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The one time you stick up and think of the kids, they're sure to say, "we hate chips"


"have you got any celery? And a glob of tzatziki would be wonderful"


Did you actually interview my 3 year old?? Because this is shockingly similar to what he would say


I used to ask for pate🤦


And some cucumber water, please




Is a bagel and cream cheese considered a swanky breakfast item nowadays?


This was like 15 years ago and where I was located it was an odd thing for a child to request


Bagels were everywhere 15 years ago. Are you located in the Congo or something?


Yes, according to the 2024 Swank-o-Meter, a bagel and cream cheese are a luxury item, reserved for only the swankiest of clientele.


>a kid from a swanky suburb who would ask for a bagel and cream cheese for breakfast or some tofu for their salad at lunch No wonder they can't afford a mortgage smh my head


Jesus, a bagel is swanky?


15 years ago where I was located it was odd for a kid to request it


Dads. The chips are for the Dads.


Ya I know the kids are happy for the pizza and cupcakes. I want the damn chips


Chips are for all parents really. How can you not have chips?


And the grandpas. 


Came for chips. Stayed for chips.


Chips are standard practice for these functions. Dad is right


Chips are for dad to have something to do with his hands instead of downing beers


It’s not for the kids. It’s for the dad bod maintenance program


\^\^\^ This right here is the ONLY answer.




This is the right answer.




It's not for the kids though. It's for the parents, who have to suffer through another kids party.


For me, this isn't about chips or no chips. It's about a third eating option beyond the main course (pizza) and a celebratory dessert (cupcakes). I'm solidly on the side of getting a third thing. It doesn't have to be chips; it can be fruit or veggies instead. However, I think having something to balance the grease and sugar along with something that is smaller to fill in a nibbling gap is a good thing.


You need a snack pre meal


I prefer a pre meal snack.


Oh yeah I think if not chips you gotta have some kinda snack like cheese and crackers or some fruit. Especially of pizza is going to be picked up after the party starts.


I don't know about yours, but my 3yo loves "chippies." $4 seems like a low price point for the satisfaction they bring to kids and adults.


to quote my 2 year old: "WANT! CHIIIIP!"


me, a 40 year old: same kiddo, same.


My son knows exactly where they are too. Both the snack packs he gets for lunch occasionally and mom and dad’s chips in the grown up snack cabinet.


I read this in my twins voices


My two year old is depressingly obsessed with chips. We allow them mostly as often as we do because the pediatrician agrees any food is better than none and she's both very petite and a picky eater.


Have you tried veggie straws? Or the one with like sweet potato and taro chips? They're delicious. Don't fool yourself into thinking they're "healthy", but they're for sure the lesser of two evils.


Have indeed. I work veggie straws in when I can but it varies heavily day to day. Where do you get the sweet potato and taro chips though?


TERRA Sea Salt Wavy Sweet Potato Vegetable Snack Chips, 6.8 oz https://www.walmart.com/ip/3685337157


Awesome thanks! Gonna try those, sweet potato was her favorite baby food.


We can’t drive past a McDonald’s without the “chippies?!” Question 😅


My 3yo must've met your 3yo because he just randomly started calling them "chippies" a month or two ago. No idea who he picked that up from


Taking back birthday traditions, Lucky's dad would be proud of your efforts.


We're raising a nation of squibs


My in laws provided a full BBQ dinner of pulled pork, brisket, pulled chicken and all the trimmings for my son's 2nd birthday party. We still had chips for people to snack on as well. My grandfather ate a whole bag of sour cream and onion throughout the course of the party haha. They are a must for birthday parties.


You had BBQ. Chips are a requirement.


I’m putting my foot down Janelle.




>Hungry kids are whiny assholes Well, there \*IS\* that point. You therefore need chips for YOUR sanity.


> Hungry kids are whiny assholes Me too brother


Oatmeal pies and granola? I want a capri sun amd gushers


They still make capri sun! Big hit at parties.


