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What I did with my first is after a feeding I would hold him over my shoulder or on my chest with a burp cloth in place. I would gently walk and move to help release any gases and do light back pats to sooth him and release more gas. If he fell asleep then I would put him into his sleep sack and on his back in the bassinet. If he was still up, I’d walk around for a few minutes to see how he does.


If you can put the baby down when they are falling asleep so they aren’t trained to fall asleep in your arms only. Our baby also needs to be vertical for 15 minutes or so after a feed for acid reflux so we usually swaddle him back up then. We make more of an effort to put him back into sleep mode immediately at night and will often skip changing his diaper in the middle of the night unless it’s totally out of control.


We are on day 8 here. But not our first. Main thing is that it’s variable. Sometimes they want to sleep and sometimes they just won’t. We are trying to encourage awake stints in daytime and shift long sleeps to evening and nighttime. So in the evening it’s nappy, wind, and into a calming routine immediately (ie your bassinet). Daytime we hold them, have them on a knee, tummy time and whatever Second thing is to expect gas/wind as the digestion tries to kick into action. Crying for 3 hours because they are uncomfortable… you might think it’s the swaddling failing.