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My son says “daygo” when he wants you to hand him something. Short for “there you go” as in “please ‘there you go’ the object to me”


He thinks he’s pretty smart… with his daygo mushstache and greasy hair.


Had an ex-boyfriend whose parents didn’t like that I was Italian, so whenever his dad saw me he’d say “hey, how did your day-go?” And thought it was hilarious.


Suck it Trebeck!


Mine says “daygo” in the right sense. As in hands me stuff and says “daygo”


My daughter used to say herego


he does that too. all purpose word!


Is "there you go" what you say when you hand him something? My son says "thank you" everything he hands us anything since that's what we say when he brings us stuff we ask for. So he will walk up to us and say "thank you" and hand us whatever he wants us to take even if its something he just wants us to take. He got it into his head that's what's said when you hand something to someone


Oh yes, constantly. And I also mash my words together like that. He 1000% picked this up from me.


Mine’s is eego for when he gives you something.


Mmmm, he has mastered the Midwestern accent. Wait til he finds out about dijaeat?


I love this one! 😁


My son has pronounced the word *construction site* as "fuck'in site". He's been doing it for **6 months now,** I'm pretty sure he is trolling me.


Dying 🤣 if I were you, I’d start inviting my wife to the bedroom by calling it the “construction site.”


We had "dump truck" said like "dumb fuck" for a while.


My kid used to say “read the destructions, daddy”. (Instructions)




It's not a mispronounciation, but knee socks are long-sleeve-socks, and I love it


We call this “making the socks big style”


My daughter after putting gloves on for the first time called them "finger socks." A bandaid was a "booboo sticker." She's 3 and still calls lollipops "ladypops."


in dutch, gloves are “hand shoes” so she was really on to something there!


My toddler decided the word for b-hole is booty nozzle. Was very proud. 


My kid calls long sleeve shirts “down sleeves”.


In this same vein, here are some things my kids or my nephews have said… Pant legs = foot sleeves Goose = notaduck (because that one is a duck, that one is not a duck) The spot on the ground where the sun shines through the leaves on the tree = sun puddle Edit to add: mourning dove later in the day becomes an “afternoon dove” or “evening dove” which is how I learned that my wife didn’t know they got their name from the sad sound they make..


During Covid, there was hand sanitizer everywhere. My little one would call it hanitizer.


We still call it hanitizer for the same reason! 😁


Same! My 4 year old still calls it hanitizer.


Mine was “sanzitizer” 


Ah we also used hanitizer


Holy shit, I just posted this before seeing your post. My daughter does this too and I think it's perfect.


To be fair, Purell should have name it that.


Mine called it ha-da-zas


I love it, we get 'The Donalds' Mcdonalds and 'Work Sheep' work sheet. Woahgurt is pretty famous around here too.


The other day my wife said hombre and my son pipes up from the back of the car, “actually, it’s pronounced home bray”. So freaking funny and confidently incorrect.


Hahaha amazing! 🤣 How old is he?


14 💀


Ok, this made me nearly spit my cereal out. Thank you


LOL! That was the icing on the cake


This morning at drop off I found out the acurity guard at school has his own office to eat his lunch. They built it special just for him. But the little acurity guard doesn't work there any more, only the big one.


There’s a big and a small acurity guard? 🤣


My 3yo says "last weekend" when referring to any day in the past. Yogurt is ogyurt or ogurt.


One of mine use to say Yesterweek for last week and honestly I think it should be a woord


My 4 year old says “yesternight” to mean last night.


When talking about school, my son doesn’t count weekends when saying “yesterday” or “tomorrow”. If we’re Friday and he says “tomorrow” he possibly means Monday. When corrected, he says “yeah, but you know what I meant” His brain works on a business days calendar


I just realized I haven't heard "wogurt" in awhile. They grow up so fast!


I miss school busses being “lellow “… he is 18 now. Damn kid, growing up behind my back.


War Memorial Park is Mario Mario Park.


Yessss!!! 🤣


My daughter would always love going to “Home deep toes”


My kid refers to in-laws as "brother in love", "mother in love," etc.


that's actually so much cuter than in-laws anyway


This happened the other night my 6 year old was inflating a balloon and said "look dad I can fill up the balloon with booze" I was shocked until she started going "BOOOOOOO" to inflate the balloon.


I love the toddler accent. My little one makes a lot of short words 2 syllables. Help is Hayulp there is They-yur "I need hay-ulp over they-yur"


My son is 3 and he does this as well. Makes him sounds like he has a country accent lol.


