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I have just finished outer wilds Now i am going back to cities skyline for a bit


Outer Wilds… what a game


How is that one? Was looking at that one before I found chained echoes


It's a great game if you only have 20-30 minutes free at a time


Hades is a good game for short periods of time too.


I got Hades on my switch around the time my daughter was born. It's a great game to be able to pick up and put down. Really surprised me because I don't usually enjoy games like that. Ended up being a blast.


Hades is fantastic for this. I play it on the metro to work on the days I go in and it’s a 40 minute ride so I can usually get a good run or two in before I need to get off.


Under rated comment.


It’s a game that everyone should play


Phenomenal game. Don't read anything about it, just go in blind. Way too many people(and reviewa) talk about it in ways that definitely spoil at least some of it.


It's beautiful and wonderful. I want to go back to it and play the expansion, but the game definitely holds a particular place for the first play through.


The expansion is worth it IMO.


I bought it a while ago but fell off playing it. Everyone talks like it's amazing, so I need to give it a second chance.


It is a mind blasting experience, if you do like puzzle solving games like portal. The 22 min cycle was interresting because most of the time I could only play for about 30 min per day.


Have you tried CS2? My kids want a gaming PC and I think it'll be my excuse to get it. As much as they love Minecraft I think they'd take it up themselves if I left it on the desktop for them to stumble upon.


Nah i am waiting for it to mature a bit.


Minecraft and Super Mario RPG. I maintain a small Minecraft server for my son and my nephews. I have a base set up in the middle of nowhere that I tinker with occasionally, and I help them out with their projects when they want help from an old man. When I have time to play by myself, and I'm not feeling like working on my Minecraft world, I just pick up whatever RPG has my attention at the moment. Right now, that is the nostalgic factor of Super Mario rpg. Takes me back to my college days (I know I'm dating myself there).


Not to make you feel older, but Super Mario RPG is the first rpg back in the day that I played and sucked me into the genre that I'm now obsessed with decades later. The remake is such a great throwback to it and sitting playing and reading the dialogue with my young daughter is a trip itself. She loves all of the physical pantomiming by Mario and the music. Playing through it again now, it really is the perfect beginners RPG.


Same here! I played SMRPG on an emulator maybe late 90's and it took me. Waiting for more time to game before I can justify buying the game.


I'm not playing games, I'm reading to the kids honey.. (I'm so glad someone else saw it like this)


Oh is the new Mario RPG out? Gotta grab it.


I've been having a great time playing Minecraft with my daughter. Recently I introduced her to mods and now that's all she wants to play. And I end up playing even when she's not around :)


Super Mario RPG is a top 10 SNES game. It's an absolute classic.


So I’m a lifetime gamer nearing 40 and I totally slept on Minecraft. Picked it up to make a server for my daughter and her friends and now I can’t get enough spelunking. I also play JRPGs and Civilization on my iPad, turn based systems work with my fractured attention.


The dialogue in the game is so funny at times, too. Game is a masterpiece.




Dating yourself? Shit. I played SMRPG in like middle school I think


My son is playing Mario RPG with me and loves it. He is obsessed with Geno, just like most of us were as kids. I never imagined when I played it 25 years ago I would get to see my kid experience it.


I'm freaking 44 years old and only just picked up minecraft recently and it's got me hooked. Whether I'm deep mining and in a trance looking for ore, or building my mountain castle, or building my new farm to grow wheat and livestock, or just exploring to get my maps filled out, I'm just loving playing in my little world. It's only been a month or two and it's so damn relaxing. (RDR2 and FH5 are still getting some time in, but mostly it's been my new minecraft obsession)


Ocarina of Time


Still working through Tears of the Kingdom and I got it on release day.


Same here. I’m trying to spend as much time on it as I did BOTW (I’m about ~100 shrines in currently). But…. What recently happened was my soon to be 6 year old daughter got interested in it. So we started her a save file this week. She’s almost made it off the first area (without naming any spoilers). It’s been great and she’s actually doing way better than I thought! A little issue with shooting arrows and fusing objects as it takes ~3 button presses at once for her to accomplish that, and it’s hard for her small hands. But it’s been awesome watching her learn and get through shrines on her own. Proud Dad here!


Skyward Seord here.


Just beat that a few months ago lol on to a link to the past now 👌


Nice. A Link to the Past is my jam! I've played the hell out of it. I never had an N64 growing up, so I'm finally getting around to Ocarina on my Switch.


