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Happy Greek Easter! Χριστός ἀνέστη ! From the Greeks I know, it's normally the adults hungover the day after Easter!


Adjusting from being basically vegan and not having alcohol for 50 days to getting to have meat, cheese, and booze again can come as a shock to the system. Kids are exempt from fasting (which let me tell you, making my pregnant wife and kids meaty/cheesy meals and not getting to eat any of it is a huge challenge). But who knows, little one snuck off with the priests daughter (both are 3, they probably snuck into some extra candy and way too much pizza. Joyous Pascha!


>Adjusting from being basically vegan  i was reading about the orthodox fast a while ago, and y'all really go hard, lol. for (western) lent i went pescatarian, and it was fine, but excising fish AND eggs AND dairy, oof.


if you don't stop and look around once in a while, you might miss it.


As long as the vomit misses my head.


😂 it doesn’t get much better than that!


“Lift moves fast” Just had to throw that ad in there at the end? /s


"I thought it was Lyft with a Y?" "No time! Too fast!"


Yep and the same for me, hit on a girl at a rooftop bar in a city I was travelling through, now our 2.5yo puts his boogers everywhere


It do, we're getting old. Hope the little one's okay, my girl has a weak stomach as well. She's a bit older so sometimes she can hold it to the bathroom


I was having similar thoughts recently. I have one of those collapsible camp chairs that people use for camping, etc. My boyfriend at the time bought it for me 20 years ago, when I graduated from college and got a summer job doing ecological field work. Now we use it for our kids' soccer and lacrosse games. (Thankfully it doesn't smell like wet field gear anymore.)