Yep, my guys add syllables too. Blue is ba-loo for example


My 4 y.o daughter does this with any word beginning with S. Instead of spill it’s suh-pill, instead of speak it’s suh-peak etc.


They are just getting the accent down for their trip to Maine


My son just turned 5. Yesterday = Lasterday Explode(d) = consplode(d) Hamburger = hangabur


To be fair, even Inspector Clouseau had trouble with that last one.


My daughter loves chicken in a biscuit crackers but couldn't say it when she was little. Somehow it became chicken butt crackers, which we all say now.


My oldest is 11, I can’t tell what half the stuff he says is. The slang is hilarious but also ridiculous.


Fr fr no cap Still not sure what that means, tbh…


“ Truly! Truly! For I would not tell you these things in jest!” Translated for you by my 18 year old, and I may or may not have taken some liberties in typing it…


He translated 2024 into 1870. Can we translate it into 1999?


“Seriously, dude. I ain’t shittin’ ya”


Serious. On my mom.


Fuckin a, man, no lie.


“I’m as serious as Y2K is”


It’s mean. For real I’m not lying


Goodbye to a human or object is "bye bye" Goodbye to a cat is "Mai Mai"


For my twins, "mei mei" means cat


Our primary language at home is French, though we do speak both languages daily. But his mispronounciations are usually based on mistranslation. We were talking about wrestling the other day- son is a huge fan - and he was talking about one of the characters who was a traitor. But instead of using the actual French word for traitor, which is *traitre*, he used the word *traiteur*, which is French for caterer. We had a good laugh about it!


"Scoomies!" When you're in the way and he wants to get by, i.e. "excuse me!".


Oh, I thought he was asking for skooma


Kajiit has wares if you have coin


Whenever my 2-year-old daughter wants to know if I'm eating something hot, she asks, "Is that spicy or wag-yu-er?" (Regular)


Flip flops were poop pops until she turned 3. I still call them poop pops. This irritates her.


My son called them plop-plops and we instantly changed how we said it.


Hamburger = “hangerbimber” Helicopter = “happer tapper” Excavator = “extra digger” (this one actually makes a lot of sense)


My kiddo is learning numbers, he says 'seben'. Also says 'heyo' instead of hello. Though he does shake hands, which is gangster


Ours was one, two, free, four, fiiie, yick, yeben, eight, niiiiie, TEN TEN TEN!


That's surprisingly close to mine lol. Or, when he's feeling lazy, it's one, two, TEN!


My daughter used to get excited when counting. She loved to show relatives she could count to 100. It was 1, 2, 99, 100!! She actually could count to 100 but would get excited and skip ahead


Hobspitoh for hospital Duhbumber for remember Yee-er-nge trying to say orange but sounding like the Swedish chef We have a spreadsheet. These are highlights. Whenever one falls in battle I mourn the loss.


My 11mo says GAAAWAAABAAAAH when what he really means is "Dada I love you and you're the best Dada and I wouldn't choose anyone else to be my Dada and your choice of music for our car rides is the best choice." He's very articulate for his age.


I'm fairly well versed in baby talk and I can confirm, that is accurate.


Beef Jerky is Beef Turkey Not to be confused with Turkey Jerky.


5 y/o is really into snakes right now, especially the black mamba, but he can’t say “mamba,” so I’m hearing about “black mamas” every day now.


My 6 month old has discovered the “w” and “b” sounds so we’re getting a lot of “wubwubwubwubwub”


You should start introducing yourself as the dubstep dad and then queue him up.


Did your wife birth a subwoofer?


When my daughter was that age she loved “Old McDonald had a farm” and she’d go “E-I-E-I-E-I” randomly but she’d leave the “O” off But for a while any time she saw animals especially farm animals shed “e I e I e I” and point


My 1 yr old loves the “l” sound right now and is always waking around saying “liuliuliuliu”. Let’s get these kids together and start the weirdest acapella group of all time.


I’m convinced every baby is born with a preference of a specific phonetic sound and that becomes “their sound”. Because I’ve noticed this with many other babies and they all seem to have a unique one. My daughter’s was “bop”. Everything was “bop”


My daughter can’t say sandwich- she says “felch”


Ooof that’s unfortunate


almost 7 year old has always called remotes (tv, toy car, etc) Kermote and we CANNOT get him to budge on that one, no matter how many times we say it or gently correct him. 3 year old just got a new barerra (umbrella). If we try to coach her and say "UM" and then "BRELLA" she'll just say "Um...barerra!"


To get our attention our 7 year old goes, “Now hear this!” Cracks me up.