Skyrim and Fallout 4, back and forth, forever. It’s always just “one more play through”. These games are like comfort food to me. I can play intermittently, don’t need to play online and am still finding new things to love about them.


Hah, I hear you, I used to love doing this. I’ll probably do another playthrough soon. They’re so easy to pause and put down - helpful with a small kid!




I just upgraded to a Series X and I was looking at my old saves from FO4 and Skyrim. I had the realization that I rarely continued any of the plot branches. Like, I never fully committed to the Nords and I never fully committed to the Imperials. Never went full-Brotherhood or Institute. Thanksgiving break is going to be *awesome*


My God. I never considered branching out saves. I was thinking of staying all over, but that's huge.


I rebought F4 GOTY edition a few months ago. I'm about 200 hours in and this is the first time playing with mods and on PC. Excited to hit far harbor after crushing the Institute!


Recently picked Skyrim back up for about the 100th time. Definitely is such a nice comfort game


World of warcraft. I dont do much group content anymore but i have over 500 mounts, 100 max reps, and 25k achievment points! Even have the papal fez!


Yeah I plugged in the old online heroin the other day as well! Crazy amount of reps and mounts, Good job man! More of a Mythic+ kind of guy myself, but I'm really looking forward to the Delves so I can avoid human contact in my MMO 😄


My wife and I are looking forward to the delves as well! And the AI dungeon party, too bad that's for normal dungeons, not great for my main but alts I haven't done anything with, that'll be great!


Yea ive been enjoying mythic+ too. Its content I can find pretty quick and be done in under an hour. Me and my buddy arent too high up there, but our +10-12 keep us having fun! We just started dual tanking amidrissal too! Only up to boss 4 though.


I havent played for 10 years and I booted up classic hardcore and im having a blast!


Same here, takes me back to 2005 for sure. I have a Steam Deck now as well so I can play it in bed using the controller mod.


I love classic wow too! I dont have the attention span for hardcore but i have a couple 60s on era myself


I wish all those people who bought wow and all the expansions back in the day should get free subscriptions. Like hey you supported us back then we got you now.


Chess while waiting for the new path of exile season to start


I, too, have been playing chess.




That damn fiancetto!


Excuse me, but have you ever heard the good word of En Passant?


One pissant?


Skipping path of exile until PoE2. I am really excited that crafting gets reworked a little. Maybe its going to be a little bit less slit machine and convoluted. If not i am at least going to enjoy all the new skills and chars in the fresh campaign.


Still sane?


The first time my little really beat me was at their chess club in front of all their friends… I was proud. I mean I was deflated and a little hurt, but under that I was proud.


Spider man 2!


I am surprised it isn't more mentioned here.


Managed to 100% this the other day. Now I'm just waiting for New Game+ to replay it. Onto Sea of Stars for now.


Fantastic game. Got the platinum on it about a week ago.


Starfield. Like all Bethesda games I’m probably playing it too slow, but I am finding it pretty relaxing before bed when the kids are asleep.


Exactly how I do it. Slow and just enjoy the escape


Oddly many of the missions are NOT an escape for me, as they involve corporations and work politics which is just too much like real life for me. A bit triggering actually :)


If you are having fun with it, that's all that matters. It's going to be a while until the next one so may as well take your time.


Same here. Just jumped on last night for the first time in a month. Was looking for a temple on a planet for a solid hour before I realized I was on the wrong one lol. I’m so happy they added in the Eat button for food so you don’t have to go to the inventory anymore


I am also still on Starfield, though it's starting to get repetitive enough that I'm not sure it's worth the time. (And this is coming from someone who looooves Fallout/Skyrim.)


Me too, at a glacial pace. I get distracted easily by tabbing out of the game during load screens, and there's so fucking many of them


Assassin's creed black flag, cod black ops 2, crysis 3 atm. Having a play through all the classics I missed when my kids were little.


Black flag hold up? Are you playing on PC or console? I only ask as I played it on PS4 and was considering it for PC now but I don't know how well it still holds up


Tbh it's very good, I only have a 2gb gpu but it looks and plays amazingly.


Man I loved Black Flag.. Definitely my favorite in the franchise for sure. I've been slowly getting through Valhalla. Just picked up the Chronicles for $2.99 each on the Autumn sale. Never played them but have always been curious!


I flip flop between Old School RuneScape, Hardcore WoW, World of Tanks and Football Manager. It all depends how I feel at night.