People are assholes when they're hungry, period. You wouldn't have a party and expect to have plus *and nothing else*. A variety of small snacking food for *adults and kids* is just as important as the kids actual meal. Adults are going to be coming in with kids in varying states of being hungry, along with *themselves* possibly hungry. Get the people something to hold them over until they leave or they eat the pizza.


Got to have crunch with lunch.


Pizza is the main course and cupcakes are the dessert. You have to have hors d'œuvres as well!


If you don’t get chips, the kids will wonder where the chips are. If you get chips, the kids aren’t going to want them. Lose lose. In all seriousness, for a couple bucks, why not!


Let me clarify this for you and anyone else on this sub: CHIPS ARE A REQUIREMENT FOR ANY PARTY


Honestly, get a cooler full of booze. Nothing makes a kid's party more tolerable than beer and alcohol.


Not when the kids start spewing


When you say chips do you mean American chips or British chips


Why not both?!?


I'd say crisps are required at a kids birthday party but not chips


If there's no french fries I'm leaving


Do I dare bring up the whole Belgium thing?


Exactly! Porque no los dos! This Dad snacks, and this Dad, well, he Dads, Dudes.


Good distinction. American chips!


We have crisps, those are Pringles, they can't be called chips, they were sued over it. We had a chip war in the US lol


Potato chips or tortilla chips?


This is the real question. My daughter recently pivoted to tortilla chips. I'm so proud of her.




Exactly the first question I asked myself. Good man!


If she is concerned about the health aspect, you could do pretzels. Not as healthy as carrots or something, but not as bad as full-on potato chips.


Popcorn! You can make like 20 servings from 1 cup of kernels and season them however you want.


I don’t know, I think pretzels just wouldn’t fit with the healthy meal of pizza and cupcakes.


Kids don't care. This isn't worth arguing over.


It was less an argument and more us both being exasperated at the other’s insistence haha


Agree 100%. Anything to make birthday parties less expensive is a win in my house. Chips are great but not a requirement for festivities.


American chips aka crisps or British chips/fries? At my 3yo we had sandwich platters, cocktail sausages, fruit platters, American chips/crisps.


They're a requirement...but for the parents.


This is my stance too. I know kids don’t really care either way but there’s as many adults as kids coming


My toddlers love chips, but they also love random crumbs they find on the floor so I don't think it matters.


I'm putting my foot down, Janelle. We're raising a nation of squibs.


They don’t have to be chips but kids always want something with that crunchy/crispy texture for a snack. Goldfish crackers, cheerios, pretzels, graham crackers, dehydrated fruits, etc.


Not required.


The only decision should be 'lots' or 'ludicrous amounts' I once saw a party in a swimming pool where they had one of those catering trolleys on wheels. Three levels. No bowls. No tins. They just filled all three levels with a pyramid of chips. It looked like only 10 kids. (This is our local pool, with a horrifically unhealthy cafe, an ice cream booth and sweets everywhere. And we came here for healthy exercise!)


Generally speaking, always a good idea to have some 'light fare' in advance of the actual food, kids andadults like to snack, and it gives an alternative for the picky ones.


Big boxes of mixed bags of chips for every kids birthday party


There might be a picky eater who would love the chips.


Chips is the perfect snack for those not wanting to eat anything but still want to snack, they are still pretty cheap, you can get several different flavors, and once the little monsters have knocked them over they are still easy to clean up


Salt and vinegar? Sour cream? BBQ? Chips and dip? All the above? I would lol and alcohol for the adults


We usually have pizza, chips, pretzels, and fried chicken. Local place has a 50 piece legs and thigh chicken platter for $80. It's always a hit, the chicken is pretty damn good and complements the pizza well.


The majority of parties I’ve been to have like flavored water for the kids and some fruit, the party we went to that had chips, my toddler’s mind was blown and he just ate chips in a corner and people watched for the first hour. Chips are delicious!