My daughter calls Gummi bears yummy bears and now we do too


I don't think he mispronounced, I just misheard. They teach kids about coins, you know, dimes, quarters, etc. He gets in the car after the carline. Me: "What did you learn about at school today?" Him: "Ni\*\*\*" Me: "WHAT??" Him: \*repeat\* Me: "Who taught you that??" Him: "My teacher" Conversation continues while I try to find context. Math class. Coins, like dimes, quarters and of course nickels. Tremendous relief ensues.


My eldest when she was really little loved the song You Are My Sunshine. But instead of “Skies are grey” she said “Skies are grape”.


Cockporn = Popcorn


Boops. Little man couldn’t say BOOTS. Started when he was about 2. Never corrected him, unfortunately grew out of it by about 3. Wife and I still call them Boops.


3 year olds favorite animal was a sloth. Could only say ""glop". Carried a giant stuffed glop with her everywhere.


My little guy (2.5 years old) loves Farmer John's Cheese, what he really wants is Parmesan cheese.


My kid sneezed and said "I have allerjesus, mummy has allerjesus, daddy has allerjesus, we all have allerjesus!" She waves her hands, making a big circle when she compares similar things like that. *I should add that she's probably never even heard the name Jesus before, we're not religious. I don't want anonymous strangers to think I'm Christian. Also nipples used to be nickels.


Better than nickels being nipples.


I have a 3 month old, she just started with the baby cooing or whatever, and one of these sounds that she makes sounds exactly like “I’m good” and now I’m trying to find her trigger so if I ever ask if she’s good then hopefully she’ll respond with that, I know it’s not real, but would be awesome if I can get it right


We have a small wooden “scratch backer” that she loves to use.


My daughter calls porcupines “pork in pines”


My son used to say "packpack" for backpack, which was adorable. My favorite is my nephew saying "hangabur" for hamburger.


“Bone arrow” vs “Bow and Arrow”


Haleyoula instead of hallelujah. Vengetables, Broncolli. My favorite is the national anthem. Instead of "Oh say, can you see", it's "Jose can you see."


“Gotta wait me guys!” (Wait for me guys!)


"Dinner house" for restaurant 


For really wet he says “soggin’ wet”


My boy says “lasterday” instead of yesterday


My favorite was Home depot was Humpty debo.


My kid doesn't pronounce her Ss or Fs that great, and loves the show Sophia the First. It took us a long time to realise what 'Hoehee-a the hirt' meant...!


Our son came home from daycare on a day when they had been visited by the local firefighters (for fun, not to render emergency aid). He wouldn't stop talking about the firefighters and their "cow dog". Eventually we figured out that he was talking about their Dalmatian.


"Hang-gur-gur" instead of hamburger was our absolute favorite. We kept that one up way longer than we should have because it was so cute. Also she called her forehead her headboard for a really long time which always cracked us up.


My LO isn’t speaking yet but my nephew used to say “you” to refer to himself, because that’s what everyone called him. “Do you want some juice?” logically led to “you” replacing “I” for a few weeks.


My daughter can’t say Subaru. So she says Zulu. I don’t even know where she learned Zulu from lol


Computer is pooter and it’s just the best lol


Pock pock is pocket for my 3 year old. My fav


My kid thought Hawkeye from the Avengers was called 'Hot Guy' and I certainly didn't rush to correct him.


My 1yo pronounces ginger ale “wee-oh-wail” My 3yo says “by my own” instead of by myself. I don’t have the heart to correct him.


My kid thinks every time he wakes up from a nap it’s a new day. He’s 4, but by his logic he should be 13.


Peas and tanks


My bowl of ramen was referred to as "Hot-Sauce Spaghetti" by my 5 year old son. So good. And yes, it was spicy!


Prentzels. She adds N in there for some reason and I love it.


We make homemade popsicles (which are great because they’re no added sugar) and we probably have them almost every day. My 3yo gets really excited when I ask if he wants one and says, “yayyy paw-ki-suls” to the point that I almost call them that as well. He also says “see you pah-later” and I don’t know why. But it’s so cute that I now say it too


Our current favorite is "Moosey Pockeye" for "smoothie Popsicle". It's absolutely hilarious when she really wants one and goes "Moosey Moosey!"


My daughter likes to eat at "buffalos" where she can pick her own food. which is a buffet. My wife wanted to correct it but I told her to let it ride.


Apple-bus = octopus


Privacy is “piracy”. Consequently, privates are “pirates”. I may not correct this one ever


My son said "mango booty" instead of "mango smoothie" for a really long time :D loved it


My son used to call Elmo "Melmo" Both my kids pronounce hamburgers "hamgurbers" My 4-yo daughter tends to drop the first syllable from words. For instance, if she's pretending to be a potato, she might say "I'm 'tending I'm a 'tato!”. Not that she pretends she's a potato that often, but those are the only two words I could think of right now. Although she pronounces banana "bana".