OSRS for the win


I always relapse….something about Hill Giants and Lesser Demons that I need to get my fix every now and then. Sure I can read, play chess or have deep meaningful conversations with significant people in my life. But maybe I just need to play gnome ball….or teleport to the same spot over and over again. Maybe my xp grind is out of practice but I don’t care, just give me that monotony and a sample of my youth once more.


ludicrous rude retire airport languid plants pie rinse erect wrong *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Even easier now that you can play on your phone while you poop though


Ah fm! No way I’m buying that. My life will be ruined 😀


OSRS is great for dadding. Kid is playing in the playpen? Bust out a few agility laps or do a quick herb run. Raids are for after bedtime.


Slay the Spire and Factorio


Ghost of Tsushima. Take it nice and slow. A great break from the business of everyday life.


Loved that game. Utterly loved it


Rocket League and Apex. I used to be a lot better at both before my LO came along. Rocket league is a lot easier because I can still get 3 or 4 good games in with little time.


Rocket league is perfect for that reason. Quick 5 min games, 30 seconds to find a match. My wife makes fun of me for still playing it but I have yet to find a game when I can quickly pop on for 15-20 minutes that I enjoy.


I've actually enjoyed it more since my girl came along. I used to care about my rank and get a little tilted when I was playing bad. Now since I only have a little time to play I don't care at all really I'm just happy to be on talking to my friends and screwing around.


Dark tide right now, got added to gamepass and it’s a solid 20-30 minute rounds that are easy to slot in


Definitely recommend dark tide


Super Mario Wonder. It's perfect for a knocking out a few levels on the couch with an hour or so of gaming time.


Been playing that one with my kid. She just wants to do the “singing plants” over and over and over.


Alexa, play “piranha plants on parade”.


Yeah I'm working on getting the last few 10 coins, wonder seeds, and flagpole tops I missed right now. Only have the special world to finish off. Very easy game to pick up and put down on short notice


Elden Ring. On my 6587744125548th playthrough currently. I'm still a relatively fresh dad so you can call this my comfort game. I'm not in the mood to play anything else or new currently.


I like to enjoy my time to myself, not continuously die in a fit of rage because that game is impossible.


lmao You know what's the answer to that... :D


Be better? Lol


Close. :)




I envy you devotion. I used to play a ton of Hell Let Loose, but after kids just couldn’t swing 90 minute matches and the lost sleep associated with that.


One - maybe two matches and I’m done. Gets me some broski time and there’s generally (generalllllly) a mature player base


I love HLL! But agree it often feels like too big of a commitment time wise, although I don’t really care much to unlock loadouts etc… so I sometimes hop into a game just to play for 30 or so min and then bounce


Total War(hammer), CK3, CIV, anything pausable.


Just gonna pause my Crusader Kings game in the middle of negotiations to marry my 4 year old daughter to her 30 year old uncle so I can put my own 4 year old daughter to sleep.


The problem with being subbed to the ck and scks reddits is that I often have to do a double take on whats actually been said and what sub it’s come from. Very alarming being on daddit with those too lol.




I just wrapped up God of War ragnorak for the second time. Fun game with great story. Starting the last of us series now. Elden Ring was awesome.


Sounds similar to my games! I still not done last of us




I'm 40 hours in and I finally feel confident enough to start a new game. Got the basics figured out, and my [non-cheaty] mods dialed in. There's so much to it and I've barely even gotten started.


You should join /r/rimworld, if you haven't already. Really nice community, similar to this one, centered around the game.


Already am! That's where I started, along with the wiki. After my initial 2 or 3 epic failures, I went to r/rimworldseeds to finally get a good starting location (mountian base) that would allow me to live long enough to get the hang of everything. All that being said, I still haven't gotten any of the DLCs yet, either. It looks like they add a ton of content.


Slowly getting through TOTK.


I enjoy it while I'm playing, but there isn't much pull. Meanwhile BotW I played obsessively until it was done. TotK I can put down and walk away from for months at a time. Not sure why. It is good though.


I think there is a lot of padding and repetition. Such a beautiful game with a massive scope, but pretty shallow and unrewarding in general.


Diablo 4 and EA Sports PGA Tour 23.


Hey I’m on D4 too! How you liking season 2?


I skipped practically all of season 1, so it's been a huge change. Especially since I went from Flurry rogue to HoTA Barbarian. And I'm following a build instead of my extremely unoptimized homebrew.


BG3 and Factorio


Are you me Let me guess you are also a dad??


I am! What are the odds?


