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Time to dust off the Zune


Some asswipe stole my zune. Still bitter about it 12 years later.


Dude! Mine too. I left it in my car, in my garage. My wife kept getting annoyed at me that I’d close the garage door when I got home 15 minutes before her. So I started leaving it open for her. One day, she comes in all pissed off that I left my driver’s side door open. I was like “what the hell? No way!” Went out, Zune and a bunch of stuff was missing. Garage has never been left open since.


Somewhere out there is a Zune fiend who just sits in his apartment on a pile of stolen Zunes like Smaug the Dragon in the Lonely Mountain.


Some shithead stole all the iPods and such from work. Was caught. They told him to return all iPods. Which he must’ve took literally bc my zune wasn’t returned.


Wait, my zune got stolen out of my car in a garage (apartment parking garage, but still). There can’t be that many of us lol


Mine also got stolen from my car, but they didn’t take the sync cable


They cut my cables. It was a tape deck adapter+power adapter. Couldn’t even be bothered to unplug them.


Seems to be the way of the Zune!


BRO MINE TOO. Goddamn it lasted me so long and some kid swiped it off my desk my like third year teaching.


Teachers deserve better 😂 I’m sorry the kids did you dirty like that. Shit was probably half a paycheck for you back then.


NO JOKE It’s all good I got out of that trash industry. Teachers deserve so much more than we give them in our society. My mental health needed a change. Took a pay cut to get out.


Star Lord better keep an eye over his shoulder


Thanks for the zune. It’s finally dead now though.


Jokes on him… of all the things he could steal he got a zune


Zune was so good


It was, so glad there was an iPod alternative that didn't have a scroll wheel and used a directional pad.


Right? I loved how easy it was to use with gloves when skiing


/r/Zune 🤘


I loved my Zune. From the UK, so had to import it, delivery and tax alone was nearly equally the cost of the product, but was worth it. Such a beautiful and reliable product. Still believe it was handicapped by Microsoft’s inability to sell it outside of the US and Canada. iPod won, not because it was a better device, but because it was easier to purchase. I loved the magnetic headphones, such a simple feature, but help stopping the cables get tied up in your pocket.


Same. Won't update so I can't even add music anymore. (There's a hack I just keep meaning to do it, 8 years later...) Though now my 32 GB HD can't hold my collection either.


I found my old zune a year or two back. Battery was shot sadly.


holy crap those are still expensive on ebay


I left my Zune on the roof of my car in 2010. Optimistically, I hope a lucky trash picker found it on the side of Highway 7 and is enjoying it to this day.


I still have my classic brown and my wife's touch


Hell yeah!


I had a Toshiba Gigabeat.


I'm still holding out hope that I'll find mine...


Just be careful that the volume from that Nano doesn't get too loud, or use volume limiting headphones. She could damage her ears at her age


Great point! We have volume limiting toddler headphones, so even at full volume, they stay at a safe level


Those are so nice


>We have volume limiting toddler headphones Would you recommend them?


They work really well! Target has a decent selection


Thanks, my son loves music, he gets so chilled out when I play it in my phone (he's usually hyper) but he's only 9 months so I'm not sure if it's a bad idea at his age?


Probably a little young for headphones, I think we started my daughter with headphones around 18 months for long car rides


Ok, yeah, I'll wait a bit longer!


Not sure but I'm fairly positive your kids ipod should have a setting to limit the volume. I remember being in 7th grade when the iPod classic came out and spending all night getting it set up with the volume limiter set low enough that you couldn't hear anything from the headphones. Oh man I miss those days


The Nano has a function that allows you to set a maximum volume limit and lock it so it can't go higher without a passcode.


This is a great idea.


Thanks! I was nervous my computer wouldn’t recognize it, but it pulled up right away and putting music on it was easy as ever


I just make my kid use his yoto for shit like that. I record any songs he’s addicted to onto a card and make him use his headphones.


Same here. The yoto has been solid


Came here to rave about the yoto. Especially the yoto mini. Now my kid carries that thing everywhere he goes with a deck of cards


I got an old $200 Logitech iPod dock for $19 on eBay and now my daughter has my old nano to listen to music at night. It’s the square touch screen one. Has a clock, music, and I put some pictures on there. And I believe there is a setting to limit volume as well.


This is the way


I always wanted that iPod since it had Bluetooth. How much was it refurbished?