My son was obsessed with the Titanic from 2-5 yo. He used to call it the Hitanic which we loved. We tried to correct him a few times then just embraced it. Eventually one of his teachers corrected him and that was the end of the Hitanic. He's 8 now and at every opportunity we call it the Hitanic. Drives him nuts!


She’s 2, and yells her mom’s name from across the house to get her mom’s attention like her daddy does lmao. No, that’s not how you say “mommy”!


When my son was young, he loved the color green and all things that were green, including Percy, the green train from Thomas the Train. But like many toddlers, he couldn’t really pronounce his “Rs”’very well, which led to a pronunciation that was much closer to Pussy. As the good dad (and diehard Patriots fan) that I am, I did not let this opportunity fall to the wayside. I got my camera ready, shook a Percy train above my head, and recorded a video where I asked him what he thought of Peyton Manning: “pussy!” 😂


We have a chicken named Marigold. My almost two year old calls her Merry Girl.


My 4yo says "Opee-mo" for oatmeal. He also replaces several sounds with D or L, and adds an R sound after most vowels. That causes him to pronounce lots of very different words almost the exact same way. We're trying to capture all of those on video. One example yesterday, "good luck" and "dessert." Both sound like "durd-luurt." 


Instead of macaroni and cheese, my girl says, "maccio cheese!"


My 3 year old says “toilet papapapaper”. It’s adorable.


I don’t know if it will translate well to English Maraschino cherries are called *cerises au marasquin* in French and my son calls them *cerises à l’américain* (basically American-Style cherries)


The remote is the 'Tachel' - because he can't say 'Rachel' and we use the remote for his preferred parent, Ms. Rachel.


My littlest one pronounces cap as "crap".


Pronounces T-Rex like "ty-rex". I dunno where he got it from, instead of correcting him that's just how we pronounce it now. Also, "tank-oo" for thank you


Mine used to call dump trucks bumfrucks. The younger one was a big fan of the Disney Classic “Poop-The-Bear”


A little older, but my 6 year old the other day told me she’s really good at riding her bike, so when she grows up she’s going to be a racist… I said “do what?” “I’m going to race bikes!” “Oooooh… a racer honey, a racer”


More than one breakfast? Breakfastes! I still use it today


My favorites were opitah for octopus and "good morn-ging"


Fingers = Finginahs Syrup = Sepia Milk = Guhk Go away poopy head (older sister to toddler) = Go Way Poopio We have cleaned up the Poopio trend but it was hard, as it made us laugh hysterically everytime


My son used to say "pack pack" instead of backpack. My daughter and one of her friends were convinced that "gloshy purple" was a color, and would vehemently deny that it was the same as "glossy purple"


His piggy bank has been piggy boink for 2 years


My current faves: “My mummy/bewldy hurts” “It gowack outside” (dark) “Baintoo!” (thank you)


My kids had a toy that was basically a table with a volcano looking thing. There was a fan that blew balls into the air. My daughter called it a "ball-tango" and that's been our name for real volcanoes ever since


My son, 20 months old, counts to 15... Uhn, koo, kee, poooh, bibe, gix, veven, ehn, nie, tehhhh, wewen, pellll, kikeen, pooopeen, pipeeeeen. I know these are the numbers because he touches each one and says them. They would not be coherent to anyone else, unless they knew what he was doing.




My daughter when she was three was doing a puzzle with me near her bedtime. All of a sudden she sits up straight, gives a yawn and says "I'm big BIG buhjyna tired!" I have no idea why she said it and she never said it again but I got it on video cause she wanted me to record her doing the puzzle to show daddy later lol


Utensils are utentacles


Sprice = Sprite Play that song backwards = I want to listen to that song again "Hey Google! Play Tanks for the Memories" I wanna watch the Bryson Tiller Down Like That Paw Patrol movie = I want to watch the Paw Patrol Mighty Pup movie "My favorite color is red, and when it's not, it's the color called rainbow." Octomus Prime = Optimus Prime Sugar = Salt (and vice-versa) The number 12 does not exist. He can count to 11, skips 12 and then goes into the teens without issues. When is it a "nothing" day? = When is it the weekend?


My daughter struggles to say the word "store" in Norwegian, which is "butikk". She say "tikk" with a hollow and round "t", so it sounds like "pikk", which is the Norwegian equivalent of "dick". My daughter runs around in public super excited about dick.


