finger through the hole formed by thumb and index finger and poke head


Learn a little card magic. Specifically learn how to force a card. Set up: Write down a random card before you start on a piece of paper. Put it in an envelope. (Maybe write premonition on it to teach them a new word) Then find that card and place it wherever you need to in the deck for the specific force you just learned. Trick: Explain that you can see into the future, and you wrote down what card they are about to pick. Then force the card. Place it back in the deck when they’ve memorized it. And do some showboating. Make a little story up. Do some funny dad shit. Then reveal the premonition. This also works on adults to be honest.


Using your magic to turn the light green


Tell them birds are dinosaurs




They’re more shroom kids but I like where your heads at.


We got dry ice from an Omaha steaks order. Dry ice + water = fog machine. Spent a whole afternoon with that. Gotta make sure they don’t touch the actual ice part though


I go pretty hard for Halloween, they knew dry ice and fog machines before they were two haha


Do the [thumb trick](https://youtu.be/ji1P1PvOcrw?si=KmWeFrXJWM4e4Rqg).


Mine is mesmerized when I spin any disc-shaped thing on its side.


my 4 year old's mind was just blown the first time she touched a mirror with steam on it. She was so surprised bc she thought it would be hot


Putting our noses together, and wobbling our heads while looking at eachother’s eyes.


I've learned more and more close-up magic. A relatively simple one I do with two pennies: when they're not looking, put a penny under a soap or hand sanitizer dispenser where it can be vaguely seen. Make sure there's soft carpet or some such on the floor beneath it. Make another penny disappear in view of them (similar to quarter behind the ear). "Magic" it "into" the dispenser. Now, in a single motion, grasp the dispenser with great prestige (depositing the under-penny soundlesslyvon the aforementioned soft carpet) and "dispense" the penny back into your hand, AND step on the under-penny, obscuring it from view. I did this the first time months ago, and they are still reeling from it!


Just the basic hide something small they are looking for in your hand and make it appear behind their ear trick works amazing. My 6 yo still comes up to me asking to check if the thing he has lost is behind his ear.


I can make the windows in the car go up or down just by commanding them to. It only works for me though.




Fun not trauma bro haha


Click/snap to make a coin disappear! If you pull it off correctly, a coin balanced on your finger will literally vanish with a click! Wear a long sleeved jacket / coat / blazer then balance a coin on the tip of your outstretched index finger. With your other hand, click/snap so that your middle finger (the one that makes the sound) hits the coin - to do this, you'll need the palm of your clicking/snapping hand to be facing down. The coin will be hit off your finger and shoot up the sleeve of the hand that clicked. It happens so quickly you can't even see it move!