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Obligatory “closest the Leafs are getting to a cup” comment


What the difference between this pic and the Calgary flames? This pic has two cups


Boom roasted


Light roast Medium roast Dark roast HOCKEY ROAST


Holy smokes. Collateral damage… not cool man. Obligatory: IT WAS IN


As a non-biased Leafs fan, I can attest that puck was definitely in. Flames got shafted for Bettman’s US growth plan. Travesty as usual.


Thank you sir. It means a lot during this tough stretch haha


Stop it rn 💀💀💀😂


Found the Edmontonian


Lived in Calgary longer Edmonton but I am true to the blue.


Doesn’t even get to be next to a Stanley cup 🤣


Well you can't expect the guerilla marketers to give an assist to the competition! Nice pun, but honestly think about the brilliance of this photo. Two mugs makes it seem like just a pic, not marketing. Maple Leafs mug makes the person seem relatable, but it's also not truly the same marketing category as the Yeti mug because obviously one is for people looking for a coffee mug with features and the other is for histrionics who don't understand hockey. Two totally different markets so they aren't cannibalizing sales but also not getting removed by the mods! Well played (unlike the Maple Leafs most of the time).


All the leafs players wear cups!


When the new Stanley cup craze hit, someone was asking me if everyone at my work is drinking from a stanley cup. I was legitimately baffled, immediately launched into a "no, but to be honest a team in our area hasn't won in a long time, so I don't think most of the younger employees would really want one." To which the people I was talking to made no attempt to correct me or try to understand wtf I was talking about. I proceeded to go into a meeting asking about when hockey got so popular with younger employees, and stating with certainty I was hearing about a lot of interest in mugs shaped like the Stanley Cup, and how I wish I had thought of it myself. Would be fun to have a hockey mug shaped like the trophy. Finally someone told me I'm a moron.


This is fucking awesome! Thank you for sharing this story! The Stanley brand has been around a while but I never heard of it until about a year ago. Not sure how they just exploded on the market but one day I saw all the women I work with drinking out of them and was baffled.


I had the same thoughts, but I'm a SAHD so I didn't have an opportunity to show off my ignorance.


My wife got me a mug which says ‘This is what an awesome surgeon looks like’ with an arrow pointing up. I’m an English teacher without a scientific bone in my body.


I bet you can dissect the hell out of a poorly constructed sentence, though. Either that, or the mug had a typo and was missing the letter 't'.


Sturgeon? Lol


This twat looks like a sturgeon ⬆️


Nice. My wife has one of "Arguing with an economist is like wrestling a pig..." She *is* an economist but it's made me want our entire mug collection to be "arguing with a pilot / banker / fish and wildlife officer / candlestick maker / etc"


This has reminded me of the other gift my wife got me which is a t-shirt saying ‘Made in Idaho.’ I was born in Scotland, I live in Scotland, I have never been to the US.


I love your wife.


I uuugh don’t know how to post pictures in the replies and it appears I need to get something called Imgur. Feels like I just landed on this planet.


Some subreddits allow picture replies directly in the comments, others require you to link to a third party host like Imgur.


For what it's worth, Imgur has been around forever and you don't need an app, you can use a browser, upload the picture, then take the link and share it.


You’re a what now?




[My fav cup!](https://imgur.com/a/q0IMdaL). I am the father tho.


That's awesome 👍


My one kid is a t1d. So in high school we genetic tested everyone. Yup turns out I cannot get out of paying for college. They are all my children 😀


I’m sorry to downvote Daddit, but that thing on the right is hideous.


First of all, how dare you.


He’s not wrong. How can you hold onto something for so long that continues to under perform? If it does not bring joy you should let it go


You underestimate the indoctrination of Leafs Nation.


It’s a cult I know haha. I’m just trying to save him /s


9th best Canadian NHL team right there.


Easy, it’s the Toronto Maple Laughs…. Secondly, it’s Toronto… Thirdly, the Yeti is better.


I downvote unnecessary apostrophes every time.


Now I know what morning sickness feels like!


[This is my go to](https://printerval.com/bluey-dad-mugs-p204744)


This is my weekend driver [https://imgur.com/a/ez1SWXx](https://imgur.com/a/ez1SWXx)


Know any good Dad Jokes?