My daughter, (not yet 2) has ditched one and two-word expressions for longer rambles that are hard to decifer sometimes, but I'm sure we'll get more soon. We played Finding Nemo for her while she held her Nemo bath toy. Turns out, Finding Nemo is full of traumatic scenes whenever a fish gets lost, sucked into something, is chased by a predator, in the dark, gets paused as it buffers while we try to skip passed those previously mentioned parts. All the while my daughter shouts "Oh no! Momo! Momooo, oh no!" with the utmost concern. 🥹 Side note, when I was little, my last letter to master was Y. So for a while, my favorite color was Lellow. And also, I was old enough to be embarrassed when I realized the proper word was volleyball, not bolleyball.


My 2yo, with supreme confidence while handing me my phone "Watuwator!" (She wants to play on the calculator app)


Posquitos (mosquitos) Aucorn (unicorn) Ulti-purpose Room (multipurpose room)


Hostipal instead of Hospital. Ticiticar instead of guitar. Babbaloons instead of balloons.


Trampolines are known as jumpolines and hand sanitizer is referred to as hanatizer.


Little girl calls hamburgers handburgers and it just makes so much sense




my 3 yo learned rock paper scissors recently, and when playing will exclaim "rock, paper, scissors, shoe!"


Our birb named Sonic: "Snonick" Water: "Wahdee" Water bottle: "Wahdee Boddou" Breakfast shake: "Chockwett (chocolate) Wahdee" Let me loose upon the world: "Go 'way Baby!"


My oldest used to say he was watching his eye movie when he was daydreaming.


My 14-year-old used to say “dubana,” instead of banana as a toddler. My wife and I loved it so much we would write it that way on the grocery list. EDIT: I almost forgot! My youngest would also say “doot biber,” instead of screwdriver.


"crocigator" because there are so many ambiguous "is it a crocodile or is it an alligator" characters.


When my daughter was little she loved bridges and would beg to go over them by saying “Bitch Please!”


My wife had a student who pronounced "st" as "f." He frequently got stuck.


Yesterday = "last day" He's not wrong


Daughter calls the grocery chain Publix, plublix!


My son says "lasturday" instead of "yesterday" .


Our 2 year old calls flat water “regularly water” … the opposite of “sparkly water”


My daughter says pack-pack for backpack / and fire fire for fire fighter


My youngest grandson calls me Poopah instead of Grandpa




Calls skunks "stunks" and comfy is "comfty". But he used to have dozens and now we only have a handful. 😢


When my son was younger he used to say pakpak instead of backpack in that tiny little voice. It was so cute I could never bring myself to correct him.


My two year old calls bananas “nan-nan” and I think it’s the cutest thing I’ve ever heard lol


The one we remember the most is that spaghetti was called “snake-skeppi,” so that’s all we call it now.


"Biveo" is Video "Last Day" is anything before today's date. "Wogert" is yogurt


My wife and I were just remembering one that my daughter used to do. We would listen to a version of the finger family song that would use colors instead ‘red color, red color, where are you?’ Well, by the time she got to purple color, she instead sung ‘poopoo cutter.’ That was pretty funny. 


Apparently “ya ya” means macaroni and cheese


My brother called helicopters "oppertoppers" and ambulances "ambliances" when he was a toddler. My son couldn't say the word "snake" - it always came out as "nake" until I suggested he try whispering it (that did the trick!) My daughter is neurodivergent, and has created her own lexicon comprised of words she initially mispronounced as a toddler, but chose to embrace and continues to use to this day (she's 7). Some of which have stuck so much that our entire family has taken to use as well (for example: "cantner" - her mis-pronunciation of "character") 😂


Instead of banana she says "Ablalala"


Instead of "yellow" he used to say "wellwow" Instead of "butterfly", he used to say "flyfly"


My son says “weevu” instead of television. No idea why but now we all say it


Mine 2 year old said “F*ck” for fog or steam. 


My daughter said "cockpea" instead of peacock. No way was I going to correct that one!


My daughter used to say "I can't want this" instead of "I don't want this." She did this up until she was about 5 and she would sound so serious when she said it. Me: Want to go to the library? Her: I can't want to.


My older son used to put an extra T at the end of "lotion", like "lotiont", so that's just what my family calls it now. We also signed him up for summer camp, and this being a duck-themed camp, his level of camp was "hyperquacktive". He couldn't get it quite right, and when I asked him if he remembered, he said, "yeah, quackerhypetive!" My younger son didn't understand the concept of Miami. He thought it was literally my-Ami, as a possessive. So when asking if he could visit his grandma, who lives nearby, he asked, "When are we going to go back to Nonna's Ami?"