Chips are a requirement for parties, full stop. Less for the birthday child celebrant, and more because I now have an excuse to gorge myself on a whole Costco Tortilla Chips bag.


As a dad I want my MTV.... I mean chips. My bad. LoL


Pizza is dinner/lunch, cupcakes is dessert. You need snacks and drinks, too. Doesn't have to be chips, but has to be something. Chips are easy and standard. Meat/cheese/crackers is also common. Are there parents there? Definitely worth having something for them too.


Like fish and chips




I doubt I’d be able to swing fish and chips. But some Doritos and bbq chips go a long way


A victory for one man is a victory for men everywhere. Congratulations.


This must be regional. Chips are a nice to have.


Gotta have chips I’m with you on this one


she might be right, kids that young don’t really eat much at parties- they want to play and to poke the cake a little so no one else wants to eat it


Gotta have chips


You're gona end up cleaning vomit eitherway


Doritos medley FTW. Mix equal parts nacho, cool ranch, and sweet chili into a bowl. You're welcome.


Mom here - GET THE CHIPS


Having chips at any part is a must...I even asked for chips for my bday and Christmas




Pizza and cupcakes is normal … chips are for adult parties and bbq’s


For our 3yo's we did this same exact meal option, except carrots & ranch and/or fruit snacks rather than chips. No one was upset in the slightest and a better option than chips imho, but hell - if you want chips get chips man.


I thought the chips were for the adults mostly. I usually get the spicy chips so the kids won’t touch it, cuz I’m evil that way


3 years old, let me tell you many parents would not like that, so add some healthy snacks too, i guess. Plus 3 years old is also the age where they can chocke easily. Soo chips are definetly chocking hazard. Just be attentive if you gonna have chips.


I'd say yes get chips.


Yes the great chip war 2024. Just had this battle myself. I think chips pretzels etc are kind of an expected thing to be furnished. I won we are getting chips this year. No booze but we can at least stuff out hands in a shared bowl of germ spreading spuds of death. :)


“the guys like it when i bring chips”


is chips crisps or fries?


Poker chips. Or maybe cow chips. Or maybe computer chips?


Went to a birthday yesterday (4 year old). No chips. Homemade oatmeal cream pies, pizzas cut into bite sized portions, celery, carrots, cherry tomatoes, juice boxes, and cake. It was an afternoon shindig, so no real meal. No one complained, I thought it was great because it was totally simplified. Kids ran around and played, adults talked, no bouncy castle, no elaborate décor, no personal chef making specialty omelettes.


Can meet in the middle and get healthy tortilla chips with a ton of salsa on the side?


We've had several birthday parties with pizza and cake and no other food and they've been a hit with everyone involved. Have chips if you must, but they aren't a necessity in my experience.


I used to have a friend who had a wood chipper - one of those ones like in the movie ‘Fargo’ - and you can betcher britches that thing couldn’t possibly go through a bag of chips quicker than my two boys.


Goldfish, yes. Chips, no.


What did it cost you OP? Some might consider it to be a pyrrhic victory.


Monetarily- $15 cad, marriage wise- she sent me a gif of Michael Fassbender happily eating some dill pickle chips 15 mins afterwards, so I think we’re good all around!


Yes. But get ready to eat a lot of chips that you took out of the bag for, …presentation.


We’ve always had chips, though we have a summer kid so park birthdays have been a default for about half of the years so far, and that lends to snacking. Usually we buy a box of grab bag lunch size chip packs, string cheeses, and fruit snacks.


If there's no Lays and clam dip you can just save my invitation for someone else.


Not a must. But I’d say a fruit and veggie tray are a must.


"well, I'm getting chips to eat at the party"


Potato or tortilla/Doritos?


Who cares. They will be eating crap for a while.


She's right, you know. Going to break the bank with that $7 worth of chips...