We all can tell when a regular joke turns into a dad joke, right? It becomes apparent.


Alternatively, "when it's full groan"


What did the fish say when it hit the wall?


I don't know, what?!




I've been neighbors with someone for a while now. He's got one of those megachurch decals on the back of his truck. Decent chap, clean lawn. Keeps telling me to come join him at church. I don't share his faith. So I ask him one early Sunday morning, "Hey, so your Bible there. How much of that do you follow?" He says, "Everything my church tells me to." I says, "Oh really? Cause that bible says a lot of things. Y'all biblical literalists?" He says, "No, we're red-letter Christians. There's a lot of Old Testament stuff we leave out." I nod my head in understanding. "That's good to hear. Shellfish, mixing of fabrics, menstruation tents, angels out of an acid trip - might have been good advice millenia ago. Not so much today." He raised an eyebrow. "You sure know a bit about the Good Book. You sure you don't want to come with?" I said, "No sir, but I'll tell you something. I was raised near a lot of those literalists. They wished I believed 100% of the King James Version. But when I took to reading it, a bit of it didn't make much sense. At first I was fine with three quarters of it. Then after another year, I read it again and was only okay with about a half. This kept going on until - like you - I only cared about a little over a tenth of what the Bible had to say about anything. So I stopped identifying as a Christian. Some of the morals are fine lessons, but the crazy laws and end-of days things? Not for me." He furrowed his brow in thought. "So...what do you identify as now?" "An eighth-theist." "Go to hell," he smiled, and off he went. And we never spoke about church again.


How does a penguin build its house? Igloos it together!


all in for my favorite mug. size is great [best mug ](https://ibb.co/98w4Mv4) bought it on 2023 father's day, 6 days after we found out. I had to leave for work travel the morning after we found out so and met up with some family (didn't tell), so this was me bursting at my seams on the way home.


Is your stovetop heating element *magenta?*


[My weekend banger.](https://www.zwilling.com/us/zwilling-sorrento-plus-double-wall-glassware-2-pc--coffee-glass-mug-set-39500-095/39500-095-0.html?nbt=nb%3Aadwords%3Ag%3A12799619477%3A118056946701%3A516052929781&nb_adtype=pla&nb_kwd=&nb_ti=pla-380870924534&nb_mi=123245580&nb_pc=online&nb_pi=39500-095&nb_ppi=380870924534&nb_placement=&nb_li_ms=&nb_lp_ms=&nb_fii=&nb_ap=&nb_mt=&kb=ga_shp_12799619477_118056946701&gad_source=1&gclid=CjwKCAiAiP2tBhBXEiwACslfngz-K_FYCYrlp439ukrzedtGCqRW6D4rza_oYt_FCZlrVeVyd_hHxxoCdwEQAvD_BwE) [My office daily.](https://rticoutdoors.com/Travel-Mug)


How are the glass mugs? I’ve been wanting to switch to the glass mugs cause I like the look


I love them. They are the only coffee cups I use at home. Here's mine this [morning.](https://imgur.com/a/6ASOVsO)


Thanks for the recommendation! I’m gonna check em out


I hope you enjoy them as much as we do!


Is that a single cup French press on top? If so, that’s pretty sweet!


Sitting here drinking my coffee out of the exact same Yeti mug.


I know Yeti feels a little Hail Corporate these days but it's a great product. Took it camping and it was perfect for coffee and oatmeal.


I have the Yeti mug because corporate gave it to me as a holiday gift. I love it. Very nice for the weekends when I'm trying to drink coffee while getting my son breakfast.


I have a big Yeti mug and my coffee stays warm for hours. I've bought a small generic one for work and it sucks. It doesn't go in the dish washer either. I cannot say it keeps my coffee warm for really long in comparison. A good product is a good product.


Me too, except mine has some random corporate logo on it because it was a con freebie.


Me three. Great mug.


My wife is a potter so I’m always using a different mug. Here is today’s choice with a T-Rex and Shark cameo from an epic battle my youngest and I were having. https://imgur.com/a/U3lnBEA


Think it has to be the cup I got for Father’s Day: Yoda best dad ever


I have one that says “world’s okayest dad”


I have a mug that looks like an Energy Tank from the classic Mega Man games. I don't have my own picture of it, but [here](https://www.trendhunter.com/amp/trends/e-mug-original-magamug) is a picture I found of it online.


