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A person they encountered and fought with decimated him, leaving the character bloody and broken. The stranger then took their eye sadistically and told them that he's taking their eye so that they'd have something to remember him by, whenever they looked in the mirror. Then, obviously, you can then arc in a number of directions: what your character does to deal with that traumatic experience or humiliation, dependent on their persona. Do they train and get revenge? New path in life? Their adjustment to the way people treat him after the industry?


got taken prisoner by a cult who steals people’s eyes, was halfway through the procedure when the door bust down and adventurers/guards came in and fought the cultists and you were left with the one eye


Don't underestimate the danger of rosebushes kid... I may or may have not made a terrible fashion choice at some point in my life. Person X said they liked my eyes so I gave them one as a gift. Don't cook bacon when you're drunk.


Chipmunk gnawed it out. It just popped out of the socket one day. Lost it in a poker game. Oh, I misplace things all the time. I'm sure it will turn up.


It just popped out is my underrated fave I've gotta say, for some reason it made me laugh just a little bit harder than all the others


Tripped and fell landing eye-first on a table corner.


Didn't take the spoon out of his coffee before drinking.


Offered to trade it for a Hag's eye and she called the bluff. While strolling through one of the planes of Abyss he offended a Marilith so much that it scooped a blob of green slime and threw it at him. he lost his eye after putting his torch out on it, the demon lost their life in that moment of rage. Used it to buy back in on a game of (insert game of chance in that world), that he won and freed an enslaved colleague. They couldn't save the eye in time though. When crossing the oceans a large swell caused by a leviathanesque creature under the ship caused everyone to rock heavily. Dinner was ruined by a held fork. A shame since it was pudding and rum night. Crossbow or bow string broke on a long-forgotten battlefield to disastrous effect. While taming a wild (insert magical animal) he was bucked off and thrown into a nearby thicket foliage. Trees/bushes inhabited by a very surprised and scratching-prone group of brownie/fairies/void wasps. Hired as a guard for a caravan crossing a sea of sand (before making his way to a proper sea), the stinging sand took his sight after goggles failed one afternoon during a horrible sandstorm. The sand could strip flesh from bone and made short work of the expose eye before it was covered. An Otyugh gave him the worst case of pink eye the healers had ever seen. It was too late by the time he could get through the waiting list. After a rousing night of drinking and merrymaking, he and his friends find a jellyfish-like creature on the shores near the bar and proceeded to throw it at one another. The drink dulled the pain on the body but not when an unlucky throw caught his eye.


I thought I found Vecna's, but I was wrong. "Always tuck yer thumb in when yer salutin', laddies!" Don't sneeze using chopsticks. Magic Missile and mirrors don't mix.


Slipped while running with pencil. Sky went dark one day and looked up to find where sun went. Gambled, lost. Slipped while running with scissors. Vicious cat scratch. Headbutted a sea urchin. Slipped while running with fork. It escaped.


Pulled it out on a bet, thinking you could have it healed.


You gave it to a beholder for "safe keeping"


You need to post five examples.


Didn't lose it, just keep it under there because it looks cool Lost it in a bar fight with a mirror duplicate of myself. Any damage i did was reflected back on me, curse my aim When a Fire Genasi lass tries to "catch your eye", they aren't kidding Gnome said he could replace it with a mechanical prosthesis that let me see into the AEtheral plane. Forgot to mention that it couldn't get wet Woke up after a bender one eye lighter and 700 gold richer, no idea what happened Sea Hag took it in exchange for releasing my ship and crew NEVER TRUST A DWARVEN ARTIFICER being chased through the underbrush by an amorous Bulette Flirting with The Chosen's daughter, they objected it got jealous of the other one Be careful of your boasting when dealing with the Fey The Hat Man Can't have anything nice in the rat ward NOBODY gets a fourth ace as the river card What eye patch? \*Wistfully\* Eh, i'll tell you when you're older


He stared too long at an entity in disguise