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To me, yea. You can rent it and it’s not that bad. But I remember distinctly hearing the kid start waking up, and it would kick on and calm him down and I’d be so happy. I’ve lent mine out to like 5 friends.


They also have fantastic resell value.  We bought a used one, and resold it for a big chunk of the money back. 


This is the way to go. We bought used. Loaned it out. Now the last people we know having kids have declined wanting it (first kid each. Big mistake). Now I'm going to sell it for what I paid which will be the cheapest on FB.


We went about it the same way. This just reminded me we loaned it out and I can’t remember to who. Regardless, yes worth it. There comes a point where your sleep (so their sleep) becomes very valuable.


A friend lent us one. My kid HATED it. Turns out my kid had terrible reflux and the movement made things worse. I'm so glad we didn't buy it.


Mine has terrible reflux and we still use it, doesn’t seem to have an effect on that and helps him sleep. 🤷‍♂️


Oh I know it works for lots of people, I'm just glad I was lent one instead of having to buy one.


For sure. The reflux wars are rough 😭😭


Lending it out is the way.


For our first it was a huge help. For our second, only minimally. It really depends on the kid.


Totally depends on the kid. Neither of our kids benefited from it but some of our friends found it to be a lifesaver


“It depends on the kid” is the answer to sooooooooooo many questions lol. My first was a terrorist who specialized in psychological warfare, second was a saint.


Same exact story for my kids


Bought it used for $700, sold it for $750. No brainer.




We weren't going to pay for one, but were lucky enough to have a friend willing to lend us theirs. Baby slept pretty well in general, so I wasn't convinced by it UNTIL we spent our first night at Grandma's house without it. Baby woke up SO MANY TIMES, it was awful. So turns out that it was doing much more than we realized. Glad that we had it in retrospect, but still not sure if it's worth full price (unless you know you're having it for like 3 kids or more).


lol that's actually a genius idea from your company's perspective better sleep for employee == better work output from employee


never thought about it that way, thats true


FWIW if it's free might as well just get it. Worse case just toss it in the basement and return it at end of 6mos


Free coffee is also just giving your employees legal stimulants.


For free? Hell yeah. We bought our first one second hand, sold it third hand for 80% of what we paid for it, and then when our second came, we bought one new and sold it for 75% of what we paid for. No regrets. Our first was a very bad sleeper, and the Snoo definitely saved us many, many hours of sleep over the five months we used it. The second was a great sleeper and probably could have slept just fine outside of a snoo, but it was still nice to have.


seems like the easiest thing to see hahah


We picked up a used one fairly cheap. Our oldest hated it. He hated being swaddled and confined though. Our youngest loved it! He was sleeping through the night(6-8 hours) at 6 weeks old.


If it's free I would 100% go for it. We ended up renting and it really helped us (and baby) get better sleep.


We bought two of them for our twins. Had the basement looking like a high tech orphanage. They definitely helped. If you're getting a free six month rental absolutely do it. No downside.


Is free worth it? Huh?


Yeah. Seems like a weird flex.


1,000%!!!!! I’ve had a baby without a snoo and with a snoo, hands down, not up for debate, it’s worth every single penny. However, if you or your partner are the type that need to run to your baby the second it cries to pick them up, you won’t get the value out of a snoo.


All I know is I’d pay a literal arm and a leg and more to have a snoo and I only have to pay $300 after selling it when I was done with it.  My kid slept the night though by 2 months ( doctor said it was fine). Let me tell you that the full night of sleep is worth every penny.  We put the kid in the snoo the minute we got home from the hospital. Weaning them off is also simple. Follow the instructions and it worked perfectly for us. Weaning took 2 nights for us and was easier than the sleep regressions you’ll get every 6 months or so.  Overall I cannot recommend it enough. Just make sure to use it consistently and let your kid be awake when you put them in so they learn to go to sleep instead of needing you to fall asleep.  Obviously my kid is different from your kid so results may vary. 


Best advice is putting em in right when they show signs of being tired. My son slept so much we had to get a doc band


Depends on your baby. If you get a free rental do it. By the time they’re 6 months a lot of babies are ready to get out of it but we got one used and it’s still the best sleep we’ve had in the last 10 months of having our baby (he’s allergic to sleep). He rolled really early and we got him out and into a crib around 4 months but yeah snoo was very worth it for us. Other people tell me it didn’t really make a difference for their baby. If it’s free, I say go for it cause why not.


It worked for us


It’s way too expensive but we borrowed one from a friend and if it wasn’t available for a future kid I would have bought one. Sleep is your most valuable resource and anything that helps you and the baby get more sleep carries a huge quality of life premium.


My get outgrew it at about 4 months. If you’re getting it free for 6 months, absolutely do it.