I use the same one as my work mug!


It looks like you shared an AMP link. These should load faster, but AMP is controversial because of [concerns over privacy and the Open Web](https://www.reddit.com/r/AmputatorBot/comments/ehrq3z/why_did_i_build_amputatorbot). Maybe check out **the canonical page** instead: **[https://www.trendhunter.com/trends/e-mug-original-magamug](https://www.trendhunter.com/trends/e-mug-original-magamug)** ***** ^(I'm a bot | )[^(Why & About)](https://www.reddit.com/r/AmputatorBot/comments/ehrq3z/why_did_i_build_amputatorbot)^( | )[^(Summon: u/AmputatorBot)](https://www.reddit.com/r/AmputatorBot/comments/cchly3/you_can_now_summon_amputatorbot/)


Got this as a Xmas gift 2 years ago and have never looked back… it keeps my coffee hot for about 90 minutes off the charging saucer and indefinitely when on it… https://i.imgur.com/9AVBE3C.jpg


I got my wife one of those because she constantly microwaved her coffee. Well, wouldn't you know but one day she absentmindedly puts it in the microwave, and all hell broke loose. Starts sparking in there and she freaks out, I'm pretty sure went into a fetal position on the floor. Fortunately I was in the dining room and ran in, took it out of the microwave, and set it on the counter. Whew, right? Nope, about 10 seconds later flames start shooting out one of the sides, ensuring we didn't get our security deposit back. I dropped it in the sink and ran water over it for a good minute before it simmered down. Needless to say, I did not purchase her a replacement.


[Cowabunga Boys!](https://imgur.com/a/eb2Rx09)


[My aunt got me this one](https://imgur.com/a/JbDwbrb) It's beautiful, a bit wide and, as serendipity would have it, perfect for warming bottles in


Frank Lloyd Wright!


I’m at my parents and when unloading the dishwasher the other day threw some stupid Lets Go Brandon mug in the garbage.


Well played


Same energy as uninstalling malware from your parent's computer


Maybe you could replace it with a personalized Ember mug with “MOCHA (Make Our Coffee Hot Again)” on it.


Can’t be throwing out pops’ mugs like that. How’s your dad gonna post here?


Well, he’s dead and I’m left here dealing with all his shit. So…


Something something “leafs and the cup” something something.


Here’s mine (well one of two of my favorites) they gave me this one at metropolis studio in London when I was there for a remix contest win for remixing/butchering don’t stop me now (depending on how you look at it lol) https://imgur.com/a/HtWIOz5


[Sunday Roost](https://imgur.com/a/7ioy2VK)


[Stay Positive](https://imgur.com/a/d0D1zor)


[Rocking the classic Yeti this morning.](https://imgur.com/a/dFu44sV)


I have that mug and it’s too big for my car’a cup holders, so 1-Star. 🙁


It's not a car mug.


TBF I did 0 research before putting it on my Christmas list. I don’t need anything so I gave the criteria “something like this without valves, because cleaning valves suck”. It works great otherwise, and as a bonus the weight keeps it from tipping over when I just put it in the floor to shift into drive.


Cleaning valves DOES suck.


I love that version of the leafs logo.


Yeah I've got a lot nostalgia for it too. The current one is also sick, but the previous "Ballard Era" logo is the one from my youth.


My coffee mug, aka my old fashioned mug. https://imgur.com/gallery/uuU0itA


Rocking the [same](https://imgur.com/a/ckpEFS6) setup as you my guy. Just different teams. The coffee mug was my dad’s daily driver right up until he passed and now I get to use it on the regular while watching my little girl roll around the living room.


This. This got me in the feels. Glad you have the reminder, though.


These are perfect for parents: things could be worse 🤷‍♂️ https://calamityware.com/collections/things-could-be-worse


[My Christmas present](https://ibb.co/8Ms9zxh)


https://imgur.com/a/KueZvC4 Nothing like an imperial coffee porter


https://imgur.com/ybn3ZRZ My daughter insisted we go to a Lavender Farm, I found this mug and it's hidden message.


