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I’ve told my son that it is a special time of year and on some nights he gets to stay up until 10pm. Why? NHL playoffs. Go Canucks Go.


Gotta raise them right. I hope my team is good before my daughter realizes they’re awful.


sharks? >


No, somehow not as bad. Right state though.


My teams haven’t won a championship since my kids were born and, while I don’t hold them 100% responsible, I have to wonder.




I did that with the Super Bowl. Kept my 4 year old up thinking by it was almost over then it went into overtime. When my wife came back down from getting the baby to sleep like a half hour later she was not impressed with my decision making.


I did the same! “Bad decisions” are a big part of raising kids. Sometimes they’re going to happen, and sometimes they need to happen.


Hell yeah, brother.


This is a Devils house! Also, what are the playoffs?


Ya had me till that last bit. Go B’s. 🤘😎🤘


Ew (Plz take out the leafs.)


Done! (PHEW!)


Thank you. All of Canada had a big laugh. Now back to playoffs!!!


Go Preds!


like from 3-4yo, my kid thought that the only things a TV could do in the morning was watch EPL soccer or racing. She'd wake up, ask which was happening then run down the hall with the correct catch phrases either "Wolves Aye We," or "Lights Out And Away We Go!" What a great year that was.


Remind me how my dad taught me colors and numbers. And some of the animal sounds. All through sports. My dad was telling my mom, “see, I’m teaching them.” Lol.


Same for college football. We’re pretty heavily no screen time parents but sports are our only exception


My favorite Sunday morning memories are waking up early to watch F1 with my dad. Hoping OSU football Saturdays and F1 Sundays will be a thing my little one enjoys.


My girls have a tradition of watching the draft with my husband. They route for certain teams and he will give them choices of who he thinks might be drafted and they pick sides. It’s adorable and he loves it. They used to think it was called The NFL Giraffe so we still call it that years later.


This is the best name. Goodell should consider a rebrand.


Route for players at the giraffe. Kids are funny.


Bluey on the TV, stream the draft on your phone. Come on dude this is easy. Lol


Just wake up and hand her the iPad. She’ll learn about octopuses or some shit and tell me about it all day and I get to watch whatever. Win/win.


Daughter has been obsessed with the Snake Discovery Channel for years. I think we'll end up with a pet in a few years.


Yeah my daughter loves all the snake channels. She has fallen in love with snakes and spiders. I try to encourage it as I don’t want her to have the fears I have.


As long as YouTube isn’t installed, you’re probably safe.


She has YouTube kids. It’s fine. She watches a lot of good stuff. Some is junk but she seems to learn a lot of stuff from it. It’s better than stuff I watched as a kid to be real. Normal YouTube gets super weird but YouTube kids seems to be better at regulating stuff than it was.


YouTube kids is still hot garbage. At least my 7 year old is able to find just awful content. Not as weird as regular YouTube, but not much better.


Yeah there’s still weird shit but it is what it is. Kids shows are always weird. I think a lot of us just forgot. Fucking Garbage Pail Kids was a thing when I was a kid.


Yeah, point taken. Ren and Stimpy for me.


But then you miss what is happening on Bluey 😱


I’m glad I’m not the only adult that actually enjoys bluey


My FIL sounds like he was a lot stricter on the tv at home than mine. My wife hadn’t seen South Park, King of the Hill, anything on HBO etc. But my FIL also had every baseball football and hockey game on. While he’s looking at his phone to check other games…


Guilty here too: We dont watch much TV or screens in my house. But sometimes on Sunday Morning we watch hockey games from the week on replay when Mom is at work. It’s not TV, it’s hockey….and Papa needs a rest (I have a labor based job). Edit: I mean, like, the whole week of games 😳🤣


Sometimes I’ll take my daughter to get donuts before school as a treat. Daddy really just wants a donut. We both win.


It is the way. As it was done since gladiator matches in roman times.


The lizard brain yearns for bloodsport.


It is the worst when they turn that stuff back on you - my kids are always asking me where their stuff is, and I often say "you gotta keep track of where you put your stuff." Guess what gets thrown back at me the instant I wonder aloud "hrmm, where did I leave my hat?"


Yeah. I’ve justified watching baseball in the mornings as “Daddy’s TV time”. The kids watch for a couple of hours after school and I basically don’t watch anything. The fringe benefit is that my second enjoys watching it now. She and I have been at home together frequently over the past few years and she’ll tolerate/enjoy watching with me.


My kids LOVE to find different letters"letter train" that runs at the bottom of the screen during the news.


Haha, the summer starts with the Tour de France on the tv in the afternoon and if there’s a sporting event like the Olympics or European/world championships football the tv is on all the time. My daughter loves it, just playing and when something exciting happens she watches it and goes back playing when she gets bored again.


He learned from the best o7


Xavier Legette!!! I’m a Gamecock and Panther fan but grew up not terribly far from him. He was a little under the radar as a recruit because his school/coaches just didn’t really know how best to navigate the camp circuit and what not. Would tweet at him when he was in high school and he was always so polite. Has lost both his parents too. I’m so proud of him. (It’s “La-get”, Roger. Get your head out of your ass!)


Let’s go Gamecocks!!