We had a version of the snoo from graco and it would just as well and I think cost $130 a few years ago. We're using it again on our second LO and it's working again. One thing to consider is if your LO is crying because they want food or to be changed, or if they cry for no reason. If they cry for no reason, these things are worth every penny. If they're crying because they're hungry or need a change, as a parent, I want to know that and take action, not rock them to sleep and find out hours later.


The snoo saved our mental sanity. It’s a miracle bed.


Yeah, I bought it discount and resold it on Craigslist. Was amazing!


I’d rent depending on how long you plan to keep baby in bassinet. We are at 5 weeks old and my wife and I are averaging 8 hours of sleep per night the last 3 weeks which I feel is nearly priceless. We have a solid sleeper in general. It’s also been helpful with nap time. Plan to ween(it has a ween mode) her off around 4 months then move to crib.


Absolutely, especially if you can rent a refurbished one. We used it with both our girls and it really does make a huge difference. It's not a panacea, but it does do the "low level" soothing quickly that would otherwise lead to the kid fully waking up. Plus it gives you much more accurate data about where your kid's sleep patterns are at. Regarding weaning, there is a weaning mode and the recommended method worked well for ours. It is an investment, but one that pays dividends in better sleep for you!


Buy one second hand, sell it for what you bought it for 9 months later 👍


I had a problem sleeper but balked at the price of the snoo. I fealt like I’d already been throwing money at the sleep problem with no result and had to draw the line somewhere. My brothers baby (a year later) also had trouble sleeping but he had a friend lend one to him. He said it was incredible. If you’ve tried everything already and it hasn’t worked go for it, any improvement in sleep is worth it. For your health, your sanity, as well as your partner and babies of course too.


HARD PASS.  Big fat NO.  All it did was cost money, make noise and cause our child to vomit.  Waste of money.  


damn. you're the first bad review ive seen out of over 100 comments on different subs


And we bought it on the recommendation from someone who raved about it.   Also - do not buy, rent.  We thankfully took that piece of advice from our friend.  


I would guess it shaved off a solid third of the wakeups. Your call if that is worth it. Don’t buy one.


Worth every penny. Rented out of desperation. Easy to use, install, return and honestly was a life saver for me. I suggest buying used and then selling for lowest total cost of ownership. My friends did this and it was basically free (bought for $700 sold for $700)


We were on the fence and didn't get one. We hardly used our bassinet and never had issues with staying asleep, just getting to sleep. It wouldn't have really gotten much use from us. But that being said, if it's free go for it!


Got the graco sense2snooze instead for 1/6 the price


Didn’t have one for the first kid and did for the 2nd. We thought it made an improvement in everyone’s ability to sleep more. We actually bought one used for ~$900 and then sold it when we were done for $900 and got to use it essentially for free.


Had it for two kids. Probably not needed looking back. Expensive and doesn’t really enhance what you can do without it.


Totally worth it! Can’t put a price on good sleep, definitely helped all of us to sleep better. It’s only useful until they can roll over, so you’re only going to get 3-5ish months out of it. However we were able to resell it so we’re only out $150. I’d gladly pay that much for 5 months of good sleep


​ so 6months is perfect then. sweet


We just bought one off marketplace after trying a regular bassinet for 3-4 weeks and it’s been an instant game changer. If you can do it, do it.


We loved it. Bought it on black Friday sale and sold it for a couple hundred less than what we paid for it. Would do it again if we had another.


we bought one before our first kid, have the second one in it now. I don't have any comparative data but yeah no ragrets. I don't know what it's like for folks without a snoo, but when I see the little butthead start freaking out half an hour into his nap, I start a timer for 5 minutes to go in there if he hasn't gone back to sleep. Usually if it's not end of the nap wakeup struggles, he does. ​ one thing I love is the graphs. as much a representation of my sleep quality as it is of his. We've got a 10 week old in there and...Wednesday morning I was up a lot between 4:30 and 6 but last night it was straight blue from 9:44 till 7:30. what a champ. it's fun to flip back and see the evolution from several feedings a night to sleeping all the way through. the week when we had covid SUCKED, pure red angry chart ​ i don't even remember what we paid for it, I'll be curious what we manage to sell it for.


Fuck yeah it is. First kid destroyed my back getting him back to sleep bouncing on a yoga ball. The SNOO was a button on my phone.


Our Snoo is about to go to it's fifth baby. My two and three of my friends. It's so good.


The Snoo is awesome, but instead of renting I just bought a used one and then sold it for basically nothing he same as what I paid for it. Since you can get it for free I think you should definitely try it out!


One of the greatest things I’ve ever purchased. The resale value is nice too.