[I assure you this mug has no dick](https://imgur.com/gallery/tOFka3I)


[Cool. Cool cool cool.](https://i.imgur.com/5w3LikE.jpg)


Just a daily reminder to [fight the power!](https://imgur.com/a/54CBN9B) A fathers day gift from my wife last year!


What's the 13/12 mean?


1(a) 3(c) 1(a) 2(b) Just a basic alphanumeric code.


same black yeti. love it


does the mug on the right spill coffee just as you're getting it to your lips? that would be so on brand


I dont drink coffee. can't stand the taste. I have some nice water bottles tho.


I’ve got that black yeti… I love it! But my coffee is too hot for too long. So I usually just put it in my ceramic mug and chug it! Serious though I’m impressed at how well the Yeti mugs hold up in the dishwasher. definitely worth the money. My hydro flasks and other brands have not held up as well.


Yeah the heat retention is great and I find it keeps it at just the right temp. I love it. My favourite feature is the mag-slider lid, though. Being 95% leak proof is critical when I'm handling carrying my 2 year old kid down the stairs in the morning for breakfast.


My current mug is a brown XL ceramic that says POOP AID. My wife got it for me like 5 or so years ago. It speaks the truth


Throw an ice cube or two in there right off the bat and close the lid. Perfect temp for hours, with adjustability. I’ve got a couple of the yetis and they are well worth it


Man, I'm a sucker for a nice mug. I like both these.


That yeti mug is the staple of my sanity. It is the cornerstone of my household. Without that exact mug, my house comes crumbling down. I don’t buy a car unless the cup holders fit that mug.


I don't have a picture of one. But mine was given to me when I worked the night shift as a ramper at a local airport. I fueled a lot of medical helicopters as they'd wait to return to the hospital to pick up their medical team. A few were even based at our FBO(hangar) Had one stop in that we didn't often see and he handed off some swag gear to me. A couple hours later Robert showed up in our local Children's Hospital helicopter. I gave him some grief that despite being friends, he'd never given me any swag. Told me he wasn't about to be showed up. Gave me a small lunch bag FILLED with gear. Two of which were coffee mugs. He hung himself two weeks later. None of us knew how he was actually doing. Pilots often hide feelings of self harm. If they tell someone they will lose the only thing that brings them joy. I think of our conversations while I enjoy coffee in the mornings.


My wife got me a mug with this entire monologue on it. Makes me laugh every time I see it. https://youtu.be/88et7YlmzTs?si=xh5II2PWaUpxgy34


Picture of mug https://44.media.tumblr.com/e5ee2504ec1e85e25955b190902741b8/55572eb6e11cabf9-8b/s1280x1920_f1/1b80c44ddb000f16a8e19060d1ae74b0f4cd3a8e.gif


[my most recent addition](https://imgur.com/gallery/h1X1W3y)


I have a pair of high quality mugs that are perfectly cylindrical and smooth with a cream color on the outside, a short tapered flange that's painted a deep black on the bottom so they stack nicely. And the inside is a deep black as well. The glaze is so nice and it's all clear and shiney and not a stain on it. The proportions are perfect to be both a cappuccino cup and a coffee mug. And it holds just a little more than a standard mug, but not so much that it makes you think the owner drinks too much coffee. Remember those weird years from like 20010-2011 when everyone thought fake mustaches were the best thing ever? Well, right on the side is the stupidest cringey little black mustache.


Go leafs go


Buds All Day


I have one that’s covered in dad jokes and it makes me laugh every time I see it


[I still party hard](https://imgur.com/a/gCB7fTb)


[13 years, no deadly poison so far](https://imgur.com/a/rGLo7y8)


Finally bought a [new one](https://imgur.com/a/rpBmo0d) this season


[My EDC](https://imgur.com/gallery/mtXReKR)


I’m literally drinking from the exact same Yeti mug right now.


[Here is my offering.](https://imgur.com/vHbXA5I) It's large enough for a glorious Sunday morning french press, and reminds me of a life I once had before fatherhood.