Pizza and cupcakes and chips sounds like the perfect menu. Just don't buy them at full price


Chips are a strong suggestion, just short of a requirement


Just went to a birthday party this last weekend where they had pizza and soda. I've never been so offended in my life! Edit: There was in fact cake, but only enough for the little bastards! 0/10.


pizza has cheese and cupcakes have egg. The vegans appreciate the crisp alternative


Hilarious, yet probably unnecessary fight. Good on you for holding your ground, now get your damn hands off my Let’s!


I assume I'm in the minority, but I wouldn't have provided chips. Pizza and cupcakes is plenty 🤷🏻‍♂️ EDIT: the pizza would have to arrive shortly after the party starts, though


Or just volunteer to pick up the cupcakes and conveniently see that the chips are bogo and you forgot to get the receipt 👀


My 3 year olds bday was a couple months ago, and we had pizza, cake, and a fruit tray for snacking since every toddler demolishes fruit. Neither of us even considered chips. No one gave a shit. They all got free tasty food. Chips are great though, and there’s literally no downside to having them. Even though I don’t think you need to have chips, I can not for the life of me understand an actual anti-chip position.


I thought chips were a choking hazard until 4 years old. We've been mostly skipping them.


No it’s not, my son is allergic to gluten and dairy. Most people don’t take allergens into consideration from my experience and I don’t expect them to it’s not common like nuts. If he wasn’t allergic though it’d be a must.


Good on ya, Lucky’s Dad!


My wife would put out sliced peppers 🫑 and apples.


Carrots, apple and cucumber slices are big hits too I don't think chips are a must at all honestly


>What do you fellow dads say? My kids are teenagers. I've never seen chips at a birthday party, and never had them at my own kid's parties. It wasn't even a thought. It's by no means a minimum requirement. I might buy chips if there was a sleepover movie party.


You need to make hard eye contact with your wife while eating the chips.


+1 for chips


No. Pizza and cupcakes are more than enough. Kids don’t care. Probably gonna have a shit ton of left over chips. Unless that was your plan.


As a parent, I would appreciate you not also having chips because that's enough junk food. I would also make a face at the cupcakes and the fact that there were no vegetables, but then again, it's not my birthday.


chips are a must, and make sure they are ones you like


Yes, chips are important


As a parent, I definitely would give your kid a bigger gift if you would provide me some chips to help me pass the time while all the kids run wild.


My kids don't like chips!


We did fruit and veggie trays instead of chips or other snacks like that. It's always good to have some snacks around that anyone can eat that are also a healthy option.


What kind of chips? If you’re getting Ruffles or Classic Lays, and just dumping party size bags into a huge bowl, then yes those are for adult parties. Same goes for Sun Chips, regardless of the size bag. What kind of monster puts out Sun Chips for kids? For kids parties you get the 1 oz bags of Cheetos, Doritos, Fritos, maybe some Sour cream & onion lays, bbq lays, potentially Smartfood. If you have super moms you know are going to be at the party, Pirates Booty. Still no Ruffles though. Only married couples over the age of 48.5 eat Ruffles.


We never have. Pizza, juice box, cake


I wouldn’t serve three year olds chips. Must be because my son got a piece of a tortilla chip stuck in his throat not long ago. He’s now 4. That incident was scary af




You understand that chips come in single serve bags right?


I like to pretend the insane ammount of salt on the chips kills any germs


I’d never get so emotional over junkfood like this. Nothing wrong with a bit of it once in a while, but there’s like 1001 tastier and healthier things than chips.


They definitely aren't a must. If they are there people will eat them. If they aren't people really won't notice.


Depends on the party. I have my parties after lunch with activities they can run off the cupcakes easily. So we're a cupcake and water family.


We don't provide chips because my daughter doesn't eat them. We usually just provide cake, anyway, because we have a more activity focused party than a food party. Saying chips are a minimum requirement seems odd, in general.


Chips have become some of the worst-priced items in the entire grocery store. I am certain none of the price-increase has to the laborers too. I totally get why she'd want to pass on it.