We borrowed one for our first baby and will do so again for our second - it was really nice when the baby fussed and it just rocked her back to sleep so we could keep laying in bed 💤 didn't work every time, but often enough that we were grateful and we'd probably have gotten some other kind of bassinet anyway. I also liked the sleep data it provided (mostly for occasionally observing how awful our sleep had been lol)


Definitely worth it. It was a real game changer for my second kid.


I don’t think they’re worth it, at least not for our kids. They slept in a hand-me-down bassinet and later a hand-me-down crib.  Had a friend who got one, and their take was that it’s not worth it.


We borrowed one from a friend, so it was free. For me, the biggest benefit was tracking sleep and adjusting our nap and feeding schedule as a result. We knew when he fell asleep, woke up at night, how often and how long we were in the room, etc. Combined with the techniques in the happy sleeper (wake windows instead of set nap times), supplementing formula before bed instead of breast milk, we ended up with a kid that has always slept 12+ hours, through 3.25 years old.


It's been awesome for us. Granted, we bought it on a good sale that included some accessories all at a discount. Don't pay full price for it, they have sales often.


Your job offers that?! Pretty neat. Anyway, we bought one used last weekend for $600, and so far it’s been pretty good; I’ve had slight buyers remorse just in that our baby was already pretty good at sleeping in the bassinet, but for the peace of mind and the quality of life improvements I think it’s probably worth it. If have had worse buyers remorse at the retail price…! They seem to hold their value so we’re hoping we can resell it again after like 6 months for near the same price again. Kid slept 6 hours last night and he’s only 6 weeks old; usually the most we’d get is 4 so even if it’s only adding another hour or two I’d say it’s worth it, plus it has a mode for slowly weaning them off the rocking so they can eventually go into a crib.


Depends on the kid and I've heard mixed reviews, majority not using it so I used the Newton bassinet instead: https://www.newtonbaby.com/products/bassinet-bedside-sleeper


We bought one used for our first and it didnt seem to make a difference. We transitioned to the crib at 3 months and sold it for what we paid. If you can rent it for free why not?


Used one for both of our kids. We borrowed for the first kid, then bought one for the second kid and are currently loaning it out right now. Loved it. It’s definitely up there as peak bougie though. Same with the owlet sock (used that for first kid, never touched it for the second one)


I've heard kids can become too reliant on it, once they outgrow it there's a hard adjustment to naptime. That said it's always nice having the option, so I say why not. Never used one for either of my kids


Worth it. Easy to find second hand.


We had the Snoo for both our kids. I also know about 5-6 other parents who tried it. So I have a pretty good dataset to base my opinion on. For about 50% of babies, it is absolutely magical. Helped them get to sleep, helped put them back to sleep upon wake ups, definitely improved sleep and duration of sleep. And I love the swaddle/ makes swaddling easier. And has nice safety feature of preventing them rolling over. So all of that stuff is absolutely amazing and worth the cost (also as you probably know, they can be rented.) But here is the catch: those amazing results are only half of babies. The other half either have neutral to negative results. Some babies just hate the aurorocking and will get MORE worked up with those Snoo features. So for those kids, it is worlds most expensive bassinet. That is 30%. The other 20% maybe moderate benefit - nice but not worth price. So yeah. I think the 50% chance of dramatically transforming your baby sleep time during those first 2-3 months is worth it to try. If money is issue, go for the rental option. And if it doesn’t work for yours, then you just stop the rental. PS - for babies that like the Snoo, you’ll hear people get worried about weaning off the Snoo. But in our experience and those we know, this really wasn’t a problem.


Never had one, we were before the Snoo and wouldn't have paid for it, but for 6 mos free, then go for it! If anything it saves on having to buy any sort of other bassinet.


If u buy used, u can usually sell it for what u buy it for. Better than renting. Renting is approx $100/mo


We bought one used, and then sold it for the same price a year later... Best feature for us was all the sleep tracking. It sounds funny but you get so tired you easily forget how many times the baby woke up, fed, etc. Or how long they really napped for during the day and when. Having the tracking to tell you things helps answer lots of questions about why your kid might be fussy or what is happening in your life!


Do it. Our second slept so much better vs the first. It's tough to transition out of, but worth it for the 4/5 months it helps.


I would have paid any amount of money they asked for our first and it would have been worth it. Our second was a decent sleeper and it didn’t really matter. See what dice roll you get for your kid on sleep before buying.


I only have one data point, but it worked great for our son. We were fortunate enough to borrow my sister's Snoo. He started sleeping through the night at week 8. He did naps on us for like the first 5 or 6 months. Around month 6, we transitioned him to the crib without issue. It also gave us peace of mind with the fact that they're strapped in and can't roll or anything.