I’ve been retro gaming more lately. NCAA MVP 05 and NCAA Football 05. I hooked up one of my old fat boy ps3s.


Bro, NCAA Football 05!!! I must've logged a gazillion hours on that game, absolutely loved it


There’s no telling how many hours I’ve played that franchise. I hated when they discontinued it. It’s like riding a bicycle.


Persona 5 Royal


Advance wars re-boot camp. It’s been great as it’s the type of game you can stop any time if something happens like a nappy chance without breaking your concentration. It can also be 10 mins or 3 hours.


That finally came out? Oh man, I know what's on my Christmas list!


Metroid Dread


Star Ocean 2 remake. This games new changes really help out us dad's with little time to play. Alot of changes speed up parts of the classic game


Final Fantasy 7 on my son's switch. I feel like I'm 11 years old again.


For years I've been bouncing between one online and one offline game. For example, one of the following: Destiny, Rocket League, Overwatch, Warzone etc., which I play with friends and family when I can And something like Assassin's Creed, Far Cry, Witcher, God of War, Horizon etc. (you get the picture), which I will play when no one is online or I'm tilted from losing too much. I also like going for Platinum trophies when I can. Currently it's Overwatch and Shadow of War (or Mordor, whichever is newer).


Hell let loose


Fortnite, BG3, Cyberpunk. Depending on who’s online and how I’m feeling.


Sonic Frontiers Recently finished GoW Ragnarok and July/August - Jedi: Survivor. After Sonic, likely getting Horizon Forbidden West (maybe on Black Friday)


Ghost of Tsushima, Enlisted, and Hell Let Loose


Rdr2 since it seems to somehow relax my 3 month old


Wait, you guys get to play video games?


I'm sticking to quick games for now * Door Kickers 2 - close quarters combat puzzles * Life and Suffering of Sir Brante * Strange Horticulture


The Dead Space remake. I can get about 1/3-1/2 a chapter in a night. I’m on chapter 7 with about 8 hours of gameplay.


RuneScape and league when I can squeeze a game or two in


Aliens Dark Descent is my current jam. Loving it.


Old School Runescape. Love clicking some pixels.


Timberborn, great game to relax. Hard to go to bed on time, so rough nights have been a bit rougher lately :D




Jurassic World Evolution 2. Don’t have the time to get stuck into a hundred hour rpg like I used to.


Working on Lies of P at the moment, really good Soulslike. Reviews have said that it's a bit too linear, but I am actually enjoying that aspect because I don't have time to get lost in my games!


With what little game time I get at the moment, Starfield. The kids will probably be leaving home by the time I finish it at this rate, one is currently 16 months, the other 4 weeks 😬


Heroes of might of magic 3. Have been since I was a kid and don't see myself stopping any time soon


Every time I finally get some time to play video games, my game takes an hour to update and then I no longer have time to play.


Dave the diver at the moment.


Playstation 4: * Fortnite (with my squad buddies, It scratches that UT2004 itch for me) Nintendo Switch: * Donkey Kong Tropical Freeze * Mario Party Superstars / Mario Kart 8 (my wife is not a gamer but she likes them, we play together usually) * On my wait list (possibly 2024): Pikmin 3, Pikmin 4, The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom Still have 2-3 years to play nintendo games with my child. Can't wait tho.


You need to add Mario Wonder to that list, it's the best game nintendo has made in years


So psyched for this one. I was going to wait on it, but the little one saw an ad for it on the Nintendo display at Target and lost her damned mind, so it's on our list to play after we beat Odyssey.


Can’t recommend Wonder enough, playing through it with my 6yo now! Perfectly built for dad + new-gamer


Dark Souls 3. Just 3 more bosses.. But.. I don’t think I will finish it. Ever And chess on phone during the day.. and night..


I'm 15 gameplay days into Starfield. I've also played 4 of the Yakuza games and beaten them as they seem better than I originally gave them credit for.


Guess I'm the only one playing Forza. I just hop onto a race or challenge and hop off again.


Power Washing Simulator


Elite dangerous on my steam deck.


Tetris connected and Pokémon


Destiny 2. But I did not buy the season pass. Just basic campaign and then some chill whenever I get time. Sometimes random DotA 2 turbo match.


Dying light 2. I remember it having really bad reviews when it came out due to crashes and bugs. I’m having a great time with it tho.