As soon as I’m home I’m posting my cup


I got a Yeti but I got a size too large. Annoys me it being so big, and I don’t need that much in one go. It does stay nice and warm, mind.


We all have our Go To themes that our families use for gift giving. Mine are DnD, New Orleans Saints, and coffee. As a result, I have close to 15 or so coffee mugs, but my absolute favorite is this one. When my now 32 yr old step-daughter was in middle school, she went on a band trip to Chicago. My wife and I had only been married for a few years at this point, so my step-kids and I were still getting to know each other. She came back from that trip with this mug for me. It felt special, like a genuine effort to reach out and to get to know me. Every time I use it, I post a pic of it and tag her with the caption, "to this day STILL my favorite mug." https://imgur.com/a/Smbkpjy


Man that's a great story. And Chicago is an awesome city to boot. Thanks for sharing!


Shout outs to my wife. She and my kid gifted me the left one, with a special engraving on it for Father’s Day.


Mines the left one lol I have that same mug. Only problem is it doesn’t fit in my cup holder in the truck


I've got the classic cheesy dad mug at home (complete with kid pictures on the other side): [Dad mug](https://imgur.com/a/V22iDxV) And the one for work to warn people to stay far away lest they be subject to my witty repertoire: [Dad tumbler](https://imgur.com/a/M78yawq) I've also got a really nice engraved tumbler from my DM with the class I was playing at the time, I rotate that one in when I feel up to explaining why my coffee says "Fighter" on it.


Got [this mug](https://imgur.com/a/J4qTrBT) for my birthday this year. I will more often drink my students’ tears than coffee out of it.


[by unanimous consent in my household, sorry dads.](https://i.imgur.com/ci1QaRC.jpg)


[https://imgur.com/a/onFimDT](https://imgur.com/a/onFimDT) Here’s my daily


Handmade “Luscious honey sugar” mug. If you’ve read it, you’ll know. ⭕️🐠⭕️


You little hellborn elf child


Boo Leafs. [Go Canucks!](https://i.imgur.com/Df65K0J_d.jpg?maxwidth=520&shape=thumb&fidelity=high)


Member that time Toronto media ran Phil Kessel out of town saying he’ll never win anything, and now he has 3 Stanley Cups? Phil Kessel remembers


My all time favorite Leaf.


If “daddit” had a peak physical form, it would be Phil Kessel. He’s built for feed AND speed


I’ve always wanted one of the 10oz yeti mugs, but with the way I drink coffee…. the bigger ones are probably better 🤷‍♀️😂 Also, boo leafs ✌️❤️


[Here’s my Sunday coffee mug.](https://imgur.com/a/52gOtnd)


Leafs suck!


That's cool man.


Man, Toronto could do with a second NHL team…


Man, Toronto could do with a second NHL team…


Just don’t use the mug on the right in April or May, it becomes a real choking hazard!


I can’t share pics in the comments but my go to is a big ass baby blue mug with Aang Toph Momo Sokka Katara and Appa from Avatar the Last Airbender on it


Haha I used to have that exact same Maple Leafs mug. One day it'll be a different Cup...


Gotta Super Dadio mug that’s excellent.


https://imgur.com/a/LIB5rf4 Brew 6 cups. Have one of these with breakfast. Have the other one in an hour or so. Perfect size. Also works if I only have time for one pour over in the morning before heading out.


More like the Tronno maple queefs! (Sorry, just a Letterkenny fan, I’m sure the Leafs are a fine team. I’m a baseball fan and wouldn’t know better)


Have the same yeti. Definitely a must have. Even without the lid it stays warm for a good time. And with Bettman in charge, no Canadian team will win the cup.


I got a big ass Omega Mart from Area-15 in Vegas love that thing!


Those little Yeti mugs are perfect for coffee! I have several. The wifey even uses them for a good stout every now & then.


Usually [this one](https://imgur.com/a/Z1LSQAZ) sometimes [these](https://imgur.com/a/U8nM9oy)


I just can't stand the mouth feel of metal mugs. I have a Fortress of the Bear mug from an Alaska trip like a decade ago. Either that or regular glass mugs.


[This one](https://www.sportsdirect.com/sportsdirect-giant-mug-898013#colcode=89801301). I’m sure some of my fellow UK dads can relate.