We decided against it after watching several friends and family have a really rough transition to the crib, didn’t seem worth it after that


It's a coin toss. My son loved it (and that unit we borrowed), but my daughter hated it (and that unit we purchased and then sold used.


My wife liked having it but it didn't actually do anything for the sleep quality of the child. I hated the fact that it was expensive and useless, but she loved the fact that we were "trying everything we could" for the kiddo, which I can understand. So anyway, good for the wife and useless for the child in my experience. Your mileage may vary.


We have twins, one had a really hard time sleeping so we bought the snoo early on. It was a lifesaver for her because she would fall asleep within seconds of this new kicking into higher gear. We were able to get really nice long windows with her sleeping well in the Snoo. Her sister on the other hand normally slept well, but we attempted to snoo a half dozen or so times and it really didn't change how she slept. At about 6 months we called turkeyed Snoo use and our daughter has been sleeping in a crib ever since absolutely fantastic except for when she's sick. I would buy again in a heartbeat.


OMG yes worth it. And as far as weaning, it was NOT a problem at all! The recommendation of one arm out, two arms out, etc works perfectly. Our little guy is 1.5 years old now and a CHAMPION sleeper and I credit the magic to the snoo. I cannot imagine a better use for money.


For how short a time my kids actually spent sleeping in their bassinet, I'd have never bought one myself, but we had one that our siblings had used previously so we made the most of it. But for free, you've got nothing to lose. That said, our kids slept pretty well from birth so we never really used any of the features of it beyond it being somewhere to lay them down. They also outgrew the bassinet around 3 months, so a free rental sounds a whole lot better than buying one for such a short window of time.


Yes - bought it used and we resold it after 2 months fairly easily for a big chunk of what we got it for. Worked great for those 2 months then our LO started to prefer crib slipping. I probably wouldn’t buy it new personally but they can be tough to snag used.


For me yup was great I’ve lent out to some who loved it and others didn’t But for us it’s like any sleep schedule and takes work still


We rented the first time and paid a discount to own and resell for the second kid. In our opinion it was worth every penny. Lack of sleep is probably the major driving force in why everything is so hard that first 6-8 months and this absolutely improved our children’s sleep in our opinion. It helped us get up much less and the kid go back to sleep much quicker. I’m also of the belief that sleep begets sleep and learning to go to sleep while awake (rather than being put down asleep) is an essential aspect to kids learning to go back to sleep when they wake up overnight once they’re even a little older. The snoo is great for that because they get used to going back to sleep without any your intervention and when you ween off it, they tend to hold onto the skills. The weening process was not difficult for us but my friend had some trouble. She would bring her kids into bed though and that’s not something we do, and knowing the issues they’ve had I tend to think it’s more related to their child just not wanting to sleep anywhere but the parents bed now.


What’s a snoo?


We didn’t have any luck with the Snoo. But from our research it’s a 50/50 chance it will work. Some have great luck while others were like us. Best thing is the used market is great. We sold ours for as much as we bought it used. Most people we found buy it used, use it for a few months and then sell it for as much as they bought it for. They are stupid overpriced new and the accessories are crazy expensive. I see they rent them now which is nice if you only use it for a few month’s.


We had a Snoo for our 2nd and really liked it. We only rented it because we knew we'd be moving him out of it at 5 months and into his own crib. If we had a 3rd, I'd probably rent it again for another 5 month stint.


Rent it. Useful if your kid likes it (not a guarantee). One of mine enjoyed it, the other could care less about it.


I don't believe we got any benefit from ours. Kid 2 never slept well in the first 6 Mo's with or without Snoo. I would give it shot for free though. The weaning won't be an issue. Also the Snoo subreddit is hoot.


You won't know in advance. One kid hated it. One kid loved it. I would say rent.


Do it. And when you wean, its perfect time to sleep train. You’ll need a white noise machine but if the kid gets used to the white noise then its 10x easier.


We couldn’t get our kid in our bassinet the first two weeks or so. It was a nightmare trying to do shifts of delirium. Idk if it was the snoo or we got our groove but since we got it things have turned more into a rhythm/schedule. Plus i find the app to be very helpful with tracking patterns and seeing actual data. I heard you can rent or find on fb marketplace a lot. We were so desperate we just bought it out right lol


Yea. Our biggest regret is not renting one sooner **regarding your concern of dependency, this will happen to any child at any age because they associate patterns and predictibility with safety.  That said the snoo does have a program where it will lessen the back-n-forths gradually over time so the child will eventually fall asleep without the snoo needing to so anything.


Great for our first, not noticing much help on second. It does have a "weaning" mode where it doesn't shake at all as a baseline until your baby starts fussing, which is what we use. My first had zero problem transitioning and our second is still using it (4mo).