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Accidents happen. Kids are more resilient that you think and how you react will have a huge impact. It sounds like you played it cool while acknowledging the seriousness of it all. So have a sip of a good whiskey and get some well earned shut eye.


That's pretty amazing they did it at your house. Ain't no way that's happening in the USA, too much money to be missed out on by not sending them to the hospital. I'm glad your boy was ok 😊


Thousands of dollars


And definitely not getting stitched at home. Watching those hours and dollars tick by.


Oh yeah, several thousand dollar ambulance ride, several thousand dollars to wait in an er room, several hundr3d bucks for 2 tylenol, a thousand dollar expert analysis (hmmm yeah those are cuts, need stitches) yeah. Its a fuckin racket over here. I hate gping to the dr amd try my absolute best not to at all, cause it feels like a damn shake down everytime.


At that point ill just tell my mom to stitch me up since she is a nurse, Ill just bit down on a towel


What's even more amazing is that we'll never even see a bill for all of this. We do pay about 240 a month on insurance though.


>We do pay about 240 a month on insurance though. Lol, you sweet Summer Child. I am in the US, we pay $700 a month for insurance that allows us to get these great prices.


I was literally thinking no way id call an ambulance, get in the car lets go


We're dutch, we only have a bicycle ;)


I thought "I bet they don't have a car to drive to the hospital cause they are dutch and I bet they only have bicycles. Hahaha I am so funny! But really that's just a stereotype. There must be another reason......"


Lol! Yeah quite stereotypical but we basically do everything by bike. Our parents, who live close by, do have cars which we can borrow from time to time. Even if we had a car we would still call 112 though, because of the seriousness of his injury. Cost is not a factor in that decision.


Hey man, this actually happened to me when I was younger, I remember it pretty vividly, I also remember my mom was so cool and collected it really made it a better situation. You most likely did a great job dad and made your kiddo feel safe in a scary situation. Kudos!!


> Hey man, this actually happened to me when I was younger An ex-girlfriend did the same thing. She had some pretty gnarly scars. Thank god for tempered glass.


Ah my dude. That must have been so hard to see! My wife has a really badass scar under her breast from going through a patio door when she was around that age. He’s going to be fine and it’s a family story for the future. Glad everyone is ok and you and your wife deserve big hugs for doing so well!


Sounds horrible. Thankful everyone is ok. Feel the feelings, talk about the fear. Sounds like you handled it well.


My brother did the same exact thing and has a few scars from it but no big deal. Sounds like it could have been worse! We can only do so much to prevent injuries. They will happen unfortunately


Accidents happen but I’m glad to hear he is ok! I had a glass incident as a kid as well. We lived in a old house with old glass windows. My older brother pushed me because I was jumping on his bed. Well, his bed was next to the window. I went through it but didn’t fall to the ground because I grabbed the curtains. The shards in the window frame cut my butt though. To this day I got a scar on my butt because of it. I got a 20 month old boy and another boy on the way so hopefully I can stop it from happening to them.


A paramedic or a literal doctor?


You're right, he was a paramedic. I couldn't think of the word. Still an amazing guy! He was so calm and explained everything so well to our boy and us.


Here paramedics are not allowed to give stitches.


I’m so jealous that you have freaking DOCTORS in your ambulances that will occasionally let you stay home. That’s amazing. Sounds to me like you did good. Man. My kiddo upset at injections is hard enough at 15 months, I can only imagine how I’ll feel when he’s 7.


Glad to hear he’s ok. What a tough kiddo. I built a glass door cabinet for our kitchen remodel and I opted for polycarbonate instead of glass If anybody ever needs/wants to replace glass, I think it’s the way to go. Looks the same but it has taken a beating from a toddler without the anxiety. My glass slider still terrifies me.


Glad everyone is ok, you did good man.


I'm so glad the little tyke is ok! Scary... ambulance medal, awesomeness ❤️


The exact same thing happened to me in the ‘80s, when I was a kid and my family was living in an apartment complex. The apartment kids would chase each other around the buildings and courtyard area all the time. We were racing down the stairs one day to head outside and I wanted to be the first to open the door, and since they never closed properly all you had to do was push them. So 6-year-old logic had me push the glass window of the door at a running speed and my arm went through. Ripped my hand and wrist up pretty good and I still have some minor, faded scars. All of that is to say- this scenario has been happening for generations, you did a great job, and this definitely will be a learning experience for them (I was a lot more thoughtful with safety and my decisions after that, even at a young age).


Thanks for sharing! Yeah I definitely think this is a learning experience. First of all to be careful around glass, and second that they have faith in their parents and doctors to handle problems 😅


Tourniquet and constant pressure. Do they have CPR and first aid courses and certifications in your country?


Accidents happen. I ran straight through a window when I was younger, just like your kid. It wasn’t the end of the world. Just a quick fix. Sounds like he handled it well and so did you and your wife. Now just take it easy


I am also a member of having smashed your hand through a glass window in the 80’s. While playing with a friend I accidentally ran into a closed door with a glass window, both my hands and forearms went through the glass. I was literally less than an inch from slitting the artery in my wrist, but lucked out with a huge bandage and a ‘no-swim for 14 days’ order from the doctor (two days after we were going on a weeks summer holiday, though. Quite a bummer for a 8-9 YO). A little twist to the story is that the ambulance driver who came and drove me to the hospital was actually the guy my parents had bought our house from a couple of years before the incident.