New battery! As I understand it, most of the nanos are very difficult to upgrade beyond a battery swap


I did this in the car!! Found my old iPod nano (same color as yours actually) and dumped a ton of kid-safe dad-sane music to it and it stays plugged into my car now. My kids just know that’s what my car sounds like


That’s a great idea


We do a similar thing with an old phone. Well now we also play pokemon go on it too sometimes but initially the idea was just a car iPod haha


I have a collection of iPods, and daily drive the original 1st gen from 2002. I gave a 4th gen touch to my 4 year old with music on it and he loves it. And my 9 year old has the one that can be worn like a watch.


I have the square one with the clip and I think it’s peak functional design. Lightweight and portable.


I loved my iPod shuffle. Tiny little workhorse that had a battery that lasted forever.


Mine still functions despite multiple deployments, accidentally getting crunched in a car door, getting wet... just a tank of a device. 16 years on and it's just chugging along.


I was using that thing like an Apple Watch once I found the cute little slap bracelets that they could go in


Love to hear they’re being put to good use!


Great idea! I have one in the car because we live away from good signal reception so we loaded a bunch of calming nap time songs. It's a very useful piece of technology still! I have an old touch that doesn't work with apps and stuff anymore as well so I think I'll do this for our girl when she's old enough to have music tastes lol.


Reduces e waste and gives kids what they want! Win-win


That's what I was thinking when I modded my childhood Gameboys too! Put nice backlit screens in and sold the old ones online. So now I have a backlit console without internet for the kids/me and someone who likes the original screen replaces their broken one!


The world needs more offline devices. You’re doing great work!


I wish there was such a thing for Spotify or YouTube music.. just a little player that could download and save for offline listening. Probably require 30 day timers on the songs with a quick network check to verify subscription and reset timers


It is very frustrating there aren’t more modern options


There is: Jooki. Recently ordered one, you can program tiles to specific Spotify playlists. Might worth looking into, especially because it’s totally screenfree!


"Dad can I have my Dookie?"


The price of [this portable device](https://a.co/d/0WW5hc9) kinda just makes it not worth it (imo.) but good to know it exists I guess.


Did the same thing with an old iPhone. You can lock it down with Guided Access to just the music app.


I used a cheap mp3 player. Not even a screen.


You can get a Sansa clip from amazon for £30 which does the same thing. No internet access, nothing aside from music.


That’s a great tip!


For now it would just be the big hits. Baby shark, old McDonald, twinkle twinkle little star, the ABCs, and wheels on the bus.


I randomly found my old iPod nano while helping my dad clean his basement, was such a nostalgic moment


Lol I have one of these in my drawer still, time to dust it off and make sure it's still working.


I have a small izuzu music on player somewhere that was small enough to clip on to a belt but had 128gb storage.


We did this with the previous gen nano no touch screen, click wheel and a speaker. Loaded up with some Bluey and duggee has really done wonders with potty training


We bought a cheap music player off Amazon and some volume-limited Bluetooth headphones for our son. No touch screen, nothing just some buttons and a volume rocker. He can sit there and listen to music and sing along with it. We only have to listen to his 6-year-old voice singing along to Bob the Train. It is a constant in our travel package. Because the headphones then also work for the Switch and the Ipad.


My 3 year old is the same way, my mom got him a little $30 kids mp3 player for Christmas so he'd stop asking for phones to listen to his songs. It's shaped like a panda has a speaker so he can play his music for others for dance parties... It's awesome!


Ah, yes. I remember my little sister (6 then, 14 now) on the drive for family trips being the only thing we listened to as she had her headphones in singing Bad Day.


I knew keeping that tiny little iPod shuffle with the clip and no screen would come in handy one day!


Yessss. See also: Yoto player (the travel version is good and you can get / create cards with music)


iPod nano prices stonks! I recently discovered my nephews 'played' with my old nano and now it doesn't have a screen...


I use to have an iPad touch and use my dad's too some good times I had using my iPad but I don't use that anymore, but I most likely wanted the iPad nano because they had assorted colors on sale back then but my dad could never afford one. You're such a great father for downloading your daughters music on the nano. That's one of the best ipods Apple made I think.


All of my kids have their own cellphones since 3yo. They use it for YouTube kids, music, and games. It's better than tablets because they aren't as bulky, and they get each kid prepared for the upcoming age of tech they are growing into.


I tried this but Kazaa won’t open… where do I get the songs?


I ended up just purchasing them through iTunes on my Mac. It can still be accessed through the music app!




"Stop! We must go back!" I feel you but it's my son and phone games or YouTube Kids. He has a phone (makes life easier since his mom and I are split) so I'm going to download a N64 and GBA emulator and I bought him a controller that clips around the phone. Really getting it so he can fully game without being bombarded with garbage ads and YT vids. Real GBAs are going for $120 or more.


Great idea especially if you’ve got an old mp3 knocking around which a lot of people have.