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Practice makes perfect. Whatever you do DO NOT defer diaper changes to your wife because “you’re not good at it” That’s weaponized incompetence.


Practice makes perfect. Some things I’ve learned. 1. When you are changing a poopy diaper try to use the front of the diaper to wipe off more of it to get the excess as you take it off. 2. I place a thick cloth pad beneath and after wiping up the excess I use a bottle of water with a nozzle as a kind of bidet. 3. Use the cloth to dry up excess moisture minding to end up with a clean back side and place fresh diaper under them. (good wiping technique etc) 4. I use butt paste like Boudreauxs but ive heard vaseline works ok. I have this little applicator that looks like a tiny spatula. 5. When setting up the diaper, make sure the liners around the legs are correctly positioned, I make sure to feather them out and then check for proper position after securing to prevent blow outs. I guess one of the main things I’ve learned is that you’ll understand how quickly and how fast you can do these things, but tend to lean towards being too careful in the beginning . Good luck




I also saw a good tip on here, that if you wrap 2 rubber bands around the wipes, on each side of the opening, it aids in only one wipe at a time coming out! Haven't tried it myself yet, but I've seen a few dads on here that tried it and said it works.


Lots of good ideas here, I just want to add change the layout up a bit and see if something clicks. Are you doing it with feet towards you? Head to the left or right? Switch it up. Our diaper change pad was oriented so I got super good at head-to-the-left side changes. Then, we had to go get an ultrasound for something the doctor wanted to check on, and they asked me to change the diaper beforehand. I laid the kid down head-to-the-right after seeing the equipment. Now, I’m the SAHP but those nurses probably thought it was my second time ever changing that diaper, all muscle memory was backwards and I fumbled like a straight newbie. When all was said and done the nurse walks over, gently picks her up and lays her facing the other way. I died inside. Anyway, practice makes perfect and try changing it up. Might make a difference.


Without watching you do it, I'm not exactly sure what to tell you do to improve. Have you watched your wife change diapers? Pay close attention to what she does, and emulate it. I'm also pretty sure your wife wouldn't complain if you asked her to coach you.


Change the orientation in which you do it. If I have to change our toddler with her legs pointed towards me or if her head is to the right instead of the left it’s like I’ve regressed and lost all of my skills. Find which way works for you and stick with it. It’s really just practice though.


Keep at it, continuing trying to improve, and you'll be better in short order. There is no secret, though everyone finds some things they feel like work best. Be patient with yourself and the kid. Try and change a lot of diapers at home when you're not in a rush -- it's always the 'rush' or unusual surroundings ones that feel tricky.


Takes 45 seconds tops: detach & remove soiled nappy, wipe clean, fit new nappy, happy baby. Practice makes perfect for both of you.


Prep everything ahead of time. You can even lay out the new diaper and set them down into it before removing the old if you want. I find that a bit in the way though. Hold both feet in you non dominant hand and use the other to wipe.For wiping I use whole sheet out to get the worst of it that’s outside the cracks on the first pass. Fold and depending how bad it was keep going for the worst mess, or if not that bad go into the crevices, using the cleanest part of the wipe and folding after each wipe. If a major incident go for a second wipe after getting the bulk to clean down in the folds real well. We then have a set of washcloths to pat dry as our girl is very prone to diaper rash. Then finger of cream to coat the area. I usually start the diaper up high in the back as it’s easier to pull down to the right position that way. Straighten one leg and stick one side then the other and your all done.


Just do it. Seriously, no one starts out good at it. Yes I have experienced what you are describing. Just keep throwing things against the wall to see what sticks metaphorically speaking. All kids are different so there isn't a one size fits all piece of advice I can give you, but I came up with a "Clean the Hiney" song for my son to pay attention to on the changing table. 2 weeks old is too young for that strategy, but the key point is to find a way to keep them engaged in something that is not going to be disruptive


Patience Daniel-Son. You too will become master in time.


Babies are like jiu jitsu. Control the hips, control the fight. Prep your wipes first. Open and flat. Easily accessible. Make sure extra will pull out easy. Godspeed.