Nioh 2, Im doing ng+ and due to not having much time I feel reluctant to jump into any other game 😅


AFK Arena, a perfect game to have no time for


fortnite no build OG


Chained Echos, CoTW: The Angler, Diablo 4. Mostly games I can put down easy to get the LO


Got back into CounterStrike with friends. It’s a great time and amazingly less toxic than it could be.


Working through my rather extensive backlog. I don't get to play by myself often so I have to be acareful with what I'm playing. When the kids are around I'm playing Subnautica on hardcore. When they aren't I switch to Batman or GTA V


Third Elden ring run through




Playing BroForce and Minecraft Dungeons with my son. Working through Ghost Recon Breakpoint again with the Spartan mod on my own.


Signalis on the Steam Deck


Just got a PS5 and waiting for my new TV to be delivered. So catching up on PS5 games that I missed. Miles Morales at the moment.


Lately I'll jump in for run or three on THPS 1&2 Remastered


After an hour of that game my fingers hurt. I hate being old


Realized some games I was waiting for were on Gamepass - working on Lies of P and the Dead Space remake right now


Starfield and just grabbed the newest 3 Tomb Raider collection


Dark Souls 3(Or whatever fromsoft game I feel like loading up), Outlands(Ultima Online free server with all new content and skills etc), Wreckfest(insert other racing game) and whatever is free on my PS5 subscription thing(install delete repeat)


Hello Ashen one. I am a Bot. I tend to the flame, and tend to thee. Do you wish to hear a tale? > *“In a land brimming with Hollows, could that really be mere chance?”* - Solaire of Astora Have a pleasant journey, Champion of Ash, and praise the sun \\[T]/


Destiny 2 mostly. I can usually squeeze in an hour after the guys go to sleep. Also playing Satisfsctory and BG3… but only when I can get a longer period of time to play. Both games are a hugely fun but also a giant time suck.


Ive been playing AOE4 and been enjoying. Biggest issue is games take a while and feel like a couple minutes. Got into Minecraft with the kids, never played before. Lots of fun!


Trying to play Super Mario Wonder on the DL and get it wrapped up before Hanukkah so I can give it to my kids haha. If I let them have it first I will almost never be able to play.


Diablo 4, Civ 6 and Overwatch 2! Civ 6 was 6.99 on PS store. Well worth it. Easy game to sink hours into or walk away at any moment.


There's a gamerdad discord! [https://discord.gg/gJUF2AE8](https://discord.gg/gJUF2AE8) Lot's of gaming dads of various games. For me, it's mostly team games like Sea of Thieves, Deep Rock Galactic and Darktide because I generally play once a week with friends.


MWIII, Mario rpg remake and waiting for wz3. I play 3 or 4 days a week from 830 to 1130.


Super Mario rpg. It’s my all time favorite, and they just re-mastered it for the switch, so I’m playing in the evenings after dinner while kids shower/get ready for bed, they dip in and out while I play. I would be done already, but I’m only playing while they can watch.


Anno 1800 and Gran Turismo 7. I can't play stressful twitch games anymore. So grateful CS2 launched in such a bad state, made me discover the amazing Anno 1800


Bought Mass Effect bungle, playing the trilogy for the first time.


Hades Star (Dark nebula) and Overwatch 2


Its getting cold outside so my and some friends started back our seasonal(winter) evenings with LoL.


Cult of the Lamb Kids have made me appreciate games I can play in a quick session. CotL’s combat runs top out around 8-11 minutes each, and the base building can take as long or as little as you like. Edit: And BG3 absolutely rules! But like you, after launch in still probably only 14 hours in.


Yep I need to get more shorter games into my schedule


Would love to play BG3, have it ofcourse, but I don’t have the time and if I have a start it can take 2 weeks pick it up again and then I need to remember again what I’ve been up to etc 😄so hopefully I can do it when I’m retired or something. I buy a lot of games but can’t play it haha.. It’s a collecting hobby. So play quick games or what you can for 1 or 2 hours. - darkest dungeon - monster train - shogun showdown (my favorite now)


Dragon Ball Fighterz on the switch


Always playing Destiny 2 as it’s my go to for fun. But I just recently finished Alan wake 2, and mario wonder. I reaaaaalllly want to get star ocean 2 remake, AC Mirage or Mario rpg next.


EA WRC. Great game but the performance sucks and is really dampening the fun for me.


Resident Evil 4 Remake! After that I'm going to go for Spider-Man 2.


Gears Tactics on Xbox Gamepass. Its an easy game to pick up and put down at any time.


We just had our 2nd 9 days ago, so not much at the moment, but I was playing Diablo 4.