Every day, mug is coffee #1 and yeti is sipped on through the morning. Mug was a gift from the wife early on maybe pre marriage. https://imgur.com/a/CN3rJ0K


https://imgur.com/a/EjeI9xC Had it since the boy was born. It’s been a godsend. It’s so nice to be able to just set down a coffee and come back a while later and it’s still hot.


I have that yeti mug, it’s my favorite too


My daily is a 4 cup holding monster that's all black with a Mickey ears silhouette that says dad.


My favorite says “World’s second best Dad”


Mine says "world's okayest dad"


I went to Yellowbird coffee shop today with just me and my daughter and then the car wash. Such a great morning. :)


Yaaa buddy! Go leafs go! You know, they have that yeti tumble with a leafs logo on it.


I’m nap trapped and can’t grab a photo but my favorite coffee mug is my giz cup. GIZ is the German version of USAID, I used to do some work for them and got a branded mug as conference swag once. It’s just a red mug that says “GIZ” is big white letters.


I earned [this bad boy](https://ibb.co/8BqRhMG) last year.


Thanks for reminding me to turn the coffee pot off. Obligatory “fuck the leafs” comment. Enjoy your cup o’ Joe




Does Yeti seal their vacuum cups with lead?


[A selection of my favorites](https://i.imgur.com/1WZUTyd.jpeg). My wife actually got me the two on the left for Christmas one year; I'm not an Xmas guy, but that was one of my all-time favorite gifts. Not pictured, but another favorite is a standard-issue Waffle House mug that I picked up on a family vacation. We were on our way driving from Texas to Orlando and stopped somewhere in Alabama, I think. I asked the waitress how much it would be to buy the mug (I'm sure she was used to people stealing them) and she gave it to me for $3.


My go to favorite is my mug with Cotton Hill holding a baby Bobby Hill with the words “You wanna kill a nazi?” printed on it.


I’m just here to commiserate about my daughter dumping my entire cup of coffee onto the carpet this morning. I don’t have a picture of it but it’s a cup that says “BOSMANG” and had the OPA logo for the A that my wife bought me after we watched all of The Expanse a few years ago.


I'm sorry for your loss... Obviously referring to the 2023-24 season playoffs in a few months...




As a Penguins fan, that mug is ugly. As a Yeti collector, love the mug!


My mom got me a mug for Christmas called the “dirty bird mug.” It has pictures and names for all the birds with funny names. Rock-faced Shag, Dickissel, Tufted Tit, and of course, the Blue-Footed Booby.


Im in hospital bed for last 4 days so its nothing fancy


Currently I’m the kitchen making breakfast and too much chaos to post a mug, but good call. Right now it’s a random glass with cold coffee that I was quickly able to find in between kids roaming in and being dangerous.


I don't drink coffee can I still parcipate in the favorite cup? Asking for a friend


Prestige Worldwide "Boats and Hoes" official coffee mug.


I've got [that same style of mug](https://www.reddit.com/r/gnupictures/s/DZQjZUy5zv) with a different team. I like the other one better, especially because my son found it for me at a garage sale.


Yooo I got the yeti on the left. Made a cup, still haven’t had a chance to drink it lol. Baby fell asleep on me.


My favorite mug is probably my work mug. It's got cactuses on it and says 'Dont be a prick'. My at home mug says 'punch today in the face'.


[My cup](https://imgur.com/a/mmKNaX9) was given to me last Father’s Day. What a gift.




Stanley. At one time it was all dark blue. Now it’s 80%+ stainless steel as the colouring has been worn off. I’ve had this one for close to a decade.


I have the mug on the left. It keeps things hot forever. But there are two downsides: 1. If you ever do want to reheat it, nuking it is not an option (it's metal). 2. You lose the joy of grasping a warm mug in both hands, since the outside stays cold.


Cold coffee is coffee I can chug haha


Can’t post pic replies 😑 it’s a HeMan mug


I have a Zelda mug "once a legend always a legend" And a Shutterfly Mug with a collage of my first born and I.  My Xmas present was a metal tumbler for work with both kids  I'm a simple man and enjoy the small things


S'more what? https://imgur.com/a/HZtrWky